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Chapter 66: The Small Journey Pt. 4

Aether appeared in a blur. He was standing in the same alleyway where Signora had kidnapped Paimon.

"Oi! What do you think you're doing?" Aether said putting his hands on the hilt of his samurai swords.

"Oh? You've arrived. I'm kidnapping her obviously. Such a strange girl. So small, so cute— I mean so human-like. And most of all, so weak." Signora said gripping Paimon's clothes so Paimon couldn't fly away. She grinned mockingly. Aether's eyes turned darker. The surroundings turned darker.

"Let her go and I'll send clones to alert all the knights and kill your agents in that hotel they're staying at along the way. " Aether said and his clones appeared behind him, ready to go do as they're ordered.

Signora's visible eye narrowed. She pouted a little. Aether didn't notice it since it was that little. "Tch. Fine. But before I let your little friend go. I want something back." She said smirking. Aether narrowed his eyes even more.

"What do you want from me? It better not be something stupid." Aether said ready to defend himself if she tries something.

"I want you to take me out to dinner in the most expensive restaurant in Mondstadt. Then, I want you to fight me. Can you do that ~" Signora said getting closer and walking around him. Paimon had been let go and she immediately disappeared into Aether's mind.

"Woah those are big. Ayyoo wait a minute. I'm not being horny when I'm being threatened am I? I'm going to go to horny jail when I have the chance." Aether thought still staring at Signora's big boobs. Signora had subtly told her agent to leave. He left without a trace.

"My eyes are up here you know." Signora said getting Aether's attention. Aether blushed a little and looked away.

"Sorry." Aether apologized. He didn't know why he was apologizing. But he thinks it was because he looked at her disrespectfully.

"Don't be. I know they're very attractive. Especially to people like you. Do you want a closer look?" Signora asked suddenly while smirking. Aether looked at her his mouth open.

"Wha— Oi!" Aether shouted while being suddenly pulled in by Signora. His face landed on her milkers. Signora giggled softly.

"You like them don't you. You dirty pervert. Don't worry. I'll punish your bank account later. " Signora smirked. She heard a muffle.

"What was that? I can't quite hear you." Signora asked. Aether got out of her milkers and said.

"I didn't even agree yet." Aether said. Signora rolled her eyes.

"You have no choice. Agree or else I'll tell my agents to hunt you and your little friend forever. " Signora looked at him darkly. Aether sighed. He had no choice.

" Alright alright. Just go easy on me and my bank account okay? " Aether asked.

" I'll think about it. And who said you can get off of them? " Signora said and pulled Aether in with her hands.

" Wait— Mhmp! " Aether was now in between her milkers again. Signora smirked.

"Dirty boy. You're enjoying an older woman's body. And that older woman is your enemy as well. Don't worry~, I know a good way to punish you and your dirtiness. Just wait.~ " Signora said in a dommy mommy voice. Aether meanwhile was blushing.

" Ah fuck. What is happening? Am I getting dominated? Hold up, wait a damn minute, why am I getting excited all of a sudden? " Aether is seriously questioning his kinks right now.

"It seems you're not affected. I'll try another way. " Signora raised Aether's head and stared into his eyes. Aether did the same. He could only see one of her light grey eyes but that was enough for him. They stayed like that for awhile. Aether was somehow relaxed, even though Signora

"Hmmm. I think that's enough for now. Before I go I have a gift for you." Signora said and put her hand on Aether's upper arm. Aether felt warm there. Seconds later, she let go of his arm and she walked away.

She looked back at him and did a flying kiss. A fire heart flying out of her mouth. It floated to Aether's heart.

"So warm but so dangerous at the same time." Aether thought when it hit his heart. He looked at her again.

"Remember. The most expensive restaurant in Mondstadt. And wear proper clothes. I don't want you wearing this..... this type of clothing when you're out with me. Buh bye~" Signora said and walked away gracefully.

Aether stared at the alleyway for a moment before punching the wall beside him. The wall cracked a little on impact.

"Damn! I got dominated and I liked it! Fuck! Whatever, it was bound to happen someday. If Lisa and Signora can get to me, I'm so dead when I meet Yelan. I can't even imagine myself when I'm going to meet Yae Miko. " Aether took several deep breaths and calmed down.

"What did she put on me?" Aether muttered and looked at his upper arm. He saw a small red moth tattoo on it.

"Ah. Her constellation." Aether muttered. Paimon appeared looking annoyed.

"Really Aether. Really." Paimon said deadpanning at him.

"It's not that I have any choice. " Aether explained himself.

"What if she ambushes you!? She's a Harbinger for Archon's sake! " Paimon shouted. Aether put his hand on his forehead sighing.

" I can summon my weapons if I need to. I'll keep my swords on me just to be sure. She did also say we have to fight later so bringing my weapons is a must. I'll probably die after her first attack but I got to at least try." Aether said worried. He didn't felt this worried since the Stormterror fight and when he transmigrated into this world. He then shook off those thoughts for now and looked down on his clothes.

" I can't go out like this when I'm with her. I'll probably be freezed or burned to death if I wear this. Where is a good clothing shop when you need one? Paimon, do you have any ideas for me? " Aether asked looking back at Paimon who had a thoughtful look.

"Paimon thinks Kaeya should know. Or we could go to Alexia and ask her for advice. " Paimon suggested. Aether nodded in agreement.

" I'll go to Alexia. She's having lunch right now so I'll go visit her. " Aether made his decision. Paimon nodded and disappeared into Aether's mind. Aether disappeared and headed to the ICBT.

"Oh? Hi Aether. Hi Paimon." Alexia greeted him while eating spaghetti with meatballs.

"Hi Alexia. Aether needs clothes. Very luxurious clothes. Can you recommend where to buy them? " Paimon asked. Alexia looked at Aether with a curious glint in her eyes.

" Not to be intruding but why do you need these kinds of clothes all of a sudden?" Alexia asked while munching on a big meatball.

"I'm going out to dinner with a very important person. And we're going to a very expensive restaurant as well. So I need to dress to impress." Aether explained while hiding the fact he was going out to eat dinner with the enemy.

"Oh? And who is that important person? Actually don't answer, I'm sure it will be all over the news tomorrow. " Alexia said raising her hand stopping Aether from opening his mouth.

" So? Can you please recommend the places to buy now? " Aether asked. Alexia pushed up her glasses and smirked.

" You came to the right person for this topic Aether. The Chanel District(Yes I changed the name) has a lot of services for people like us. You included of course since you live there. Services include Craftsperson, Furrier, Goldsmith, Hair Stylist, Perfumer, Vintner, Blacksmith etc. There are also clothing designers which you need right now, dressmakers for your girlfriend if you want to surprise them.

A warehouse manager which we definitely need since we're making more Mora then calculated with your umbrella business. There are a lot more services in Mondstadt than you think. We're not just a free city you know. " Alexia explainedwhile packing up her lunchbox.

"Oh I have so many ideas on how to expand my business when you say clothing designers. But let's calm down and please tell me where the shops are." Aether said sitting down.

"Since you want the best clothes to wear, I'm going to introduce you to the best designer clothing store in all of Monstadt. " Alexia said while smirking like a madman.

" Do tell... " Aether leaned in and listened.

To be continued...

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