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Chapter 2: Ritualistic Brain Surgery and Basic Lessons

In Illiard, core territory of his majesty, the 1st high seat of the Eternal Council, on the top of a massive, tall stone tower stood the Master – which is how I will refer to the old man from now on – in a circle drawn with silvery blood. The circle consisted of hundreds of tiny runes connected to each other in an intricate pattern. Individually, they were – in the truest sense of the word – imperceptible. In their entirety, their beauty, if observed, would drive a mortal mad. Simply put, just this magic circle, was divine. In its centre lay the child, Zyros.

"Unfortunately, you're lacking. I thought, you'd turn out better to be honest", the Master mumbled, "But it's nothing that can't be fixed with enough skill and power."

Raising his right hand, a ginormous amount of magical power bore down on the tower. The Master paused, contemplating. Relaxing his hand slightly, he let most of the power escape his grasp. The rest he condensed into a small ball, the size of a tennis ball. Lowering his hand, he directed the tennis-ball-sized energy towards the circle.

The Master lifted both arms and opened his mouth as a hypnotizing chant sounded. He had a clear and very melodious voice. Though gradually, as his chant went on, his voice changed. It morphed into an ancient tune as convoluted words of a long-forgotten language rolled of his tongue as if it was his mother tongue. The energy within the circle bent and straightened, manipulated by the Master's spell. New runes were interwoven with the mana. It soon touched upon the infant's forehead, seemingly stopping for a moment, then rushing into Zyros's head. His brain was soon filled with this energy as it interacted with his thought processes and genes, improving upon them, upgrading his brain. Zyros became smart.

"That should do", the Master stated, "Your issue of your body will resolve itself now. It's always best to let nature take its course."

He lifted the exhausted baby and left through a portal. He exited into a large clearing encircled by a dense forest. At its edge stood a small hut with just three rooms: a kitchen and two bedrooms. In front of the house someone had orderly planted all kinds of herbs. The Master entered the house and gently laid down Zyros in a crib not unlike the one that had previously disintegrated.

Two and a half years went by. Zyros was five now. During that time Zyros outgrew his crib. The Master had let him claim one of the bedrooms as his own. In it stood nothing but a bed, a table, a chair and a bookshelf.

Zyros had learnt to read and write in those years. His routine was simple. He would get up at early in the morning and wash up in a small stream of water near the clearing. Then he would perform a small and short set of exercises that his body was barely able to handle. He had long wondered why a small child was expected to train its body but the Master didn't take kindly to questioning or disobedience. After that he would enjoy a rather sumptuous breakfast that consisted of various herbs and roots prepared by the master. One could argue that that is not a sumptuous breakfast in any way but then one wouldn't have the faintest idea how expensive those herbs and roots were in most worlds. Not to mention that they tasted great. Afterwards, it was time for lessons.

The Master spend hours each day imparting various subjects to Zyros: maths, history of the five realms and the world of Tirn Dulag in general, biology, basic magical theory regarding the concept of mana and magic, strategy, manners, cooking, sewing, combat theory, and many others. You might think that a child can never learn all that and you'd be horribly ignorant. Though, admittedly, humans of that age tended to be pretty much useless in all respects except looking cute. But Zyros was an augmented child. The first lessons of the practical subjects were still rough until he figured out how to use his small body in an efficient way but generally he learned well. Only the "household" skills like cooking were practical. He wouldn't be able to fight properly. Not to mention that he was still frail, much frailer than a typical child actually. It was only his brain that was superior.

During these years, Zyros had learned much but little was truly of importance. The Master considered 90% of his teachings supplementary knowledge. Only magic was important.

Zyros had learnt that there was an omnipresent energy called mana which could theoretically make anything possible. Practically, it allowed those who knew how to wield it to achieve some extent of influence on existence, depending on their power, knowledge, and skill. Tirn Dulag specifically combined all of these factors into a system of tiers.

He had further learned of the structure of a living being. The Master had explained it as such: "Living beings typically consist of four components. Imagine a ball with four layers. The outermost layer is the body. The most basic and first defence against all attacks. Easily trainable and entirely physical. Next is the mind. The mind is where the largest part of your identity is anchored. It consists of thoughts, further categorised in surface and foundational thougths, memories, both short and long term, as well as an additional defence system. The mind defends against most mind attacks if strong enough. It is trainable but not as easily as the body is. Third is the spirit. That's the part that interacts with mana. It is filled with spirit energy which may influence and communicate with mana outside and inside your body. And while it is certainly important, it isn't necessary to cast magic. When you draw mana into your body and refine it, it becomes yours. Naturally, it follows your command, no spirit energy needed. It's just certain techniques that require spirit energy and can even attack others' spirits. It is not trainable since it's entirely dependant on your soul, the fourth layer. That's where spirit energy is produced.

"The soul is further sub-divided into three layers. Outer soul, middle soul, core soul. The core soul is absolutely identical to any other core soul. It is simply the foundation every soul is built upon. The consequences of damaging it are disastrous. The middle soul is individual, to some extent. It contains certain peculiarities pertaining to your species. It may also contain the "blueprints" to certain parts of one's spirit, mind, and body. Typically, those are features that are unique to one's species such as a dryad's inherent connection to forests. The outer soul is truly individual. It contains one's most important memories, those that define the character. It is also the location of most soul injuries. Those maybe intentional such as direct soul attacks or they may be "wear & tear". Traumas for example could cause formidable soul deformities." So that's the structure of close to all living beings.

Zyros had also learned that there many different ways to power, the most basic of which were mage and warrior. In essence, a mage used their mana predominantly outside their body while warriors used theirs inside. A mage could use the elements to perform a ranged attack. A warrior could use the elements to augment his body. Mages usually possessed a weak body but a strong spirit while warriors were the opposite. Those are the basics.

But only the basics. In truth, there were innumerable ways to power. Some used spells, some rituals, some contracts, some exchanges, some swords, some bows, some were stealthy, some were pompous, and so on. Magic was very individual. It would adapt to one's character.

As such general education's main goal was to simplify and create conformity. A child would be tested regarding magic talent, physical strength, mana channels and so on and so forth when they awakened their mana core. Also a thing. Not truly important at this point in the narrative however. It happens after 5th birthday. Then one could either apply to an academy or an academy would invite you. Naturally, reliant on the test's result.

The academy's teachers would then decide whether one should train as a mage or a warrior. Both of which used mana, but usually the word magic was only used in relation to a mage, not a warrior. They made that decision based on the talent test.

From then on, one would learn until one turned 15. After that those with the sufficient talent to learn something new and excel at it would choose a specialization within their previous basic class. One could become a fire mage, swordsman, magic warrior or necromancer. Though Necromancy was widely frowned upon by those who weren't familiar with it. And by some who were.

That was a small introduction of the common populace of Tirn Dulag. The Master had higher expectations. First of all, he disdained any crutch to power, including but not limited to chants, spell formations, wands, mana techniques, and swords even. The crux of this statement is "crutch". The Master himself defined crutches as such: auxiliary means that if taken away cripple one's power. Therefore if you can't cast magic without a predesigned spell it is a crutch. Auxiliary means in general were fine. He used them himself.

Secondly, one must not have any glaring weaknesses. Not just pertaining combat but life in general. A living being worthy of respect must strive to know and be able to do at least a little bit of everything. No mastery, just basic proficiency. A tall order for most mortals which was why the Master looked down on them. It was also the reason for his comprehensive training. A man who can't cook or behave himself properly or worse doesn't try to do so is a failed man in the Master's opinion. As such when Zyros would eventually be trained in combat and magic, he would be trained in the ways of both a mage and a warrior.

Thirdly, the Master expected any educated individual to try and understand the mysteries of existence. He preferred focusing on mana and magic in that area since he firmly believed that everything could be traced back to the energy and abstract concept that is the foundation of mana.

In accordance with the third tenet, Zyros was required to meditate every day in the evening. At first his objective had been to just sense mana. After he achieved that he was ordered to study mana. And that was still his current task. He had by now found out that the environmental mana was never pure. Mana only seemed to exist in certain particular sub-forms. The most common of which was elemental mana. The rarest was what the Master had called world energy when Zyros described his discovery in his weekly essay. It was the purest form found in a world. Mana that was absorbed from outside, filtered through the world's core and dispensed into itself.

Zyros had asked the Master back then about the "outside" of a world using a small blackboard the Master had given him for basic communication. The Master had simply replied that the question would be answered in an advanced subject that wouldn't be taught until Zyros was older and had some basic experience with magic. That was Zyros's current level at five years old.

It was then that Zyros learned of something equally exciting and terrifying:

"Now that you're five, it is time for your first practical lesson. It's main goal is simple: survive and thrive. I will soon send you back to Tirn Dulag to the plains outside the capital of Lyria, Fayford. From then on, you will be on your own. I have taught you more than enough to be able to handle yourself. My expectations are straight forward. You must survive for 15 years and ascend to Tier 10." There are 20. Zyros is at Tier 0. "We will meet again on your 20th birthday.

"You can collect extra credits via the following three ways:

"1. Significant and fruitful research regarding magic and mana

"2. Large influence in Lyria and the other four countries ruled by the council as well as a sufficiently high position in society

That council should never ever be confused with the previously mentioned Eternal Council.

"3. Development and sustainment of a large business, institution or otherwise useful organization

"Any questions", the master concluded. Then, without leaving any time for the furiously scribbling Zyros to finish writing: "Good. I'll send you off then"

Zyros looked up at his master in horror. The Master couldn't care less. He used magic to knock Zyros out, grabbed him by the collar of his fancy apprentice robes, and threw his disciple into a spatial rift. Then he turned around and teleported away, himself.

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