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Chapter 33: Chapter 29 – The Poem

Chapter 29 – The Poem

A lot has happened in seven days. Kanemitsu was able to forge a very good katana and a couple of trench knives. There were no problems with katana and I trained with it as usual, but couldn't say the same about trench knifes. A week is not enough to get used to them on the same level as katana. But then the Suna-nins helped me, they became my sparring partners, which allowed me to learn, albeit minimally, how to use my trench knifes effectively. They were forbidden to participate, but were allowed to help, so they became my sparring partners.

I was grateful to fate that my clan mainly fought with the clans of the Lightning country, not the Wind, so there was no enmity between Kuma and Saichi, and they calmly extended a helping hand to me. Plus they had their own interest in my victory so I could train without expecting a backstab at least till the end of Blood Trial.

The peculiarity of the Blood Trial was that it originally came not from artisans and shinobi, but from samurai. In ancient times, samurai very often arranged duels among themselves. The survival of a samurai depended not only on his skills, but also on the quality of his weapon. At that time, many blacksmiths sold crappy swords for easy money, passing them off as masterpieces. And the fact that a buyer with such a crappy sword would not survive the first skirmish did not bother them much, they say, if there is no one to make a claim, then there are no problems. But the samurai did not like this situation very much, and they decided to test the quality of weapons with the help of non-lethal duels. If the sword turned out to be bad and broke during the test, then the blacksmith who sold such shit could be executed or deprived of the right to put his brand, which deprived him of the status of a master.

Gradually, renowned and trusted blacksmiths rise up, they have founded their own schools, and the number of good smiths increased accordingly. This resulted in further rivalry between schools and weapon smiths. Everyone wanted to be the best and reach the peak, everyone wanted to become a legend.

Now the tests have become a competition in skill between master weapon smiths. The winner received recognition and fame, and the loser could lose his reputation. Then these tests became a way for young talents to declare themselves by forging weapons that were not only inferior, but even superior to the products of recognized masters of their time. This tradition was also picked up by shinobi, which allowed the masters to go beyond the limitations of traditional samurai weapons and forge a wider range of weapons. Conditions changed, rules were added, but one thing remained unchanged – blood was oozing on each test, which give name for this competition of weapons smiths, the Blood Trial.

Now I will have to clash with the shinobi who were hired by 4 pillar families. And knowing how deep their pockets are, they will put experienced warriors against me. But not everything is so bad. A special requirement of my trial was the ban on the use of ranged ninjutsu, only tai and bukijutsu. Specialised meler training just was my advantage, but my potential opponents have experience. So I would say that the chances are about 50-50, well, with my kekkai gekkai, it's about 60-40. But it's still not a reason to relax.

Finally, the day of trial come. All doubts are gone, fear is a small death. I will accept my fear and let it pass through me. When I turn my gaze inside, there will only be me. I'm ready no matter what comes, let blood be shed!

My first opponent was a clanless one from the land of Lightning. His weapon was a pair of katanas in a sheath decorated with a Kuja symbol. Well, marketing and advertising was invented here a long time ago so nothing surprising. We stood in the centre of the arena and waited for the judge. Arriving using a Body Flicker, a local Shinobi told us the rules of the trial. You can win by forcing the enemy to surrender or if the enemy is unconscious or killed. Stop talking, I need to beat three man more besides this one. Finally, the go-ahead and the gong sound. The battle began.

The enemy wanted to push me, but I immediately managed to interrupt his combat rhythm and began to push him. Kanemitsu's katana just danced in my hands so things were great and I kept pushing. I started to notice the traces of microcracks and chips on his blades. Let him have two katanas, but I forced him into defence, which allowed me to concentrate blows on a certain point on each katana. A couple of minutes and his katanas began to be covered with cracks until they broke one by one. And there I threw away my katana, grabbed the confused enemy by his arms and drove the stumps of his katanas into the neck.

Done, bring the next one. This enemy has become some kind of pass-through, but it is possible that he was put at least not much but try to exhaust me. And my accumulated tiredness might make me easy prey for 3rd or 4th opponent.

While I was thinking about the strategy of the 4 pillar families, the organizers removed the corpse and covered the blood with sand. My second opponent was a shinobi from the village of a Hidden Hot Spring, his weapon was a Naginata.

This time everything was much faster, no repetition of the rules, just go-ahead and the gong sound. My opponent threw up a cloud of sand and dust, not allowing me to shorten the distance. I tried to get through, but he was twirling his damn naginata like a feather, not allowing me to get closer. When I tried to take a break between my attempts to break through, he used the length of his weapon, not giving me a minute to think through a plan or rest. He was even able to make me get some scratches that forced me to speed up even more. My katana is completely useless, he either parries all my attacks or goes into a counterattack using the length of his weapon. It's a stalemate, he can't hit me, and I can't reach him.

I started looking for a way out and then I felt soft sand under my left foot. The idea came to mind to use a trick with a veil of sand and dust only more concentrated. But this option has a minus, I will have to stand still for a long time and gather a sufficient amount of sand. And that won't make it any easier for me to dodge the naginata's sharp blade. Although there are no other options yet, I have to work with that.

At the cost of a couple of additional scratches, I was able to collect enough sand and scooped it up with my left foot and threw it towards the enemy. He did not expect me to repeat his trick anyway and just waved his naginata away, dissecting a suspension of sand and dust. But this opened a gap in his defence into which I rushed, putting back katana and taking out trench knives. Here I am at an extremely close distance cutting a tendon on his supporting leg. The enemy tries to restrain me using the handle, but the second knife cuts off a couple of his fingers, forcing him to drop the naginata and there I leap on him and get position on top and start hitting him right into his face with brass knuckles. The spikes tear his face apart as well as breaking bones. For a couple of minutes, I just beat his face like dough until I get tired of it and, turning the knife with blade up, I did not break the skull with a bolt spike on the shank. The enemy wheezed for several seconds until finally the agony began, and he shuddered for the last time and died.

The audience liked the bloody finale, and they shouted my name as I went to my corner where I could wash and catch my breath until the arena was ready for the next duel. But apparently 4 families-pillars shitted themselves in fear and decided not to give me time to rest since I was called to the centre of the arena shortly.

My opponent in the 3rd round was a shinobi from Suna wrapped up like a Bedouin. I wonder where did they have found him, but most irritating thing is that his weapon was Sheng biao, a dart with a on a long rope with small cloth attached near the dart. Hell, with such a weapon, an experienced fighter simply won't give me a chance to close the distance.

Another go-ahead wave and the ringing of the gong. The enemy sharply twisted his weapon around himself and jumped very high up, increasing the distance. It was half a problem, I tried to cut the rope, but it turned out to be hard as steel and small lightning bolts ran through it. He's good, he uses his wind affinity for manoeuvre, and with the help of lightning affinity he wants to fry me up.

I was taught how to deal with such opponents, but his weapon does not allow me to use the tactics I have developed. i can't cut or get hold of the rope. My head is a in a complete mess and I'm starting to feel tired after non-stop dodging. At the end, he knocks the katana out of my hands. I had to get out my trench knives, at least some kind of weapon, even if useless in this case.

I try to block another blow, but then suddenly the handkerchief near the blade clings to the spikes on the brass knuckles crossed in the hand block position. Here's a chance! Not wanting to waste such an opportunity, I try to nail the dart to the ground as tightly as possible and start running up the rope, attaching my feet on it using chakra. In my hand there is only an empty scabbard, which I use as baseball bat and hit right unexpecting enemy right into head. I knocked out the enemy's eye but it wasn't enough for me and I just stepped on his throat, breaking the windpipe, blocking access to air. Well he is going to die for sure, unless local medics manage to save his life.

I slowly pick up my katana and my trench knives. Using a cloth from Shen bayu, I wipe the blood-stained scabbard and shoes. Now its time for final fight and I can enjoy the feeling of victory.

I slowly take out a cherry cigarette and wait in the centre for the next opponent. 4 fuckers won't give me time to rest, and I already don't have the extra strength to wander around the arena. So I'll just smoke and wait for the next victim.

Inhaling the aroma of cherries, I did not notice how a strong two-meter chunk with Iwa protector appeared in front of me. His weapon was a pair of maces, heavy as fuck by their look. The last wave and sound of the gong for today. Well, let's get it started.

I spit the cigarette end into the ground and hold a katana and a scabbard in my hands. I don't have enough strength for constant evasion, my only hope is for a successful counterattack or an enemy mistake. But the damn Iwa-nin doesn't give me a chance by supressing me. I tried to counterattack, but he just covered his body with hard stone armour. All my punches just bounced off his stone armour. With every minute my chances of winning became less and less, not only the fatigue of my body, but also the fatigue of the metal of my weapon become visible. I couldn't even tell what would break first, my bones or my weapon.

The scabbard was the first to break, it simply could no longer restrain the force of his blows and split into pieces. Then came the turn of the katana, the blade broke off almost at the very guard. Only my trench knives are left.

But even they didn't help me hold off the last attack, which threw me to the other side of the arena. My mind was in blur, I felt incredibly tired. Haha, and I just wanted a clean victory without using ninjutsu or kekkai gekkai. Only weapons and taijutsu.

Then I saw the impudent face of the damn Iwa-nin. He walked slowly, grinning and toying with his maces. And this disgusting grin made me angry, and a long-forgotten poem began to play in my head.

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul.

Unleashing an inhuman roar, I rushed at the enemy. Cold rage filled my body with strength and forced my mind to work at an incredible speed. And I found a way to defeat the enemy. Using the chakra, I strengthened my fists and started hitting him on the stone- aromour eye cover. I kept dodging with the last drops of energy, but I kept hitting him. My fists were covered in blood, but the chakra continued to flow through them, and I just kept beating. No emotions, just my goal and me. Finally I was able to break through his defenses and my fingers rushed to his eyes. Two nasty squelching sounds and the enemy falls to the ground with a howl. And on my fingers there are pieces of what was his eyes not so long ago.

I need to finish this trial, it has already dragged for too long. I didn't pay attention to the enemy screaming in pain and fear. I went for trench knives, my claws and fangs. Having found them, I went towards my oponent. Walking up to him, I punched him in the groin, forcing him to shut up. I went behind him and grabbed him by the neck and forced him to kneel. I slowly raised my claws over his head and looked at the silent stands. Everyone wanted to see the bloody end of the most brutal duel of today.

Yes, it's time to end all this. I abruptly lowered my trench knives and their blades hit the empty eye sockets getting to the brain. The enemy shuddered and died. Finally, the long-awaited silence. I took out the last cigarette from the pack stained with my blood and lit it with my finger.

Surrounded by the pleasant aromas of cherries, I left the arena without hearing the ovation and the shout of the crowd.

- Kuma! Kuma! Kuma!

I just went inside the tunnel, where my students and allies were waiting for me, and I began to slide down the wall. But even when a pleasant darkness enveloped my mind, a smile still played on my face.

I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul!

Abi_Daulen Abi_Daulen

3/4 of Weapon's Hatred

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