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Chapter 2: The Speaking Letter

After the letter arrived to Nimble, The Father Spirit overjoyed to see that His Father has sent him gifts. Out of ignorance, he extended his hands to catch the letter box but he pulled back his hands as soon as box started speaking. The letter chanted mystic spell and The Father Spirit got stunned to see a Speaking box. So, he chanted mystic spell because of such miracle happening to see it's truth or origin. But, he couldn't find anything about it because it was given invisible protection of the mystic spell by its creator.

Then, the letter continued speaking.

The letter said," Oh, the Father Spirit I am your father, The Eternal Being, Have you forgotten what I told you to do?".

"I know you've forgotten so to remind you I have made this miracle The Speaking letter."

The Father Spirit surprised to know his Father is speaking from it. He started asking his father (letter box) about such a miracle but as it was pre-recorded it couldn't answer his question. The letter box started continuing.

The letter said,"After your creation I narrated you the story of your creation and how your mother has taken Elixir of Creation and left me. And ordained you to inhabitate my world Nimble and bring your mother back but it seems that you have forgotten the words of your Father. So, I am ordering you again to come here (Creatia) with my grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren."

The Father Spirit got frightened and out of fear he started replying "Yes I will."

And he was actually going to continue but it seems that he realised that it was pre-recorded so he stopped replying.

And the letter box stopped as its recorded matter was over.

So, now he ordered his sons and daughters that you shall all with your progenies come with me to meet My Father and see my home.

They were all astonished to find out that whatever that speaking box said was true, Our Father has His Father and home too.

Most of them got curious to know about their Grandfather and to see their father's native. The 1st generation Spirits started asking to Father Spirit about how he came to be?, how is that land where he born?, Is it in this world or out of the world?,. etc.

But the Father Spirit didn't replied at all and made them more curious. So, they started making stories about their Father and his creation but Father Spirit ignored all this and tried to think how can we go there . But, in fraction of seconds his mind struck with an idea, ' wings on our bodies so that we can fly ' so, he chanted mystic spell as soon as the chant was over they all got wings. This is how the Spirits got their wings.

Spirits and there progenies got surprised to see something new on their bodies. As the 1st generation Spirits and Spiritas were present there.

They asked "What's this Father?".

Their Father replied," Oh this are wings so that you all can fly up and cross this world Nimble."

All the Spirits and Spiritas satisfied with the answer but Maya was still having doubt.

So, Maya asked, " Father, How can we fly with this wings as we haven't seen anyone doing so? "

Their Father said," Maybe you want some example. So, let me show you then."

Their Father flattered his wings started moving up and gliding in air.

All the Spirits astonished to see that this is called flying.

And Maya thanking his father said, " Now , I understood what's flying and so my brothers and sisters too."

Their Father commanded them to fly too.

But, everyone seemed nervous excepting their smallest sister Sia. Sia seeing everyone's nervousness started to calm down their and also encouraged them.

She said," My Dear nine brothers and Two sisters, don't be so nervous this is not a very big thing to do. We have created so many lives , inhabitated this world so why to become nervous by just this mere task."

"Wake up and fly up this world! "

Everyone present there calmed, started flying and commanded there progenies with help of mystic spell to fly up from wherever they were.

Father Spirit, All the Spirits, Spiritas, Their progenies flied up like the swarm of butterflies taking leap from a garden.

It filled the space present between the Nimble planets and they were looking like new stars in Nimble.

They were flying up and up having chit-chat with each other "where are we going? , How that place would be?, etc."

But, Spirit Kraya and Spirit Ish were thinking something maybe more practical. Because Kraya and Ish were seeing each other thinking. Curiously , Kraya asked to Ish, " What are you thinking about?"

Ish replied," Maybe you're too thinking something but anyway I am thinking about how we will cross the boundary of this and whether this wings will work out there "

Kraya replied with smile of agreement," I was also thinking same."

Kraya asked," So, what should we do know?"

Ish suggested,"Let's talk to father may be he will have some better ideas and surely he will find the solution ".

Kraya and Ish told about this to all of their sisters and brothers. And they all flew over to their Father who was flying some feet above.

As they reached towards their Father all of a sudden , their Father got shocked to see them and asked, " what's wrong children ? why have you came so fast to me is it okay there?"

They all replied," Every thing is okay father but ....."

Father said, " what but....? tell me clearly if something is there in your curious minds"

So, Ish replied, " Father, Once we cross the boundaries of Nimble ,will this wings work there outside? This is what making us curious "

Their Father replied, " I don't know what will happen once we will cross Nimble. I was also thinking about this as I was flying. If you have suggestions let me know and I will ponder on this "

They all started thinking. Suddenly, Maya and Sema got an Idea of vehicle releasing it's own air moving the vehicle forward.

Maya and Sema told all of them about this Idea.

Their Father was happy to see his children were capable of imagining so brilliantly. He was also happy to see his children were worthy of going Land of Creations ,The Creatia.

His Father with a smile of acceptance said," Oh, children you are not only curious minds but intelligent beings too. This is actually an good idea to have a flying vehicle two cross this world of Nimble and reach my homeland Creatia. But, there's a little fault how we can accommodate millions of Spirits in single vehicle.So, you all must order your children to make vehicles to accommodate their progenies and I will make one for all of you."

His Father imagined a broad sheild like house having three huge nozzles backside and uttered the magic spell thus, mystic vehicle formed.

Now, the Nine brothers and Three sisters order their sons and daughters to make vehicles like this and accomodate their progenies Yugals and Ekals. So, the 9 million couples and three million Spirita mothers created 12 million vehicles which accommodated every single being of Nimble.

They all boarded to their respective Vehicles.

Different Vehicles look different butterflies resting on different flowers (planets) so, it was very charming to see them all.

On the Order of his father His Vehicle flied up with nine brothers and three sisters but they forgot that others were far behind.

After some distance above, Europa, Dia and Sumi looked through rear glass to see where are there children but couldn't find anything. So, they told about this to everyone and soon. They decided to go back and bind their vehicles with ours with mystic rope. His Father heard this and imagined a rope, with utterance of mystic spell it was there.

So, the Nine brothers curiously asked Their Father, " Father, how will this ordinary looking rope can bind all 12 million vehicles?"

Their Father, " Because the rope is neverending, if you will extend it will extend till eternity! Ha..Ha..Ha...."

Thus, It can bind anything as it will never broke and also, you don't have to go specifically to bind each vehicle. It will bind everything which you have ordered it. Ha...Ha..."

Nine brothers agreed and asked their Father why he was laughing.

So their Father replied," What a nuisance! We should have done this earlier."

They all laughed about themselves.

So, They turned back their vehicle after laughing session and soon reached to their children (9 million couples and three million Spirita mothers).

Their Father ordering the Rope said, " Go and bind to the grooves present in the shield shape body of all the vehicles present here."

So, the rope went and bind to every vehicle present there. Then, his father ordered everyone to board and soon everybody boarded to their respective Vehicles.

They all flied up with their vehicles and

embarked on the journey of Great Void present between Nimble and Creatia.

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