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the curse- the red cloak of blood and greed the curse- the red cloak of blood and greed original

the curse- the red cloak of blood and greed

Author: ConnyPI

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The beginning

„The red cloak of blood and greed.... it draws you like a bull to the cloth.... Never will you find peace.... " a gush of blood spurts from his mouth. The king lying on the ground, a sword rammed into his chest. The guests full of horror attempted to push histerically out of the hall. Soldiers fighting, the enemy invaders forced the defenders to their knees. The smell of blood and war was in the air.

"Stop it ! Stop it !!! The king has already fallen, tell me the reason for this slaughter ?!" the voice was loud , trembling histerically and only the fighters standing closest paused in their movement. One of them in the close vicinity was the leader of the attackers.

The man wearing black armor drew his blade from the king. His cold gaze on the dying old king on the ground , he wiped the blood on his sleeve.

"Tell me why!" demanded the queen fearful, with her face smeared with tears. She held her ground, trembling in fear, but standing as best she could.

His dark eyes met her gray eyes, reddened from weeping. Her army was defeated, the young leader had won.

"Your king has not kept his promise, I am here to get what is mine," while staring at the queen.

A tender girl behind the queen, crawled to the corpse of the fallen ruler. Crying and sobbing pleading to her father to stay alive. Before she reached him, the bloodied enemy grabbed her upper arm, turned her around and forced her to look at him.

"Get me the priest! " he commanded. His deep voice resounded through the hall, the wounded groaned and a silence settled through the air. His army had won, his men obeyed and now it was time for his next move.

"Let go you monster!" the princess spat in his face, but his grip did not loosen. Her wedding dress was stained by blood from the floor.

He did pay no further attention to the princess, his iron grip merely held her in stead.

His cold gaze guided over the guests, he gave orders to spare civilians and nobles from the south. The displaced groom stood behind his men. When their eyes met, the prince from the south raised his glass and nodded as if congratulating the new couple.

" Lord, the priest." - the voice brought him back to his bride. Maren, his best general and confidant, pulled a priest over.

The priest stood fearfully and humbly in front of the couple. Maren stepped to his master's side.

"I stand with you Alec, but what you are doing now is wrong." he looked into the eyes of his friend and master. He knew he would not hear, blinded with anger at the arrogance of these nobles he would have taken any right on this day. His grip hardened around the upper arm of the whimpering girl.

The priest looked around nervously, trying not to notice the corpses and wounded. He stammered prayers as he searched the page for marriages, beads of sweat across his brow showing the fear of the sight before him.

The queen had sunk wordlessly to the ground, her gaze fixed on the action before her. She looked over the battlefield, where a few hours ago a beautiful celebration of the engagement of her daughter was celebrated.

When this king, blinded by the battlefield, walked her halls with a bull corpse monster. As if from nowhere, this cruel king, driven from the battlefield flooded her celebration, her home, her family and country. No tears flowed down the queen's face, her thoughts and grief were too deep.

--- Flashback —-

"King Magnus, how can you betroth my Promised Bride while I am fighting in battle for my throne in the North? Protecting your Kingdom as promised from all the monsters and enemies!" Laughter through the hall at the Nordic savagery.

Only when the body of a dead bull monster was presented in the halls as an engagement gift did the guests feel slightly uneasy. The sight was barbaric and terrifying. King Magnus' chirping voice mockingly said:

"You are without origin, your mother is a maid! You could take the trohn only because all your brothers and sisters were murdered by you. Do you really think you have the right to take my daughter?"

— Flashbacks end —-

The priest spoke the last words, which forced the queen back into the cruel present.

".... you are now husband and wife."

Roughly and without feeling, he pressed his lips to the tender, pink lips of Salena.

The princess stood weary and without hope facing her fate. She was now the consort of the monster who killed her beloved father.

Something flew through the air, a metallic sound.

Maren stood in front of Alec with his sword drawn. Just then he repelled the dagger of the queen , which aimed specifically at Alec and stuck in the body of the animal corpse.

"I curse you for murdering royal blood, dishonoring the violation of the holy covenant and taking my daughter as a slave to your sins. Hear me Alec, king of the North ! You shall preserve your kingdom ! But your sins will be borne by the most innocent and only your suffering until your death will redeem it !" her shrieks became higher and more histeric.

Alec pulled his new spouse behind him, only stumbling she followed him. Maren began to clear the hall, cleaning up was now his job.

"A raven will redeem my curse! Do you hear me! Drenched in blood never find love or rest until your death you shall suffer !"

Alec stopped, briefly to see out of the corner of his eye his men slap the queen and take her away.

„Until further notice, everyone will have a curfew. I am the King now of this Land. Tomorrow we celebrate our coronation! "

He would unite the two kingdoms, North and East, under him. With this he took his crying wife to her Chambers.

The situation will have to calm down first, but tonight he devoted himself to his victory.

ConnyPI ConnyPI

Hello everyone, I have made some small grammatical adjustments. Please understand that this is my first time writing a story in English. I hope you like it.

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