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Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Aid Depot & A What!?





- Dropship Crash Site | The Ground -

- Arthur Pendragon -


We both get up off the floor, with Octavia's face set in a playful smile. "You should've come and told us if you were awake dumbass." she says punching me in the arm.

"I know, but I needed to talk with our friend here." I indicate towards Lincoln.

"He hasn't said anything so far. I don't even think they speak our language."

"Well, I am glad that you haven't resorted to torturing him yet." I respond.

"Yeah.... About that, the only reason he hasn't been is because I was able to convince Bell otherwise. Most of the 100 want to, and the Ark is asking if we can get any information out of him that might help us."

"What do you mean the Ark? Was Raven able to set the radio back up?" I question.

"Raven was able to set up the radio outside in the so called 'Command Tent' that you and Bell use." Octavia says mockingly.

"That's because it is a command tent! It's where Bellamy and I converse about what to do with the 100, and what food and materials to prioritize in gathering." I attempt to explain to her.

"Okay, okay. I get it." Octavia says uninterested.

"Who's on watch?" I ask walking towards the hatch with Octavia following right behind me.

"Miller is supposed to, but Bellamy said that he needed his help so he asked one of the others if they could do it instead. Miller will beat the guy's ass since he abandoned watch duty." she responds climbing down the ladder and closing the hatch after me.

"Are you still completing your 100 slashes and stabs per day?" I ask her as we walk out of the dropship and towards the 'command tent'."

"Yes, I am but when will you start sparring with me again?" she asks anxiously.

"Sorry about that ever since the whole werewolf thing I haven't found the time to train you properly. We'll resume sparring tomorrow, ok?"

"Yes!" she pumps her fist in joy.

"Woof!" We hear over to our left. However, before I can react a fast small black mass jumps onto me.

"Hey, Shadow how you doin' buddy?"


"Good." I say setting him back down on the ground. "Come on buddy we're going to see Clarke."


After reaching the command tent, we can hear voices coming from inside, both are easily recognizable. Jaha and Clarke.

"Tell me about the grounder. Can he provide any insight on how to survive winter? Jaha asks.

'We're doing everything we can to prepare here. We're gathering nuts and berries, curing meats, digging for roots, but the truth is, we'll freeze before we starve." Clarke informs the council.

"There's good news on that front. According to civil defense plans from before the war, there's an old emergency aid depot not far from the landing site. Here are the coordinates." Kane tells Clarke as I walk into the tent.

Clarke doesn't see me at first due to her copying down the coordinates, but she lifts her head, and her eyes find mine in a heartbeat. She smiles radiantly while I walk towards her and begin to rub her shoulders.

"In addition to supplies-... Who is that Clarke?" Jaha asks confused.

"Ah, do you want to talk with them Arthur?" Clarke asks me.

"Yeah, I will." I told her. Reaching over I grabbed the mic off her head and set it on mine. "Hello there, councilor's my name is Arthur Pendragon the leader of the 100."

"Hello there Arthur." Kane responds.

"You may continue Jaha, Clarke has informed me what you were talking about, and I am up to speed." I told him.

"He is your chancellor, and you will address him as such!" a female voices shrieks from the left.

"Diana, it's fine." Jaha replies sternly before turning back towards me and continuing with the explanation about the bunker. "As I was saying the bunker could provide shelter for the 100 and for the citizens coming down from the Ark."

"Chancellor, I have to object. Project exodus is under way. The kids should sit tight in their camp until the first dropship launches." Diana Sydney responds.

"Excuse me but that is not an option. Who knows what supplies the aid depot could have? It could have blankets, better tents, and possibly weapons. We need to find and secure that aid depot." I retort.

"Arthur is right. Even if everything goes without a hitch, the 100 would die from exposure before relief arrives." supports Jaha. "I'd like a moment with Arthur alone, please, and I know there's a line of parents waiting to talk to their kids." Jaha speaks to the council before turning back towards me. "Arthur, we are all incredibly grateful for what you've done down there. But if I could speak to Clarke for a second-..."

"Clarke would you like to talk about your mother?" I asked looking at her and handing her the headset.

She snatches and places it on her head and speaks sternly to Jaha. "I don't want to talk about my mother."

"Please, Clarke. It's time to forgive. Let me schedule a time for you and Abby to sit down-..." Jaha tries pleading with Clarke but she swiftly interrupts him.

"Look. I know you both think that betraying my dad, killing him, was an unavoidable tragedy, but I don't see it that way, and I never will. So just tell me who's next and let someone who actually wants to talk to their parents have a turn." Clarke tells him before taking off the headset, setting it on the table and walking out of the tent with the paper with the coordinates in hand.

"Come on Octavia let's go. We have an aid depot to find." I told her, walking out of the tent and telling the next kid in line. Dax. That he can go in now.

"Got it, Arthur." she answers.


Walking inside the dropship with Octavia and Clarke, we spot Bellamy about to climb up the ladder and into the upper floors of the dropship.

"Bellamy-..." Clarke starts but is quickly interrupted.

"I've already talked to Jaha about why I shot him and who ordered me to do it."

"That's not what we're here to talk about, relax." I told him.

He turns his head towards us with a surprised expression on his face and jumps off the ladder. Walking towards us he says, "Arthur, you're awake!"

"I am. Now listen up the Ark found some old records that show a supply depot not too far from here." I told him.

"What kind of supplies?" he asked intrigued.

"The kind that will give us an edge against the grounders and a chance to live through winter. Clarke, Octavia, you, and I are going. First, though I need to know how many hunters we have."

"Out of the 87 of us left... Finn and I have been able to train 29 hunters the rest are either foragers or craftsmen. Every single one of them knows how to use a weapon to some degree though."

"Good, we will need people to help bring back supplies."

"Understood. I'll get my stuff and gather a group of hunters to come with us, meet you in 20."

Walking out of the dropship and towards the main gate I can't help but think, 'I should probably call them something else other than 'The Hunters', shouldn't I?'

After Bellamy came back with his gear and 6 hunters we set out through the main gate and into the dense woodland. [Observe]


Titles: None

Race: Human

Level: 6

HP: 1,040 (Some characters will be the same level, but their HP or MP numbers will be different.)

[Hunter Abel]

Titles: None

Race: Human

Level: 4

HP: 520

[Hunter Tommy]

Titles: None

Race: Human

Level: 4

HP: 520

[Hunter Charles]

Titles: None

Race: Human

Level: 4

HP: 520

[Hunter Riley]

Titles: None

Race: Human

Level: 4

HP: 520

[Hunter Andrew]

Titles: None

Race: Human

Level: 5

HP: 725

[Hunter Alex]

Titles: None

Race: Human

Level: 5

HP: 725


- 2 hours and 24 minutes later | The Ground -

Walking out of the dense forest and into an open clearing we come across a half-submerged and destroyed town.

"The depot is supposed to be around here somewhere." Clarke tells us.

"There's got to be a door." Bellamy comments.

"Let's split up, cover more ground. The 4 of us will travel together while Hunters form up into 2 groups of 3. Stay within shouting distance of one another." I ordered them.

"Yes, sir." All 6 hunters respond before breaking into their separate groups and moving to search for the aid depot.

"Why did they respond to you like that?" Octavia asks once the hunters move away.

"Because Octavia, conditioning. I may have had Bellamy and Finn train them physically, but when responding to Bellamy or Finn they were forced to respond with yes sir, otherwise they would've had to complete 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 100 stabs with their spears. Also, if they were to slip up twice the punishment would double or triple depending on how many times they didn't respond properly. Therefore, when they respond to me it will already be set in their brains that they should respond with yes sir." I explained to her.

"Why would you do that?" Clarke asks.

"An army Clarke. We need to be an army." I told her.

"Arthur is right. To survive in this harsh world, we need to be organized, we need to fight as one, we need to be an army." Bellamy explains to them.


- 12 minutes later -

"Sir! Over here. We found a door." One of the hunter team shouts over.

The 4 of us walk over to the hunter group. "Open it up." I ordered them.

"Yes, sir." they respond before grasping onto the handles and attempting to open it. "I think it's rusted shut. Sir." The leader of the group tells Bellamy and me.

"Here. Watch out guys." Bellamy tells them.

Walking over to the door Bellamy pulls out his tomahawk and flips it so the spike on the back end is facing the handles and begins slam it into them.

After a few hits he places it back on his hip and orders the hunters. "Ok. Give me a hand guys."

"Yes, sir."



"Alright, 2 of you stand guard out here. The rest of us will go in and search for supplies." I order them as we begin to descend the stairs into the aid depot.

"Yes, sir!"

After turning on our flashlights we start walking down a few flights of stairs, passing by a few corpses on the way. Most of them are just bones now but a few of them have their skin torn.


"So much for living down here. This place sucks." Octavia remarks.

"Anything left down here is ruined." Bellamy comments.

"You never know there could be something good." I say hopeful.

"Hey, I found blankets!" Clarke says enthusiastically.

"You're excited about a couple of blankets?" Bellamy asks.

"It's something for now. That's good. Abel carry the crate with the blankets back up to the surface." I ordered him.

"Yes, sir!"

"How about a canteen or a med kit or a decent freaking tent!?" Bellamy shouts angrily.

Bellamy opens the lid of an oil barrel, finding only oil and grease he kicks the barrel over in a fit of rage.


"Oh, my god." Bellamy says leaning down and picking up one of the rifles that fell out of the barrel. [Observe]


[Item: SIG Sauer XM5]

Item Rarity: C+

Type: Assault Rifle

Attack: +60


"What?" Octavia and Clarke both ask moving towards him.

Bellamy lifts the rifle up and looks towards them with a large grin on his face. "Guns-..."

"HELP!" We hear a bloodcurdling scream from down the corridor. Opposite of where we came in from.

[Light Magic... Activation... -400 MP... Light Formation created: Sword]

[Item: Light Sword]

Item Rarity: C+

Type: Sword

Attack: +50

Instantly summoning a light sword, I hand it over to Octavia before taking Fury's Song out of my inventory. Bellamy pulls his Tomahawk axe off of his hip and twirls it in his hand. Clarke pulls out a scrap knife and quickly gets behind me. Lastly, the 5 hunters all bring their spears to bare while getting into a low crouch.

"HELP US!" We hear again.

"Hold! Do not move!" I ordered them.

"Sir, what if it's-..."

"What? A survivor? From 100 years ago no it's not." I tell them sternly.

Bellamy walks over to a crate, opens it, and pulls some orange glow sticks from it. He cracks a few and throws them down the corridor. Illuminating it.

The light from both our flashlights and the glow sticks causes a shadowy figure to be illuminated in the darkness. [Observe]

I quickly cast observe and am horrified at the result.

[Wendigo] - (Hunger)

Titles: Cannibal

Race: Wendigo

Level: 15

HP: 4,100


[Quest Received!]

[Quest Info:]

[Wendigo Slayer!]

[Incomplete] Kill the Wendigo --- [0/1]

Rewards: +5 Stat Points, x2 Random Loot Box, 1 B-Class weapon of your choosing



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