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Chapter 2: Halion's Heart Episode 1: Elis

I have always dreamed of a fairy tale escape from my mundane life. A knight in shiny armor would swoop down and carry me off to adventure. To slay dragons, to rescue those in need and gain glory and fame. As the days here fade in and out, I fear that this will stay as it is now a dream.

"Makien, stop daydreaming and hand me the plasma wrench."

A young girl no older than 19 jumps at the sound of a gruffled old voice. Her black hair falls to her shoulder as she looks around frantically for the tool just requested. She rubs her freckled face in an attempt to regain her baring. "On it dad!"

The man, weathered and tired, let out a faint sigh. "You've been spacing out a lot lately. What's on your mind, child?"

Makien picks up the black and silver plasma torch adorned with oil and rust. "Its uh... nothing, dad." She responded before handing over the torch.

The weathered man reached out, grabbing before looking her deep in the eye's. "Come on, child, it's my job to be there and guide you. We can talk about almost anything, you know that."

Makien looks at her father's black and grey hair as she runs her fingers through hers. Playing with her hair, her long, pointed ears peek through. She falls silent and obviously conflicted. "It's nothing, dad. I'm just a little out of it."

The weathered man glances over at his daughter, who is fidgeting. He turns the torch on and puts its white flame to a large metal object. The sparks from the metal fly past the old man's face to little concern from him. The sound of the plasma torch and the metal wielding muffled the man's voice as he murmured. "Just like her mother."

Without warning, an explosion from outside disrupts their everyday conversation. Makien flinches and runs outside to see what could've caused an explosion in a boring colony such as this one. She opens the steel garage door to reveal a vast beach and crystal clear ocean. She looks around at that vast city made of steel and iron. The bleak of the brown and silver sat in contrast to the beautiful ocean. Makien looks up to see a slick plane sized silver and black ship with flames erupting from one of its jets. She gasps as it nose dives toward the ocean.

twenty minutes earlier.

On the ship, a woman sat tied to a metal chair. Her short silver hair sat messy on her shoulders blood dripped from her mouth onto her black skin-tight pants. She turns her head and wipes the blood off on the shoulder of her blue bomber jacket. The women looks up, revealing her brown left eye and her blue right eye that had a tint of glow to it. "Damn, I bet your grand mama hits harder than that."

Large foot steps that clank on the metal floor approach the women. A large green orc wearing a red and black leather jacket gives her a simple nod before giving her a right hook to the body. "How was that one, little girl?"

The woman giggles faintly before flipping her hair back. "God's, do you just want me to call her for you green bean? Cause this is just sad."

The orc snarls at the women. "My elder mom is dead human."

The woman gives him a sly smirk. "So you see why it's sad that she'd do a better job at this than you, right?"

The Orc takes off his leather jacket, revealing his large muscles and orc tribal tattoos. "Make your jokes now, girl. It'll be good to die laughing."

The woman looks at him blankly. "So, you were just not wearing anything under your jacket?"


A man interrupts before the orc could take another swing at the woman. At the end of the room, an elf with short blonde hair and a lavish green suit sat on top of his metal desk. "You know I have a lot of respect for hunters. Lone rangers taking bounties, gun toted. It's romantic, like those old human movies about cowboys. It's quite entertaining."

The woman scoffs. "I prefer to compare to the ronin. Those guys were bad mother..."

"Regardless." The man interjects. "I was quite disappointed seeing you like this. The infamous Vagabond. The Queen Slayer, from what I heard you were a like a force of nature, everything in your path gets destroyed. That everywhere you go a long, long trail of blood and bodies can be found."

The woman laughs. "Yep, there is definitely one thing I excel at and it's not patience. So get to the point, fuckface."

The elf frowns. "My name is."

"Fuck face." The women quickly adds.

The man turns his head awkwardly, trying to keep his composure. "A woman with you reputation shouldn't have been this dumb. Who flies an escape pod through a gravity field right into a ship full of heavily armed guards without any weapons?"

The woman's face falls serious. "Listen fu..."

He angrily interrupts. "My name is..."

"Nota'a Val Nomma, black arms dealer and lieutenant of the Nomma Syndicate. Including illegal arms dealing, you also are convicted of humanoid trafficking, several assassination conspiracies, and fraud." The woman say's in a calm and cold voice.

Nota'a scoffs. "I see you didn't skimp on the research. However, that holds no weight no government in UCC space would hire a hunter even for a man like me."

The woman's eyes grow colder as she stares at Nota'a. "You're right and I probably wouldn't accept a job from them even if they hired me, probably. No, the crime I'm here for is the crime of domestic violence."

Notta'a laughs maniacally. "So that bitch hired you? Well, after we are done here, I'll return the favor."

The woman matches his laugh. "Nope, cause imma run across this room and shove your own arm up your rear then burn you to a crisp. Or I might just strangle you and mount you on my wall. I haven't decided yet."

Nota'a looks at the woman with contempt. "That's rich, but there's only one issue with that plan. You have no weapons, your tied to a chair, and they outnumber you." He says as he points to several orcs in the room. "So Elis, what will you do?"

The Elis smirked. "From all those rumors you heard, heard the one about me being a magi?"

Nota'a chuckles as he slid further onto his desk. "Magi, humans who possess magic? I heard the rumor. Did you hear the rumor that the queen of Philisa is a unicorn who craps gold?"

Elis's eyes shoot open. "Wait, is she really?"

Nota'a winces, annoyed. "I think I have quite enough of your nonsense. I heard you were one of the best hunters around, so I was interested in meeting you. Now I can see that was a mistake."

With a wave of his hand, the shirtless orc pulls a large silver magnum from his holster and aims it at the woman's head. The orc smiled ear to ear as he cocked back the hammer. "Not so tough now, little girl."

Elis stares at gun and giggled. "That's a nice-looking gun. I think I'll name her Pam."

The orc, confused, lowered his weapon. "What are you saying?"

Elis smirks ever so slightly. "Tsk tsk tsk Pam. That's what imma name that beaut of a gun after I kill you."

Furious, the orc swings the gun at her head and to his surprise she caught his wrist. "How did break free?"

Elis raised her right hand, which was glowing red. She opened her red hand, waving it around. "Jazz hands."

She then grabbed his face with her red hand. His face made a noise like bacon frying. For a fact, it also smelled like it as well. Elis then threw him toward the chair before soccer ball kicking the orc's head.

Panicked the orcs on the right side of the room aimed to take fire. Elis reacted quickly by jumping toward them, when suddenly a black portal opened in front of her. As she jumped through it, another black portal opened behind the orcs, revealing Elis. She quickly grabbed the rifle from one orc, smacking him with the stock of it before firing at the second orc. With no delay, she threw the rifle over her shoulder and fired, hitting the orc she stole the rifle from. With a whistle, both orcs fell to the ground, dead. "Told ya I am magic, baby."

The orcs on the other side of the room, stunned, seeing a human using magic, failed to react in time as she jumped, grabbing the second orc's rifle and rolling through another portal. With no delay she appeared right if front the two orcs laid down and aiming two rifles at them. The orcs couldn't even look down before a barrage of bullets sent both of them flying into the wall of the ship. With all his guards dead, Nota'a cowered in the room's corner, flabbergasted by what he had just witnessed. "A real magi. How is that possible?"

Elis walks over to the dead body of the shirtless orc. She reached down and with a gleeful smile picks up the orc's revolver. "Well, hello there Pam. From now on you and me are gonna be the bestest friends in the whole wide world."

Nota'a struggled to breathe as his world shattered around him and death seemed to rear its head. "If you could move like that, why did you let yourself be captured?"

Elis holstered her new gun and skipped toward Nota'a. "Because good sir, your darling wife paid extra for a special request. She asked me and I quote. "Please make him suffer. Let him taste the fear he subjected me to." With that one request, she stole my heart." Elis skips past his desk, grabbing a pencil. "After this job, me and her are going on a date. I'm excited about it."

Nota'a falls to his knees, pleading. "Please, I'll double… no triple whatever she paid you."

Elis leans down, grabbing his shoulder, and with a casual smile, says. "Don't be a bitch, dude."

Then stabs Nota'a in the throat with the pencil. Nota'a grabs his throat as his life slowly fades. The last sight he'd ever see was the indifferent bloodied face of the woman in front him. Elis jumps up, pulling out her phone getting in position to take a selfie when suddenly her right eye glowed bright blue and a voice rang through her head. "Lady Elision, we have a…."

"Don't interrupt my selfie time!" Elis yelled fiercely.

The disembodied voice quickly responded. "My lady, you have never taken an "selfie" before, so now seems inappropriate. Second, it seems the Mr. Nota'a had his ship synced with his bio-metric receiver."

Elis drops her phone, laughing nervously. "That sounds like terrible."

The disembodied voice sighed. "Indeed, the ship is going to self-destruct. So bad is quite an appropriate assessment. My lady, do you have a plan for escaping this vessel?"

Elis shrugs her shoulders with a nervous smile. "Honestly, didn't think I'd make it this far."

MetaAuion MetaAuion

I will be releasing episodes here and there for this series and but my main focus is the inquisitors but i couldn't concentrate with this story trying to push it's way into my head.

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