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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Omerta

The Bronx, New York

Vincent's father Salvatore and his young brother Giovanni were sipping coffee in the morning when Vincent appeared on the part of the road, wearing his marine uniform with an army bag crossing the road on the Arthur Avenue. Heading to his fathers' restaurant "La brezza di Catania"

Vincent my boy, welcome back. His uncle Giovanni saw him first, he was a former us marine too fought in Somalia

Uncle Giovanni, how are you. Vincent calm greeted his uncle and his father was also standing to hug him, they both hugged.

We waited for you last week, we got the call from Giovanni's friend, Allan, who served with him in Somalia. He said, you were coming. He is the one who used to tell us your stories over there. Good job you did out there, thank you for you service. Salvatore said as he hugged him again and Vincent hugged him back.

Yeah, I know Allan, the company guy, I saw him once outside Fallujah. Didn't know he was uncle Giovanni's friend. Vincent acknowledged.

They all sat down and they offered him coffee as they keep on asking about Iraq and how he was wounded and all the story as he narrated the whole story, although Allan told them some of the story about what happened but not all of it.

Let us know when Frank is in the US so that he can visit us and we thank him to for what he did for you back there. Salvatore recommended.

Sure, will do.

There is a party at home we prepared for you in the evening so get some sleep, we have long a night today. Giovanni laughed. And they both laughed and Giovanni stood up. Let's go, let me take you home.

So, tell me, who is this guy Frank, I've heard some rumors about this guy. Giovanni continued.

Who told you about him? Vincent asked. As he was looking at his uncle, driving the Range rover. Giovanni was looking on his rear mirror as if he was looking if they were followed. But it was a way of buying time and see if Vincent would continue talking. Giovanni was a former Marine and rumors has it that he was a former mafia soldier back in the days before enlisting with the marine in early 90s. He was now working with his brother to run some family businesses including their restaurant "La brezza di Catania".

Vincent decided to keep quiet. And Giovanni continues - Some guys I served together in Somalia, I found them talking about him, the company guys. They said your friend was a young soldier back in the days in some country in Africa, they said he scares the hell of shit to those Arabs, he is slaughtering them day and night.

It's just rumors Uncle, not true, but he is a good marine and a God-fearing guy I have ever seen, he doesn't drink, smoke or any girlfriend and he is straight as hell, Vincent admitted. And he always put his life on the harm way just to make sure no one with him is getting taken by the enemy, I have seen him fighting and surely, I have never seen a brave man in my life, he never gets scared or loosing hope, he is Marine in and out.

They were now approaching their home and they found his young sisters (Maria and Rocca) waiting for Vincent and as they drove to the parking. They hugged him and they were very happy to see Vincent as they ushered him inside the house.

Maria was very happy and he was holding Vincent and she couldn't get her eyes from her big brother, who was also laughing but deep in his eyes, her sister could see another person totally different from the Vincent she used to know.

How was your trip? she asked him, as she was giving him juice, she prepared and handed the glass to him.

It was good just a little bit tired. So, tell me how are you, you've grown up, any boyfriend yet? they both laughed.

Stop it, Maria laughed.


It was in November 2007 Frank comes back home from Iraq and he spent few days in California at Camp Pendleton. He met his friend Benjamin on his way to Knoxville and sat to have a little chat and he promised to pay him a visit one time.

Hey, Frank, my condolences once again, Benjamin hugged his friend and saluted. Benjamin stayed after his first tour, he went back and join Yale University and did his Law degree, meanwhile he used to stay in California and at time to time was with his parents in San Francisco.

No worries brother, thank you, my greeting to your parents, after the burial I'll pay them a visit- Frank replied. Frank Parents (Foster parents, from Kingston- Knoxville TN). Met with them in September, 1994 in Kigali- Rwanda. Mercy and Brian were Doctors in Rwanda, few months after the Tutsi genocide. Mercy died in 1999 and now Brian also passed away just few days before Frank landed from Iraq (From his third tour). Frank immediately went on and boarded a plane to Knoxville. From California to Knoxville, took them 4 hours and 30 minutes. He was welcomed to the airport with his 2 uncles, Brian young brothers (all retired navy seals), Martin and Bob. They hugged and immediately escorted him to their car and they drove back to Brian home in Kingston.

Welcome back home son, and thank God you are alright. Bob patted his hand to Franks' shoulder.

Thank you so much Sir, Frank replied.

Sorry for what happened to Brian, Martin said.

Thanks, and likewise Sir, Frank replied. I missed home. Thank God am back again and i can see you all looking healthy. Frank continued while looking at Bob who was driving. These two were good friends to Frank and they were the ones who encouraged him when Frank decided to enlist in the first place although their brother Brain was against the decision but later on, he accepted and give the blessings to Frank to go on.

When they were approaching the area, they first stopped at a small coffee shop and they sat there and ordered coffee and scrambled eggs. Parking their wagon outside.

Frank welcome back, thanks for your service and sorry for your loss,the waitress said.

Thank you, Margret, Frank answered. Many Folks in the area knew frank from the church, some were coming and shake hands, thanking him for his service and also said their condolences to both Frank, Martin and Bob. This was the joint that Brian and his wife used to come once in a while with Frank and eat some food and have coffee, they came with Frank back in 1994.

Sheriff Dave come and pullet a chair and sat with them, he was a good friend to Martin and he hugged Frank. Welcome back home, Marine. Sorry for your loss.

Thank you so much Dave. Appreciate. Frank managed to put a smile on his face. Dave shakes hand with Martin and Bob. Dave was a good man in his late 50s, former marine himself and he was very fond of Frank. And moreover, he was happy that he joined the marine corps. They had small talks while drinking their coffee. After 30 minutes they stood up and continue to their home.

Frank, will see you in the evening, Said Dave, and Frank saluted (friendly salute) some folks in the restaurant, the sign of appreciation for their condolences. And to his surprises, they all clapped for him and he was happy, and hugged Dave. Somehow, he knew they had some news from Iraq because word fly and they were some marines who were from this area, deployed together with Frank in Iraq, so he knows there must be some news about what happened there. So that was it and they drove their wagon home, this time Frank was on the wheel.

They reached home and find so many people chatting and eating, many were the church members mostly old folks and some of Frank old friends. They welcomed him, hugs and joined them as he was talking to them, all were happy to see him again.

Later on, they had a family meeting together with the pastors and other elders of the church. They settled the agenda and announced the agenda of the burial. So, they dedicated Sunday morning for Brian burial ceremony. Frank, Martin and Bob were to make speeches and some other old friends of Brian and the head Pastor of the church to make also a speech as one of the elder and a good friend to Brian.

Martin announced the agenda to those gathered at home and after they continue talking in groups as Frank went to one by one who were present at home and hugged each one of them and thanking them for coming and they also appreciated him for his service and they said their condolences as well.

On Sunday, Frank in his dark blue suit together with Martin, Bob with their wives and sons, Brian's sister and her family with her three kids. The church was full as the Choir was singing slowly. The casket in-font. Head pastor were preaching and he continued to talk about Brian and his wife Mercy and how they met and how happy they were together. The church was silent and all were listening quietly.

The head pastor called Frank to the pulpit and gave him a microphone and give him the time to talk.

Thank you so much pastor, and thank you all for your support and being with us through this time. it is not easy to talk about Brian, because Brian is too big for me to even say anything. He is my savior. You all know how I met them, I think I said this before when we were saying farewell to Mercy, may her soul rest in peace. I was nothing and they took me into their wings, I was badly wounded and they saved me. They accepted me with all my weaknesses but they sharped me to the man I am today. I remember when we were in Fallujah with my fellow marines and bullets were dancing all over, my heart was thinking about Brian, because he was always scared about my life and I heard a voice in me saying do not worry, you will live. I thank God because he listened to Brian's' prayers I know he used to pray for me always. I can see Benjamin, Vincent, Jackson and My platoon commander Wiley at the back, would you please stand and salute these good folks. Those men were with me in Iraq and we are thankful for your prayers, I didn't know they were coming, so it's a surprise, thank you guys. They stand and waved to the congregation and they sat down again.

Brian was a man of God, and he taught me how to be patient in everything. he was not only a father but he was a friend. You all know me and you know how much I changed because of Brian and Mercy. I will be always in debt for them. I want to thank my uncles, Martin and Bob and your families, you guys are a blessing to me. You will never lack anything while am here, thank you Aunt Rachel and Aunt Juliet, I know you are always praying for me, and I saw your prayers over there. Am so grateful to this church and all the folks here, you are my family.

Brian, as he was looking at the casket. And he saluted, thank you so much for giving me all that I have today, when you get to heaven say hi to Mercy and I wish you happiness and rest in peace I know you are happy. We will continue to cherish your life. You lived a life of saving people and you gave me that chance and am trying my best to step on your footsteps and I know you are proud of me. Because you told me that when we last spoke on the telephone. Thank you so much.

The congregation stood and clapped, as Benjamin, Wiley, Jackson, and Vincent, all wearing their uniforms stood up and went direct to the pulpit and hug Frank and they saluted to the casket.

Thank you for coming guys. Frank said slowly. Martin, bob and the two Brian sisters also joined Frank and they all hugged and they all went back and sit again. As the whole congregation sat, waiting for another testimony. All ceremonies especially speeches and testimonies were done in Church and now they headed up to the cemetery, and all who were at the church were all escorting the family to the cemetery. Then after, everyone departed, and Frank went back home with his marine friends. They both stayed with him that day all in Brian's house, because he was alone in that huge house.

Frank, take your time have a rest and then come to Memphis and we will talk about your future. Brian's' younger brother, Bob said to Frank and Martin nodded. These were the last to leave Franks' house.

Yes uncle, I 'll come and see you. Take care. Frank said as he enters inside. Now Benjamin, Vincent and Jackson were inside talking and sipping some beers.

Frank, what about you showing us around this beautiful town of yours and we grab one for the night? Said Jackson (black guy from Louisiana) and all said yeah, yeah let's find some place and we chill for a little bit.

That's a good idea, Frank replied, let me show you your rooms and change and in twenty minutes we hit the road. I know some cool place. He showed their rooms and he went to Brian's room and he started placing things in place as he changed his clothes too. There was a black 2006 Ford Laptor packing some meters from their house and no one noticed and there three young men looking strange and well-built physically. They were making surveillance to Brians/Franks house. They had a walkie talkie with them.

They are all in the house. One of them was talking, and they heard a voice saying in the walkie talkie, yeah keep watching and follow them if they move out.

Crystal clear- Replied the guy on the wheel. These guys were all in black suits and long coats, wearing shades and they were all silent just enjoying the cool breeze of the evening in Kingstone, Knoxville.

Benjamin and Vincent shared a room while Jackson was in another room and Frank occupied Brian's room. They all now meet at the living room and Benjamin got their first and he was watching news on ABC. They were now all there joining Benjamin and they sip the last sip as they moved outside waiting for Frank, he was getting the car from the garage. A new Range Rover that Brians used, a black one, Brian loved this car.

They hit the road. Enjoying the evening country songs that were played from the CD, Brian favorites. Brian used to love country music and jazz as well, just like you Jackson. Frank broke the silence.

He was a good man. Said Jackson. All great men love jazz, hahaha, they all laughed.

Vincent how is the business going on? I hope you told your father to spare me some evening time so that I can come and work in your restaurant as am learning the business. Guys I think you know that I have a plan, that one day I'll have my restaurant that will be selling best coffee and food in town, and I will be a ballista myself. So, these Italians, they owe me the internship. This restaurant will be known as Semper Fidelis Restaurant. Frank said, and they all replied Hooah

They were now packing and all of them entered this bar which had some lights outside and many cars were packed, looks like a nice place. It had many Screen TVs and some folks were quietly watching baseball game. They take a far corner that was empty and the waitress recognizes Frank and she come and hugged him and said, sorry for your loss Frank,

Thank you Rose, meet my Friends, this is Benjamin, Jackson and your brother Vincent, he is Italian like you. Teased Frank, and Vincent was happy and he said, oooh so you are Rose he was always talking about eeeh, he stood and hug her, "Sei una bella ragazza"

Rose laughed and replied- Molte grazie. Thank you all for your service. We appreciate what you did over there. God bless you. Rose continues. So, what can I get for these marines? Rose asked Frank. They all asked for beer as they keep on talking and enjoying the evening. Some folks were playing pool-table and Frank joined them, some of them were his old friends from college. They played with him as he was sipping his usual club soda. Vincent was now talking with Rose in Italian, Benjamin and Jackson met some of Frank black friends who were also in the army and were veterans now, one of them had one arm, and they were in deep stories and Frank was playing pool with Dave the Sheriff who joined them in few hours. Now, someone entered the bar and he looks like trouble, and he pushed Frank. He was well- build, military type with Arab features. Faking as if he was drunk.

So, you are the devil eeh, you like slaughtering your captives, what about doing it here now in-front of your friends. The new guys said, while keeping on staring to Frank, and Frank was calm looking at the guy, and now everybody was calm, and he repeated the same insult. Now Benjamin and Jackson jumped and grabbed the new guy as Jackson punched him hard in the stomach and the guy falls down. Frank was just observing holding his pool stick in one hand and another hand a glass of club soda, he was calm as if nothing happened, and as he was observed he saw a key card of the one of the nearby motels, fell from the new guy pocket.

Dave was also shocked to hear these words from a stranger. The guy managed to stood up and take back his key card and laced it back to his pocket. Benjamin and Jackson took him outside and other guys who were in the bar also followed them outside.

Hey, he is just drunk, leave him alone. One guy said. Benjamin in his mind, he was like these guys knew nothing. But Benjamin, Jackson and Vincent knew what the Arab looking guy was talking about and they wanted to ask him more, but the guy managed to escape in that crowd and he went to his car and drove away. This was done in a few minutes as the crowd went back inside. Everything was quiet for the moment and Dave said,

Its ok folks, just some drunkard trying to mess with our good time here. He is gone.

So now everybody was calm as before and they continue enjoying their drinks and there was a cool sound of jazz playing. Frank went back and sit with his group, Benjamin and Jackson come back from outside and they were just shocked but didn't want show any sign.

Dave joined them in their table, and he started asking

What was that all about?

Have no idea, Frank replied,

He looks military- Dave continued, now all of them were silent. One of the black friends of Frank said, yes, he looks military and dangerous to me. And everybody was silent again and now Frank said

He is just a drunkard guy, might be military as you said. And it seems he confuses me with some other guy they served together over there, because I don't know him. But it's over, he is gone and he realized that he made a mistake so we are cool.

So, they continued sipping their beers and enjoying the music. But Benjamin, Frank, Vincent, Jackson and the other black guy with no arm knew what the so-called drunkard guy was talking about. Some of the veterans in the bar they heard what the guy said and they knew it's not just coincidence, but they just kept quiet and continue enjoying their night.

Now the night getting late and they decided to go back and have a rest. So, they drove back home and they were talking in the car.

Frank who was that guy, Vincent asked. Now Vincent looked drunk and when they were at the bar, he disappeared for about 30 minutes and he looked as if he sniffed some cocaine. They all knew this because rumors said, after getting back home he started using cocaine. But they all ignored him.

Frank breaks the silence and said, I think he knows me, so he will come back and I will know his motives. But Dave was right, this guy looks military type.

Yes, he is not just military, he is a professional, the way he escaped within the crowd, shows me, he knows what he was doing, Said Benjamin.

Yeah, he is far from being drunk, he is kind of special ops guy, Jackson admitted.

They reached the house, and entered, Vincent was tired and went straight to the room and Jackson too. Frank and Benjamin stayed in the seating room. And Frank went straight to make coffee. He likes drinking coffee while meditating and watching TV.

Do you want some? He asks Benjamin.

Yes please, Benjamin replied as he sat down and switched on the TV.

That guy is dangerous Frank, Said Benjamin.

Yes, Replied Frank, as he brings the two cups of coffee. We will know in due time, do not worry. So, what is your plan? I know you are into politics now, planning for the seat in Cali?

Yes, running for the highest seat soon, remember me in your prayers each night brother, hahaha- Benjamin said.

Good for you brother, am proud of you, Frank admitted. Benjamin asked him about his plan and they talked, he told him about his plans for restaurant and coffee shop business and so on.

Soon am going to New York and I would like to talk with Vincent's dad and plan for my work there and I will have some courses of my choice meanwhile learn the business.

That is good. All the best then. Man, am tired let me go to sleep, see you tomorrow.

Good night brother. Frank continues to watch the news.

It was now two hours after they have all fall asleep, Frank snicked outside and open the garage and he drove away. He was heading to the Motel he saw on the other guy's key card. It was 20 minutes' drive and he reached the motel, packed a little far from the motel and observed. After like 15 minutes he approached a little further to the parking lot, he was looking to see if there are cameras. This motel had a bar opposite the rooms, and he could see the other guy sitting in the corner talking with a girl. Frank waited until the guy was now leaving the bar and walked towards his room. He saw the room number, he kept on looking and waiting, after 20 minutes he gets out of the car, he was wearing black coat and he had a small bag, with his ropes and a knife. He circled the motel rooms. This motel was small in the middle of the forest areas. He went at the back of the room and saw the room was dark and he went to the window that were looking at what looks like a living- room within that room and he slowly cut the small bars and jumps in the living room. Slowly he stayed for a few minutes and open his bag, gets the knife, and his Pistol and the ropes. And he takes cover near the room for almost 3o minutes.

Now the guy was in deep sleep and after some minutes, he wakes up and make his way to the washroom, he passed where Frank was hiding and it was like a thunder just in few seconds, he punched on his back as he grabbed his mouth and immediately the guy fainted. He pulled and tied him in the usual style just the way he tied Jamal back in Iraq. Got the tape and tied his mouth and tied his legs, unconsciously, he picked him up and went to the door and opened. He was wearing a hood and a face mask, so in case there was a camera, no one could recognize him. Lifted the guy, observing the vicinity for any person, it was dark outside, just lights, went to his car and put this guy in the back and drove. It was now 3:20 am, so he drove to the nearest forest that was on the way back to his house.

He drove for 10 minutes away from the motel and abruptly, he saw a car coming from the side of the motel and he slowed down, to his surprise, it was sheriff Dave's car coming and he slowed the engine.

Hey Frank, are you okay? Is everything alright? Frank was puzzled and in a second, he saw 2 cars now coming and block the road and Franks' car couldn't escape in case he wanted to. But the engine was off, men came out holding guns and pointed towards Frank.

Get out of the car now!!!, They yelled, and one of them opened Franks' door and Franks' hands were up and they put him down on the ground and other two men went in the back and grabbed the Arab- looking guy, the so-called drunkard man from the bar (his name was Zack), he was now awake and confused. They untie him, and they give him some water. He was staring at them as if he was dreaming.

Frank, how are you, long time no see, Allan greeted him, as he gets out of another car. There was a silent and Frank was still shocked to see the CIA guy from Iraq, with the same lady (Deborah "Deb") and another old guy. They were in another car, different from the first car those guys who hold guns came from, the same guys who were making surveillance earlier from Franks house.

Jacob, lower your weapon, he is one of us, Allan commanded one of the guys who was standing a few meters from where Frank was laying down. Now Frank stood up, and he stand a little far from them. He was now looking at Dave and couldn't make the connection, but he wasn't that much surprised, after all Dave was a former Marine so he could be anything by now and he was a Sheriff so that was it.

Devil eeh, Smiled Deb as she approached Frank, Sorry for Brian. Frank didn't respond, he was still waiting for the way-forward for this. It seems this guy was one of them, a company man too. Now both of them Allan, Deb and the other guy approached Frank, and the other men who were a little younger from Allan group, were standing a little bit far from them but looking sharp on Frank and their bosses talking to Frank.

What were you going to do with that guy? Allan asked

Just a little talk Sir, Frank responded

That's against the law, taking justice into your hands, Deb teased. She puts a little smile on her face. But Frank ignored the comment. Dave was still in his car just looking the scene. This was difficult for him, but je knows Frank would understand better. After all, there is no bad intention.

So, you were looking at me all this time? for what? Frank now asked.

Now the older guy looking at him, and approached him. Slowly he speaks with authority.

Wanted to see your work, and to meet you. We could still need your service. We will get in touch with you when time comes. He immediately turned and went straight to the car. Living Allan and Deb with Frank behind. They were like old buddies but they only meet once and it seems they knew each other for so long.

Will be seeing you, Allan said as he followed the old man in the car. Deb stood there for a second and she light a cigarette and extended her hand to Frank. She was like her age mate and Frank shakes her hand too.

See you soon Frank, Deb admitted, this time calling him by his name not the devil as she used to call him before. They drove and followed with other car with the other commandos looking guys together with Arab looking guy who were taken by Frank

Dave now approached Franks car. Hey kiddo, it is all beyond my paygrade, go back home and have a rest we will talk tomorrow. Frank didn't respond and went back to his car and he was gone.

It was around 3:50 A.M and he went straight to his room and in bed immediately. He didn't sleep right away, he was still thinking and trying to add things in his mind and meditate on what has happened and finally he decided to call it a day and slept. In-fact he slept like a baby. He slept for 4 good hours. In the morning, he found Benjamin down stairs looking on the morning news drinking coffee with Jackson who were fully dressed and look like they have been prepared for hours and ready to leave.

Hey how was your night? Hope you had a good rest, Jackson asked.

Yeah, it was a good one, how about you, hope you were able to get some sleep, Frank replied.

Got to meet with Wiley at lunch and we say our goodbyes to this town of yours Frank. Benjamin continued, you get to come over one day in San Francisco, my old folks need to see you, they have had many great stories about you, so plan to come over after this.

Thank you all for coming and really you are my brothers and you know am here for you, anything just let me know, I will be there for you- Frank responded. As he sat down sipping coffee like all of them. Vincent now joined them, and the team was full now.

Any news for the intruder (the Arab-looking guys). Asked Benjamin.

I 'll try to consult Dave (our sheriff) and will know, Frank responded while looking at Benjamins' face to see if he knew anything about how he sneaked in the middle of the night. But Benjamin as usual was now looking down as if he was serious about what he has just asked.

Let us know if there is anything you want us to do and we will respond immediately, Jackson promised. And they all nodded in accordance. Now they all went to pack their bags and ready to meet with Wiley in downtown Knoxville and ready to go each to their home towns. Benjamin was going back to San Francisco, Jackson to Louisiana, Vincent to New York and Wiley was still in the service, he was now stationed in Camp Pendleton with his family. After packing they drove to downtown where they meet with their former platoon command LT Wiley at that time, he was now a Captain. He was like big brother to them, they chatted for a while drinking some beers and he was now like asking them about their future.

So, I know Benjamin is focusing on politics and good for him, at least in the future we will have one of our brethren somewhere in high seats, Vincent been working with his father in restaurant business, but Frank and Jackson what about you two, what are you up to? Wiley asked as usual showing his authority and a sense of caring for his soldiers.

Am joining Vincent soon, got an offer with his dad, he accepted my request, need to learn more of restaurant's business and meanwhile will take some courses on barista work and some entrepreneurial courses, I have my plans and that is to start one of my own businesses soon, and I prefer not far from here. There are still opportunities for business in this city. Frank answered.

Been working with my uncle helping him with the church things including security, driving them and other stuffs but am also planning to joined theology school and have my degree. But still planning haven't decided yet. Jackson answered while sipping to his beer.

You guys need to be careful in civilian life and you know how some of our guys are now into drugs and other bad stuffs , what we have seen and done over there shouldn't over shadow you and forget the real world in the civilian life, you need to style up and work hard and get far away from these bad groups that most of them are in need of your skills, use your skills to do good things as the marines you are, it is tough out here but remember you have seen worsts situations so do not kill yourself from the overthinking and be thankful to whatever small you are getting now, and focus always on being better, understood? Captain Wiley was serious now. They all nodded.

And I will be ready to assist in anything that will be in my power, Captain Wiley concluded.

Thank you, Sir, and we appreciate your advices as always and thank you for coming and pay respect to Brian. Appreciate it Sir. Frank responded. They had a wonderful time. And they all said their goodbyes and Frank returned back to Kingstone.

Brewster, New York

Salvatore (Vincent's dad), and his young brother Giovanni were now very angry with what happened to their cargo and their men. Their 2 trucks were ambushed carrying fish and there was a hidden diamonds worth 3 million. Together with their group, in the basement of their home in Indian Wells Road, Brewster, NY. The soldiers present all of them were silent, and Salvatore was cursing all the time in Italian and looking at the other guys and his eyes back to Giovanni who was a little bit calm.

This is unacceptable, we can't let this pass without punishing some people, Salvatore demanded

How are we going to punish them? We do not have enough information at all, we might risk creating unnecessary war, if we mistakenly touch the wrong people, Giovanni explained. We need to stay calm and observe and use our sources to be sure of those who took our products.

Use your sources then as soon as possible, I want some answers. And those involved must be punished. Salvatore insisted. This time all the other 5 men stay quiet, they were all Italians by nationality and they were of almost the same age, old buddies in their mid-50s, and well-built physically. All former mafia soldiers that went dark and serves in the military, some in the states and other in Italy. They always lay low in everything, but brutal and fierce, it can be seen in their eyes. These are kind of the men who would wait for long before doing something, they are smart, and when they strike, they do it massively and harsh.

Where is papa? Vincent asked his sister. After he has arrived from Knoxville TN.

They are all in the office (Basement office), Maria replied as he hugged him and takes his bag. How was your journey and how is Frank holding himself up?

He is a big boy, he is managing he sends his regards to both of you, he is eager to meet both of you, he is coming soon in New York, Vincent replied. And he immediately went to the office. He was a very important son now in the family and he can join the meeting wherever he wants, he has changed since he joined the marine. He was respected even in the neighborhood and feared at the same time.

Vincent how are you, have a sit, how was your trip, did you send my condolences to Frank? His father Salvatore greeted him.

Yes, papa am ok, Franks appreciated and sends his regards as well, he is coming soon, Vincent replied as he shakes hands with the rest of the team and hugs to his papa and Giovanni. Immediately, Giovanni briefed him about the incident and asked him his opinion.

We need to find some information quietly and showing some people that we mean business. Vincent eyes were so hard as if he was waiting to enter enemy zone and destroy whatever he finds.

You will take this operation, you and them, Salvatore commanded, pointing finger to the other Italian men whom Vincent respects and love and they as well respected him so much since he was a young boy and now that he has the background of the battlefield, they respected him more.

Sure thing, we will have our answers by the end of the week, Vincent replied ad promised.

Great, so let's go to the restaurant, am starving, Salvatore concluded. They all went to their cars, but leaving behind Vincent, Salvatore and Giovanni seated.

Our boys are still in the ICU, they were badly wounded, this shows me that they had nothing to do with what happened, Giovanni was now talking quietly.

I remember back in the days, there were some crooks who used to engineer something like this and they shot themselves and give the different story and at the end of the day they went dark and disappear with whatever they have stolen. Giovanni was telling them vivid story while Salvatore was looking at his son. Vincent was thinking deep, looking down deep in thought.

I think we will have to look close to Lorenzo men. I know some guy, he is a friend of mine, been in the marine, helped him once when his wife was pregnant and he needed money so I will know if he has any information, he will let me know. That's where I'll start. No one knows our friendship and I know where he lives. He used to work in one of Lorenzo clubs. Will check on him tomorrow. Vincent concluded.

Salvatore and Giovanni were now relieved and happy about the information and they all stand and headed to their car and drove to the restaurant.

They sat on their usual place and the other 5 men on the other table, all were eating and have little chat. The restaurant was huge and having a bar section with a little podium where mostly of the time they invited bands and play some music for customers. Mostly during the weekends. Today there was a performance and people were starting to occupy seats already and other sits were booked for the usual customers, mostly Italians.

The singer was singing Frank Sinatra, my way, and people enjoyed it more. The Salvatore family were both present and they all enjoyed the evening music as they were both eating and drinking. Vincent was chatting with his sisters, smoking cigarette and Salvatore clapping at each of the song that the singer was singing, enjoying himself.

In the next morning Vincent took one of his guys and they went to see his old, secret friend in 1362 Merriam Ave. They park in few meters from the building and waited. They spent two hours and they went to the nearest restaurant and have lunch and they come back to the same spot and in the evening, they saw a car coming and enter on the parking lot and their guy was now coming, walking to the building, holding some bags full of groceries. Vincent got out of the car and went to meet him.

Douglas, longtime my friend, how have you been. Vincent saluted, and Douglas was a little bit surprised but didn't show because he managed to put a smile on his face.

Oooh what a surprise Vincent, how are you? Am doing great thank you. Long time indeed. Douglas responded as they approached each other and Douglas put the paper bags down and they hugged. The other guy still in the car looking at them in few meters.

He is with you? Douglas asked

Yeah, he is my boy, don't worry, Vincent teased, and he continue. You look great, how is the family?

They are doing great, thanks for asking. Come in, they are all inside. Come and say hi to them- Douglas insisted. But Vincent refused.

No no, I was just in the neighborhood and wanted to hi, eeeh can we talk if you have few minutes. Won't take long, Vincent asked.

Sure sure, let me drop these things then am coming right away, Douglas agreed. And Vincent went back to his car and sat behind. It was the black range rover, and they waited for Douglas. Then after something like 10 minutes, he immerged and he come direct to the car and Vincent opened the door and he told the other guy who was on the wheel to get outside waiting for them in the parking lot. Vincent took the wheel and Douglas sat beside him on the passenger seat. Douglas was a huge guy, very disciplined and talk less than how he listened. But today seeing this Italian old friend of his was somehow making him nervous and wanted to know why he dropped by.

So, you don't work with Lorenzo anymore? Vincent asked as they drive slowly in the neighborhood.

Yeah, it's been a year now, got my truck license and have a truck that am driving and soon I'll finish paying for its loan, Douglas continues.

So, Vin, tell me, is everything alright? Why asking about Lorenzo?

There was an incident recently and our two trucks were ambushed and two of our drivers in the ICU, badly wounded. Both drivers served in Iraq just like you and me so I think Lorenzo is behind this.

Oooh sorry Vin, that is too bad, I have no idea. Been a year now and changed my life and know nothing of or about Lorenzo operations. But I know some guys who might know about Lorenzo business and they are big time dudes, convicted multiple times, military as well form some European country. Douglas was slow and precise. He is authentic and fear nothing at all but respects the friendship, he knows Vincent and knows his family as well. So, he knows they are not joking around.

Thank you so much that is what I wanted to know about, can you give me their names and where they used to hang out? I think I might pay them a visit and have a little talk with them. Vincent insisted.

Do you have anywhere you can write down the information? Douglas asked and Vincent showed him where to find a pencil and notebook. Douglas took them and wrote down the names and the location.

This is where they used to hang out, so gotta start looking over there. It looks like you have a serious gig going on and I wish you all the best and call me anytime if you want my assistance in anything bro. Douglas concluded as Vincent was driving back to Douglas home.

Thank you so much Doug, appreciate your kindness and sure soon you will hear from me bro. God bless you and your family, Vincent beseeched as they all get out of the car and they hugged and Douglas went back to his house, while the other Italian guy rejoined them and went directly to the wheel and Vincent took the Douglas seat and they were gone. He looks once again to the two names and their addresses. The first stop he made was to look for the lady who was the stripper at one of the Lorenzo clubs, and make some inquiries about these two guys.

Hey sweety, how are you, Vincent greeted the lady who was buying some groceries at one of the shops in the Arthur Av.

Good good Vince, the lady laughed. They knew each other and the lady knows better who these people are and what they are capable of doing when pushed to the direction they prefer not be pushed. So, she knows better not to mess with them, especially these kinds who were ex-militaries. So, Vincent showed her the names. She recognizes them and she told Vincent the discerptions of these guys and where they live exactly.

Thank you so much sweety, will see you around eeh. Come these days at the bar and will talk more about your future, Capeesh? Vincent promised her and she laughed as usual. It was noon, around 18:30 in the evening. They went immediately at the restaurant and there is also a basement were most of their meetings took place and where many deals and some of stuff enters from. They met with the 5 Italians and Giovanni, they were playing cards and now it was time for serious business, Vincent shared the information.

These two guys are ex- convicts so there is a chance that, if this ambushed was prepared by Lorenzo, then these two convicts were there. They do not live in the same area, so me and the first team will make surveillance and follow this guy, pointing on the first name and Luciano will take another team and get the second guy, Vincent was looking at the map of Bronx and were pointing fingers on different locations from where these guys reside.

And make sure you wear masks, when it is time to abduct the guy, the more secure time is to follow them when they are alone. There is no need to draw much attention from civilians, abort the mission when you feel it is not the right time, be patient, and don't make yourself loose the focus. If they are the ones then they will be more cautious so, be smart, Vincent commanded.

Luciano agreed and they went their ways, each team in their van. The team comprised with three men, and Giovanni stayed in the basement alone with a walkie talkie, with the bottle of whisky in-front of him.

Team A lead by Vincent hit the street and followed with team B lead by Lucian also followed after 3 minutes, taking the opposite direction and now, they started their hunt. They knew some of the bars that these guys used to hang in. So, they headed in the same bar but taking cover in different position of the road. One guy from team B, got out of the van and went to the bar that was across the road and enters. He went straight to the counter and order a single double black whisky, as his eyes keep rolling around looking for any sign of these two convicts, he has been told their description, having the tiger tattoo on their necks. That was very easy to spot them, they were seated on the far corner with two ladies and they were smoking pipes, they look very calm and pros. All wearing black jackets and tight jeans, one was wearing snickers and the other timberland.

The Italian guy immediately went back to his team and briefed Luciano and they made a sign to the team A across the street that the guys were at the bar. So, they both waited. After an hour one of the guys was spotted getting outside and went to the parking lot.

Boom this is the opportunity now, Said Vincent, calling one of his men to follow him as he gets himself out of the van, it was dark outside and few lights from street lights.

After 5 minutes, you bring the van near, He told the driver.

Now Lorenzo saw what Vincent did and he said, that, was exactly what I was going to do, smart move Marine, he told his team as they all stay put and continue to look at the bar door. Lorenzo was a Sicilian born and ex-convict in Italian jail in Palma, he migrated to US 10 years ago, and he was recommended by Salvatore's' friend who is still in Sicily.

Vincent and the other Italian followed the ex-convict guy who came outside of the bar. Vincent had stayed out of the bar for few minutes, knowing that these ex-convict likes sniffing cocaine, that was the information they took from Douglas. The guy went straight to his car, enters, Vincent was observing everything, while the other Italian followed him but in a distance from the other side. This ex-convict pulled something under the drivers' sit and there he was, sniffing it and clear his nose as he posed for a while, before getting out of the car.

To his surprise, he didn't see them coming and now they were behind him and Vincent kicked him with butt of his pistol and the ex-convict lost his conscious as the other Italian guy grabbed him and put the black sack to his head and put a handcuff on his arms. The Van was now approached their masks was on and Vincent rushed and pulled the Van door and, in few seconds, they were driving towards their secret house out of the Bronx, near the Harlem River. They pass by Luciano van and showed them the sign and Vincent look at Luciano as telling him keep waiting and be smart.

The next guy also come out but he wasn't alone, one of the ladies come out with him. Holding hands and looks like his girlfriend. This guy had no car and they were standing beside the road, they were waiting for the cab. Luciano and the other two Italian guys were watching and ready to follow. They entered the cab and they were moving towards the East Bronx. Luciano followed but they kept their distance so that they cannot be spotted. So, they were calm and followed the cab (Taxi). They drove for something like 15 minutes from the bar and they entered the residential area and the cab stopped and the lady gets out and the cab continues. Luciano was relieved now, because he was asking himself how to take the guy without compromising the lady. Now they followed the cab.

They again moved for another 15 minutes and the cab dropped the guy in the parking area, and the guy gets out, as the van keeps approaching. The ex-convict went straight to one of the cars in the parking lot and immediately Luciano told the driver to hurry up.

We want to surprise him, we need to take him out, we don't have time to wait any longer, Luciano pulled down the mask as everyone else was pulling their masks. They were now few meters from the ex-convict with the tiger tattoo on his neck. Luciano gets out of the car like a cat, the van was still moving and the other Italian guy get himself also in a way that the ex-convict was surprised to see masked men jumped on him and in a second Luciano holding his pistol on his left hand and kicked the guy in a kickboxing way and the guy bang his head on the car door as the other Italian grabbed him and punch his face with a fist and take him again as he squeezed his neck to render the guy in an unconscious state. Luciano pulled the handcuff and also pulled the black sack and put it on his head. The van was making U turn and make a stop in-front of them and then pulled him in and in a few second, they were on the road moving to the meeting point.

Giovanni was waiting for them, when he saw the first van arrived, he opens the garage door and he approached them as the other two Italian guys who were with Giovanni at the safe house, closed the gate again. Vincent moved out and the other guy dragged the ex-convict who was awake now but confused. They all wore their masks, and Vincent greeted Giovanni and they put the guy on the nearest chair. They all looked at him and he was still wearing the black sack on his head. The guy was in the middle of now six angry Italians (Vincent and the two Italians and Giovanni with other Italians who were at the safe house), all wore masks and all were looking to this guy in-front of them and they only needed one thing only, where are our trucks.

Take that sack off his head, Giovanni commanded, looking like an angry lion ready to destroy its prey. It was now 4 days since their rucks were hijacked and their drivers still in the ICU and the police still looking for the whereabouts of these trucks. But Giovanni and the rest know better that, the only people who would find the trucks are themselves and this is what they preferred the most.

The ex-convict was now looking at all of these guys and he knew that they mean business and he immediately looked down as in prayer.

Hey, you know we have to get the information we need and we are not in a hurry, so spare yourself the tough-bullshit thing and tells us what we need before we start even asking, Giovanni stated this slowly.

So, you are military, the ex-convict was looking at these six masked men in-front of him.

Are you? Giovanni asked as well

Long time ago, the ex-convict responded looking down as in regrets

Bosnia and Herzegovina? Giovanni continues as he approached him and light the cigarette. You want some? He puts the cigarette on the ex-convict mouth. He pulled a long puff and relaxed as he rested his back on the chair. And he keeps looking at Giovanni, who was now asking different story from what he knew he was here for.

Mmh, so you were in Srebrenica, probably you were under Ratko Mladic. I have seen what you guys did back then. Yeah, that's the past and that is life, life changes us and whatever we chose to become that is totally out of question, you either chose to be a victim or villain eeeeh, Giovanni was now like an history teacher and everyone in the room was silent as if they are students in class.

The ex-convict was now silent as if his mind went back to those days in Sarajevo. And he starts talking slowly.

The trucks are in Larchmont, that is what i know, I can give the location on the paper, but if the trucks are still there by now, that one, I don't know. The ex- convict guy responded. The Italians were silent and still looking at him. And now Vincent approached and kneel so his eyes was looking direct to ex-convict eyes. He could sense the calmness mood of this guy and he immediately stood up and went to his uncle, Giovanni.

He is telling the truth. I think we have no time let's give him the paper and he can draw us the map, Vincent demanded.

Giovanni was now in deep thoughts. They were discussing, moving to the next room and they heard another van from Luciano team, they went to open the gate as well. And they took another ex-convict to the other side of the building, there was a store big enough for 10 people to have meeting. So, they went also to see the new comer.

Luciano, take the lead and I want information ASAP, Giovanni whispered to Luciano and he left them and he went back to the other room with Vincent. They entered the room and told one of the heavy built Italian guys to uncuff the ex-convict. All of them were prepared for anything that this guy, in case he wants to put up a fight. It would be one against the six, although they knew that it would be very difficult for him even to defeat any one of them in a hand combat. The ex-convict picks up the pencil and draw the map to them and handed the paper to this Italian guy who was near him and handed it to Giovanni to examine. After looking at it in a few minutes he passed the paper to Vincent who examine the paper as well.

Cuff him again, Giovanni commanded, and the legs as well. The Italian guy brought the rope and tie the ex-convict legs and carry him out of the chair and put him down on the floor. They all move out of the room taking out the chair with them and closed. This room was down in the basement, and all 6 of them went to the living room. In few minutes Luciano joined them, but with blood on his jumper and he went to the sink and wash his hands.

He said the trucks might be in Larchmont, Luciano said it while taking a sit. They all agreed because it seems these people were not lying at the end.

Now we have to move fast. We need our men to go direct to Larchmont and get us information. We need our people, those who know the place very well to take this surveillance work without getting spotted and this must be done early in the morning tomorrow, and we will see if we can attack them during the night- Vincent now was talking and giving order. He was looking at Giovanni. And Giovanni responded.

Yes, Let Luciano takes his team and do the surveillance and in the morning, they will give us the feedback and report on all they have seen in Larchmont. We have to do this carefully. It is our chance to get back our product and team them a lesson and next time they will consider many things before attacking our people. Capeesh?

They all agreed and immediately Luciano and his team of other 2 guys they hit the road to Larchmont. There were stars in the sky and the darkness was all over the area. This team didn't rest, they swore to make all that is in their capacity to make sure they get what they want. They are very much determined, because this is what they have trained to do.

Good work son, Giovanni shakes a hand of Vincent. Let get some sleep we have a tough day tomorrow. They went upstairs. This house had many rooms and so some went to sleep and they left some of the 2 men who were with Giovanni in the living room drinking and watch TV, these were to stay awake and be replaced after 3 hours with other 2 Italians.

Frank wanted answers before leaving Knoxville on his way to New York where he is going to start the next chapter of his life. In the morning he did his usual jogging of 12 kilometers and some workout in his private gym and around 10:00 A.M he was having breakfast. Now alone in the house, he made arrangement with Martin and Bob, Brian's brothers about the house and all that need to be arranged. So, Martin will be coming over to take care of everything and will see what Brian's lawyer has in the writing concerning all the assets and bank accounts. Now Frank has to see Dave and get some of information about the company people and their little game.

He met with Dave at the usual restaurant.

Dave, you owe me an explanation, Frank slowly told Dave who was calmly sipping his coffee.

Those people just came to me and told me that I have to come with them, and they told me that, Frank is about to do something, Dave tried to explain.

And they told you to come alone? Did CIA have the jurisdiction here? Maybe I don't know, Frank continues.

The old guy is a homeland security, and it seems they have been scooping on you for some times or I maybe say for many years and I don't know why? You are like a son to me. Maybe it's a time now you tell me what happened over there in Iraq. Dave now was getting a little nervous.

I did my part and render this country a big sacrifice with others who were there. I know you did you part too and still doing a great work till now. We shed our bloods and we swore to defend this country and that is a huge thing and will walk tall in every corner and street of this country without fear and shame. So, that is what I am and I will remain in that line. Whoever tries to demolish my reputation I will not accept it. Let's forget what happened, I don't know what the homeland guy is planning and I think with time they will reveal to me their plan, they know where to find me. Frank continues, so, am living tomorrow and hope I will see you time to time. when you happen to come to New York just let me know, you have my number.

Crystal clear kiddo, Dave saluted and Frank shakes his hand and he went back to his car and returned home. When he was on the road, he was now talking to himself. Homeland guy, homeland guy. He decided to rest the case, pending until he gets some answers soon. On his way to Kingstone, he saw a car following him and he starts looking at the rear-view mirror and slows down the speed. He could see a lady driving but didn't see her face so he keeps on driving and he made a stop on the McDonald joint to buy something to eat and also to make sure if this lady was really following him. He parked and gets out of the car quickly, enters McDonald and hurry up to the rest room. The lady parked as well and she enters McDonald too. But she was searching for Frank and she couldn't see him.

You again, what's new now? Frank surprises the lady behind. Deb was laughing and they shake hands like old friends.

Yeah, me again, buy enough, am starving, Deb demanded.

Ok. Frank smiled. Deb was of the same age as Frank, beautiful, mixed light skin, from a Haitian father and Irish mother. She was very attractive, and intelligent, never speaks too much, she prefers observing. Frank was starting to like her just because of her smile. But she was CIA. It was now around 1345 hrs. Frank was now looking at Deb and he was feeling relieved and he doesn't know why but he felt safe somehow.

After you, Deb said when they reach Franks car, I will follow you.

Aye aye, Frank puts a smile on his face and Deb smiled as well. They drove towards Kingstone Frank was confused but he could see and sense the happy ending at last. He keeps on looking on the rear-view mirror. And they reached the house. They parked outside the house and he ushered her to enter. Debs sat on a sofa near the TV and took off her jacket and remained with T-shirt and she relaxed on the sofa. She come with a bottle of wine. Frank brough one glass and Deb was surprised. Frank laughed. No thank you

I know, am just teasing you, Deb proclaimed

Oooh, am safe now, I was going to be embarrassed haha, Frank Laughed as he pours himself a diet Coke and Deb already opened the bottle and they make a cheers sign. Frank put some snacks on the table and they start eating. The TV was on with low volume as they keep chatting.

So, why, why are you like that? Why not just a little? Deb asked at last.

Not my thing, tried long time ago and swore not to test it again in my life. Frank answered and he was now looking straight inside Debs eyes.

There is more to that I know, remember am CIA, right haha, she laughed.

Yeah, there is more to that of course, Frank said, this time very calmly and deep in thoughts. He was looking for something on the carpet, Deb approached and slowly she put her arms to Franks cheeks and they were kissing, Frank responded immediately and they were like lovers. And everything was now driving itself and the feelings were impeccable.

All of them had their silencer fixed and were looking on the map of the house which looked like a factory. Designed in pencil and Vincent and Luciano were each explaining how they are going to attack. 12 men including Vincent and Luciano, six each including two drivers.

My team will enter through the left gate and Luciano will circle and jump on the far-right wall. They will have to take down quickly three guards on their side and we will take other 3 guards on the left gate and two of you will remain guarding the gate from inside. Me and you two will meet with Luciano team and enters the main building. We will whack all that are inside, they are six of them, 3 are always in the living room and other 3 in the rooms upstairs. So, all the men we are facing today are 12, 3 inside the left gate, 3 on the other side far-right on the wall, there is small garage where our trucks located, and the remaining 6 in the main building. Vincent explained. You two will remain in your cars until we open for you to enter, be alert any time we will call upon you if we need you before opening the gate for you.

It was now getting dark and Luciano with him men were taking cover and prepare to jump the wall, the wall wasn't long. Vincent on the other left side were coming slowly through the trees that were shadowing the house. All of them carrying their pistols and wearing AK 47s on their backs. Vincent in-front of his team, he made a fist to stop them and observe, few meters from the gate. There was another wall that connects to the gate. Vincent called one of his men and told him to go near and observe quickly. The man went to the nearest and he was observing silently. The light that was shining on the gate didn't bother them they were on the opposite direction that was covered with trees. The guy climbed slowly and he was seeing everything that was inside. He saw two men sitting inside the gate, the guns on their foot and they were playing cards. They were supposed to be three. So, he waited and he spotted the small cabin near the gate. Probably the remaining guards is inside.

Vincent with the remaining 3 guys approached their guy who was now descending from the wall and he told them what he saw. Two are on the gate playing cards and there is a small cabin near I think the third one is in there, the guy explained.

Alright, let's get in there, I and you will take down the two men and the both of you will approach that cabin and take the other guy. Vincent commanded as he was looking to the guy next to him. All of them being ex-militaries and ex-convict, some from Italia and Vincent being the youngest among them but more experienced in combat zone. They climbed the wall one by one and take cover inside and Vincent advanced with his men. They waited few seconds and Vincent showed the sign to advance now, quietly and they approached with their silencers attached to their pistols, Vincent fired to the one guard and his guy shot the next guy and they were down immediately, they pulled their bodies as the other two guys went straight to the small cabin. They slowly make circle and they could see there are two people, the guard was having sex with the lady, so they slowly entered, abruptly the guy jumped to get hold of his gun but the Italian guy shot him I the head. The lady cried, then another guy quickly took hold of the lady and put his hands to her mouth while another guy took the tape and binding it to her mouth and she immediately stopped from crying.

They waited for Vincent to make decision on the lady's fate. They made a sign to show Vincent that everything was clear but there is an issue, Vincent was observing the main house which was a few meters from this area which was like a big garage but the garage and the house were on the same compound, big enough, with some trees and grasses that looks like were delayed to be cut.

He approached the cabin and he immediately commanded. Tie her up and make her to keep quiet and follow me. They tied the lady and left her in the cabin, she was still naked, so they pulled the bed sheets and cover her, and they left the cabin with Vincent. Leaving their two guys on the gate posing as if they are the same guards. As planed Vincent with other two advanced slowly to see if Luciano has managed to take the three guys on the far- right side of the wall. They didn't hear the firing shots this means either they are still outside finding their way to climb or they have already cleared the area.

Luciano and his 4 men were already inside and they immediately advanced quickly and made a huge surprise to the three guards and shot them in few seconds, and they take cover there waiting for Vincent to approach. Now Vincent was advancing slowly and saw Luciano laying behind the tree and he whistles quietly and now both men gathered on the edge of the main house. Vincent with his 2 men and Luciano with his 4 men all of them were 8, leaving 2 men guarding the gate and 2 drivers that were waiting far outside the gate in the small forested area waiting for the call and the gate to be opened. He got the binocular and he was now looking and trying to view if he can see anything from where they were hiding.

Alright, we have to make sure we get at least two of them alive. We have to get our diamonds back and they are hidden somewhere here, forget about the trucks and the fish, that is the police work and they will deliver these to us. We are here for our diamonds and to give lessons to the bastards, Vincent was furious and they were all listening.

Luciano, you enter the entrance door and am going to enter through the back. Get those in the sitting room and we will be securing the stairs for those who are upstairs not to surprise you- Vincent continued, then you two will join us and advanced to the upstairs, you will be following me.

Luciano and his 4 men were on their move now advancing on the entrance door. They could hear the sound of a baseball game on TV. These people were watching the game, Vincent, his 2 men were moving on the other side, was also approaching the back door. They were all wearing black with masks on their face and head. One of the Luciano guys, was now cracking the door as he tries to open slowly while Vincent was also opening the backdoor which were safe from any guards to see because the guards eliminated by Luciano were guarding the wall and this back door as well. So, it was easy for Vincent. They entered and stay hiding behind the door and house walls. Luciano and the team entered fast and started firing rounds of bullets, Luciano jumped while shooting at the guy who was far from the TV and his men paraded the sitting room and shot in the head the remaining two and all were dead in an instant. Immediately Vincent and the two men quickly pass them and they mounted on the stairs. Luciano and the other guy followed Vincent and the team upstairs, leaving three of Luciano men in the living room.

Two rooms upstairs and the long corridor that connects to other sitting room and the restrooms. 3 remaining enemies occupied two room, one room opened, and Luciano and another guy took cover, one on the left and another on the right side of this room and Vincent with his men ready to enter another room which was closed. Vincent raised his fist and in a way of counting one two three, one of his guys kicked the door and they entered then shot at once the two guys on separate beds, one in the stomach and the other in the head. Luciano and the other guy, entered the same time on the different room and didn't shoot bad put on the gun point the guy who was alone in that room. One of Luciano men was now holding AK47, approached the prisoner and hit him with the end edge of AK47 in the head and the guy falls down as he grabs him and tie his hands and put the tape on his mouth. Vincent ordered one of his guys to bring the guys who was now screaming because he was short on his leg and the also tied him up and dragged him out of the room.

Now they joined Luciano in the other room to look at the prisoner. To his surprise the prisoner was a young brother to Lorenzo, Tony was his name, in his mid-50s, so this is where they have to get the answer now. Luciano knew him as well. So, they brought the other guy who was injured and put them together. Now Vincent was inspecting the room, this was a single room where Tony was occupying and he went through the toilet and looking on all the ceilings. Now he found the briefcase just few centimeters up the ceiling. Game is over now.

Tell them to call the drivers and open the gate immediately, Vincent commanded, and immediately killed Tony with a bullet in the head and Luciano put a bullet in the head of the other wounded guy. They quickly moved downstairs and they went straight to the gate and checked on the cabin and garage, they saw their trucks but they didn't touch anything.

What about the lady? Luciano asked as they move back to the gate.

We leave her, she didn't recognize us, Vincent replied

She will talk to the police and they will start looking around for any clue, Luciano slowly advised Vincent.

She won't say anything because she knows nothing. Police will do their scooping as usual. Lorenzo will lose the diamonds and he will be confused. And the police will give us our trucks. We will be the suspect but we know this already, they won't do us any harm. Lorenzo will be answering some answers about the trucks and he might be in trouble for this. We have our truck drivers in ICU, badly wounded, so do the math. Light up the cooker and boil some water and we are out of here. This house will be on fire in few minutes. Vincent explained about this slowly as his left hand carrying the briefcase that was full of diamond. They got into their vans and hit the road.

They made love the whole night and they slept for 4 hours after. Frank got up early and went downstairs and prepared breakfast while doing some push-ups and lifting some weight outside, his usual thing. Now Deb got up and put Franks shirt and come downstairs and he could see Frank outside doing some exercise

Keeping yourself busy I can see. Deb was laughing and she was happy. She had been thinking about this since the day they met in Iraq. She has never been able not to think of him since then. And here she is, it looks stupid but at least she was with him now. The biggest challenge was to know if Frank has the same feeling or he think this is a part of her job and he just playing smart to respond accordingly. She knows that he is capable of faking things. They have been looking inside his file and surely, they saw lots of things that qualifies him to a great fighter and a politician as well. He can be whatever he wants to be, he is good at pretending. So, he was in dilemma but she could understand the power tat make her fall for him this way.

Yeah, this is medicine, you know that, Frank got up and he grabbed her and kissed her again and they were horny again. He carried her upstairs and they were again on it this time slowly and Deb responded in a way that Frank was having it to the fullest. She was sweet and they all enjoyed each other. They took 20 minutes and they were laying there speechless. And Frank managed to laugh. She stood up and they all went to the bathroom and they were again teasing each other taking shower together and have sex again in the shower, it was crazy and sweety.

They sat in the living room had their breakfast while watching TV. And Deb as usual started the conversation.

So, you are going to New York? Going to work with your friends' family? Deb was curious.

Yeah, sort of training on how to manage restaurants and I will be taking some courses at the university in management and entrepreneurship courses. Have to know more about these things before start my own business. Frank Explained.

That sound great- Deb admired and she was silent, as if in deep thoughts

So, what are guys want for me? You followed me from Iraq to Tennessee for what? Am not a criminal and I did everything that the country asked of me and in mostly deadly missions, you know it, so what's up with all the drama I saw the other day. Frank was serious now.

Frank, am not here as CIA, am here just like a friend, so, don't think this is a part of the job. I just like you, that's all. Deb was a little bit nervous and Frank kept on looking deep in her eyes.

I know, Frank didn't want to spoil the fun they have had. I like you too and it was sweet and I enjoyed it. They all laughed.

Just know that, you have friends in the agency and they will someday need your skills and your participation in something big for the greater and benefits of the nation and the world. Deb concluded.

I feel like this is not the right moment for all of this, so, let me wish you all the best in New York and I believe we will see each other soon. What is the time for your flight again? Deb asked, and Frank was still looking at her, imagining what is all about this nice and sweety lady doing with the CIA, what is her story, but he just advised himself to spare that question later, because she is the one who came to him and he decided to leave behind all the questions and he knew there is always time for each drama that life can offer. It is the thing he learnt through tough experiences which started back in the land of thousand hills and also in Iraq, so he was an expert of letting things to cool down and that's where his power lies and act when no one expects nothing at all.

Yeah, my flight to NY is today 2030hrs, I will miss you and all of these- Frank laughed. Deb responded and they are laughed.

Next time we will have to know more about each other, you know what I mean, Deb demanded

You know everything about me, am the only guy with no information here, hahaha- Frank teased to see if this lovely lady could volunteer, if she is going to lie or tell the truth. And all Frank could see is the experienced field office who is in-front of him and he isn't interested in knowing any of her background for the moment.

Are you interested? Deb was now concerning and draw near to Frank

Very much, He responded sharply and straight.

And that's how they ask? She teased.

My style. Frank teased back and this time Deb was silent as if looking at the entry point and how to start. It was a moment where now the job is reveling itself through her face and how she was breathing struggling to speak, definitely she was in love with Frank and she wasn't sure if the feeling is mutual. She was scared to be abandoned again, she had issues of not believing in men and mostly these handsome men.

Born in Philadelphia, father Haitian and Irish mother, from catholic upbringing, parents are still living together, got my two young brothers, Wyclif and Robert. Graduated in Law from Yale, Joined the agency right away. That's me, she raised both of her hand to show him that she has nothing to hide. He was still observing her and appreciated how she put her story just in short.

Thank you for the introduction, you are extremely lucky to have all of your parents. I think they are very proud of you.

Yeah, I thank God and whatever I have become am still their baby girl hahah- Deb admitted. So, what was all about with Jamal calling you the devil and pinned you with all the drama from Congo? She asked finally.

Oooh that again, hahaha, he just wanted to look at his brother's killer eyes and be sure if am originated from those areas. But I think he was telling the truth. He has been in those jungles because originally am from the area nearby Congo and there are some tribes that looks like me and I think we have some similarity on many things. Am from Rwanda, came to the USA immediately after the Tutsi Genocide, so, Jamal was right about the remembrance. Frank stopped from their and he knows that Deb knows about this already so he better keep quiet and hear what she doesn't know and that is where he wanted to know and was disturbing him since that day, he first met with these company guys, Allan and Deborah.

She immediately put her head on his chest and was relaxing and looks like she just wants to feel loved here and she didn't want to go further with any interrogation and indeed. She wasn't here for that and her silence will make Frank spare other time for this story and she was like who knows, everything happened for reason, because since she saw him that day in Iraq, she felt something on her heart and she didn't know if its love or it was just the weakness she got for such handsome and serious young men. So, she was enjoying the moment and didn't want the job thing to spoil the fun. She hasn't felt like this before so this was her weakness for Frank and she accepted it. He was touching he long hair and she felt loved once more.

Giovanni and other Italian men shot the two convicts and put their bodies in the cremator in the basement. That was the end of the two ex-convicts and ex-military from Bosnia. They were now waiting for Vincent and Luciano teams to arrive and make other arrangements as soon as possible. After some time, they heard them entering, the gate was opened, these Italians from the underground Mafia ops coming and they immediately ushered them to the meeting room down to the basement. They went straight to the meeting room and Vincent was giving all the reports and they all agreed to what to if needed as their alibi, everyone was now at ease as they poured themselves heavy drinks and did a small cerebration gesture. They have managed to make and give a lesson to anyone who will try to mess with them again.

Go and give good news to Salvatore, we will meet on Sunday and make arrangements for the Diamonds as we planned before. and make sure you go visit our drivers at the hospital, Giovanni was now talking to Vincent, who was calm and relaxed.

The house was on fire while police and the Firefighters paraded the compound trying to stop the fire and they were now searching everywhere. They managed to rescue the lady and got the dead bodies out of the fire area. The lady was shaking in terror and was confused as hell.

Looks like a work of professionals and involved some syndicates of revenge and we might have gotten Mafia war coming back in a full gear. Teased one of the detectives telling other detective who was looking on the bodies.

What about those trucks? Any idea? Asked the male detective, there are two detectives at the scene and other policemen and 2 FBI agents who were all busy looking at the compound and checking on any sign to help them start decoding this scenario that was very new or rather was forgotten for some years.

Got the information that there was an incident that two truck carrying fish were hijacked and the drivers were all in ICU, fighting for their lives. The FBI guy answered as they all looking to one another. They all entered the main house joining the team of police and forensic dept doing their routine observation, taking and testing their scene carefully. The hooker found in the cabin tied, were now being taken care inside the ambulance as the police and firefight dept was making search for any survivors. The only part of the house that were burned was just the living room and some small areas of the upstairs rooms and there was smoke everywhere. The police joined to look for any possible survivors and, in few minutes, it was clear that there were no survivors, only dead bodies and it was clear evidence that, what happened here was no mistake a murder operation.

The information was that this house belongs to Tony Mancini, a businessman and a young brother to a well know businessman Lorenzo Mancini. These two were the known associates and brothers who owns clubs and strippers' business and have some transportation business as well. Explained Kenneth, the detective in charge, to the team of police men.

But we found the stolen trucks that belong to another businessman, Salvatore Stefano, owner of the big restaurant "La brezza di Catania" in Arthur Avenue. He concluded, and all who were present hearing about this information, they started murmuring, and some of the FBI agents were there too and were recording some of the information. All the Patrol and Detective divisions were there and the Larchmont Chef of police (CoP) was there heading this small meeting.

Make this the priority and work together both of you and bring something tangible and start shaking some trees ASAP. Commanded the CoP. He went back to his car and he was heading straight back to his office.

Lorenzo was mourning for his young brother's death and everyone in his house was sobbing. Friends and some business partners too and everyone were silent just sitting and waiting for Lorenzo to say something. They were both in Lorenzo house in the big living room talking in small groups. Lorenzo was talking with some guys with eastern Europe accent in his small office connected to the living room. And it seems they are not getting things in shape because there were all confused.

We are so sorry for what happened, but we want to assure to you that we have nothing to do with this. We will also look for these two missing guys and get the answers. Because we do not believe in coincidence. There must be something going on, Explained one of the guys with Russian accent in his mid-50s. There were 4 people in the office, two Russian guys, Lorenzo and his right-hand man, Roberto. Roberto was an ex-commando from Italy. Ruthless guy with a scar on his left chick. So, the Russians left the room and leave Lorenzo and Roberto alone. They were silent for a little bit and Lorenzo for the first time he spoke with more concern now.

What do you think? He looked at Roberto who was now calm as usual.

This cannot be the Russian. It is not their style. And we are not going to see their missing people. My guess is with Salvatore and Giovanni. We need more men now than before. They are not going to stop from here, they are coming after all of us, Finally Roberto sat down and draw a long breath.

We underestimated them, but they are not what we thought they are, especially after their son, Vincent coming from Iraq, that kid is more dangerous than his old pals. Heard some news of what he and his platoon did over there. We have to lay low for a while and plan. And more importantly, we have to keep quiet and deny all about those trucks found from Tonys' compound, Roberto concluded.

Lorenzo now was on his feet and looking outside his office and in deep thoughts. It was now time to go outside and start talking with friends and his family members. He was shaking hands with some men and women who were in the living room and would stop to make little chat with his partners while they were all extended their condolences.

Two weeks passed and the Russians were now increasing their men and they promised Lorenzo to avenge his young brother Tony and their two men, whom they believe are no longer alive. So, they were now preparing to make an attack to Vincent and his men.

It was 1640hrs and one the drivers of Vincent was at the parking lot waiting for his boss who was with Luciano and other two Italian men in one of the bars in the area. They were coming out and the driver was observing on his left side and saw a van which had a tinted windows and he was kind of getting suspicious, because that car come to the parking and were there for the past 30 minutes now, and no one come out of that van, as if they are waiting for something. So, when he saw his bosses coming out of the bar, he immediately drove the car towards his bosses and he pulled his gun and put it on his lap. And he was near Vincent and Luciano, and Luciano was getting suspicious as well and he looked around.

Did you see this? He asked Vincent, and they all started to look around to see anything suspicious.

The driver is coming our way that is unusual, he might have seen something and he wanted us to be ready, Luciano continued and immediately Vincent saw another van coming, in approximately 20 meters from their own car.

Yeah, there is a van following our car, this is not good. They all starting to make quick steps towards their car. Now, the Russian van was speeding towards them and Vincent driver saw it, he tried to speed also to make a shield kind of to his bosses who were also getting their cover to other cars and immediately, the Russian van opened the windows and started firing at them and the car also, Vincent driver managed to make a turn and he was on the side that was a bit more covered from the bullets and he made a stop, jumped outside, the car now shielding the bullets from the location where Vincent and Luciano were hiding and the driver joined them. The Russians continue to fire and the driver got a position and started firing back. The Russians were disappointed and they had to fire their last chance as they speed up and out of the area, because they saw that these Italians didn't fall on their trap as planned.

Is everybody ok? Asked Vincent, he was still down looking at the entire area hearing only the cars alarm, otherwise there was no sound in the area and everything was calm.

Here, just a scratch, the driver answered, looking at his elbow, he saw blood and he was examining the wound and it looks like the bullets missed him but leaving the scratch where it passes on the upper side. Vincent gave the sign to wait a little longer, as the Marine he was, he expected the backup from these guys or something like a sniper or anyone that would have waited for them to emerge. They eventually decided to move and now the authorities were all over, the police and people were now coming to see what has happened. So, they undergo all the process and went to the police station and give their statement. Good enough, Vincent was still respected, son of wealth businessman, who fought for his country, had no bad reputation whatsoever, although some rumors were starting building up because of all the things that were happening so fast and reflecting the war among the Mafia families in the Bronx.

Salvatore and Giovanni met them at the precinct and file for their statement and they were allowed to go home but there were some suspicions regarding the murder case that was pending and almost many of the police were starting to look close to this family especially with this Vincent guy, who was the ex- Marine, back in town.

Frank was now in New York and he got a small room near Fordham University Area, paid for six months' rent upfront and he had registered on the entrepreneurship program at Gabeli School of Business. He called Vincent to let him know that he is around, and would see him soon. He was now preparing to meet Vincent's family at their home. This was the request of Salvatore and the whole family, first of all was to thank him for what he did back there in Iraq and saving their Son. That was a brave action he did, where no one was able to take the decision but him alone and they are very proud. And also, they had to discuss his work and all that he will be doing and his salary. Vincent come to look for him, he knew exactly where he is located because he had shared him his address.

Hey Franko, how are you, how was your flight? Vincent hugged him and sat on leather chair.

Vincenzo my friend, am good, God is still good to me, haha, yeah had a nice flight, thank you for asking. How have you been? You look tired, Frank commented. Vincent was laughing.

Lots of work in these days and you know it needs sleepless nights to withstand this pressure of New York, you will see by yourself.

Yeah, hope so, and am not planning to sleep as well. So, we go I bet your old man is eager to see me, haha, Frank concluded. He closed the door and followed Vincent to the parking where there was a black Range Rover with the driver. This surprises Frank, a driver? And he observed the driver's face, yeah, those faces and looks that you just concluded that they have seen days, yes them days. Those drivers that works as bodyguards at the same time.

They drove for almost an hour and reach in an area which was just like Kingston in Knoxville, an area which was very cool with big houses and trees that were cut in a way they all look similar and you could see that this is an area of rich people and old, kind of retired folks with money. They entered a big gate and could see other men with long coats as if hiding some guns and he immediately see and yes, this is an Italian family from Sicily with money, so he did the math and getting all the answers. But there is more to this, and he was observing carefully but without fear. Salvatore, Giovanni, and Vincent two sisters were standing all outside the big Villa all smiling. He was felling happy to come here, such an honor.

Frank, finally we have been blessed to meet you, finally, you are welcome, Salvatore was extending his hand and he pulled Frank who was now smiling and they hugged as if they were old friends.

Good to see you Sir, it is an honor, Frank responded

The pleasure is all ours Frank, Salvatore insisted and they were all smiling and Giovanni also come smiling as well and they hugged too.

Good to see you Frank, we have had much of good things about you, Giovanni said. And Frank responded smiling, same for you Giovanni, Vincent always talked about to you and I feel like I know all of you guys, hope you know how much Vincent love you both, with Maria and Rocca- Frank said this while approached these two young beautiful ladies and shake their hands and he was very happy just looking at this good family. And he turned to Vincent who was now behind him with Salvatore. Frank knew the whole family, he had seen pictures of them. Vincent used to keep the family picture when they were in Iraq.

Welcome home Frank, this is your family, you are not a guest here- Salvatore was very happy and he took Frank's hand. Frank was a strong and well build Black guy wearing nicely, smart just like Italians. Giovanni was also behind and they were all observing Frank, and surely the description that Vincent gave them was 100% true. He was physically fit and with the good choice of good clothes. Italian style. Good shirts with good trousers and small sized jacket with nice Italian shoes. They entered the house and Frank was surprised to see how beautiful the house was. And they sit in a big living room, all of them, and they left some guys probably guards, outside the compound. This house was big enough even to accommodate weddings and other parties just outside with nice grasses and some beautiful trees. And they offered him something to drink and as usual he is not an alcoholic guy so, they offered him non- alcoholic beverage. They knew this before, Vincent gave them all the information regarding Frank.

Sorry for your loss, we've heard about the sad news and we believe you are holding on alright- Salvatore was now talking as a parent.

Yes Sir, thank you so much, am just doing great. He replied.

You guys you did a good job over there we are very proud of you, serving your country is a noble work, Giovanni admitted. And Frank smiled and appreciated and he was looking to Vincent.

I want to tell you that your son here, he is a very good marine, because I know he has been talking about me so he can't talk about himself. But he is a hell of a good Marine. Frank admitted. Although, he usually does not like to talk about war and all the things they did over there, so they were silent now just waiting for Salvatore and Giovanni to ask questions.

You know most of us would always want to hear the stories about what was like over there and especially where you, our sons been making a huge sacrifice of our country, Said Salvatore.

Frank was smiling and he responded, yes yes, we know. Those people were very much determined and do not fear death and that is the most difficult part in fighting such an enemy. And they like giving lesson when capturing their prisoners, because this is where they got to show the whole world how tough they are. Doing barbaric things and making hundreds of videos and showing the whole world. That is the most shocking scenes this the world would see and not only for civilians but also soldiers who are at the front line. Frank continues, so, many times when we were being ambushed by the insurgents, their primary target was to see if they can get us alive, but we thank God who protected us and given us power to overcome and defeat the enemy. So, we have seen things over there that we could not be easy to explain but what we all know is that it is not by our might rather God's hand was upon us. Now all of them were listening and were amazed on how this man in front of them put God in everything, they appreciated that. So, they continue little chats and Giovanni told them similar stories when he was in Somalia.

Yeah, these people are not playing when in war, I remember during my tour in Somalia, this people would do anything to make sure they capture our soldiers and for sure they did and that was terrible because, they would do things that would sound barbaric and make the whole world fear them and this had an impact politically and make some family question US invasions in those countries. So, they do this also in a political manner and boycott the whole operation. Giovanni concluded. And they all agreed and now Salvatore invited them to the table to eat while keep on having little talks.

I need to learn more about business and especially the foods and coffee business. I have saved some money to start this business and I would like first of all to have hands-on, in every aspect that constitute this business and I have also registered to the entrepreneurship course at the University where I would also be learning some stuffs about innovation in business and something like that. Frank in summary explained his plans and Salvatore was happy to hear about this and he talked with him about the salary and hours and every task that is within the restaurant and he said that he is free to work in any department within the restaurant until he feels he is confident about the acquired skills he needs to get.

He is a determined guy I have seen, so I have faith in him and he will do more to acquire knowledge on this. He never gets tired, I remember when he came for me when I got shot and these insurgents were shouting and were coming to get me alive, but he managed to join me and he created in me a heart of warrior and told me, we are going to move from here alive, he fought for my life and put his own at risk. Frank, I know you do not like these stories but am grateful for what you did for me over there, and would like my family to know that, you are good man, Vincent saluted and there was a moment of silent and Frank was smiling and appreciated the gesture.

You fought for me as well, because you were not scared and you make some rounds and get them hard and I was able to carry you, although you were wounded and in pain but you never lose hope and the most important thing is that God fought for us that day and deliver us from the hands of our enemies. I always put God first, him who strengthens us and give us power to overcome, Frank saluted too.

This was wonderful and Salvatore family was happy and the sisters were now crying in joy and they hugged Vincent and thanked Frank and there was a moment of joy as they were drinking and they continue their little chats as well. Giovanni was silent but you could see the love he has for Vincent and now he was more interested with this marine whom he has heard more about from his old friend from the agency, Allan.

So, Frank, just prepare yourself then anytime when you are ready, we have our manager who will assist you in anything you need to know about the restaurant and do not hesitate to come to me whenever you feel like talking more. Salvatore concluded. And Frank agreed, and now they went outside the balcony and continue their chats. It was now to leave and Frank wanted to go and prepare because he wanted to start immediately in the morning.

mutesa_frank mutesa_frank

The Chapter two (Omerta) is more connecting the work of organized crime and the art of ex-marine with family ties to Cosa Nostra. For those who need all seven chapters(a full novel) you can contact the author via

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