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Chapter 10: Getting myself a Mana-Art! (2)

Seeing the rock in person, it really felt like a skull of a giant demon is placed in front of me. It was about 4 m tall and about 3 m in diameter. It looked like it had horns a long time ago, but now there's nothing but two holes on what looked like to be its forehead.

In short, it was intimidating enough to say that it was a skull of a giant demon which might as well be 30-40 m in height, but it was not the scariest part. The scariest part was that the skull/rock looked completely burnt from both inside and outside.

It looked like it was hit lightning bolt. It might have been a scary demon, but now this skull is nothing but a rock which has lots of names written on it.

Students treat this place mostly for making out and writing their names on it.

Arriving in front of the rock, I closed and tried to recall where the silhouette dug the manual out from. Remembering the images again and again, I noticed that the man took about fifteen steps from beneath the rock where it has a large crack.

Walking around the rock, I noticed that there was large crack starting from the right horn. Standing in front of the crack, I took exactly fifteen steps and started digging. After digging for half an hour, I did not find anything. I decided that I will search for anything in 15 steps of radius from the rock.

Soon, I noticed a circular swelling exactly 15 steps away from the rock. So, I decided to dig there. After digging there for another hour, I noticed that it was not a rock, but looked like a capsule or a container.

'Well, This is getting me excited!'

Soon, I noticed its shape and immediately recognized what it was. It was a special capsule-based device made during the last war between humans and demons about 150 years ago. It was made to supply potions and elixirs during war. After the war, their manufacturing was stopped and now very few remained.

I took out the device and opened it. My eyes sparkled as I gazed at the variety of potions and elixirs that are present in it. It was made to make sure that potions and elixirs' quality remain as good as new ones.

After seeing that it had potions and elixirs, I quickly placed it in my dimension ring. There was a wooden box underneath the capsule. Opening it, a manual wrapped in a white cloth was inside it. Unwrapping it, I took a quick look at the manual and saw that it was the exact same manual that I saw in the images.

Placing the manual in my dimension ring, I closed all the holes that I dug and covered all my tracks that I even visited here.

After searching in hopes that something else was buried there, but not finding anything. I returned to the dorm.


Entering my room, I ordered: "Sarah, lock the room and turn to training mode."

["Okay, Master."]

I then entered my training room and took out all the things I got from the skull-shaped rock.

I first took out the capsule and organized all potions and elixirs. There were a lot more potions than I thought.

"36 Strength potions, 40 Stamina potions, 60 Mana potions and 21 Health potions. Hahaha~!! There are a lot of potions than I thought. And all of them are the highest grade!!"

'I only brought about 55 intermediate grade potions from home and here I got more than 150 highest grade potions near some rock, hahaha~! My luck is really great' I thought while feeling excited.

Next is elixirs. Elixirs are mainly found inside a dungeon. Basically, these are potions but are found in dungeons, so they have a different name from the potions that are made by pharmaceutical companies. Elixirs are more sought out than the potions, but they are also rare. They are mainly found in secret doors or secret passages in dungeons.

'There are a total of 12 elixirs, but I don't have a clue of what their function is.'

"I will buy magic scrolls to identify what their use is."

Magic scrolls are the products mainly traded from elves, as they are the ones who make them. These are one time use item made to identify the use of the item is. There are total of 5 grades of magic scrolls: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond grade.

After organizing elixirs and potions, I put them back to my dimension ring.

"Now, it is the time for the Manual."

Taking the manual out from my dimension ring, I then sat on the ground in the center of the training room and put the manual in front of me.

It was covered in a white cloth and seeing the quality of the cloth, this manual was not a common manual.

I unwrapped the cloth and took a good look at it. The manual was yellow in color and there were words engraved on it with golden thread.

'Thunder GOD'

Seeing the words, my smile grew by lengths. I was very excited to learn this amazing art.

I quickly added my mana to the manual, and it started glowing and soon, my vision blurred.


I opened my eyes and found myself on a mountain covered with black clouds. It looked like I was transported to some other world, but I knew that it is a trial made to know whether I am worthy of the art or not.

I first observed myself, and I noticed that I didn't have my dimension ring, but my sword was already by my waist in its scabbard. I then moved around and soon noticed that there was nobody around.

In no time, I started having an urge to climb the mountain in front of me. I decided to head towards the peak of the mountain.

Soon, I heard sounds coming from behind. Turning around and not sensing anyone, I decided not to let my guard down. After 15 minutes walking toward the peak, someone attacked me from behind. But I was prepared for it, I defended myself using my sword and deflected its attack.

I quickly recognized who attacked me. It was an E-Rank beast, Black Lightning Felis, and I have fought against it once during my dungeon training. They are black and look like a cougars (mountain leopard), and have lightning speed, and it mainly attacks with its claws and mostly hunts separately.

But, now in front of me there were more than 50 of these beasts.

'Oh Shit!'

I quickly started to think of any way out of this fight, but there was no way out. So, I decided to fight.

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