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27.58% Lucky Damon

Chapter 16: Richard!


The night draped itself in a shroud of mist, the air heavy with the promise of impending rain. Abigail, cocooned in the warmth of her nightwear, moved with a fluid grace across the dimly lit room, the soft rustle of fabric accompanying her every step. Just as she was on the cusp of surrendering to the embrace of her bed, a trio of insistent knocks shattered the tranquility. Each rap on the door pierced through the quiet of the night, their echoes lingering in the air like an unsettling premonition. With a furrowed brow and a curious heart, Abigail hesitated, the darkness beyond her door beckoning with an enigmatic allure.

"Who could that be?" she murmured to herself, her voice a whisper against the backdrop of the silent night. Weary from the day's endeavors, Abigail made her way to the door, the weariness evident in the heaviness of her steps. With a tired hand, she turned the doorknob, anticipation mingling with exhaustion. Yet, as the door swung open, revealing the empty expanse of the corridor beyond, confusion furrowed her brow. There was no one there, only the faint echo of her own breath mingling with the night air.

"These little kids have started with their silly pranks again," she muttered as she walked back inside, her exhaustion evident in her voice. She brushed off the incident, attributing it to the mischief of local children known for their antics of knocking and running off.

But she was to tired to come to her sense that which kid will do such a thing late at night

As she was about to close the door, a strong arm pushed it back, causing Abigail to flinch so violently that she nearly stumbled backward. Desperately, she gripped the edge of the door for support, but before she could regain her balance, she was forcefully shoved, and the door slammed shut with a deafening thud, sending her crashing to the ground with a painful jolt.

Ouch! that hurt!

Her sleepy eyes snapped wide open as the realization dawned that trouble had visited her. With a mixture of fear and disbelief, she looked up to see who had just entered her house, and her face contorted in shock as she beheld the intruder.

" R-r-richard!" she call out shocked

"Yes, it's me, Richard. Surprise, surprise," he scoffed as he bent low to her level, causing her to recoil in fear. With a swift motion, he grabbed her ankle and yanked her closer to him. However, the problem arose from her choice of attire for the night – a short gown. Tonight, however, she had made an exception and opted to wear panties to sleep, contrary to her usual preference. The force of the pull was strong, causing her to be forcefully laid flat on the floor.

Oh no tonight won't be good

You know what you did two years ago, you ruined me, made me leave the city, and spoiled my reputation. What I will do to you will make you regret crossing paths with me," he snarled, his voice dripping with venom as he slapped her head to the side, causing her to yelp in pain.

She knows this day would come, the day Richard Wilton would return to exact his revenge, just as he promised. And now, that dreaded day has arrived—the day she never wished to see, which is today. Richard Wilton is one of her greatest enemies from her school days, always bullying and tormenting her because she's an orphan, knowing there's nobody to support her. Especially when he asked her out in public, knowing she would reject him, and she did. That's when the torment escalated. She could never forget the day he and his gang kidnapped her, torturing her to the brink of death. If not for an old granny who noticed and informed the police, she might not have survived. But now, that same granny is dead, and her death was caused by none other than the beast standing before her.

So she reported him to the authorities, detailing how he killed the granny. The report tarnished his image so badly that he had no choice but to leave the city, fleeing the consequences of his actions. However, now he's back, fueled by a desire for vengeance, seeking to make her pay for ruining his life and forcing him into exile.

As the memories of that traumatic incident flooded her mind, Abigail trembled uncontrollably. She desperately prayed for a way out, but deep down, she knew that this time there might be no escape. The fear and helplessness she felt were overwhelming as she realized that history was repeating itself before her very eyes.

Abigail let out a gasp of pain as Richard yanked her up by her hair, his grip so fierce that she feared she might go bald at any moment. Despite her attempts to fight back, it was futile against his newfound strength. With a forceful tug, he threw her onto the couch, causing her to land with a painful thud.

"YOU BASTARD, WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" Abigail yelled, her voice echoing through the room. She tried to get up and run to the door, but Richard grabbed her and yanked her back, slamming her against the wall. His rough handling left small cuts and bruises forming on her skin.

"I will make you regret being born," he growled, his voice dripping with malice. "| will ruin you the way you ruined me. I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER." He picked her up effortlessly, his hand tightening

around her neck.

"Cough, cough, le-let grgo of me," she whispered, her face turning red from his grip. In a desperate attempt, she spat on his face. Instead of deterring him, it only

fueled his anger. His eyes flared with

rage, and he slapped her hard, causing her cheek to burn red. She gasped, her hands frantically trying to pry his fingers from her neck.

"I was trying to take things slow, but

you, this lowlife bitch, is acting

stubborn," he snarled. From his pocket, he pulled out a syringe, uncapping it with a menacing glare. Pinning her to the ground, he grabbed her arm and plunged

the needle into her skin, injecting the

ominous liquid into her bloodstream.

Abigail's eyes widened in terror as the cold fluid coursed through her veins.

This is not good

"No, no, stop, don't, Richard, don't," she pleaded as he injected the liquid into her body. Summoning all her strength, she managed to push him back. Desperately, she grabbed the lamp from the nearby stand and smashed it hard against his head. As he staggered, she flung the door open and ran out, her heart pounding in her chest.

That a nice one

Richard groaned in pain, clutching his head. With one hand, he fumbled for his phone in his pocket and dialed a number, his eyes narrowing with rage.

" Go after her she must not escape, have inject the drug in her she won't be able to go far" he ordered as he walk to the door and start chasing after her

Abigail ran as fast as she could, her heart pounding as if it were trying to escape her chest. She darted through the darkened streets, but after a few minutes, an intense heat spread through her body. Her clothes felt suffocatingly heavy, and her vision blurred. "What in the world did that bastard inject into me?" she thought frantically, trying to steady herself. The cold breeze did nothing to alleviate the burning sensation. She tugged at the collar of her nightgown, desperately seeking relief, but the heat only intensified, making her steps more unsteady with each passing moment.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she heard Richard's voice in the distance. "Where the hell is she?" His tone was furious, and she realized he wasn't alone. Despair washed over her, and she knew this could be the end. Her vision blurred further, and she struggled to see clearly. Just as she tried to take another step forward, a strong hand yanked her back, pulling her into the darkness.

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