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Chapter 6: Death

After I introduced father to Jordan, I looked around and saw Zella and Zona.

After about 30 minutes all the students were sorted into their houses, and Zella and Zona both got into Ravenclaw.

After everyone finished eating a man with a cat that kinda freaked me out brought a special magical camera, at least that's what mom said she said it would take our picture and afterwards they would hang it in the great hall.

About an hour later we said our goodbyes to everyone and made our way back to the Hogwarts Express, the ride this time was much faster because I ended up falling asleep in my father's arms.

When I woke up we were already in front of our manor. I jump out of my father's arms about to run inside but he grabs my arm and yanks me back at the same time he pulls out his wand.

"Someone's here." my father says while he pulls me back next to my mother.

before I could say anything I hear someone scream something behind us.

"Avada Kedavra!!" before I could react my father already pushed my mother and me out of the way, he barely dodges the green ball of light flying at us.

I come to my senses and manage to look at where the green ball of light came from, what meets my eyes truly terrifies me.

I see about 20 people that look like monsters, and they all have their wands out but in front of them is what truly scares me.(death eaters)

There is a man if you can even call him that, he has very pale skin no nose and a sinister smile and beside him is a massive snake.

"Voldemort." my Father says while stepping in front of mom and me.

"Arther Bright, it seems your time has come." Voldemort says with a smirk.

A girl with black frizzy hair starts to laugh and just her laugh alone is terrifying.

Multiple people lift their wands and start firing spells at my father.




They yelled the spells out, all at once, I looked at my father and saw his face, he held no fear.

"Protego" my father says while he lifts his wand and a massive blue shield goes in front of him and deflects all the spells that were launched.

This went on for what felt like hours but was really just minutes, my father is holding them off, I see and hear him casting spells at times he even is on the offensive pushing back the opposing group of wizards.

'So this is what it means to be the strongest wizard alive.' I think to myself.

I look at my mother and I see the fear in her eyes.

"M-Mother?" I ask.

She looks down at me with tears in her eyes and reaches down and hugs me.

"Everything will be ok, your father is strong." my mother says.

I look back up and see the number of wizards opposing us has dropped to no more than nine, the rest our laying on the ground or just not there.

I look at the scary girl with frizzy hair and notice that she is pointing her wand directly at me, without a second to think she screams some words, I couldn't hear her but as soon as she screamed the same green ball of light that I saw earlier is now coming at me.

The green light is coming at me at a unimaginable speed and the only thing I can do is close my eyes, but before I could even do that, my father jumps in front of me.

"PROTEGO HORRIBILIS!" My father yells while flicking his wand.

A blue shield shows up in front of us, the green light is still coming at us very fast, and the green light finally hits the blue shield.


General POV.

A loud explosion was heard and everyone was now looking at Arther Bright who is still standing after blocking the Unblockable Curse, no one in the history of the wizarding world has ever survived let alone blocked, the Killing curse.

But here Arther Bright stands in front of his family after just being hit with the Killing curse.

Some of the death eaters became visibly nervous some even started to back away, until....


Everyone is now looking toward where the sound came from.

Everyone is staring at Arther Bright looking at his wand.


His wand starts to split and form cracks all along the wand, out of the cracks was coming a green light.

Arther blocked the unblockable curse, but at what cost?


At that very moment his wand snaps in half.

Without wasting this chance Voldemort immediately launches the the killing curse.

"AVADA KEDVRA!" Voldemort launches a spell.

Agis POV.


Everything moved slowly my mother started to scream and my father slowly turned and look at us his face still held no fear.

"I love you both" my father says before I could respond the green ball of light hit my father and he slowly fell over.

"FATHER!!!!!!" I cry out.

My mother crawls over to my father who is now laying motionless on the ground.

(Just realized I forgot to mention that because she's pregnant she isn't able to use magic, I have no clue if that is how It actually works but we are going with this.)

"A-Art-her please don't go-" my mother says while sobbing into my father's chest.

"We killed Arther bright!"

"We killed Arther bright!"

"We killed Arther bright!"

After the girl says this she points her wand at my mother.

"NOOOOO!" I scream.


General POV.


The killing curse is launched at Iris bright, she looks up and sees it coming realizing she can do nothing, she puts her hand on her stomach.

"I love you Agy." Iris says while a single tear falls down her face.


Iris looks around confused as to why she is not dead but what she sees truly terrifies her, she sees some sort of monster standing in front of her.

Everyone can be seen looking at a monster in front of Iris Bright but what truly terrifies them is the boy standing in front of it his eyes are completely black, and his body has a purple and blue Aura coming off of him.

The giant monster that looks like a knight with blue and purple shadows coming off of it starts to walk toward the Death eaters.

"IF ALL YOU KNOW IS DESTROYING WHAT IS PRECIOUS TO MY KING THEN.... I WILL DESTROY YOU." The Knight says while pulling out a sword that is all purple.


^^^^Important ^^^^



Word count-1130

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