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RWBY: Reborn with Reaper's Powers. [Up for Adoption] RWBY: Reborn with Reaper's Powers. [Up for Adoption] original

RWBY: Reborn with Reaper's Powers. [Up for Adoption]

Author: Crimson1997

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 1

"Code Name Reaper occupation Mercenary. She is someone that has an obvious hatred for Atlas... So jimmy, what did you do to piss off this chick? I mean, she has costed you billions of credits and has killed many of your Atlesian Nobles. Granted, they were scum, but hey that kept Atlas going and now Atlas is stuck without progress." Qrow takes big gulps from his flask.

"She's a Terrorist. Plain and simple." Ironwood narrows his eyes at the image of the woman on the screen.

"Well, she can't die... I know I've tried killing her... I cut her in half once and she reappeared a few weeks later, good as new. So obviously she must be immortal, or something close to what immortality is." Qrow sighs.

Ozpin nearly crushes his cup of hot cocoa when he heard Qrow say she's immortal. 'As if it wasn't bad enough that Salem and I can't die... Now we have a third immortal on the loose out there.' Ozpin pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Please calm down, gentlemen. I've decided to bring Reaper into the fold. Such a person would be a great asset and replace our Queen Piece. Amber, our previous Queen Piece, will most likely never wake up again.

I know that you both have grievances, but I cannot allow Salem to get her hands on Reaper. I can only imagine the horrors Salem could inflict upon humanity if she gained Reaper's allegiance." Ozpin had an arm at his back while swirling his hot cocoa as he looked into the distance through the window.

'And maybe I will finally have an Ally that can stick with me through this eternal conflict... Getting new subordinates every time I reincarnate is stressful. It would be very helpful to have a fellow immortal on my side...' Ozpin sips his hot cocoa.

"Ozpin, she is very intelligent and her strategies are mind blowing enough to cripple Atlas... I do not feel comfortable having that murderer join our circle. She would just use us until we have no further use." James Ironwood continues, staring at the pictures that show sightings of the notorious Reaper trying to gleam something, anything, that would give him an edge over the mercenary.

The conversation was not going anywhere, so Qrow decided to do what he does best... Scouting.


"Jack on the rocks sir." the bartender puts a big cup of Jack Daniels on the counter in front of a drunk.

"Oh, I didn-" Qrow was cut off.

"Creepy chick in full black with a bird mask up top said you wouldn't mind bottom shelf." The Bartender goes back to mixing drinks.

"Thanks for the drink, Reaper. But I guess this isn't a social invite, right?" Qrow swirls the whiskey and takes a big gulp.

"No... I'm just curious, is all. Do you know anything about a Queen of Grimm? Or that she has a very creepy subordinate that tried to kill me but failed miserably? A scorpion Faunus who just says his name is Tyrion... Agile little shit... So you got any info on this so-called queen?" Reaper clasps her hands together giving a 'serious' look... well, about as serious as a person with a full mask on can be.

"..." Qrow looked a bit paler than usual. 'This is bad! The one thing me and Oz did not want to happen has just happened!' 

"They are hell bent on wiping out humanity. If you want anymore, information, you can meet me in Vale. Thanks for the drink." Qrow walks away as Reaper's gaze never left him, even as he walks out the door as if she can see him through the very walls.

'Well... I didn't expect it to be that easy. Ozpin was never one to reveal this whole shadow war carelessly and naturally, his is subordinates wouldn't either. Qrow will tell Ozma that I know at least a little of what's going on. It would seem very strange if I suddenly knew everything from season 1 to 9... But revealing I know of the queen and Tyrion should put them on alert. It's almost time for canon... Bad guys always lose, so I intend to be on the winning side even if things look bleak. Then again, this is reality and shit could be totally different, but my system says otherwise...' Reaper sighs.

/// A week later.

"I'm here... So now what? You going to tell me why a man named Tyrion tried contacting me? Oh, and lets not mention a man named Hazel came when Tyrion failed and along came a weird Grimm orb with the image of a very intimidating Grimm human thing or hybrid I don't know but I've never felt so much malice in my life... Clue me in will you?" Reaper slams her hands on Ozpin's table.

"That is not a secret I can just share so casually..." Ozpin looks into his reflection on the glass table before looking back up.

"..." Reaper silently aims a single hellfire shotgun at Ozpin's head and in response Qrow turns his weapon into it's scythe form and is ready to cut off her head since the blade of the scythe is on her neck.

"I can't die, remember? But he can..." Reaper puts a finger on the trigger. Qrow snarls when he sees her blatantly disregard him and sees that she has a finger on the trigger.

"Please put that down, Reaper. There is no need for hostilities. I fully intend to let you in on the ahem 'information' that you want. But you would have to join our brotherhood. You would need to swear that you will not reveal anything you hear today to anyone... Not your closest friends, not even your family, no one. The secret I am about to reveal is just that dire." Ozpin narrows his eyes at the woman.

"I'm an orphan and I don't have friends. And I doubt anyone would believe something as earth shattering as a queen that rules over the Grimm... So in that regard, I don't intend to reveal anything, since I'd just be seen as a raving lunatic." Reaper throws her hellfire shotguns to the side and they both disappear like smoke.

'In the game, I always wondered where the fuck those discarded guns go. They just go into some weird dimension and then, when I need two more, they come back fully loaded. It's some weird shit for sure... It startled me when I summoned them for the first time. It's like that fan made a video with reaper just leaving them around in piles and in the dimension there are demons hurling more shotguns through a portal... ah good times.' Reaper chuckles at their flabbergasted looks.

"So will join us?" Ozpin clasps his hands together and gives an appraising look, only to suddenly become under assault by an angry squirrel.

"Sorry... That's Chiggums, my pet squirrel and she clearly doesn't like you..." Reaper watches with amusement as Ozpin runs around the office trying to escape an aura-enhanced rodent and all attempts to help him ended in failure.

To Be Continued.

Crimson1997 Crimson1997

Tell me what you think? I've hit a writer's block with my other works... And I decided to try something new. I'd like to know your thoughts down in the comments... Because this is what I will be focusing on.

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