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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Vampire City

"Huh!" I continue to gasped for air. Wait, what?

So it's all just a freaking dream? I stated inside my head the moment I found out that I'm still on my chair and had myself accidentally and unconsciously fall asleep before my table. I saw Mom standing behind me and her emotion is just unreadable. I don't know if she's mad at me or worried in some ways.

"What's going on with you? Do you know that I'd been waking you up for almost 10 minutes but you keep mourning like you're being chased by an alien." She explained. I can see how badly she's worried for me through her eyes and the way her cold hands touches my skin.

Mom more than anyone was the only person that stayed with me all these years. She's the one that I'm lucky to still have. My grandparents and dad died when I was around 2 years old according to her. And so I grew up alone in this exact house with only her by my side but as far as I can remember, Mela and Christie has always been around me since when I was at grade school and until now I still wonder why they're still with us. And the fact that I haven't met any of their parents or siblings is what had me questioned more of their existence and relation to us.

"Don't just blankly stare at me like that. Get yourself up and go down. Christie and Mela are here." She told and turned her torso from me.

Her sudden words also have me suddenly asked myself. Did I really hear it right that Mela was doing some school works and Christie is out of town with her family? Then why they're here? There's no need for them to rush here in the middle of the night for no valid reason cause I didn't even ask them to.

I squeezed me eyes slightly and rose to my feet.

I still have that fear inside me of what I had seen in my dream. But I'm also grateful that it was nothing but just a dream.

"What?" It freaks me out as I look at my face in a round mirror next to my study table when I noticed that I had those scratches that I remember I got from one of those vampires.

Slowly I touches it as a blood stink flow and had me more surprised to see that my blood isn't red, its green!

"Mom!" I rush down with my shaking tone and saw Mela and Christie on their foot standing next to Mom like they're discussing something very important that I shouldn't hear for they swiftly stopped and distanced each other the moment I had arrived.

Just like in the past days, they had always been like this, murmuring, whispering and talking privately.

I'm still holding my cheeks trying to stop the scratches from bleeding and the moment I took off my palm Mela suddenly fall to the floor for no serious reason.

"Mela!" They quickly helped her up and so as I.

I wasn't able to tell them about the color of my blood and instead helped Mela bring back to consciousness when suddenly she opened her eyes. Her green eyes that freaks me out and have myself distanced from her immediately.

I'm afraid that what I saw in my dream will happened and took place for real. I'm shaking, sweating with my fidgeting fingers. What's going on around is what will slowly had me killed for no reason. D*mn!

"The Queen!" She started with her eyes wide open staring at me without even blinking for at least once.

"They're on their way for the Queen!" She spoke in an alarming sound like she's trying to warn us of something. And just like how those Vampires addresses me, she also called me Queen which somehow connects my dream to the now-happening.

"Mom! What's going on?" I quickly rose to my feet-shivering. "Can anyone tell me what's going on? Cause it's driving me crazy already trying to convince myself that everything is just fine. But that dream, this blood and with Mela's eyes I clearly know that it wasn't." I broke out and they look at each other like they're talking through their eyes.

I know that you would laugh at me if you just saw how messy I look right now. And I don't freaking care about it, cause all I wanna know is the truth. The truth that would explain everything and would set me in a total peace.

"Listen," Mom rose to her feet and slowly marched towards me. I saw Mela lose conscious again. "I know that it may sound impossible for you to consume this but there's no other way rather than accepting it." She added as she placed her palm on my cheek while the other one held my sweating hands.

"Accept what?" I inquired in my slightly breaking tone. I'm so confused.

"That the time has come where your true identity will prevail and this is the perfect moment for you to know the truth that you're…you're the Werewolf Queen and the chosen one to restore the peace in the land of Holloway."

"Werewolf? Chosen one? Mom! Come on! We all know that they only exist in books and in movies." I cuts and have myself walked back in forth around the living room trying to let everything sync in into my unready and unprepared brain. I don't know if Mom's being serious right now.

"But they do exist and you're one of them." She insisted. How impossible is it, right? I mean how can I be a Werewolf Queen when my Mom is a human and my Dad…wait, is Dad a Werewolf?

There's no way! That's impossible.

"No I'm not!" I screamed out having my both my palms on my head as I pulled my own hair when suddenly Mela woke up again gasping for air still having those green flaring eyes. And had me fears more when I noticed that even Christie's eye are also green now.

They both rose to their feet with their fingernails slowly growing about 5 inches longer. They continue to moved around their head like a cat trying to eye their opponents.

"Let's get out of here! They smelled the Queen's blood!" Christie with all her force kicked the door with Mom holding my hand firmly pulling me forward as we followed Mela and Christie. But even before we could go out of our yard a strange things something like a tornado hit the ground then in just a blink on an eye about 20 people with black suits, pale skin, long fangs and red eyes just as what exactly what I saw in my dreams-they're standing before us.

"The Queen belongs to us!" Growled by the slightly old lady but she seems just as young as me.

"You can only have her once we're all dead!" A deadly alarming voice echoed from our back and as we turned our head to the back I saw 12 people standing behind us. They got green eyes just as with Mela and Christie and they got long fingernails as well.

Just as what exactly I saw in me dreams-I'm stuck in the middle of these wild creatures but this time I'm not alone and I'm sure that these green eyed people are our ally.

"Who are they?" I inquired.

"A family," Mom responded then 4 new black big wolf suddenly appear at the top of our roof.

"Come with us," Mela and Christie pulled me and mom away but the vampires quickly attacked us.

From here and there they fought with an only mission: to catch me alive. But for what right? I'm such a useless living woman cause aside from I'm an honor Student I would say that I knew nothing. I don't know how to cook food, I'm lazy with housework and I hate going out to buy our grocery…so basically I'm? Useless. However, tonight I feel like a superstar. They're all eyeing on me, and they all wanted me, valued me.

This is the first time in my entire life that I saw something like this and until now I still can't believe that I am a Queen- A Queen who knows nothing. D*mn! I feel like they're making me a laughing stock. But the question is, why do Vampires wanted me so badly when I ain't one of them? Does that mean that they don't have their own Queen? Or there's something with me that would benefit them once they got me.

"Not that fast!" Said by that slightly old lady with two other lady behind her-the lady Vampire that I saw in my dream.

"Hrr!" I almost jumped off from where I'm standing when Mela and Christie transformed into a complete big gray wolf.

"Seriously?" I bursted out. That's freaking surprising.

"We'll explain to you later. Come on!" Mom told.

"On my back, now!" Said one of them which I can't now recognize who's Mela or Christie.

"Come on!" Mom extend her arms at me. She's already on the back of one of these gray wolf. Without hesitation and further question I took the offer then the gray wolf run to the middle of the deadly dark forest while the other one is on our back.

My heart beat faster than the milliseconds seeing those thirsty Vampires chased us. They also possessed powers similar to Werewolves. They're also fast.

"Mela, they're still after us," Informed by Christie from our back.

"I'll try to stop them!" She suddenly stops and so as us.

"Go!" She screamed then in an instant those three lady Vampires appear next to her. "Save them!" She added before the three Vampire attacked her.

"You think you can run away from us?" Said by the Vampire lady who's for me were their leader.

"Yes, they can!" Christie jumped into them and have one of the Vampires on her big mouth.

But the other Vampire quickly kicked her. And with my bare eyes I saw Christie thrown further by the Vampires. They're strong to be able to kicked Christie that far. But Christie tried rosing to her foot again before Mela jumped higher that we almost reached the top of the Fine tree to escape us from that place.

"I'm sorry, Christie." I hear Mela breaks into emotion but then she chooses to run us away instead of helping our friends. I know that she's choosing to save me and Mom over Christie and it hurts me that she chooses us and also hurts me that we had no other choice but to escape. This is the first time I lost someone close to my heart.

"Mom!" I shouted when Mom fall off Mela's back. Mela immediately stops and turned back to save Mom but we're a bit late or maybe too late when I saw that Vampire leader got Mom already.

"What are you doing?" I inquired when Mela suddenly stops. "Put me down and go save Mom!" I commanded her.

"Don't listen to her! And don't even dare take a step if you're truly a good Werewolf! Save the Queen instead!" Mom screamed at us. "Take her away! Go!" She added, which in that moment had me feel like I'm being buried alive upon hearing her heartbreaking words. It hurts me seeing her sacrifice herself for my sake. It really do.

What do I still have for now? Cause for the rest of my life she's the only one that I have had and she's enough. She's everything to me. But that everything is gradually becoming nothing. This is killing me…slowly.

Until now I'm still confused. I couldn't understand their reason of choosing to save me even if in exchange are the lives of others. I'm not used to it. I ain't that important and I don't need to be treated that way if it destroys other's life. What do I have that they need to protect me like this? I'm too curious about my whole identity and for what I possessed for these creatures to go wildly crazy over me.

I ain't special, I got no power. But they're here…after me with all the willingness to bet their lives just to have me. Crazy right?

"Mela, No!" I continue to scream with my tears continue to pour down like a drop of rain the moment Mela took a single step backward. I know what she's going to do next. I know that she's going to following Mom's order. "Mela! I said no!" I growled in my broken-bass like voice.

"I'm sorry Perse but I had no choice and I'm doing this for the sake of the majority. I know that you'll understand one day of why should I choose to save you. Please don't hate me for this." She begged. I can sense how broke she is also the way she talk back. We're all broken. And if someone would ask me to choose a life to live; I surely would pick the normal life. I want to live a peaceful life. I want to experience more of what life really is. I want to spend every drops of time with my Mom. I want her to know of how much I'm lucky to have her. We're all lucky to have our mother.

How I wish that this is also a dream. Just like earlier.

Mela suddenly stops after running about 10 minutes from that scene. She stops before the huge and tall tree and loudly howls to the night sky. Her sounds is heartbreaking. She's calling for help. She's screaming in pain. It is as if she's asking for help she's begging for someone to come and help us.

Slowly I lift my head higher from sobbing on her soft fur and I was shocked to see that it was the tree that I also saw in my dream. The huge tree with a massive hole. The tree that I thought as a portal to the different world.

Mela continues to howl.

The tall trees around us started to shakes. Its leaves started falling down as well then a very strong wind that somewhat similar to a strong tornado surround us then about 30 pale people appears next to us which I assumed to be a Vampire as well.

Why do Mela took me away from those Vampire and bring me to another Vampire? What's the difference with that? They're all Vampire…thirst to drink fresh blood.

"Mela?" I talked to her but she suddenly kneel down to the ground. "What are you doing?" I asked and received no response.

I slowly moved down and gradually she transformed back into her human figure.

"They're not enemy. They're an ally." She explained which had me feel relieved. But still can not understand what's sets these Vampires from those who attacked us. Shouldn't they be the same for they are of same kind? Mela must be wrong.

"A Werewolf," Said by one of those Vampire. They're all wearing a silver armor and shield. I bet they're guards.

I was about to open my mouth to ask Mela again when a growl echoed from our back again.

"Hrr!" It's the sound of those Vampire who got Mom earlier, and they're not with Mom right now. What did they do with Mom? If I just have a power to come after them or face them I would surely have their ribs breaks into pieces.

"Get her!" Commanded by the Vampire leader who's still after us.

"Nobody dare touch my visitors!" A sweet almost angelic feminine voice echoed from our back.

In a very slow motion I turned my head at that voice and I was amazed by how gorgeous the owner of that voice looks like.

She's tall, pale white, has long blonde hair and a white gown as well that made her look more like a fairy rather than a Vampire.

She's wearing a simple tiara on her head which is a clear sign that she's a royal blooded Vampire. So royalty really exist? Vampires and Werewolf exist as well. I wonder what waits more and what's the other thing ahead that I can learn about these powerful immortals.

"Cathalina!" Growled by the lady Vampire who got my Mom earlier. I would say that she's fearless and brave to come her only with two disciple with her.

"Vermuda!" Replied by the angelic Vampire queen. "Long time no see," She added with a wide smile on her lips.

"Do you want to come with us? I'm sure that you'd miss the Vampire city so much than I imagined. Didn't you?"Cathalina spoke with a sarcastic words.

"Yes! I also miss drinking royal blood. And to be honest, I nearly forgot of how your younger daughter's blood taste like." Vermuda, the evil Vampire knows how to tease someone. She's good at that I would say.

And I saw how Cathalina's face frowned. She's affected. Cause who wouldn't once you saw an individual who took the life of your love one.

"Shut up! I will make sure to have your blood dried out of your body once I got you! Get them!" She commanded her army but even before her Vampire army could move, Vermuda and her disciples disappeared like a bubble.

I returned back my sight to that gorgeous Vampire lady with a Tiara. She's smiling at me and slowly extended her arms at us.

Mela took a step ahead and grabbed her hand first which is a clear words that she's trusting that Lady and that I should also do the same.

"Thank you for bringing her to us," Said by Lady Cathalina as she gently talked to Mela. "We've been waiting for you 2 decades ago." She smiled sweetly at me. But her words didn't struck me as sweet as her smile. Instead it shocked me with her 2 decades phrase. I mean that's a very long time for them to be able to patiently wait for me. Too good that they're immortal…They don't die.

"Come with us," She invited us to follow her to that massive hole of the tree and it freaking surprised my human soul upon seeing this eye-dropping and jaw-dropping place: purple leaves, trees that I never seen in our world, skyscrapers that's too impossible for humans to build and of course, Vampires who roamed around the City living the way how normal people do.

Actually this place was a far cry from how humans used to describe the world of the Vampires cause this place too relaxingly exquisite. I feel like this is a starting place to the heaven for its heavenly and fantastic beauty.

"You like this place?" Mela murmured and held my hand. I only gave her a slight nod as a response.

Lady Cathalina took a few step forward facing this very high metallic gate. It is a palace if I'm not mistaken, and there's a possibility that Lady Cathalina lived there. Of course, obviously, Royal blooded Vampires live in a royal palace.

"Welcome to Vampire City," She extended widely open both her arms. Is she welcoming us to her home? Maybe, right?

Then the metallic gate slowly opened with 2 royal guards opening it gradually and dang it! They look to handsome to be just a guard cause they're way too handsomely than some Actors that I'd met.

"This is the Vampire City Royal Palace," She added and have the guards escorted us inside the palace.

I bet that just like me, if you saw this place…you'll find yourself falling for its beauty. For sure.

"Your Highness!" All of the attendees inside the Royal public meeting room that time have their heads and body slightly leaning forward as a sign of respect…to Lady Cathalina I guess.

"Behold!" Lady Cathalina started and walked to the forward where a Jaw-dropping Queen and her Daughter are sitting on their throne. I think they're in the middle of a special meeting. "Today marks new hope for our kind as the strongest Hybrid has come to be our ally! The Chosen Queen of the North Pack." She placed her palms opened facing upward while it pointed me and I hear the sudden noise made by the crowd that even the Queen quickly rose to her feet upon hearing Lady Cathalina introduced me.

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