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" NO!", the voice of the four resounded. 

Dad chuckled, " You know, it's funny, you guys never agree on anything but you guys are in unison today"

"Seriously Dad, where did you get that idea from?" Lena asked, "we obviously can't go to the same school"

"Yeah, we've been going to different schools for years now. Why should we suddenly go to the same school?" Leah added.

"No,"It's even impossible" Lily commented.

"It can't, and won't happen", Lisa finalized.

"You guys actually can. And you guys will" Dad stated.

"We'll see about that" Lisa sighed as the four all went to their various rooms.

The quadruplets couldn't understand their father. He wants them to suddenly start going to the same school when, for almost six years, they've been going to different schools? That wasn't gonna happen. It's true they were once inseparable, but that was in the past. Now they can barely tolerate one another's presence not to talk of going together to one school. No, that can't happen.

"Do you think they'll ever agree to this?" Mom asked Dad.

" I don't know, but we have to make it work. It was our fault that they went to different schools and stopped talking to each other so we must be the ones to fix this problem." Dad speculated.

"I hope everything goes well" Mom sighed.


The break was soon coming to a close. It was just remaining a week for school to resume. And Dad was still on about the quadruplets going to the same school. It became a huge issue in the house.

"We've been having a lot of family meetings lately" Leah stated.

"And it's all because of you guys. You won't agree to what I suggested." Dad clarified.

"Exactly the point. You suggested it but we don't buy the idea so just give up on it." Lily said in one breath.

"But why do you suddenly want this Dad? I can't understand your reason" Leah questioned.

"We moved in here to this place and this city newly so I just want us to be doing things together" Dad claimed.

"Going by your reason, then, Dad, you should probably teach in that school and mum.., mum should probably work there as a cook or something else. We can all be together then, right?" Lisa theorized, sarcastically giving a 'right?' gaze.

"Listen, everything is for your own good. I assure you" Mum chipped in.

"That's the part we don't get. How is it for our good?" Lena was already getting paranoid.

"Is this because we decided to ask you guys first? What if we just decided and didn't tell you guys anything till next week. You guys won't have any choice then." Dad challenged.

"Oh, yes we would. We would just forfeit going to school. I personally can do that. School has never been my thing anyway." Leah articulated.

" I guess this family meeting is adjourned. Good night everyone" Lisa yawned as she got up from her seat. The three followed suit.

"I just want to see you guys inseparable like you were as kids. It gave me so much joy then. I just want you guys to get close again. Is this too much toa ask?" Dad pleaded.

"I'm afraid it's too late, Dad" Lily muttered, at least, enough for Dad to hear.

"No, it's not. Let's try first before we can conclude. There's no harm in trying, right?" Dad recommended.

"Just going to the same school won't guarantee anything Dad." Lisa countered.

"Let's just try for this term. If you guys don't like it, then we can change schools next year, huh?" Dad looked at them individually, giving them the what-do-you-say look.

"That'll be so much stress for us" Lily uttered.

"It's my wish, please. Just do this for your Dad and I" Mom begged.

After a long pause, Leah broke the silence. "Fine. Let's think about it"

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