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Chapter 4: CH 04 ~ Filthy Desires

[WARNING: This chapter contains mature contents and violence]

As soon as the emperor got to know about the argument between the empress and the nominal queen, he became angry as the queen fell sick right after that.

How dare she treat Jena like this!

She treated Jena like that; we must take revenge on her because of this!

A voice rang in the emperor's mind and his expression turned dark.

'That's right. I have to punish her for treating Jena like this.'

As the emperor couldn't wait for the empress to come, so he asked his aid to lead him to the empress's palace.

But where his aid leads him was not to the empress palace but to the abandoned mansion of the imperial palace.

The emperor had a lot of questions on his mind as he stared at the mansion before him with a frown on his face.

'Why does she live here?'

This mansion looks like a haunted house as his great-grandfather had burned this palace after his wife was killed by the other concubines, who lived there.

From then on, no one even enters this house.

He didn't visit her in the empress palace since her second miscarriage almost a year ago.

And half a year earlier, he started to call her to him whenever he needed her.

So he can't recall or know why she is living in this place.

But the emperor kept his emotions controlled, even if he had many questions, and stepped inside the mansion with heavy footsteps.

As soon as Eleanora saw him, her face was full of shock and fear as she stood up from her bed to greet him.


His deep voice echoed in the room as Rena unwillingly nodded before stepping out, giving the empress a last glance full of worry.

Her jewel-blue eyes were begging Rena to not leave and as soon as the doors were closed behind them, he took a huge step toward her.

Eleanora immediately backed away from him as he approached her in fear but it was too late…

The emperor strode up with long footsteps and grabbed her slender neck with his large hand, pinning her against the wall before him.


"Your Majesty... P-Please...,"

Eleanora whimpered out against his choke, struggling to breathe as she tiptoed.

Seeing her face turning pale, his hand loosened slightly as he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

It was crazy, but even in a moment like this; sparks erupt from where his hand touched her skin.

He always felt physically attracted and his emotions were in turmoil because of her, which he hated the most.

For wanting the empress, even if he hates her.

She was always able to make his emotions uncontrollable, drive him crazy…

The emperor always tried to keep her away from him for the last few months as she was not well.

But it always ended by calling her to him over and over.

He hates her, but sometimes he also questions himself…

Why does he hate her?


Eleanora coughed a little to breathe as her jewel blue eyes filled with tears and her face started to turn pale, which brought him back to reality and he gritted his teeth as he loosened his grip.

Why is his heart aching?

Her long eyelashes were wet and her body trembled due to the lack of oxygen as she panted.

Something clenched in his heart tightly and as always, he chooses to ignore this bothering feeling.

The room was pitching black and he could only see her shining silver hair and Jewel blue eyes sparkling because of the faint moonlight, which was coming in through the window.

"Who do you think you are to treat her that way?!"

The emperor roared in her face, even if he didn't want to and Eleanora flinched.

"Your Majesty... she came to me first and-"


The emperor cut her off with another roar.

"I don't want your excuses. Jena isn't cold-blooded like you."

"What if you had caused her enough stress to induce a miscarriage?"

"Are you really so petty as to kill a child out of spite?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Eleanora looked at him with disbelief as she never thought that, he could think her that lowly to kill an unborn baby.

How can she harm someone else's child when she has already experienced such heartbreak twice and the emperor kept staring at her as his heart started to beat faster with unknown emotions, which he couldn't name. 

Even in her distorted expression of sadness and tears, Eleanora still looked so beautiful that stopped him from saying anything else.

A curl of her messy hair had fallen out of place and was framing her forehead, and her jewel-blue eyes sparkled like stars in the night sky.

He could feel the height difference so clearly when he stood so close to her like this as she was a foot smaller than him.

"Look up at me, Empress and answer."

The Emperor ordered but she kept her gaze lowered down blankly to avoid looking at him.

As the emperor had burning fire magic, naturally he was attracted to her freezing ice magic.

Her touch and scent were intoxicating, capable of driving him crazy.

'I am going crazy again…'

'This is all her fault!'

But then Eleanora took a deep breath as she tried to explain one last time.

"Your Majesty... I would never do it. She provoked me first-."

Eleanora started in a pleading voice but soon she was cut off again with a resounding sound echoing in the room.


The emperor slapped her across the face extremely hard that, it left his fingerprint marks on her pale cheeks and a tear drop left her eyes in pain instantly.

Eleanora blinked as her vision became blurred with tears and her cheek burned because of the sharp stinging pain.


Even the emperor himself was shocked by his action, and his hands, which he used to slap her started to tremble.

'How could I raise my hands at her?'

'Why did I become so aggressive all of a sudden?'


He stared at her with shock as her plump lips kept shivering from the pain but she chose to stay silent as her heart felt numb in pain.

That was it… she finally admitted her defeat.

'He slapped me because of her…'

Eleanora felt her insides becoming colder as she didn't even make a sound after being slapped.

She was already broken but his next words shattered every tiniest bit of hope in her and her insides felt twitching due to disgust.

"You're nothing, Empress... Even if you bear me a child, your child will be nothing just like you. If you dare to hurt Jena again, I will make sure you regret it!"

The emperor found himself speaking against his mind and his headache got stronger as the urge to dive deep into her scent to calm down also increased.

'I need her…'

Not being able to bear the burning pain in his head, he leaned down to kiss her neck as soon as he whispered those cruel words to her without any care.

"You are only worth this and always will be!"

The moment his cold lips touched her skin, his body felt alive again in a way he had never experienced before.

It was burning with a need to embrace her and escape from everything.

Like how magnets pull each other, he felt the same towards her; and only her.

There was only one time when he had been unfaithful towards her, which resulted in Jena's pregnancy even if he doesn't remember a single detail.

He doesn't even know why he declared her as the Queen and her child as the heir.

But all of those things started to disappear from his mind as he embraced her.

The terrible headache was gone like some magic.

But she felt dead inside and her lack of response irritated him.

He furiously pulled the ribbon of her dress, and it fell off from her upper body to the ground and Eleanora just let him do it.

Her face had no emotions and her eyes looked lifeless.

'Because he won't stop even if I beg… he will show mercy to a dog but not to me…'

'I am that much worthless to him…I should have known it.'

'He just thinks of me as a slut… who will spread her legs for him every time he asks for it like a hungry beast… I am only worth this much to him.'

Eleanora gritted her teeth as a bitter feeling rose in her heart and the urge to push him away from her body increased.

But still, she remained silent and motionless.

'Break me how much you can today…'

'Because you aren't going to get another chance, Your Majesty.'

As he put his one hand on her waist while touching her slim thigh with another hand and pulled her closer to him, he could clearly feel the differences in her emotions as she didn't react to any of his touches like she always does.

There was no emotion on her face and a frown appeared on his face in anger...maybe towards himself.

'I am really crazy…'

'I expect her to react to my touch when I slapped her with my hands and called her a slut indirectly.'

'And now I am shamelessly coveting her body once again for my own pleasure…'

'But still, it angers me when she ignores me…'


Eleanora jolted up and she was forced to put her hands on his shoulder to maintain balance as he lifted her up from the ground all of a sudden.

She looked at him for a second, before she closed her eyes tightly as she felt his lips on the hollow of her neck and let him continue with his filthy desires.

Hoping it ends soon as it has always.

From her neck, He slowly trailed his wet kisses to her bosoms and she clenched his clothes tightly.

Her eyes were still closed as she bit her lips to hold back her voice, which she didn't want to let out.

She didn't like how her body was reacting to his touches, it made her feel cheap and vulgar for feeling like that.

But he was being desperate to hear her voice and his heart was beating so fast that he was afraid that she could hear it.

'I want to hear her voice…'

With that thought, he spins around her body and falls on the bed with her before climbing up on her.


Eleanora whimpered in pain before looking away as he stared at her but unlike her shyness, her jewel-blue eyes contained no more emotions.

It was cold and lifeless, like a person who had given up on everything.

She just kept staring at the window and he gritted his teeth as this made him feel frustrated.

'Why aren't you looking at me today?'

'Why aren't you letting out your voice anymore?'

'Are you trying to run away from me?'

He gritted his teeth as she refused to look at him and felt irritated.

"Empress... Look at me,"

He spoke as he gripped her jaw tightly before he slammed his lips on her forcefully as she refused to look at him.


Eleanora tried to resist the kiss for the first time and a frown appeared on his face as he devoured her lips more roughly and tangled their limbs together to cage her under him.

'This is the same lips which must have kissed that woman.'

Eleanora thought as she struggled and he caught her wrists tightly in his grip before putting them above her head; before hurrying to unbutton his shirt.

His hands trailed on her naked body; putting his body weight over hers to make her stop struggling.

And Eleanora stopped as he might discover her pregnancy if she failed to conceal the baby's mana powers while struggling to fight him.

But he took that as a sign of her giving in to him and his tongue urgently searched for hers with the urge to explore her mouth.

His hot body made her shiver down her sprain as she felt breathless because of his dominating kiss.


Eleanora started to pant hard as she was out of breath after he released her to take off the rest of their clothes.

Then even before she could react again, she found him over her again as his hands went down to stroke her private parts and gasped as he entered her without any prior warning.


Eleanora hissed in sudden pain as she was unprepared for it and he groaned in pleasure.

He was finally feeling light-headed and peaceful.


Sweats dropped down from his hair to his skin, before they fell on her face and mixed with her tears as he continued to plump in and out from her tightness while moaning for her in pleasure, which also slowly turned the same for her as she was used to his roughness.

Eleanora bit her lips again to stop her voice as she clenched the bed sheets to not react to him and stop the urge to embrace him like she always used to do.



Her body arched as he pushed himself deeper inside of hers roughly while calling her out, but she rather bit her lips to bleed than respond.

He didn't like how unwilling she looked and thus he pushed himself deeper in her, earning another moan which she tried hard to suppress.



Eleanora clenched her eyes tightly as she asked him to slow down in case the baby in her belly got hurt due to this and a groan came out from him as he felt his body becoming lighter and refreshing like it always does.


Unwillingly, Eleanora also let out a very low moan, which sounded pleasing to his ears as he slowed down a little as she asked.

"Is it okay?"

Eleanora was surprised for a moment as this was the first time that he had listened to her plea and nodded before getting shocked as he kissed her forehead all of a sudden.

Even he, himself was shocked by his actions and clenched his teeth, intoxicated by the melting sweet stimulation he was feeling, and pushed himself deeper into her.

Eleanora was still looking at him with a shocked expression and trembling with delicate and small shivers as he paced up his movements.


She unwillingly let out a soft whimper as he started to thrust deep into her core and continued to kiss her milky white skin.

For a moment, He couldn't get rid of the feeling that he embraced her for the last time as his heart was getting fearful all of a sudden as she closed her eyes again.

"Empress, look at me..."

The emperor spoke with an almost pleading voice but she kept her eyes closed tightly as she refused to look at him…after the effect of his sudden sympathy on her was over.

This made him angrier and he lost control once again as he grabbed her slim thighs tightly before thrusting into her roughly.


Eleanora hurriedly wrapped her hands around his neck as her body jingled due to his roughness and he made her sit up on his lap with a swift motion after grabbing her buttocks tightly in his huge palms.




"Your…Your Majesty!!"

She hissed in pain again and he felt successful as she finally let out her voice.

His edge hit her depths with every thrust and Eleanora dug her nails into his back sharply as she buried her face in his neck.

She didn't want it anymore; she hated this pleasure now which she used to crave for before.

But he said nothing and let her scratch him, which was her way of relieving anger on him and running his fingertips through her silver hair.


He panted heavily as he felt himself coming inside of her soon and fastened his pace urgently.

Her inside was wrapping around his flesh tightly and his face stiffened because of the pleasure he was getting from her tightness.

Despite her body reacting to him, Eleanora was completely feeling numb from inside.




Even names that he had never sung before, suddenly flowed through his lips and she finally showed another surprised look.

He called her by name for the first time, as he always called her 'You or Empress'.

Something in his heart was feeling very low, telling him that he was going to lose something precious.


Eleanora finally could no longer suppress tears, and they slid down on his back as her eyes grew bigger with the distinct sensation.

She finally embraces him back after recovering from the shock of hearing him calling her name, which her mother used to call her by.

Why only now?

Why did he call her name today when she had been waiting for years to hear it?

He kept coming in and out of her roughly as her lack of interest was driving him crazier.

'You used to smile at me, try to touch me, try to embrace me, why aren't you doing that now?'

He embraced her so tightly like he wanted to melt inside of her body, like there was no tomorrow for them.

At the deepest thrust, He let out a loud groan and she hugged him more tightly as he finally let out his release.


Tears continued to come out from her eyes, as it silently fell on his back and she breathed heavily.

'It finally ended…'

But before he could hug her back, she immediately pushed him away and pulled the blanket to cover herself and he stared at her with pain.

She was Indirectly telling him to go away; she didn't want to see him anymore.

He can go now, as he has fulfilled his filthy desires like always.

Where his heart started to feel heavy with a sudden guilt.

Judging her cold eyes, he was sure that the lingering leftover feelings she had for him, died at that moment when he had slapped her.

'Do you hate me now?'

'Are you also going to leave me?'

Just the thought of her hating him, made his heart ache and he found it irritating.

The headache which was gone, seemed to coming back again more strongly and he gritted his teeth.

'Just what is wrong with me?!'

He extended his hands to stroke her hair but then he just got up as he always did and fixed his clothes with a sneer.

He took one last glance at her, before closing the door with a loud thud to let her know he was leaving and Eleanora clenched the blanket that was covering her naked body filled with his scent.




'Only if I had never loved you…' 

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