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Chapter 3: Wolf in sheep's clothing

Ok, what the hell was happening now. It had not even been twelve hours in this world and he had already experienced some of the weirdest things possible.

Erick stared at the new pop up messages, which were appearing from god knows where.

[Soul Pet system]

[Wolf Soul Pet] unlocked.

Was he becoming a one-man RPG? The pop up window appeared now with two tabs instead of one. The first tab still described his level and stats but the second tab showed the Soul Pet system.

There was an exclamation mark left of the second tab, which was blinking. Erick swiped his finger.

(Welcome adventurer!)

(The soul pet system allows those who are worthy, to own special souls they have harvested, as their pets).

(There are limited spots for souls. Souls can be exchanged for exp)

(Souls can be equipped. Equipped pets provide passive and active skills to their master!)

Erick started to gain a basic grasp on how this system came to be. In standard RPG there are various features that open up at certain levels. It seemed that the soul pet system was one such feature, which had been made available at level five.

Ok, let's see. There are boxes, which could be ticked, beside each slot for the pets. It would seem that clicking them equips a pet. That alpha most likely had possessed a special type of soul. No wonder it was such a headache dealing with it.

Erick finally started to make sense of the various pieces of information available so far. As he only possessed one pet at the moment, he was unable to check how many slots could be equipped simultaneously.

Let's see what happens when equipping the pet.

[Wolf Pet Equipped]

[Soul Rank: White]

[Passive: When equipped provides its master with 10% increased healing, enhances olfactory and aural faculties and adds +0.5 points to each stat]

[Active: Frenzy, a skill which increased all stats with 2.5 points. Can be stacked with the passive skill]

Wow, that seems very powerful, Erick thought surprised. He had no great expectations when checking the pet system out. Truth be told, he was more curious than hopeful. But seeing the effect he was pleasantly surprised.

Wait! I haven't checked my stats since leveling up. Let's see how much that has improved with the increase in level. The swiped to get to the first tab. Again, it took a few seconds before it switched. So, no matter what world you find yourself in, there are always issues with lagging, he thought bemused.

<Page lv.5>

*Strength 6.0 (6.5)

*Endurance 4.3 (4.8)

*Agility 5.6 (6.1)

*Soul Pets 1 (white wolf)

This…Didn't this mean that his stats were equal to a level 6 with the help of the pet? And this was even without activating the pet skills.

If used the stack option when in frenzied mode, he would easily be a match for a level 8 Page. I need to try it out to know how powerful that will be, but how to use active skills? He wondered.

Erick tried to press on the skill, he tried to focus on it in his mind, but neither worked. It is so hard figuring everything out by yourself, he thought. For the first time he appreciated the tutorial phase games usually had.

Maybe I should try shouting it out loud as they did in all those shonen anime, he thought jokingly.


What a lunatic, he thought self-deprecating, but just then he felt a stream of mana course through his veins. His body felt stronger and sturdier. And he was able to see things as if they were moving slower!

What the heck! It worked?! For the first time since his transmigration Erick felt really shocked. How idiotic could this system be! Who shouts random words when fighting?!

Am I not wasting this active state now? Who knew how long it would last and what the after effects would be.

Even without the skills he was strong to fight a horde of low level beasts. So why not use this night to see how much he could do. Realizing that standing here wouldn't solve anything, he decided to hunt some more.

He didn't have to expand too much energy this time around. Thanks to the enhanced smell and hearing, he soon discovered a group of wolves again. This pack had eight members, but the strongest was the same as the previous one, a level 5.

With his stats being similar to level 6 usually, and now even close to level 8, he didn't hesitate this time around, nor did he need to plan too much in advance. He just attacked!

He charged in for a frontal assault, while the Frenzied skill was still active. The wolves immediately noticed him. The pack leader seemed furious. Some stupid human dared to charge in alone, holding a stick? He howled and ordered all the wolves into action.

Erick didn't mind all the wolves charging at him together but noticed that the leader stayed behind. It is most likely gauging my strength. Well, I will show you stupid beast, Erick grinned.

In just a few moments they clashed. It was a massacre from that point on. The weaker ones didn't stand a chance. With each thrust a beast died. It took just a few seconds, but besides the leader none of the wolves remained alive.

Will this one also go berserk, Erick thought. Just as he was readying himself to face a wolf in frenzy, his eyes widened. This leader was whimpering and groveling in front of him. Erick lowered the crowbar and walked smilingly towards it. He nodded his head.

The leader seemed intelligent, and was happy to see its new master, or so it thought. Just when Erick reached it, he grabbed its neck and twisted it!

I don't like witnesses or evidence against me. I even kill the ones who I f*ck, so why not you? He looked at it mockingly.

Just as he was grinning, a sudden wave of weakness assaulted his body. He almost fell to the ground. His body was hurting.

I was not injured so what's happening? Is this some sort of after effect? Erick was quick to find the problem. To verify it, he summoned the stats window. When it appeared after some lag, he immediately checked the skill section.

[Frenzy: CD 23:59:11]

Like he thought. It was on cooldown. Two things could be concluded from this data. One, he could most likely use this skill only once a day. Two, similar to his previous world, a day was divided in twenty four hours here.

He shook his head and decided to walk away from the battlefield. The last thing he needed was that someone would see him here after all the struggle he went through to erase evidence. He used the space between some gigantic tree roots, to sit and rest.

Stats and systems were good and all, but he needed to understand more about this world. Somehow he knew quite a few things and whenever he saw things in this world he knew what they were. This meant that the information was there in his head, but he needed to sift through his memories.

The original owner was an orphan who lost his parents during a monster attack. Both his parents had been pseudo knights, people who had been just a single step away from being real knights.

He lived due to the mercy of the neighbors. And when he had turned sixteen, they discovered he possessed Mana, energy provided by nature to do many wonderful things.

Also, this was Lord Damian's territory. It was one of the few great strongholds within the Forsaken Forest. The Forsaken Forest was a place forsaken by civilization for many years now. It crawled with horrifying creatures, but lacked great resources. Not exactly a welcoming place.

The few good and thriving places were occupied by the major powers, such as Lord Damian. He used fertile ground to produce many products needed by the empire. Surrounding his castle there were many settlements which provided the work force needed to keep all this in operations.

He also used these poor families to seek talented individuals who could be trained and developed further. The former owner had been very grateful for the opportunity, but it wasn't enough to fool someone like Erick.

This lord didn't possess mercy or a giving heart, all he wanted was cheap labor and loyal followers to fill his own army. In this piece of land Lord Damian was equal to a king. He held all the reign in his hand and no one rebelled, a perfect world.

Erick was part of this lord's subordinate and knights in training. They were called Page. Only those who had passed all trials and were able to survive the rituals to become a Knight, were called Knights. Life was not bad if one just followed the rules.


Erick tsked at the stupidity of the previous owner of this body. No one, no matter how great, would allow someone under him to outgrow him, nor allow him to escape his control.

Erick had never been one to follow rules, nor one to follow up orders. He did things when he wanted, how he wanted and if needed who he wanted.

Based on the memories stored in his head he had a rough understanding of the world and the situation surrounding the castle. But this guy didn't know much at all. He had been too loyal and introverted, so his knowledge about many things was abysmal.

I need to research a lot, sighed Erick. He didn't plan to stay under someone or live like cattle.

"But to break free, I need a lot of power," he sighed again.

Hunting all those wolves had him breakthrough to level 6 but he was too weak right now to continue. The after effect of the skill was a bit too strong.

I will return to the castle at dawn, mingled with some people who hunt at night. I need the day to regain some strength and try to blend in. Plus there is that issue with Victor. That brute attacked me because I didn't pay him 'protection' fee? Well I have some coins here, found on that Incubus.

Erick was no hero. He would pay the fee, after all he needed to stay low till he had assimilated completely within this world. Plus, a few coins in the day, a crowbar in the back at night, all part of life, wasn't it? He thought viciously.

But Victor would not be an easy opponent. He was a brute in the true sense of the word. Extremely strong and sturdy. He seemed half ogre based on his memories. An ugly bastard.

What Erick, as most others, didn't know was that the one they called a brute, a bully or ugly, was at that exact moment moaning and whimpering simultaneously somewhere in the castle.

In front of Victor kneeled a naked lady. From his point of view not much could be seen of her body. But he had seen it every night. It was a very sexy body. Beautiful breasts, wide hips and an ass that would jiggle when she bounced on top of him.

Her face was even more seductive. Those big eyes and full lips, especially when wrapped around his staff, stiffened him even more.

But why was he whimpering? Why did he seem so sad? Why did it look as if he would rather not be here with this lady?

"Why are you looking so sad, baby? Am I not good today?" The lady asked Victor, briefly removing his member out of her mouth. But she wrapped immediately after asking again as if it was an oxygen line, needed for her survival.

"N-no ma'am, you are the best. As always!" He exclaimed. He tried to smile but it made his face look even uglier. The lady on the other hand seemed to beam, hearing this.

Victor looked helplessly. He had always been insulted for his ugliness when growing up. It was so extreme that he even hated any decent looking person. He even bashed that new guy. Many thought it was because of some measly coins, but he just hated good looking people.

He still remembered the first day this lady approached him. He was in the clouds. That night he had been summoned to the main castle and met this lady. She had first asked him to undress, which he did happily. The lady had gasped audibly when seeing his tree-bark-like member. After that she had pounced on him and immediately pushed herself down on him.

What happiness, such a seductress was interested in him. But whilst being ridden by her, his nightmare had entered. It was soon clear, she was not alone in admiring him, there was a more terrifying person admiring him, or rather his rear. From that night on, every night was a torture.


A muffled unbuckling sound was heard, jolting Victor awake. He was shivering from fear.

"You guys have started without me," said the newcomer.

"Sorry brother, but I couldn't help myself. Every time I see his member, I fall weak," said the lady sweetly.

"Haha, you little vixen. But, I understand. I too feel going wild when I see his rear," said the newcomer with a smile.

"You give us great pleasure, cutie. I hope you enjoy our company too as much as we do yours," continued the newcomer, looking at Victor with a smile.

Victor shivered. All this was a nightmare, a hell he would never escape from. But he was not going to say that. Not unless he wanted to be even more bullied.

"Of course, Lord Damian, it's my great pleasure and honor. You and ma'am like me, what could be more blissful to this lowly person," he said, trying to sound as convincing as he could.

Hearing that, both Lord Damian and his wife, who was also his sister, smiled. The lady resumed her activities with her mouth, while Damian undressed and walked behind Victor. The blissful night for the couple and Victor's nightmare had started.

At dawn the drawbridge to the castle was lowered and the main gate opened to allow people who had been away in the night to return. This included hunters, herb collectors and so on. It so happened that when this group returned Lord Damian was standing in the highest tower enjoying the morning after a blissful night. His wife was in embrace, looking extremely happy. There was no one else there.

As Damian looked at the people entering, he said to his wife, "Look, the wolves gang members have returned. These people think they are wolves just because they roam the fields at night. They are just a flock of sheep, haha!"

His wife laughed too. "Look one is really wearing sheep wool as clothes, haha."

They both laughed seeing a guy donning sheep clothes enter. Most likely that guy had lost his clothes or encountered some other mishap.

They didn't realize, neither did anyone, because how could anyone realize that the haggard-looking guy was actually a wolf in sheep's clothing!

Delusional_Monk Delusional_Monk

Sorry to anyone who is reading for the inconsistent update so far. I am unlucky to have come down with a fever, but I will try to upload one chapter every day.

Plus I need to give some love to my fanfiction. But please keep letting me know what you guys think about the story!

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