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Chapter 4: ch

"That man is Lucifer Morningstar."

Izzy's first reaction was to laugh. This was a joke. Magnus was joking. He had to be. There was no way he was being serious. But the longer Izzy held his gaze, the longer he looked at her with those wide, concerned eyes just waiting for her to break, the less funny the joke became.

"You''re joking, right?" Izzy asked, desperately hoping for a yes. But Magnus remained silent, his grip on her hands tightening, as if bracing for her fall. "Are you seriously telling me that I slept with Lucifer Morningstar? The Devil?"

Izzy got up and started to pace, her arms frantically moving in all directions.

"That's impossible! He was so normal! I mean, not normal but he was mundane! He looked mundane, he had a mundane job! My necklace didn't even glow - "

She cut herself off, because how was she supposed to reconcile the fact that she had slept with Evil himself, the great tempter, the King of Hell and all its demons? The Devil was a monster, full of fire and fury - a beast of sulphur and ash with thorny wings and angry red burns. That was what Izzy had been taught her whole life. The Devil was wicked and sin and cruelty. The Devil was not fancy suits and red-bottomed shoes and sly smiles. The Devil was not whispered touches, biting kisses, and soft California king beds.

"Before we go jumping to conclusions..." Magnus twirled his wrist, a flash of blue smoke dancing across his palm, and a white stick appeared. It was thin and made of plastic, with a tiny window on the opposite end of a flat sensor. Izzy had seen these in a few of the mundane comedies Simon had forced her to endure. They were supposed to measure hormones to predict pregnancy. Magnus held it out to her. "Take the test, Isabelle."

"Like a mundane?"

"I could go to the trouble of whipping up a potion, but why waste the time and ingredients when these work just as well?"

Izzy grumbled and snatched the test from Magnus' hand. She didn't meant to be so irate, but the fear that had started to fester under her skin was making her antsy. She did not want to be pregnant. By the Angel, Izzy did not want to be pregnant. But the more she thought about it, the more likely the situation seemed to point towards pregnancy and that...that terrified her. A baby terrified her more than new shadow demons or Valentine or even death.

Begrudgingly, Izzy took the test into the bathroom to get it over and done with. The whole process was kind of gross if she had to be honest. She washed her hands twice when she was done, taking the test and placing it on a paper towel on the kitchen counter where both she and Magnus could see. Minutes crept by like hours. She was gripping Magnus' hand so hard it had to hurt, but he did not let go. Izzy was so very grateful she did not have to go through this agony by herself.

Izzy chanced a glance at the clock. The required time had elapsed. If she looked at that test now, it would tell her whether or not she was carrying the spawn of Satan inside her. She knew that mundanes and Shadowhunters were incompatible, just as Downworlders were, but angels? The Devil himself? That was uncharted territory.

With shaking hands, Izzy picked up the test. Two pink lines glared out at her, mocking her.



Her eyes stung with tears as she threw the test across the room. She wanted to throw more things, but none were within grabbing distance. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. She wanted to curse the Angel and every divine entity for allowing this to happen to her. Hadn't she been through enough?

Magnus got up and rushed over to her, gathering her up and holding her close. The pressure of his arms around her, the warmth of him, was comforting. Everything about Magnus was soothing, even when Izzy felt like she was standing in the middle of a hurricane. If Izzy was caught in the storm, then Magnus was the guiding light. He had gotten her this far; he could guide her to shore.

"What do I do Magnus?"

"I don't know," he said gently, holding her to his chest. "But whatever you decide, I will support you, and so will Alec, and Jace, and Clary. We won't let you go through this alone."

"Please don't tell Alec," Izzy begged, hating doing this to Magnus. Alec was his boyfriend, her brother, but Izzy needed this to remain quiet. At least for now. At least until she had a grip on the situation. As much as she loved Alec and Clary and Jace, they would only make this harder for her. "I know it's unfair of me to ask, but please, just...for a little while...I don't want anyone to know."

"It's alright. You don't have to explain yourself," Magnus assured, but the lines in his forehead deepened and his eyes looked pinched. He clearly didn't like what Izzy was asking, but he kept those complaints silent. "I won't tell anyone. But you can't keep this a secret forever. At some point, it will literally show."

"I know, I know," Izzy sighed, trying to push the image of herself with a swollen belly out of her mind before she broke down. "Hopefully by then everything won't seem so overwhelming."

"Like I said, you don't have to do this alone."

"Thank you," Izzy mumbled into the tear-stained silk of Magnus' ruined shirt.

"What I do think you should do is talk to Lucifer."

"Talk? To the Devil?" Izzy repeated, dumbfounded at the simplicity yet the impossibility of the sentence. "Just find him in his club, part my way through the sea of drunk mundanes, and say 'hello Satan, I'm carrying your baby'?"

"Perhaps with a bit more tact than that," Magnus scoffed a bit, though he was still smiling. "You met him. Was he really so unapproachable? You must have liked him well enough to take him to bed."

"I have a feeling everyone in that club would take him to bed if he asked."

"True, he does have a...way with people."

Maybe it was the pensive look on Magnus' face, or maybe it was the room for interpretation put in the pause between words, but a terrible, sickening thought flashed through Izzy's mind.

" don't think?"

"Oh no, absolutely not," Magnus was quick to assure, waving away any doubt. "Lucifer may be many things, but he is always honest. He would stoop as low as to manipulate someone into bed. Whatever you felt, whatever drew you two together, was completely natural."

"Or supernatural," Izzy mumbled, wrapping her arms around her abdomen.

"Just think about it, Isabelle. Talk to him. He deserves to know. Say the word and I can make us a portal right outside Lux's front doorstep."

Izzy narrowed her eyes. "I thought warlocks could only make portals to places they've been before?"

Magnus shrugged. "I am familiar with the area."

"That distant relative in LA..."

Magnus nodded once, curtly. So, Magnus was related to the Devil himself. Fascinating. Izzy knew all demons came from Hell, but demons were usually more closely related to Lilith than Lucifer. She wanted to ask who Magnus' father was, but Izzy got the feeling that Magnus knew where this conversation was headed and was trying to cut if off before anyone struck a nerve. A conversation for another time.

Izzy could feel guilt eating at her. She knew that talking to the father, even if that father was Lucifer freaking Morningstar, was the right thing to do. She could not bring a child like this into the world without knowing what she was getting into. This baby could be born with hooves and horns for all she knew. Only one person had the answers.

"Yeah, why not. Let's go have a chat with the Devil."

Even though he was the one to suggest the infernal meeting, Magnus raised his brows in shock. "Are you sure? If you're not comfortable - "

"I'm sure. Let's just get this over with."

Magnus nodded and snapped his fingers, the shimmering golden portal forming behind them. Izzy looked at it with dread. She had stepped through her fair share of portals throughout her career, but none scared her as much as this one. She had gone to Alicante, across the world to its most hostile spots, but it was a luxury penthouse that scared her the most.

Fingers thread through hers, and Izzy looked to see that Magnus had taken her hand. Surprisingly, it was easier to step forward with someone to hold onto. Magnus' weight was grounding, keeping her from changing her mind and turning around. She wanted to. As soon as the whoosh of the portal roared in her ears, Izzy had no greater want than to turn right back around. But Magnus kept her in place, kept putting her feet one in front of the other until Magnus' apartment vanished and was replaced by another, much more extravagant one.

The penthouse looked just as Izzy remembered: from the fully-stocked bar to the wall of windows to the polished grand piano in the center.

It was, unfortunately, not as empty as Izzy remembered.

For there, bent over the piano smoking a cigarette and drinking a glass of whiskey, sat Izzy's Mister Tall Dark and Handsome. The Devil Himself. Lucifer Morningstar.

"Ah, if it isn't my favorite nephew! What brings you to the city of lost angels?" Lucifer crowed as he got up and sauntered over to Magnus. Lucifer clapped one hand over Magnus' shoulder hard enough to shake Magnus' frame, seemingly unconcerned that Magnus had broken in uninvited. Then, he caught sight of Izzy, and his expression fell to something a little more confused. "...and why have you brought along this particular Nephilim?"

"So you remember me?"

"My dear, how could I forget?" Lucifer replied smoothly, but the tension in his dark eyes made it clear that it was not completely a compliment. "I was actually hoping that night had been something of a bad dream. You see, it isn't every day you discover a particularly good shag is the very distant relative of your least favorite brother."

"I'm afraid this isn't a social call, Lucifer," Magnus said apologetically, watching as Lucifer's lips pulled down into a frown. "That night you described is precisely why I brought Isabelle here. Apparently there were...consequences."

Lucifer arched one dark eyebrow. "Consequences?"

There was no use beating around the bush, not with the Prince of Lies watching Izzy's every move. Steeling herself, Izzy drew in a breath and let it go.

"I'm pregnant."

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