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Chapter 3: Air Temple Island


I wake up to an unfamiliar ceiling. I jolt up and quickly look around, 'Where am i?' The Last thing I remember is a bad pain and darkness... 'WAIT I DID.. so I did get reincarnated then I must have a system! "System" nothing happens "states window" suddenly a video game esc blue screen pops up in front of me.
[Status window]
[Age: 12]
[Gender: Female]
[Affinaty: unknown]
[Occupation: unknown]
[Str: 2]
[HP: 45/50]
[MP: 0/10]
[Condition: healed but weak]

"FUCK!! IM A GIRL!!" I yelled in a squeaky young voice making my throught hurt. I cough and look down and examine my body. I'm short, or sm I average it did say I'm 12, I'm skinny like ungodly skiny, must have been an orphan. My hair is white, I can't see my face so I can't tell what I look like or what my eye color is, my nails are long on my toes and fingers, but not in a normal way they are pointed like adult's nails in the last airbender. My canines are more pointed then normal. Also my sense of smell is better... or this room has a strong smell, my hearing is also higher then I remember. I heat foot steps so I hide in a vanity closet, I close the door but leave enough room to see. I see a shadow pass and jump out sholder pushing the person over then run out the door. I run down the hall trying to find a way out. Down the hall 3 more people block my path and I jump out a nearby window into a bush then into a training ground with a.. thing with a bunch of spinning door's? (The air bending thing korra destroyed) I stop and look behind me and the people from before are trying to circle me. I run for the door thing and one of them yells but I don't hear what is said and run in. I spin trying to avoid the doors and some how slip through them all without getting hit and continue to run until I get to a dock. 'Shit dead end' I turn around and see the guards(?) Are blocking off the other end. And I can't swim, I crouch down and get in a cat like fighting stance.
"calm down we don't wanna hurt you" said a familiar female voice from behind the guards. They parted in the middle to show a tan girl I think I recognize.. "katara?" I say in a dry voice (ah.. no) she looks at me confused, "what's going on" said a mail voice as someone comes from behind her a bald man with an arrow and a go te. "Aang?" I ask again with a dry voice "where's saka.. and Toph?!" I ask in a more panicked voice. "Calm down I think your confused" said katara (yep still no) "yes just Calm down and come inside your probably hungry. We can explain inside" said Aang (ya still no) as he walked back to the temple draging katara with him (still not her dude.. or dudet). I hesitate for a sec befor my stomach decided for me and growls loudly. I blushed in embarrassment and then ran after them.

<korra's POV>

"Tenzin is she ok?" I asked as I was dragged to the temple. "I don't know but she seems to think I'm aang and seemed to know him" tenzin said in thought. I sighed "she also thinks I'm katara... is that bad.. do I look old?" I asked "no but you do resemble mom when she was your age.. strang.. let's wait and ask her some questions" tenzin said opening the door ro the dining area "right this way. I'll have tea brought here" he said siting down. I sat next to him and the kid sat across from us.

I sat across from Aang and katara as aang pord me some tea. "Your old aang. But katara hasn't aged that much.. that's weird" I say as I drink my tea eyeing them. "Maby introductions first. My name it Tenzin master of this template. This is Korra the Avatar" aang or Tenzin said I spit my tea "you can't be the Avatar Aangs the Avatar and last I checked he's the last airbender..if she is then that means..." I trail off as there faces go sad. "No he can't be... he's not.." I trail as I drop my tea and stand up " Avatar Aang has passed on and Korra is his new incarnation" Tenzin says sadly. I start pacing back and forth freaking out "Sozins comic? Ozzie? The war?" I ask "all over Aang defeated Ozzie and restored balance to the world" tenzin said in a monk like tone. I stop to breath "how many years?" I ask Tenzin he looks down "about 70 years.. give or take" I drop to my knees "if you don't mind I'd like to ask a few questions" tenzin asked. I gathered myself and sat back down. Tenzin poured me another cup of tea that I held taking sips every now and then until my nerves settled. "Inhale, exhale ok ask away" I say steeling myself. "First off what's your name?" Korra asked. "I..I don't remember.." that confused them "what do you mean?" Tenzin asked "whell to say my memory is shorty would be a lie but assied from the moment Aang woke up till somewhere near the comet is all but gone. My name, where I'm from, my age, and how I know aang is all gone. It's like I watched it all happen but was never realy there" I say looking down at my tea 'mostly because I only watched the show and never finished it' "this is quite strange maby mom can help?" Tenzin said rubbing his beard in thought. "Do you think she could heal her memories?" Korra asks looking worried. "Maby but I don't know how this kid will react or if it's heal able but if so mom can help" tenzin said then turning to me " would you be willing to see a healer? She may be able to help retain your memory." Korra asked. I thought for a minute then looking at them. "If you think she can help then sure" I say finishing my tea. "Good we will go first thing in the morning. Get some rest" twnzin said as he stude up and walk to the door "I will prepare for the gurney.. and please don't tackle me again" he said then left. "My bade!" I yelled at him as he leaves. "come on I'll show you to your room" korra said as she stood up and guided me. I lay in bed and try to sleep. 'It seems they believed me. It seems I'm in another timeline then aang.. so my show knowledge is barly useful anymore.."sigh" in a world I barly remember in a timeline I know nothing about... what could go wrong'..(NEVER SAY THAT STUPID!!!).. I finally fall asleep wondering what tomorrow bring..

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