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Chapter 28: The Great Genius

"Hello, father."

A stifling silence enveloped the entire hall. Regardless of age or status, they all started blankly at the somewhat familiar person who had barged in. Astar casually walked closer to the throne until he was only 5 feet from the Alphas and Elders.

He looked up once again at the True Alpha and spoke once again in an amused manner, "Did you miss me, father?"

Finally, someone reacted and said. "Insolence! You dare to speak to the True Alpha in that manner?!"

The person who had spoken was once again Damien Winter. Trying to show off before the True Alpha, Damien thrusted his arm out to try and grab Astar by the neck.

"Damien! Don't!" Another person called out desperately. This person was Damien's father, Marcellus Winter, but his shout was too late.

Astar just glanced at Damien with mockery and disdain. With immeasurable speed, Astar grabbed Damien's wrist, locking it into place.

Damien tried to free his wrist but to no avail. He then threw a vicious punch at Astar's chest, intending to kill him with a single blow. Just before his fist connected, time seemed to freeze for almost everyone there. Only a select few could actually see what had happened.

A blade made from Wolf Aura manifested above Astar's head and swung down, slicing through Damien's arm like butter.


For those who couldn't follow the speed, it looked like Damien's arm fell off all by itself. Many were astounded by what they had just seen, they were also trying to identify this unknown Werewolf.

"AHHHHHHH!" Damien screamed out in agony as he fell to the floor in pain.

Some Alphas had seen enough and quickly transformed completely before charging at Astar, but he was not fazed at all and instead had a wild grin on his face, "Come on, don't waste my time!"

Suddenly, someone spoke in an unsure tone, "Father?"

Everyone paused and looked at the person who was speaking. It was Adam De Wraith, grandson of the True Alpha. They all looked at him with wide eyes before looking back at Astar. They instantly saw the resemblance and put the pieces together.

'This man is... Astar De Wraith?!'

Some of the Elders and older Alphas already knew of the legend of Astar De Wraith, the only son of the True Alpha and a legend amongst all Supernatural creatures. He was considered the strongest Beta ever based on his strength and skill only a few years after his first turning. He dominated all sorts of brutal training and even defeated 300 year old Betas before he was 20 himself. When he turned 30 years old he evolved into an Alpha, completely shattering the previously known record by 60 years. When he became an Alpha, he was even more of a monster. Slaughtering enemies of the pack and even stronger Alphas, he earned himself the title of 'The Great Genius.' But, many years later there was a rumor that he had left the Pack due to a falling out with his father over his chosen bride. His father didn't approve of his wife and was strongly opposed to his decision. As a result, he left the Pack shortly after his youngest son was born and had not been seen since.

"You have finally returned my son." The True Alpha spoke in an unsure tone, he had always had a soft spot for his son regardless of the issues between them.

"I am here to say something to you and to everyone present in this room." Astar ignored his father and said calmly before he raised his voice and released his immense pressure, "Ambrose De Wraith is my student and will not have anything to do with the Midnight Pack unless it is his own decision. Anyone who ignores my warning will face the full brunt of my wrath!"

Astar didn't say anymore and started walking out of the hall like nothing happened under the dumbfounded eyes of everyone present. They were all shocked by the revelation that the great Astar De Wraith had taken on a student. It had to be known that after Astar's rise many young Werewolves sought him out to take him as their teacher but he rejected them all. He claimed that he would only teach someone more talented then himself. Many thought that it was an excuse so that people wouldn't approach him anymore but now it seemed to not be the case.


"What kind of person is this Ambrose to have Astar be his teacher and even protect him to this extent?"

"Wait!" Ava suddenly voiced out desperately, "Father-in-law! How is he? What kind of person is my son?!"

Astar paused when he heard someone say 'father-in-law.' He was not present for most of his children's lives and couldn't help but feel some regret. He looked back and saw a beautiful white haired woman next to his youngest son Adam and immediately connected the dots.

"Oh, so you're my youngest's wife? You are indeed qualified to be his partner." Astar said with a gentle smile on his face, "Your son... well he's cold-blooded and ruthless as he should be but he cares deeply for those he's close to. He's handsome, confident, and has the bearing of a true ruler. But those are not the most important things, I had always thought that I fully deserved the title of 'The Great Genius,' but when I met him I realized that I was merely holding the title, waiting for him to emerge. Compared to him, my talent means nothing at all. You see, I had to earn that title through brutal training and countless feats, but him? He was simply born with greatness inside of him. It's his birthright and no one has the power to take that away from him. That's the kind of man you son is."

Astar didn't say anymore and left the throne room. The only sound left was his receding footsteps.

There were simply too many shocking events that had happened within a short period of time. Everyone in the hall felt like their brains had short circuited, but out of all of the shock that they had felt they were only focusing on one thing. Astar's extremely high evaluation of Ambrose. Astar De Wraith had never complimented anyone before, but had now praised a child who was barely 16 to high heaven.

"My son..." Ava softly muttered as she looked at the ground in a daze.

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