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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

{5 Years Later}

'So this is the Pre Clone Wars era...shit.' Ashton thought with slight frustration. How he knew this? Well he used the nearby Holonet console that his family's estate had. He was the son of a Nabooian nobleman who was pretty low in ranking. The man was in charge of trying to rebuild the agricultural side of Naboo, so that they wouldn't need to rely on outside produce. Ashton's new father's name was Ainer Keynes, a man of the wild. Well, more like a farmer who knows how to get people to work together. They lived right outside of Theed, capital city of Naboo, the family estate was not grand but in human terms it was grand. It was large, having three floors and only a few parts of it having technology. Ashton had of course gone on a tour numerous times both with his mother and father, then by himself.

Speaking of, his mother was once a Jedi Knight poised to become a Jedi Master. She was said to have been on par with Master Windu with regards to her skill as a duelist. Though, she had left the Order primarily because of the love she felt for Ainer. As well as because she saw what the Jedi had become and wanted no part in it any longer. How he knew this? Well she kept retelling the story over and over again when he was still four months old. She made it out to be some epic tale that needed to be told. So in other words she didn't want him in the Order and would most likely fight to keep him out of it. That was fine with him, he didn't want any of that self-righteous dogma rubbed off on him.

Ashton was in his room sitting cross legged across his mother, whose name was Rena Ortanga of Clan Ortanga. The Echani existed within this universe but were mostly remaining isolated. Why? Well this was due in part for two reasons. The first was that the majority wanted no part in galactic affairs, the second reason was because of the Mandalorians. Apparently there was an Echani v Mandalorian War that happened nearly a decade ago. His mother took part in it on the side of her people. She had discovered a plot that would have gotten both people crippled and killing each other to near extinction. Unfortunately, that is all Ashton knows of the Echani v Mandalorian War so far. His mother won't go into anymore explanation since it concerned something personal to herself.

Knowing not to piss off badass warrior woman mother, Ashton decided not to push the subject. So now here he was, trying to get in touch with the Force as it were. Though he was aware that he couldn't do such a thing. How? Well it's because he couldn't sense life around him. He could feel the objects around him, the movement of motion and gravity changing. He could sometimes sense the thoughts on a surface level, but all the same he knew that he had telepathy in some regard. What was most peculiar was what was happening outside of his body. He may not be able to see it now, but he could feel it. Ashton was floating at least three feet off the floor, his body giving off a deep sea blue glow. Rena saw this and was dumbfounded, she didn't know what was happening to her son. The child was strange she knew this, but she didn't know that he would have a power that neither she nor the Jedi had ever encountered before. She couldn't sense him in the same way as all living beings, but she could sense the potential within him. She could sense his thoughts, and his beating heart.

Rena didn't know what to make of this, was her son the prophesied Chosen One? What was he truly capable of? Why was he different from everyone else? Before she could ponder more about this, she watched as Ashton opened his eyes to reveal that they were glowing. His blue irises were on full display for her, giving off a vibrant hue of power. There was no telling what her son would become, but she would stir him clear of any Jedi training. She would teach him to defend himself, to become something better than a Jedi. After all, she didn't leave the Order just to have them come and decide the fate of her son. "Ash", she called with a warning tone, "You are doing too much, calm yourself before you do something irreversible. I can only teach you to meditate if you are actually trying to meditate." Ashton blinked twice, then felt his body slowly descending downwards.

Rena mentally sighed in relief, glad that her son was still coherent enough to hear her. Then again, she wasn't even sure if her son was consciously aware of the power he had. She was just as much in the dark as he was, unsure what to expect in the coming years. Hence, why it was decided that he would be homeschoolled until they could grasp at any idea of what Ashton was capable of. In this life he was Ashton Keynes Ortanga, one and only heir to the Keynes Household. It wasn't much but it was better than with dealing with the politic beauracy in Theed. Fortunately for the family, they were so left out that they were thought of as nothing as it seems. Ashton began to inhale and exhale slowly, he could feel the immediate gravity around him. It felt as if he could manipulate, as if he could actually touch it. With a slow rising hand, Ashton felt as if he were grabbing a rope. Then not long afterwards he heard a gasp, his eyes locked on a surprised Rena who was floating above the floor. A baby sized black hole was formed above her, causing her to float.

With shock and awe, Ashton immediately lowered his hand and tried to get rid of the feeling that he felt to which caused the incident. Only a moment later did the singularity disperse, dropping Rena on her rear. She shot to her feet, looking around for the black hole which caused her to feel weightless. Then slowly her eyes landed on Ashton, a spark could be seen in her eyes as a grin came to her lips. Ashton felt a cold shiver roll up his spine, as if the grin that she was giving him was that of a devil. "Ash", she called while turning her body towards him, "I believe that it's time to take our lessons outside. It's time to train you in the Echani art of combat, all this time I had believed that you were like all Force Sensitive children. I think that it is stress and combat that will aid us in getting your power out."

Ashton gulped, knowing full well what exactly this meant. Echani were widely known for their exemplar martial art prowess whether it be armed or unarmed. The only way one beats them is by cheating or by having plot. "Mother", he pleaded, "Could we take a break and get something to eat first?" Ashton gave her the best puppy dog eyes that he could, trying to call upon her compassion as a mother. What he was met with was Rena leaning over, giving him a smirk. "Oh my dear boy, we have barely even started." She stated plainly then gestured for him to follow her.

'Dammit...' He thought, as he rose to his feet. Rena raised a brow at him the folded her arms above her breasts. "And who pray tell taught you such foul language?" She questioned, though it sounded more like an interrogation. Ashton visibly started to sweat, a suspicious mother was one thing, but a suspicious Force Sensitive mother was another. She had never spanked him before, and he didn't want to see what that would be like. 'Weelll....', Ashton began to think after taking his mother's physique in, 'Wait, no! Bad Ash! Bad!' He mentally tossed the thought to the side and immediately blamed the only person whom he could. "Father did." He quickly said, causing Rena to click her tongue in annoyance before turning and marching out of Ashton's bedroom. "Come along, your father get what is due to him once he returns home." She said with a hint of malice. Ashton grimaced at the thought of that, he had just set his father up.

Ashton put his hands together and silently prayed for his father's survival through the night. Then he promptly ran after Rena before she could take her malice out on him. Minutes later, the both of them were outside wielding wooden staffs. They stood 10 feet apart, in a stance similarly to the Dora Milaje from Black Panther. Ashton had a nervous look on his face, not because of this little sparring session. Mainly because his mother was annoyed at his father and she was going to let out some of that on him. He could only hope that she didn't kick his ass too badly. Before he knew it she rushed forward, twirling the staff in her hand with great skill. Ashton moved to try and parry, but by the time that he did, Rena had already swept his legs right from under him with the other side of her staff. "Sloppy, you have started to parry my blows but you must keep yourself moving", she instructed, "A stationary target is predictable target."

Ever since Ashton was able to hold up a stick from the age of one, he had been trained by his mother in the art of Echani martial arts. She said that he was progressing well, but he felt as if she were only saying it to make him feel better. He felt that he was horrible at it, he wanted to get better faster. His silver hair hung loosely and unkempt, due in part to the fact that he had been knocked onto his rear. As well as not wanting to keep it well kept while he trained with his mother. With a slow rise, Ashton got to his feet and went back to his practiced stance once again. He began to labor his breathing, trying to focus on the sparring session with his mother. She gave him a once over before doing the same, circling him causing Ashton to do the same. They both were in a 25 foot wife circle, one that had sand in it to limit movement. Though it hardly hindered Rena since she has practiced in this way numerous times. As Ashton was beginning to think of a way to combat her. That was when his mind seemed to blank out, he could feel the gravity around him once more. He felt weightless, and for a moment he didn't move. That was when Rena stroke, spinning with her staff aiming to strike his temple. Before her blow landed, she froze, or rather she was forcefully stopped. It was like an invisible force had just paralyzed her.

Ashton's eyes were hueing blew, shining brilliantly as he continued to inhale and exhale aloud. Slowly, realizing dawned upon his face. He shook his head trying to shake the feeling that he felt from before. Not long after, Rena fell forward and breathed deeply. It felt like her breathing had been stopped, as if her lungs froze in place. She was down on one knee, using her staff to keep her from falling face first into the sand. Then she slowly looked up at her son, fearful look in his eyes. Rena was not upset, but astonished. Her son's power responded defensively without his knowledge as it seemed. This was far more progress that she made with him in the past, now she needed to aid him in controlling it. She smiled confidently as she slowly rose to her feet once more. Unbeknownst to her, Ashton was freaking out. It wasn't just because of what he had just done to his mother. It was because he knows what powers that he has now.

'I'm a Biotic...' He thought, both with wonder and dread.

{Later That Evening}

Ashton could be seen practicing alone, perfecting his forms with the staff. Inside of his family's estate, he could hear the distinct sounds of his mother chasing after his father. The man had no idea why he was being chased, only that she was trying to wack him with her staff. Ashton ignored it of course, knowing that the man should survive. At the moment he was pondering on how in the Hell he was a Biotic in Star Wars. It didn't make sense to him, Biotics came about in a specific way in Mass Effect. From his research on the Holonet there weren't any news of a Systems Alliance, Asari, or any races from there. Unless this was of course one of those Plot driving powers that was given to him just because. It would explain why he couldn't sense like his mother could. After all, he wasn't sure if a Biotic were capable of sensing anything. Then again how was he able to sense the gravity around him? The change in pressure and weight, the gravitational forces that kept him secured on the very Earth beneath him. Most of all, how was he not losing control of himself? If memory served him right then he should be out of control without an amplifier.

So many questions, yet so little answers. For now, all he could do was find a way to call out his Biotic abilities without hurting anyone. Being a Biotic was far more dangerous than being a Force Sensitive. After all, Biotics were capable of a myriad of abilities. Two of which that he just showcased with little to no control over them. Singularity and Stasis, one that makes the target's gravity disappear for several moments. The other literally holding the target in place as if someone hit the pause button. Ashton would have to find a driving force to keep his Biotic powers from going out of control, and how to use them accordingly. That meant he had to do it all manually without anyone who could help. His mother was trying, but she has already proven that she has no inkling of an idea of what he could do. Ashton did, and it both scared him and thrilled him. If he trained the right way, he could take out an entire platoon of trained soldiers with only a knife.

Ashton started to remember that feeling that he felt before, allowing it to mesmerize him. He could feel the gravitational force of Naboo flow through him, keeping him firmly on the ground. He remembered how Jack was able to float or even levitate with her skill in Biotics. So he of course tried to do the same, it a strainous since he was trying to do it against the planet's gravitational pull. Sweat started to fall from his forehead, his body emmited a blue glow. For several long minutes he tried to will himself upwards, at least a foot above the ground. Try as he might, his body didn't seem to be ready for the task. Blood began to drip from his nose as he felt pain rush over him. As if gravity was punishing him for doing to try to act against it. Ashton fell down to all fours, panting breathlessly as the blue glow that had enveloped him before was fading away. Now it was only him and silence, the silence being the operative word here since the cattle of his estate's farm were filling that silence.

Ashton remained as he was on the ground, catching his breathe. Any normal person would be deterred to ever try that again. However as Ashton sluggily rose to his feet, he had a determined look in his eyes. He knew that he could do it, he had to be able to do it now. It was simply because he had actually been able to lift himself several centimeters off the ground. Now all he had to do was keep practicing, as well as practicing other abilities like Barrier, Throw, and his favorite, Charge. An estatic grin came to his lips as he was oblivious to a scowling Ainer approaching him. The man had a scowl mainly because of his son telling tales on him. Before he could raise his voice he noticed the blood on the sand in front of the boy. The scowl became a concerned look quickly as be came to his son's side and observed his nose bleed. "Ash, what happened?" he questioned while tearing his shirt off to put it up to his son's nose.

Ashton had a surprised look when he noticed that it was his father, then frowned a bit after having to smell the sweat and musk on the shirt. Ainer ignored it as he waited for his son to answer his question. "I trained too hard..." Ashton said through a muffled voice, the shirt making sure that was the case. Ainer gained a frown of his own then removed his shirt from his son's nose. He then tossed it to the side and placed both of his firm and rough hands on the boy's shoulder. "Ashton, I understand if you want to be someone that your mother wants you to become", Ainer began to console with a gentle tone, "But always remember that the galaxy doesn't make you who you are. You do, you are the one who owns your own fate. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise, your destiny is your own. You don't have to be a Jedi, you don't have to be a farmer like me either. Just be whomever you choose to be, and don't let anyone deter you from becoming it."

Ashton kept his eyes glued onto his father's sky blue irises. Having listened to that entire motivational talk, he had to admit it did move him. "And...what if I can't make you proud?" Ashton asked, causing a warm smile to form on Ainer's grizzled lips. "The day that you were born...I was already proud of you", He stated bluntly, "Although I am starting to regret it now since you have your mother believing a lie." He reaffirmed with his son, gaining a grimace out of the boy. As Ashton was about to explain his reasoning, he felt a cold child go up his back. Ainer's eyes locked onto a figure behind his son and dread marrowed his face. "So it was a lie?", Rena slowly asked with a chillingly calm voice, "So it would seem that both of you need to have what is due come to you..."

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