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Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Time flies when you train your skills, the thrill of playing with the laws of physics was undoubtedly intoxicating, but when you focus too much on practicing it you realize that taking breaks progress is greater, so step 5 is on going.

Step 5 - If you have a power you love, don't train like a typical fanfic protagonist, 1 is not healthy and 2 you're not someone who has trained a lot in their entire life, so starting small is key even though know that in the future there will be many misfortunes.

It's unbelievable the absurd amount that the protagonists focus so much on training that they forget their surroundings, I'm clueless, but I also don't want to be a complete brainless person who becomes arrogant, yes, training like crazy makes you become arrogant of your strength whether you want it or No.

Imagine that you train with your powers, and the powers are steroids, so you get arrogant showing off your muscles and by showing off you break someone's arm, I don't want that to happen, so I looked in one of the orphanage's computers, which they only gave us an hour to use because they didn't want us to become addicted.

Look for information on how to meditate, I know that it is a waste of time because meditating is something easy, but I did not want to miss any step or that I could be wrong, and from what I saw there are two ways to meditate, where one should not think about anything, which is quite tricky because when you don't think about anything you're already thinking about something, so that's a big no unless at an enlightenment level, so for beginners it would be better to think about specific and important things or review what happened in your day to day to analyze if you did something that does not fit you or that you would like to improve.

And that's what I did, every day even though I didn't train or just hang out with the other children in the orphanage playing and talking about food and heroes, before going to sleep I meditated, it didn't have to be in an uncomfortable lotus position, but it was complicated to do it lying down because without realizing it I fell asleep.

But I got to a point where I had lucid dreams, and let me tell you, it's great, although I doubt how I did it so fast, so I went back to meditating the next day so as not to overload my brain.

Meditating helps with memory, from what I realized with the few memories of the life of this body, was that it was a small prodigy, not to the point of alarming anyone or making a scandal of being as intelligent as Einstein but rather as a lower level than Izuku.

What that mixed with the mind of a young adult does some nice little wonders, as for why I couldn't read Japanese well despite being a little genius, well it was because my soul from my previous life didn't know any Japanese/ kanji, isekai glitches and stuff.

I should stop beating around the bush…now I look like izuku mumbling in his mind…disturbing.

Leaving those thoughts aside, let's go to the most entertaining thing in question, my powers:

1.- I had the ability to absorb some elements, I thought outside the box and tried to absorb other elements that weren't in video games like water, earth or wood, and even air, the bad thing was that it was incredibly difficult to absorb them not as much as smoke, so I have a theory that depending on the state of matter it is easier or more difficult to absorb, neon and video were somewhat more complicated because it was a kind of light, it did not have the exact science of how it works, luckily almost everything is instinctive and I don't have to absorb energy cells like in the video game to improve my abilities.

2.- my limit of having elements at the same time is two, for example I can have a concrete armor and launch water spears, but the required concentration is incredibly high that it only took 5 seconds to make a smoke and a concrete crack at the same time.

3.- the energy storage limit is rare, I don't have to absorb an element to activate its abilities, I just have to think about them, so it allows me more maneuverability, but I still need to recharge after continuous use, and I can only have 3 elements at a time, I don't know if that will change in the future, but it is better to grow slowly so as not to injure myself.

4.- abilities of regeneration and healing wounds, if any, the complicated thing is that the more serious the wound, the more energy it absorbs, I tried it on a little bird that had a broken wing and despite being a small creature it consumed me 1/6 of my energy, but considering that my storage limit is extremely small then it's not too bad, just make sure to keep it a secret and limit yourself in humans on cuts or bruises.

And in case you're wondering, yes, I thought about using this ability with All Mitgh but generating organs from the matter of whatever I use, plus the power levels I'd need for those organs to support the one for all…I don't want to imagine how that would be. they would break my mana reserves despite even if I trained like a madman.

5.- and most importantly, I can hover and a bit of fly depending on the element I use, the video wings are great, luckily the appliances don't get damaged, they just discharge.

And that's it, the only thing you should know now is that I chose 3 items that are most useful and with which I had materials to train.

The smoke is great and even with a lot of power I can generate fire, how to absorb it, apparently it can be all types of smoke, so if I climb very high up a building I can absorb the carbon dioxide that remains in the atmosphere, but that only allows me to have 1/5 of the quality of absorbing the smoke of a fire, after all it is mixed with water and other molecules, we must study more of the chemical components of the environment.

Electricity, it's the easiest I can absorb with, decent power and the innate ability to have x-ray vision that shows people's bioelectricity, the bad thing is that it doesn't show who are enemies or allies, and doesn't allow lewd scenes... What? I had to prepare myself when mineta tried to annoy me when he asked me about this ability…if that.

And last but not least, the concrete, you have no idea how much concrete is generated in the fights between villains and heroes, although it is difficult to use it because it is a solid material.

Delsing had it easy, with his broken power to absorb the abilities of other bioconductors he gained his experience of how to manipulate the elements and it was a matter of time before he could juggle the elements.

That would be the most important thing so far, the other skills are the basic ones, you know, bullets of each element, the different visions that each element gives and the rest was just creativity, here I had no limitations of what I learned, just dedication and practice are the limits.

Scene jump, age 10

I was in the classes and my classroom only had some of the children who were orphans, others got parents and went to other places, tearful farewells and all that…if I also cried a little for the farewell of the people I met As for me, nobody has adopted me, and I hope that never happens, only 5 more years and I will get an apartment paid for by the government if I do well and I enter the U.A, although even inside I had the doubt that being, I know I want to do good and everything, but am I really passionate about it?

Passion, one of my big problems, it cost me too much to find a profession to study and have a future of paying debts and stuff, I wanted to think more about my future than to be and why I want to be, but the sensei had to call me attention.

[MAA]-Kei-san, I know you always have your mind in the clouds, but try to pay attention in my class…-

The sensei only sighs for me, at least he is not one of those violent senseis who throw pencils at distracted students, while I laughed nervously and paid attention again to the English class.

At departure timeI was yawning a lot when I returned to the orphanage, it wasn't very far away and one of the orphanage managers came to look for us, it was a bit embarrassing, but when it comes to taking care of the children Maa-san was very strict, when we are 13 years old there we won't he will come looking for us because we will be old enough and smart enough not to get lost or get into trouble.

And I wouldn't dare to disobey her, especially when I saw a roommate being lectured for 5 whole hours, the poor guy was already out of his soul with fear and mental exhaustion.

By the time we got to the orphanage, everyone went to their rooms, which fit 4 children in each room with 2 bunk beds, I went to put my bag under my bed and the other children… roommates, left their beds in a mess and went to the front or back garden, I am still impressed by the size of the place and that I have lived here for almost 6 years.

I just lay down while listening to Maa-san outside watching the children use her quirk, at first I thought she was a villain to recruit and brainwash us...


I was in my state of smoke, at night and in front of the door of Maa-san's office, so it was easy to go through the door safely, the good thing is that I didn't leave my state of smoke because there were some tears that were seen by him smoke that came off my body, I already felt a bad feeling for this security.

So using the vision of electricity causing the smoke to have some blue rays that connected for a second, I managed to see the hidden cameras, and with half a minute I found a dead spot where I could sneak, which was being glued to the ground, in my position and on Maa-san's desk.

Seeing the electricity in the environment is really op, so grabbing my skills from the impossible mission movies I sneaked on the ground, I had to be fast, the smoke is running out of my reserves, the anxiety in my body was rising more and more that I was approaching the matron's desk, after all, I might find something that I may not like, but if or if I must find out for my safety and the safety of the children in the orphanage.

By the time I got there obviously the drawers were locked, with code more than anything, it was too much to ask for it to be a normal lock…wait I have electricity powers…please don't explode.

At that moment I stopped being in my smoke state, I had enough reserves just to go and come back, careful you have to be or go to the sewer.

With my wise words of yoda, I carefully approached my hand to the electric locks and put my electricity in them with all the care and maneuverability that I could, the sweat fell down my forehead and I got more and more desperate until I heard how the light of the lock lit up green by opening the lock on the central drawer.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she opened the drawer to read the documents, which showed permits to train the children of the orphanage.

Which said to:

Permission to use quirk on the ground

This document gives legal permission for the use of quirks in the xxxxxxxxxx orphanage with the supervision of the heroine metalgirl to keep the children on the path of good and do not get out of control by using their quirks to avoid causing accidents and know how to use them wisely.

Atte. Quirk Law Department

Although the name was lame, this gave me the relief I needed, so putting away the documents and closing the drawer, I returned to the entrance in a state of smoke again, an air of calm in my movements as I passed out on my bed for myself. body of a child not bearing so much stress.


So with headphones in my ears I relaxed for this day, I already trained yesterday with my skills, I can now leave the tense moments to my future self, I feel sorry for you.

The music flooded my brain relaxing me to the point of falling asleep making me forget about the homework I had for tomorrow, I curse you from the past!!!

A/N: Well, what did you think of this chapter of a ´´little´´ summary? I don´t know if I did it very op or if I didn´t explain something, in matters of details just leave your comment and I will try to answer all your questions. questions, also if you see any errors that leave plot gaps please let me know.

PS: If you saw the previous chapter and you know what those blue and red birds were, you will see them again in the future.

MAA: maa-san

SentimentalReader2 SentimentalReader2

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