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Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Dungeon Master

Author: me

Type-Moon (Nasuverse)

Chapter 2: Dungeon Master

"- Killing a god... Even for me, this task is at the limit of what is possible. There are only a few ways to kill or at least wound a god, and all of them are incredibly difficult...

- By the way, I've been meaning to ask you," interrupted Laclastoros. - Why is it so? What is it that distinguishes w-all these... creatures? Are they organised differently on a cellular level...? Or on an atomic...?

- On a realistic level. " - Alexander Rudazov, "Dawn Over the Abyss"


The metuniverse is an amazing thing. Born out of Chaos. Constantly expanding, it creates new four-dimensional universes, which also immediately begin to expand. And in all this soup of Order and Chaos, you can encounter absolutely everything. A world where Hitler is a mad necromancer and the Reich's army is made up of dead people. A world where giant asses fly instead of planets. Or a World where your thoughts are seen by those around you. It's all there!

Lucy and Murphy's conversation went from question-and-answer to a full-fledged biography of the former. And even though the damn cat talked about himself like the protagonist of some action-adventure film, Murphy learned a lot of new and useful things. For example, who among mortals had ever guessed that Chaos was not substance or energy, but a state of reality. An unordered part of the Metacommunity, the building material for the demiurgeons, from which they create new worlds. And not only for demiurges - ordinary gods and even wizards can also create something out of it, albeit on a much smaller scale. As a matter of fact, everything that exists originally was Chaos.

- And I tell her, "You're irresistible!" ahaha, you know? The vampire is irresistible. - He clearly needs to practice his humor.

- It's no fun at all, but we have to call it a day.

- You just don't get humor. I got promoted from "Soul Guide" to "Soul Watcher" with that joke. - Lucy reached up and looked around. - But we really should get out of here, I'm sick of this place.

- And how do I do that. - In the next instant, the space around me seemed to shake, and Murphy and Lucy were dragged into the "depths.

The void split in two, the lower part was filled with an ocean of energy, and a bluish haze hovered in the upper part. In the center of it all was a strange sphere, it gave such a sense of "reality", as if this thing were the most real thing our protagonist had ever seen. In the sphere were woven into an inseparable core of Light and Darkness, they were constantly oscillating and moving, trying to overpower each other, but by doing so they created a balance.

- It's your Atman... wait, what the hell! - Lucy was really freaked out. - Holy Creator, what's wrong with your Atman? Why the fuck is it not subject to the Laws of the Creator?

- What's out of control?

- The three Laws of the Creator. Did I mention that anything is possible in the meta universe? Well, yes-everything that doesn't violate those Laws. The Law of Conservation - nothing that really exists can arise from nowhere or disappear into nothing, but only go from one state to another. The Law of Time - stating that time moves in one and only one direction, i.e. time travel is impossible. And the Law of the Immutability of the Atman. And your True Soul doesn't care about all these Laws.

At the same second, a web of cracks spread across the sphere, which turned out to be a True Soul. In a panic Murphy swam up to his Atman and, trying to understand what was happening, touched it. The moment his hand rested on the Atman's "surface," his vision darkened and a voice rumbled in his head.

"Hello, future me. My name is Dungeon Master, at least that's what they call me, but it's a name by volume, corresponding to one grain of sand on a beach the size of the universe to the true scale of Me. The Dungeon Master is the Almighty Creator, possessing and embodying control over all aspects of Verse and Settlement. I am the embodiment of the absolute transcendent being as "character," "reader," and "author." I am the one who stands above the Triad of Omnipotence. One who weaves destiny as if writing a book. Do I have to exist in reality or does reality exist in me. Whether for me everything is fiction or for everything, I am fiction. The author, the reader, the character - I am everything, I am the Absolute. If the future me hears this, it means that the past me encountered something that was beyond my control. And so, at this very moment, a new story began. At the whim of the Author, it's a new plot, new characters and events. Go and love, grieve, be angry, rejoice, learn, excel. You are the new protagonist, you are the new story."

As if leafing through an old album of faded photographs, Murphy realized who he was.

And with it, his Atman transformed, his past destructions vanished, and it was as if he were becoming even more "real. Through the multicolored things that were going on in Murphy's head, he saw a vast World within himself, limitless and all-consuming. A sweet languor ran through his body from the cool energy that began to circulate within him. He felt an unprecedented confidence, as if fate itself had wrapped its arms around him and was protecting him from everything that threatened, threatened, and would threaten him. He saw everything.

Taking a deep breath, the protagonist realized, he was born again. Exhaling, Murphy turned to Lucy, who froze in shock.

- What a nice feeling. The unwavering confidence that I could do it. - As he looked at his hands, he noticed that they had become less transparent.

- What, what just happened? - The feline asked nervously.

With a sniffle, Murphy began to brag. - I'm the fucking protagonist, that's what happened. Do you have any idea how good that feels? Feeling like you're knee-deep in the mountains and like the world itself loves me. Somehow I'm sure if the Demiurge, who wants to kill me, showed up here, I'd live.

- Well, well. Don't overestimate yourself, kid. - Lucy didn't acknowledge him.

- You know what I was? A creator! Or something like that.

- Look at you, you're more like a "Larva of the Creator," but no, even for a larva you're too weak.

- You're just jealous.

- No way.

The two of them argued for a long time about who was cooler and who the Dungeon Master was.

- Okay, let's agree that the cat who fucked the Demiurge and I, the Creator in the past, are both cool.

- I agree, but that's until I remember something cooler.

Murphy had already figured out that Lucy likes to have the last word, so he decided to remain silent. The top priority now is to get to the other world. What's funny, Murphy has to die to survive. Sounds dangerous and fun.

- So how do we get to the new world?

- Leave it to me; after all, I was born a guide of souls, and that allows me to navigate the River of Souls, which is what we need now. - absolutely every line he uttered sounded like bragging. - When you die, you must go to the River of Souls, and there I will guide you to the nearest world, all without cleansing your Soul. I am a benefactor, don't you think?


When the mortal body dies, the soul leaves the world and returns to the source of all life, the River of Souls. The river that flows between the realm of the living and the realm of the dead since the beginning of time and carries the souls of beings until the end of days. It is said that all the souls of the living are taken from the river and return there - this is the natural order. When dying, a mortal finds the "way" to the River of Souls. There he is reunited with all the spirits of the past and the future. The experience of his life enriches the River, and his soul is purified and goes to rebirth.

Many bards have written songs about this place, and wise men have tried to describe it to the common people, not really knowing what it is or what it is eaten with.

But once at the River of Souls, you see a picture so beautiful that it takes your breath away. It was a beautiful place. Countless souls, like bright stars in the night sky, gathered in one big stream and awaited reincarnation. Viewed "from above," it really was a river of stars that went on into infinity.

As they sailed farther and farther away, more and more time passed, and our duo began to feel an increasing pressure. The effect was that the River of Souls was unable to clear their Souls, so it was exerting more effort, which was "pressing" on the boys' souls.

- Murphy," Lucy tried hard to hide it, but his voice trembled. - We don't have much time left, I suggest we turn off at the next branch in the stream of souls, even if this world doesn't pull us in, but it's still better than losing our memories and what little power we have.

- What do you mean it doesn't pull us? - Murphy was feeling better.

- Goddamn "Creature larva." - Lucy complained about the difference in their condition. - It means the world doesn't tell us, "Welcome, make yourselves at home! If we're not lucky, we'll meet some very serious uncles who will send us back to the River of Souls, but without comfort class. - At this point they reached the "bend" in the River of Souls, and Lucy pulled himself and Murphy as hard as he could to follow the souls into the new world.

In the distance appeared a small dot, which constantly pulsated, being close enough, the protagonist discerned in it a sphere. The strange structure was constantly falling into itself, and then repeatedly expanding, increasing its volume. And the most remarkable part of it was multidimensionality, I do not know exactly how many dimensions in it, but such a feeling that the sphere

- This is the World. Think of it as a complex hyper-sphere with four dimensions. At least, that's how you see it with your mortal eyes. - At that very moment, the world expanded again, and it was as if they were falling.

With an inertia that no one could overcome, his "body" tumbled into the void before it was unceremoniously stopped just before crashing into the strange black platform.

- Lucy, what's going on? - Rising, Murphy called out to the feline.

But no one answered him. There was total darkness all around. Not a sound was heard, and the absence of scent awakened, a hideous discomfort. But most frightening of all, it was as if the place was consuming him. Fighting the urge to dissolve into unconsciousness, the protagonist struggled to straighten up before his surroundings lit up in blinding colors.

Something hugged him from behind. The soft smell of the flowers and the warmth of the embrace was soothing, though. That's why he didn't think that the creature that hugged him in this place must be just as terrifying. The next moment, he heard a warm and sweet voice.

- Greetings, human.

Turning his head, the protagonist saw a face of extraterrestrial beauty. Smooth, white skin without a single blemish. Pink lips and thin eyebrows. Her black hair, absorbing the very light, flowed behind her shoulders. And her lilac-colored eyes mesmerized the soul.

- Why are you so sweet? - When those words flew from her lips, it was like a monkey bouncing around in Murphy's head, pounding on plates. Sweet?

Knowing exactly what he was thinking, she laughed. Hearing laughter from such a creature is embarrassing.

- I agree. It's strange for me to feel all that emotion myself. - But the next moment, she spoke in a much colder, more mechanical voice. - My name is Tip Omega, system administrator of the root designation and central axis of this World. In 69,965,547,100,340,001,100 cycles, you are only the third anomaly to emerge from beyond the borders of the Nasuverse. So tell me who you are and why you came here. - Strangely, she was still hugging the protagonist.

- My destiny brought me into this world. - Feeling that he couldn't lie, he had to tell his story without a lawyer! Damn Lucy had disappeared somewhere.

With the exception of everything to do with the Dungeon Master, he had told most of his life. While there might have been a possibility of hiding the truth, his instincts told him that the creature known as Tip Omega was not someone he could deceive with mere words. He suspected that the only thing she wasn't paying attention to was the nature of his Soul itself, which, thanks to an unknown cover-up, was effectively hidden from all view.

As soon as Murphy finished his explanation, Tip Omega's face regained that warm, "human" smile.

- My analysis indicates that there is a 95.10003% probability that your story is true, and although I am certain that you are hiding something, we Akasha sympathize with you. You have been granted access to rebirth in the Nasuverse and integration with the Akasha System. I'm sorry I won't be able to talk to you some more, but rest assured, I will be watching you.

"Is she a stalker?" similar thoughts swirled in Murphy's head. But, as if he knew what he was thinking, Tip Omega grunted grudgingly and waved her hand, throwing Murphy's soul into a random world.

He felt his vision "stretch" a phenomenon that occurred when traveling at speeds close to the speed of light. Suddenly feeling intense nausea, he instinctively rushed forward. At the same moment the musty smell of blood and iron hit his nose. Standing on the sidewalk in the middle of the burning city, he could hear screams of agony and pleading for help. Around him towering high-rises blazed with hellfire.

- Oh, shit… - came his muffled whisper.

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