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Chapter 54: A Masked Man on Rock State

Dugu Hao Yan didn't sleep a whole week straight. To a Nascent Realm like her, it was nothing much to skip sleep for a few days, but the mental fatigue was already weighing on her soul. The two-day extension she got from Elder Miguel was already running out, and today was the last day. If she didn't find a solution today, everything would crumble down. Her father's lifelong dream could never be achieved.

Thus, she did the only thing she was capable of doing in the last few remaining hours. She waited and prayed.

She was waiting for her last hope, the mysterious masked man that appeared in their shop nearly a month ago. That encounter was surreal it felt like a dream. If not for the empty pill bottle in her hand and the missing model spaceships that used to occupy her desk, she was convinced it to be a dream.

Her father was poisoned and she didn't know what to do. It wasn't as if she didn't do her best either. She did everything she could to save him and balance the family business. But that was not enough. All the treatments kept failing and her father's old business partners started to rip into her chain of command which made her control over the business unstable.

Most of them were in favor of electing a new patriarch than following the command of a twenty-four-year-old woman. And she couldn't blame them for it. All the business partners along with her father had a long-established prestige and well-maintained political connections within the kingdom's bureaucracy. And she who was new to the game had none.

Her only hope was to cure her father and hope for him to make a comeback. But seemed like even that was impossible. The physicians gave nothing but negative opinions.

"Chilling Heart poison had no cure." They kept on repeating.

When all hope was gone, something happened. A masked stranger appeared giving her hope. He casually gave away valuable pills and promised to return with a cure. And that was the only reason she was still acting sane. But she was losing control by the second because even though the time was almost up mysterious masked man didn't appear yet.


Dugu Hao Yan sighed for the umpteenth time. As the masked stranger asked she was waiting in their weapons store for the past week. She banged her head on the desk in frustration. She didn't know for how long she remained that way, suddenly an ethereal voice rang in her ears.

"Young lady Dugu, we meet again!"

There was an undeniable familiarity in the voice. It was the voice she was expecting to hear from for the past week, the voice of the mysterious masked man, Ezra.

She slowly looked up almost afraid as she thought she was just hearing an auditory hallucination. But she was not!

There stood the most uniquely dressed individual she had ever seen. The stranger was definitely a male, he stood straight with his hands resting on his back, imposing as ever. His clothing choice was nothing ordinary. It was a combination of armor and a robe. But looked luxurious nevertheless. The armor-robe was made out of dark blue material; it was tightly fitted to his upper body defining his lean muscular figure. He was wearing closely fitting black trousers and a pair of black leather boots which had delicate floral patterns engraved.

His arms, broad shoulders, and thighs had black metallic pads strapped. There was a belt that was made out of the same black leather used for his boots around his hip making the outfit more wholesome.

But the most striking part of this whole outfit was the light blue mask. It had floral patterns embossed on it along with an eye symbol on the glabella. Hao Yan thought that symbol might have to do something with the masked man's mysterious origins.

His appearance was striking but not hostile. He gave off the vibe of a calm and competent fighter.

Even though the outfit was different the person under was the same. She knew it, and she felt it!

"You came" Hao Yan stated dreamily. Imagine the thing you wished the most happened at the last moment. It was a totally different satisfaction.

Kayson also enjoyed the varying emotions skimmed over her face. The outfit got the exact reaction he wanted. And that satisfyingly stroked his ego.

"Of course, I promised, didn't I? Why? Did you think I won't?" questioned the masked man in his familiar calm ethereal voice.

"I… I… Er… of course not. I was expecting you. That's why I'm here!"

She stated firmly to convince him that she didn't doubt him at all. But her quickly reddening cheeks gave away her actual thoughts.

"Hmm… I thought you doubted me." There was a slight teaser hidden in his ethereal voice which made her blush harder. Hao Yan realized it was better to change the subject fast.

"S…so can you save my father then? You said you could last time!"

"Yes, I can. But before anything how about we talk in a private space, away from the public eye." Kayson said while glancing in a certain direction.

Hao Yan didn't notice that little detail. If she had looked in that direction she might be able to see a shadowy figure disappearing into the distance.

'Hmm… Someone is anxious!' Kayson mused.

He followed Hao Yan to the back of the store where there was a tall wall surrounding a mansion. They entered through heavily guarded gates and arrived at an open garden that had a variety of plantations and herbs. It was hard to imagine such a natural garden existed in a harsh place like Rock State. Then again wealth could make the impossible happen.

They sat on a bench under an ancient-looking tree to start the conversation.

"You can talk here freely. No one will be here to listen to you. Please speak your mind." She said to him.

"First of all, you're too naïve." He said straight up. Hao Yan looked at him wide-eyed. "You took a masked stranger into your private space just because he asked you to. That is extremely naïve. I thought you have a better sense than that as a young lady who grew up around here." He was shaking his head in disappointment.

Hao Yan was blushing furiously. Of course, what he said was true. If he really had nefarious thoughts, isn't she be the one who invited such a person into her personal space?

An awkward silence followed. As she was about to say something Kayson stopped her by raising his hand. "I will overlook that since your father was in a critical stage so your mind was not in the right place. But I will not tolerate such behavior again. I cannot afford you to be sloppy, is that understood?" His voice was calm yet firm. It was evident he was serious.

"I… I will." She stuttered a little. "But…but what does that have to do with my father's cure?"

Kayson looked at her as a mentor looking at a disciple who answered wrongly to a question and stated the obvious.

"Did you really think your father's poisoning had nothing to do with people close to you? You have to keep your guard up all the time. Especially in a perilous time like this. I don't want to end up backstabbed due to your naivety."

Even though his criticism was harsh it was true. If it was another time she was much more cautious about her close associates and strangers. Her father's health made her mind muddled and let down her guard.

Kayson observed her face and saw the visible changes written on her face. 'At least she gets it.'

"I understand." She said firmly. The previous dreamy state was vanished from her voice and replaced with focus and determination. "Can I ask something from you?"

He nodded and signed her to proceed.

"What is your goal? What do you expect from us as a return for the cure?"

"Good. Now you're asking the right questions." He nodded in approval. "I want to be a silent partner in Dugu family businesses."

Hao Yan was puzzled. This person seemed to have mysterious and lavish origins. What use he has from Dugu family businesses?

"Are you sure? I can observe that you must have a great background. So why do you want to involve in criminal elements?" She asked bluntly observing any difference in his demeanor. But his perfect posture and face mask made it impossible to read him.

"Criminal elements? I don't think so, to me all of it is a business. As for why I want to join in?" He paused for a second and said in his ethereal teasing voice. "I heard your father was having discussions about legitimizing his businesses. So I thought about joining in."

Hao Yan stood up abruptly. "Who… who are you? How can you possibly know that?"

Kayson's words were a huge blow to her. It was true her father thought about making his business legal. But the most shocking factor was this masked man Ezra knew about the negotiations her father was having with high-level echelons of the kingdom. Sure, he didn't say much but one word was enough to know what he was implying.

"It's not that harder to find about. So what is your answer? Yes, or no?"

"What kind of partnership are you expecting?" She asked as she was coming down from her rushed feelings. Before accepting anything she had to clarify everything.

"Good question… I want to be the second most important partner of the business. I want to be involved with future major decisions of your business. That's it."

"That's it!?" She was visibly suppressing her anger. "You're basically asking us to hand away our businesses to you. That's too much."

"If you think that's too much, I don't know what to say," Kayson said calmly without a hint of anger. "You're already losing all the influence your father gathered over the past few decades. Family members already misbehaving, partners eating away your business assets, and if I guess correctly the Dugu family echelons should be looking for a replacement for the patriarch seat. No one will be happy to listen to a twenty-something years old woman." He paused a moment to his words sunk in.

"You're just about to lose everything your father built and kicked out from the chain of command. I'm offering you a mutually beneficial deal. Moreover, I can help you to regain control and eliminate the weed from your organization. Isn't this a good deal to take than losing everything?"

That got Dugu Hao Yan thinking and with his next words, Kayson hit the nail in the coffin.

"Do you think whoever poisoned your father would let him recover without trying anything funny? And also, will they let you go after they cease your business? Huff… it's good to be naïve."

Hao Yan froze. That was the worst-case scenario. It was not that she never considered such an outcome. She was afraid to entertain such a line of thoughts for too long. And living in the darker criminal world she knew it was more likely to happen than not.

After contemplating a while she only saw the masked man's offer as the solution. Every passing second reinforced the idea.

She sighed loudly. It seemed accepting the offer was the only way.

"In what direction you would hope to steer my family business?"

"That is something for the future. But I can guarantee apart from prosperity, I have no other intentions for OUR business. And you will be happy to follow along whit my suggestions in the future. You'll see." He subtly used 'our' business instead of 'your' business which didn't go unnoticed by Hao Yan. Her mouth twitched.

'This person is confident that I would accept his terms. And sadly he's right that I have no choice. For better or worse I have to accept it. My father's life is more important than the business.' She contemplated silently.

"I agree… but you have to cure my father first." She stated firmly.

"Understandable. But before anything you have to tell me something… I want to know about everybody in the upper echelons of your businesses. Especially their recent behaviors… I need to be on alert for who might act against us…"

Then she started describing the behaviors of the people in the upper management of the family business. During the explanation, she was amazed at herself.

How odd what was happening? She was explaining about her family members and business partners to a total stranger. A stranger who asked for a part of their whole business operation. And she was doing it willingly. It did not matter how unbelievable it looked but she trusted the person.

The explanation didn't go on for long as the masked stranger signaled her to stop while looking to his side at the path they came in.

"Looks like they couldn't wait any longer." He chuckled.

"Who…?" Hao Yan was puzzled.

"See for yourself." He nodded at the path. Sure enough, two people were storming in. One looked to be a middle-aged man and the other one was an extravagantly cladded youth. Their facial expression said they were not pleased.

---A few moments ago---

Today was the day Dugu Wuju felt the happiest in his entire sixty-year life. It was the most satisfied he had ever been. Finally, he was able to make something for himself. He was going to be nominated as the patriarch of the powerful Dugu family today.

Finally, he was getting the recognition he desperately craves. The recognition he deserves. Till now all of his achievements were overshadowed by his elder brother, but from today onwards he will not. Dugu Ming Ze could only be a stepping stone to his glorious days.

Dugu Wuju was enjoying his impending victory with a guest.

"Haha… uncle Wuju, I knew one day you will get the recognition you deserve. I think congratulations are in order." Said an extravagantly clad young man.

"You flatter me, Kiddo. It was only a reward for the hard work I've done for the past few decades. Now my annoying brother was out of the picture. Everybody took notice of my dedication. Nothing else…' Dugu Wuju stated so casually, as he was stating the obvious.

The young man's eyes twitched. 'Shameless!' He secretly snickered. But he carried on his bootlicking.

"Of course, It was only because Dugu Ming Ze inherited the position." The young man hesitated a bit before asking. "Uncle Wuju, who do you think poisoned Uncle Ming Ze? I'm still quite puzzled by it."

Just as he finished the question he carefully observed Dugu Wuju who went visibly stiff. 'Does he have anything to do with it?' The youngster speculated.

"Huh… I… I'm also not very sure." Dugu Wuju stuttered at the beginning. "I'm suspecting the Bai family of the Glossy Stellar system. They are our biggest competitors, and they also have ties with Blizzard Giants. But whoever it was, we have to be careful and I'm promising to find the perpetrators and punish them accordingly. None can mess with the Dugu family!"

His words oozed self- righteousness. But his over exaggerated claims only increased youngster's suspicions.


Before they said anything further, a dark shadow breezed into the room. A cloaked figure appeared before them. The figure bowed before speaking in a creepy whispering voice.

"Elder Dugu, Young Master Shisu I have news."

"Speak." Ushered Wuju.

The creepy voice answered. "A stranger arrived to meet the Young Mistress."

"Stranger??" Both of them had narrowed their eyes. "Explain the whole incident." To which the cloaked figure nodded.

"The Young Mistress Dugu stayed at the family store for the whole past week, she seemed to be waiting for someone. But no one showed up, until now. But today a weirdly-dressed stranger arrived to meet the young lady. It was obvious the Young Mistress was excited to see the stranger. They talked about some things which I couldn't hear. As I tried to get closer the stranger discovered me easily. The person saw through my camouflage in an instant. I immediately backed down and came to report to the elder."

The spy visibly shivered. It was clear the stranger had left a noticeable impression on the spy. The Dugu family spies practiced the best camouflage techniques that the Mid-Plane had to offer. Yet someone could see through them instantly was a pretty scary realization.

"After that, both of them retreated into the private mansion at the back of the store."

'Whomever this stranger is, it is a powerful individual.' Thought the both of them.

"How did this stranger look like?" Inquired Young Master Shisu already gritting his teeth.

'She never invited me into that private mansion. Now she invites strangers in. Bitch!' Irking thoughts were clouding his mind.

"Apologies Young Master, the person wore a blue coloured mask, so I could not see his appearance. But it was definitely a man. I suspect it to be a young man. But there was something unexplainable about him… He looked… ethereal… and mysterious…" Spy's words slowly carried away at the end.

"Ethereal and mysterious!? What a bunch of nonsense. I'm going to find this mysterious guy myself. Hump." Young Master Shisu instantly fired up. A tinge of jealousy and possessiveness glazed his voice.

"Wait I'll come with you!" Before he finished his talk, the youngster turned into a wind and sped outside and Dugu Wuju followed. The only one left in the room was the dark cloaked spy.

"Sigh… Young Master Shisu's infatuation with the Young Miss is worse than I thought." Whispered the figure.

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