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Chapter 216: CH216: A moment before I...

'It's goona be more than a mere day to pass through this... I better stop it all, hold it in, and go say my goodbye from the girls...' I think as I try open up my eyes, but instead of opening my eyes I 'open up' another set of eyes, 'seeing' a reality I cannot fathom, cannot comprehend, yet can 'see', and a sort of 'fear' sip and grow into me, making me scared, having the impulse to close up my eyes.

<Ayn...> I hear Infi talking, and looking for where she is I float unconsciously toward her, finding myself in a boundless space, 'seeing' her shackled, butt-naked, standing there with her two hands hiding her private-area in the middle of her body, but the cuffs are open, yet she's standing there, and in an impulse of aggression, who come down on me out of nowhere, I *grab* her two hands, spreading them apart, and raise my head, looking eye-to-eye with her, feeling like the surroundings are in some sort of contrast, like there's a war between white-and-black, happiness-and-sadness, good-and-bad, life-and-death.

"Ayn..." Infi say as we're 'standing' there, holding hands-in-hands, like there's a circle between us, feeling like a whole world separate between us, yet she's right in front of me, gazing into my eyes, and for the first time I sense that I can 'see' her, I can 'know' her, and in between confidence to doubts there's a blossoming familiarity, connecting our souls.

"..." I try to speak, yet no words go out of my mouth. I try to move my body, yet my body ain't moving. I try to think, yet feel that if I'll do so then it will all disappear, and I'll wake-up, no longer being in here, and suddenly she whisper "Just let it flow..", and I get loose, relaxing, letting all go, feeling like my brain is just a passenger for my soul, barely getting permission to see a single thing, as we move in high speed across this boundless space, somehow with Infi, yet, I cannot sense or even know where she is.

'What is this weird mushroom... Should I smack it? Leave it? Is it in me? Oh, there another one, just smaller, oh, and another one, even smaller than it...' I think bit too much, and *Wake-up!*.

'Was it... Did I just... Saw my brain??? ahhhhh... Wow...' my mind awake, feeling some sort of 'disgust', realizing I just saw my inside brain, and understand 'Cultivation is ain't for the weak of hearts, or for the fragile minds... If I wish to step farther in this path - My true self will be bare naked, inside and outside, for me to 'see', 'feel', 'ponder upon', ...'.

"Koru...", "Shhhh!", opening up my eyes, finding out it's night, not knowing how long has passed, but probably not more than a few hours, else the other girls will come here, or I'll discover other weird things, like torn clothes, change of environment, etc. I close my mouth, as Kuroka signal me, crawling to me with a pink-lingerie, smiling happily, and looking aside, where her eyes go, I see Shirone is sleeping, looking as cute as always.

Quietly, sexually, Kuroka begin to dance, enchanting me, feeling like I'm still dreaming, not yet digesting this weird experience I just had, be it a dream or some soul cultivation thing, but one thing for sure is that I want to make love for her, and just as I think so she lie-down, making a welcoming pose on the mattress they put right in front of me, at the balcony, and just as I move toward her, standing from my seat, Shirone roll over her sister, shaking her cute-butt, and in a tease do "Shhhh!", like Kuroka did a moment ago, like some sort of a 'revenge' against her.

'I feel like...' I sense some sort of berserk-mode, like a beast is inside of me, yet, it's fully under control, giving me limitless powers, and in it there's also lust, endless lust, and I decide to go for it, test it out, as I move my hands on those two kittens who lie right before me, seemingly wishing for it.

"NYAAAAA!!!!" Shirone moan, looking back at me, with stars in her eyes, as my dick go inside of her, and I *grab* her ass, wishing to hold her still, feeling her hand land on mine, while her tail wrap around my arm, and seeing her happy-face, hearing her "PURR....", I begin moving vigorously, shocked to find her squirting already, having a beautiful wet orgasm, and move back a bit, *shove* my dick under her, into Kuroka, *pulling* her toward me, raising her into the air, and begin to pound her, watching her having quickly the same reaction, having a wet orgasm, spilling her love down on me.

... "Nya... Nya..." Bi-Bi, in a sexy cat-costume, materialize the moment me, Shirone, and Kuroka finished a wild-love-sessions, followed by a bath and late dinner, after Shirone called the soul-rings-girls over, and the moment she start fellatio me Kuroka wish to protest, waiting for me on a couch, looking mesmerizing, but Shirone climb on top of her, turning Kuroka head to her, saying "Sharing is caring", and I just stand there, not moving, enjoying Bi-Bi' wet-mouth, moaning every breath from over joy.

"Hold my hand..." I hear Snowy calling me from the side, rolling on the bed till she's next to Bi-Bi, stretching her hand to me, letting me see the shiny-ring on her hand while her other hand take off her sexy black dress, and I *brush* Bi-Bi' hair, signaling her 'help me out', as I look at Snowy, and she beam a cute smile, 'helping me', as she take her clothes off, while I climb on top of Snowy, who whisper her love words nonstop, and suddenly feel Bi-Bi push me from behind, shoving me right into Snowy, making us moan plus laugh in joy at the same time, enjoying this cutey'-play.

"Ayn.." I raise my head, finding Siege, and next to her is Alba' juicy butt, right in front of my face, making me *chuckle* in joy, and *shove* my face right into it, yet soon stop for a moment my whole movements as I hear all the girls giggle, *raising* my head, and *beam a smile*, feeling my dick twitching inside Snowy, making her dance her body from joy, but my eyes are focused on Junko, who show up wearing a whole-body black latex suit, looking like a wrapped present, but the kind where you can see already what's inside, as I can clearly see her erected nipples, wishing to devour her.

"AYNNN...", "Aynnn", Mmmm...", "NNNNNN", "AHHHH", like a one-man-band I 'play' with the girls, mixing, switching, humping, pumping, shoving, fucking, rampaging all over the place, having an amazing party.

"AHHHH... YYYYY...NNNNN...." Umi bounce on top of me, under the moonlight, looking wishfully happy, having enough air to tease me, as she point on her mouth, asking "Wanna... Come in here?..", and I *hold* her down to me with a hand, *shove* a finger into her back-door, and vibrate harshly, watching her crushing down, shivering from joy, breaking apart onto me, falling down for a tight hug, and a minute later I focus on Beau, but suddenly freeze, reminded about Infi, as I see her waiting in an open-latex-suit, yet, with handcuffs on her hands, making my mind return to the mood I was in just few hours ago.

"Ayn?" Beau ask in a worry, and I quickly *hug* her to me, keeping on making love, but slowly, lovingly, so much so that it seems the other girls come toward us, enjoying this changing vibe, some even jealous, wishing to have such a mood-change with them as well, and while I switch my attention to each, giving them the love they deserve, it seems they get the turmoil inside of me, as they're my soul-rings, connected directly to me.

"How long?" Bi-Bi asks with a pout, and I *smile gently*, not answering, as I do not know, and instead say "Tomorrow night I'll go for a deep meditation. It can take a moment, or it can take as long as needed, so, let's have a good time till then, and hopefully...", "I'll wait in Infinity!", "Me too!", "OHHH! I want to do that too!", "What about...", "Don't care!", all the girls show readiness, including Shirone, followed by Kuroka, and I feel conflicted, yet say nothing, mostly focused on Beau, making a loving love with her, not wishing to give the cultivation any thought right now.


Taking another shower, and eating another late-dinner, the girls decide to just go into Infinity, not even wanting to hear my answer about the issue, and I do not mind doing so, feeling whatever will happen, Infinity will be a safe haven for now, no matter what will happen to me, and decide to start traveling right now, not wishing to postpone it any longer, and *Teleport*.


... "I prefer following you then remaining here" Tashigi say a shocking-words, like her 'switch' 'flipped', making me ask her once again "Dear, are you sure? I do not know how long it will take", and she nod decisively, responding "All those... Why do I even fight here?.. I think my prioritize changed...Family before anything else, right?", making me *Beam a smile*, *nodding* happily, *hugging* her into the air, raining *kisses* at her, and before we realize we're already making-love, getting washed by our growing love.

. ...

"Done" Mone comes back after I arrived to Point-Nemo, our sky-island, telling them about my situation, and they decide to follow me, and Monet went right away to tell everybody about it. Focusing back at Sugar, who sit on my lap, connected to me, she stare back at me with eyes filled with abandonment of emotions, and I *kiss* her, whispering "Whatever you wish to, my queen", and she cutely smile, nodding, and kiss me lovingly, while Monet land right above us, hugging us both.


"Ayn, I want to.. Before.." Aisa say in a determinant voice, looking straight into my eyes as I went to pick her up from her house, which is now in the cloud-palace lower-floors, living there with her mother, who is one of this island'-officials, already knowing me quite well, as each time I come here I try to have some small conversation with her, blessing me long ago as her son-in-law, trusting me, and also having a devil-fruit so I could feel she's well-protected.

Going toward Aisa she drop the white-blanket which cover her body, showing a cute-black-dress, a dress I already saw before, reminding me we had the same situation in the past, but back then she looked so innocent, yet now she look she want 'the whole deal', and as my hands move to her waist, *nodding*, for whatever she wants to, wishing to have her wholly, she show me her cute smile.

*Kiss*, "then, tomorrow I'll come, but, it will be shorter than I wished it will be..." I respond after kissing her, and she nod in agreement, giving me her hand, like hinting me she want the 'full-deal', so I *grab* her hand, smiling happily as she nod her head decisively, saying "I do I do I do!", and *put* a ring on her finger, *kiss* her one more time, *hugging* her tightly, and once she seems ready to let go I *kiss* her one last time and *teleport*.


... "I'm in" Hancock respond automatically, not even giving it a second-thought, gazing at me with her blue-sky-eyes, looking so beautiful she make me fall in love at her all over again, yet I ask to make sure "Are you sure it's alright to...", and she jump at me, pushing me down on the bed, climbing on top of me, while gazing at me with her crazy-in-love-eyes, asking with hearts floating inside her eyes "Do you really think I'll let my husband go away without me next to him?", and I *burst laughing*, *rolling* us over, as we begin making crazy wild love.

. ...

"Why didn't you come in a normal hour?" Rebecca cutely complain, looking charming with her pajama, coming back after going to see her family, and I focus back at Viola, who's 'busy' riding on top of me ever since I came here, making me shiver from joy, as she show no ponder about this situation at all, truly committing her whole to our relationship, but Rebecca'-words shock me, saying "What about taking Chopper back to his kingdom?", and I reminded about Chopper, the children, dragons, etc. Asking back "The children are...", "Fine. Too fine. They're all part of this kingdom already" she answers, sitting next to me, hinting Viola to move, as she want her to go get ready, or rather, the moment she does so, she jump on top of me, kissing me with a tight hug, and I note myself to return here tomorrow to settle it down, but for now focus back on Rebecca lovely moans.

. ...

"I had a feeling you would come tonight" Shyarly say with a smirk, chilling in her bed, writing something on papers while smoking her usual pipe, and I stare at her bare-naked-body, with only sexy-jewelries on, beginning to *massage* her body from her feet up, and she soon pull me to the balcony, standing before me, shaking her ass, and I go inside her, making sweet-love, enjoying this blissful night to the brim, yet suddenly I can see on her back a weird glowing pattern, wondering if it's my doing.

"AYNNNN..." Shyarly moan in craze, looking at me with redden-eyes, and I wonder what's happening, as her tattoo on the back disappears, but now there's a tattoo appearing right above her eyes, and together with it her lips seems blackened, while energies pop around us, so instead of worrying I *HUMP* into her, fucking her with all Iv'e got in me, making her shout her moans into the sky, till she can barely stand on her legs, thinking 'what should I do now..', and the girls in Infinity respond <Just send her here>, and I do so, taking with her lots of her things, and *teleport*.


"Shirahoshi?" I wake her up, and like she was never asleep she pop her eyes wide open, gazing at me happily, so I just pass her the memories, too tired to talk anymore, telling the same story over and over again, and she suddenly *fwoosh*, turn smaller, making me fall onto the bed, right in front of her, as she turned to a smaller size, changing her whole size, clothes, expression, and with a lustful energy point on her self, biting her finger, asking sexually "Then... Me too..", and I smile happily, nodding, and go toward her, ready for more 'fun'.

. ...

"Isn't it too late for training?" I joke with Vivi, finding her in our house, in Alabasta, drinking water, sweating, in a sexy training lingerie, and she play with her hair, responding "Living here without you is just boring", looking like she wish to go away, and I *hug* her, *kissing* her, seeing her swirling, like she's shying away, not liking being sweaty with me, and I *smile*, whispering "We're going to sweat soon anyway", and she throw away her water-cup, crouching down while whispering back "I'm thirsty" and rip my pants apart, swallowing my dick wholly, sucking it with so much love, going 'all the way', with tears in her eyes, yet not push back, making me moan and cum from her lovely dedication.

"Give me a minute to take a quick bath" Vivi say as she stand up, cleaning herself with a towel, but she can probably see the look on my face, having no intention to let her do so, and I *giggle*, which just make her fidget cutely, whispering "At least let's go for the shower..", already taking her clothes by herself, and before she can do so I already vaporize her clothes, *hugging* her up to me, and while going into her, caring her to the showers, she's already shouting, moaning, into my ear, as every step I take make my dick reach deeper and deeper into her, feeling her nails dig into the skin on my back, as she hug me with everything she got, spraying her love juices all over me.

... -

Arriving to West-city, finishing with Red-line girls, taking everyone with me, except Aisa, planning to go back to pick her up tomorrow, I find Nami is alone in the upper-floor, near the pool, stretching, watching the view, with a thin-white-night-gown-dress, and feeling naughty I just go behind her, aim perfectly, and in one swift move *rip* her panties, *shove* my cock into her, and *grab* her waist with my two hands, hearing her shout in joy "AYN!!!!!!!!", smiling in love, and that make me begin ramming her up, pushing my love deeply into her.

"I thought we'll go for a night swim, but this seems even better" Nojiko come next to us, looking shyly, and I *hug* her to me, *kissing* her, and once Nami have an orgasm I take her into Infinity, and focus on Nojiko, but just as I go into her Lazuli come outside, looking so sexy I almost cum from seeing her, and a wave of uncontrolled lust-energy flow out of me, sweeping her off her feet, falling on her ass, looking at me shyly, and I understand I slowly lose control over myself, wishing to quickly pick up all the girls, yet, can't, feeling I better give each love before doing so, and do so.

... "AYHNN AYNHNGNH AYNNHNNN" Pashia moan in a craze, ripping apart the pillow, while I doggy-style her, watching her cum buckets, but more than that, notice the edge of her hair beaming a weird light, shining beautifully in a strong violet color. "Hey! Ayn!" Perona shake me up, so I stop, taking Pashia into Infinity, letting her rest, and seeing Perona' shy sexual gaze I *smirk*, and in a mere moment she can't speak no more, as my dick fill her mouth, while my fingers deep inside her other holes, making her wet her bed.

... "AYNNNNNN!!" Raki almost cry, cumming while bouncing on top of me, and I send her to Infinity, going toward Shakky, who dance next to us with only knee-socks on her, enchanting me.

The moment I come close to her, wishing to grab her to me, Lya jump at me from the right, Conis jump at me from the left, and I just *smirk*, *hugging* all three, saying laughingly "You better bring at least a hundred to take me down right now...".

"Huh!", "Hoh!", "Heya!", Raynare, Mittelt, and Kalawarna, jump at me from behind, but with the meager common-sense I got left I automatically send them straight into Infinity, not wishing to make any move upon them, especially not right now, hoping the girls inside Infinity can somehow settle it out.

Focusing back on the three queens in front of me, snuggling, showing them I'm in control of myself, not to make them worry, yet moment later *smirk*, letting them understand I'm planning to let myself loose right now, and the three smile beautifully, hugging me to them, as a lovely wild action erupt once again.

... "Something is up, right?" Robin asks as she sit close to me, next to a three tired beauties, sending them quickly into Infinity, gazing at her with explosive-lust, drooling from seeing her with a playboy-bunny-costume, looking so sexy I find it hard to shut my mouth close, and she cutely giggle, making me feel the need to spoil her, going to her, beginning from slowly *massaging* her leg, watching her lust go higher by the second, as she bite her hand, trying to hold her moans desperately, like she's already 'losing it', and she suddenly 'escapes', jumping onto the bed.

Robin laugh cutely, making a teasing face, as she sit on the bed, saying "Catch this bunny if you can!", but it's already 'too late' for her, as the moment she end this sentence I'm already in front of her, but she make my heart stop, as she shyly avert her eyes downward, whispering beautifully, lovingly "I love you so much", and my heart go back to life, beating twice as fast as before, happy for being alive.

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