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13.33% Shu Senju

Chapter 2: Chapter Two

While I was floating around in what I now know to be a glass tank my mind drifted back to my time at the Academy.

It was not long into my first week that I realised I was going to be incredibly bored during my stay in the Academy.

After all there was very little I could learn here.

Due to this my mind began to plan out something else I could spend this time mastering thus making it not a complete and utter waste of time.

With that several ideas came to my mind all more difficult than the last and frankly even if I stayed here for the full duration of the Academy curriculum I doubt I would have enough time to master all of them.

As such I needed something that could help me speed things up a little.

Of course the only thing that came to mind in that regard was the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

I knew for a fact I lacked the required reserves to use the Multi Shadow Clone variant but the normal Shadow Clone Technique should be more than doable with my current reserves.

It was with this in mind that after that day's classes were over I returned to the Senju district.

I went to Buma Sensei's training grounds where he was putting a bunch of pre-Academy kids through their paces.

"Back so soon" Buma said with a confident grin.

"Yes Buma Sensei. I was wondering if I could get your help" I replied knowing not to beat around the bush with him.

"Speak and I will see if I can help" Buma replied.

And so I told him how I wanted to learn the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

This left Buma deep in thought.

He was weighing the variables to determine if I could perform the technique safetly.

Once he decided I could use the technique he was more than willing to share it after all it was a technique created by Tobirama Senju and thus part of our heritage.

He walked me through the theory and then explained how to practice the technique.

Fortunately it was all relatively simple.

All that was needed was to partition a portion of my Chakra and use a mixture of Yin and Yang release to give it both form and substance.

Those Chakra Natures are represented in the unique hand-sign of the technique as such it forces the Chakra in ones body to mould itself.

Fortunately the latter is oddly instinctual and didn't require an intricate working knowledge of those unique Chakra Natures for the technique to be a success.

It was more trial and error to determine the minimum amount of Chakra needed to form a stable Shadow Clone than anything else.

Said process only took me a few hours and once I was done I smiled brightly knowing I was one step closer to achieving my goals.

From that night onwards I would create two Shadow Clones (Unfortunately my limit) and have them aid me in keeping Chakra I directed to my forehead throughout the day in pace while I slept.

This was my attempt at creating the Strength Of One Hundred seal without the complete Chakra Control required normally.

As you probably guessed I took inspiration from Naruto's use of Shadow Clones to create the Rasengan to pull this off.

Fortunately my plan seems to be working too.

As such each morning I would wake up and find the Chakra stored into my forehead had grown substantially.

I developed a quick estimation of how long it would take for the seal to form at this rate and figured I would only need around one and a half to two years for it to fully form.

Obviously this wasn't the only thing I did during that time period.

One I recreated the Rasengan based on the training method I knew from my past life.

I would be a fool not to, after all it is one of the few attack type ninjutsu in this world that required no hand seals.

It took me roughly a year to get it to the point I could use it without a Shadow Clone but even then its formation speed was too slow to be usable in battle.

It was a further six months after that point before it was battle ready.

Now I didn't just spend my time recreating abilities from the series based on my knowledge.

No I also worked on techniques of my own.

For example I took the Substitution Jutsu to a whole other level.

As such I could use it almost instantly over a short distance.

I combined this with the Shadow Shurikenjutsu to create a sort of great value version of the Flying Thunder God technique.

Sadly the technique had its share of downsides such as I needed them to be Shurikens made of my own Chakra for me to be able to sense them otherwise the technique is unusable.

Then there was the fact I could only use it in a relatively close environment and that it increased my speed so much it was damn near impossible to keep up with, my eyes simply couldn't keep up with the speed I was traveling.

It would probably be easier if I had a Sharingan or a Byakugan but I didn't, as such I needed another solution for my problem.

Fortunately that solution came with the sensory skills my Mother began to pass on to me.

The rest of my time at the Academy consisted of incorporating these techniques into my combat style while also maintaining a stranglehold on the top student position.

It was around the time I mastered this that the Strength Of One Hundred Seal formed on my forehead.

Almost immediately as it formed I felt a sudden shift in my Chakra.

For one my control over it had reached the state of perfection with not a single drop of Chakra ever wasted.

Thanks to this enhanced Chakra Control I managed to recreate the strength enhancing blows that Sakura learned from Tsunade almost right away thus making my Taijutsu style even deadlier.

My Chakra Control also in turn improved my skill with the Rasengan and the Thunder Substitution Technique as I named it due to the sonic boom that gets created when used.

Eventually when I turned nine I graduated with honours just in time for the final few battles of the Second Shinobi World War.

Of Course I was immediately shipped off to the battle field where I was forced to take a life for the first time.

I would like to say it was some great battle where it was him or me, but frankly with my techniques it was all very one sided even if my first true battle was against a Chunin.

He simply couldn't see through my techniques and as such he was basically a sitting duck.

The same trend continued until we were finally called back when the Second Shinobi World War came to an end.

As such I only saw a total of six months of war time action but in that time I managed to kill roughly 200 enemy ninja's.

Of course I would often lament the deaths as they seemed so utterly pointless to me.

I'm by no means a saint who believes that killing is always wrong but I certainly think that death for no point is probably the biggest sin possible.

Fortunately with the war now ending the chances of me having to kill so many again any time soon should be rather slim.

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