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Chapter 2: 2: Sex Club Experience


What exactly did I expect, this I Olivia we are talking about, and I know her, she'll just say, 'so what? Life is too short so make the most of it.

"A club?" My two brain cells are fried; maybe that is why I don't understand that four-letter word.

I shouldn't be surprised, but I still am.

I'm in slutty clothes with red lipstick and heels that probably touch hell, and it's midnight in a place I've never been to. Where did I think we were going? The library to give the books a show as we read my favourite contemporary romance novels?

I really wish it was that.

"Yes, a club Ash, now don't look at me like that." She states, seeing the look I'm giving her.

I honestly hope she doesn't drag me to jail instead of Berkeley.

"This is one of the reasons I wanted to come to this great school, so we can go out clubbing without John and dad breathing down our necks." She says that like it is a perfectly plausible explanation for dragging me out in the middle of the night in an unknown town to a club in God knows where.

Jehovah, save me.

"And your smart idea is to make me come to school a month early and.....and do what, Olivia?" I can't help my voice rising in the end.

She gives me a blank look like I am the crazy one.

"See, this is why I didn't tell you." She huffs and moves back in her seat.

"Ollie, this is crazy."

"No, Ash, this is living. We've just been breathing up till now. Let us live this once, and since I can't very much do it alone, you're going to have to do it too, for the both of us." She is speaking so softly I want to give up everything for her.

I do give it up, seeing as the cab has already stopped in front of a building that was literally sparkling.

*The Angels* is written boldly in translucent lights that keep changing colors like in the movies.

"Come, let's go." Olivia drags me by the arm and towards the back door. I'm surprised we're not going through the front like the rest of the people, but I'm glad because it's a long, seemingly endless line.

Don't people fucking sleep anymore!

Ollie stops outside the door and holds my hand, ready to speak, and my first thought is, Oh no, more bad news.

"Ash, so, don't freak." I'm already pacing even before she gets a word out.

We're near a back alleyway where the backdoor is and also where our bodies can be easily disposed of and left to rot until rats are crawling out of my eyeballs.

"Breathe, Ash." Olivia shakes me, reminding me to do what she just said.

I take a deep breath and shake my head before shaking my head.

"Ollie, what is this place?" I ask, and the first she tells me is don't get scared.

I am fucking scared standing in this alley without my phone and no way to call John to come and save me from myself and, well, Olivia's self.

"It's a club, Ash, like I said." I stare at her, my eyes calling on her bullshit because it is simply that, bullshit.

"What kind of club requires me to be open-minded and not get scared, Ollie?" I'm hyperventilating, and she is giving me that look again.

The one that screams I'm just too dramatic, and she is burdened with the responsibility of showing me the way of the world.

"Ash," She calls slowly, but I give her a look, and she sighs, giving up, thank God.

"It's a BDSM club, alright." She threw her hands up in defeat.


That's all we hear, I can't speak for her, but that's all I hear after she says those words.

She is still waiting for me to speak, to yell at her or throw a tantrum heck, I want to do all of those things too but my body seems locked in place and it's just the deafening silence that keeps me company.

I give her another scathing glare before turning on my heels, ready to stop another cab and get the hell out of this place before my out of her mind sister suggests we sell ourselves to some Billionaire for the night. Isn't that what happens in BDSM clubs.

And after that, the buyer would have the genius idea to bond me to a bed and do all despicable things to me.

My virgin self, might I mention.

A hoard of men in suits stops us from arguing any further, and I start to shake in my knees, thinking it's the cops and they were here to drag us to jail for coming to this place at this time of the night.

Should I mention the one little detail that I'm not even twenty years old, not even legal to drink?

I can't believe this is happening!

I've always known that Olivia's impulsive acts would get us to prison one of these days. I just didn't think it would be when I finally got into Berkeley, tears started to form in my eyes, but I didn't let it fall, mainly because Ollie had an astonished look on her face.

She drags my hand and pulls me to another side of the alley where we can get a perfect view of the throngs of men, but they can't see us.

I realized it was one man they were protecting. I couldn't see his face because he seems to be on the phone, his lips were moving frantically, but that never broke his stride or that of the men with him.

The doors open the moment the guy at the front gets there, and they all walk in, taking their magnetic presence with them.

Ollie let's out a loud dreamy sigh that has me giving her a look she has seen countless times since I learned how to do it when I was five. The 'you're out of your mind, and you'll drag me to hell with you' look.

"We should get in there before he picks someone."

"Woah, Woah, Woah, hold it there, princess. Who is he, and what is our business with who he picks?"

"Ash, you really live under a rock."

"I kind of love it under that rock, these crazy things you do will blow up in our faces one day, and mum and dad will get a call from us only to hear that we're in jail!" She doesn't bat an eyelash.

"You can freak out inside. We're not losing this chance." She drags me to the door those men disappeared into a few minutes ago.

I send a silent plea to God with a promise to listen to next Sunday's sermon if he saves me from going to jail tonight.

I don't know what I expected when we finally stepped in, but that is not what I see, no loud music like you see in the clubs in movies or sweaty bodies moving against each other, none of that.

Though there's one thing I have to say fits which is the smoke all around, make if that is real smoke. The people that come here are pretty stupid and are joyfully buying lung cancer.

My sister is one of those people because she takes in a deep breath and releases a sigh.

"Smells like heaven." I give her an unimpressed look, and she just rolls her eyes. "Just breathe in, then try giving me that look again."

I wouldn't do that, well sucks because I find myself doing just that, and damn, it actually smells really nice when you take in a huge breath.

At first, it smells like a...building, I guess, but when you gulp in air, you'll perceive different scents, kind of like incense but like multiple blends of earth's most calming fragrances.

I couldn't help taking in another deep breath.

I can make out lavender, vanilla, saffron, sandalwood, rose, ginger, and even Jasmine.

Now I don't know how you can smell all of these at once, but it is all here, and it gives off a calming effect that made me want to be lulled to sleep after a very erotic massage.

Woah, where did that come from?

"Come on, let's go up to the main floor." I dragged Olivia, who wanted to start her journey to the main floor, back to me.

"What floor is this?" I ask, looking around the dimly lit place.

I can make out places that look like booths but not the type you find in diners or small inns. These look very private like they were made for a particular thing, which offers the utmost privacy.

Maybe I'm the one looking too into it since I know what the place is, but we can't deny the glaring fact it was designed so that whatever the occupants were doing was concealed from the eyes of the public.

That means people could well be having sex a few feet away from me, and I'll never know.

The thoughts make me feel as though something is crawling up my skin.

Ollie pulls me with her but not before giving me a look. One that looks like an older sibling who was forced to take their younger sibling out to hang out with their friends.

I try to block out the sound of bodies slapping against each other and the unmistakable groans and moans of pleasure.

I shudder when someone cries out loudly, probably reaching her climax.

"Isn't it fucking amazing?" Ollie glances at me, her eyes shining with excitement.

Too bad I don't feel the same if anything; I want to run and hide under one of those tables, but I won't. Someone might decide to use it, and I'm really not up for live porn.

"Please, Ash, be cool and act natural before they throw us out." I send her a glare for that warning.

How can I act natural when this is anything but natural to me.

She doesn't care, and she goes on walking like this is a regular scene for her while I try to follow behind, as 'natural' as I can be when sounds I don't want to know what they mean are infiltrating my virgin ears.

Oh mother Mary, save me from this.

She stops outside a massive double door with two buff men, their faces hardened, and they look ready to break a few bones.

I'll be crushed if one of them does as much as shoves me the wrong way.

I try to pull my sister's hard and but she yanks it back and plays with a strand of her hair.

The big man on the right regards her, and he raised a brow.

"What do you want here, girl? Move along." He barks at us and I jump frightened.

Ollie doesn't flinch in the least. She reached into her bra–yes, she did that in front of them–and pulled out a card before handing it to him.

He moves back and motions for the other man to open the door

Olivia struts confidently then points at me when she is at the door.

"We're together." I follow behind her meekly like an obedient child, my breath catching in my throat when I reach them because I've already imagined one of them crushing my head.

She giggles now that we're safely inside. My heart is still beating erratically.

I reach for her and give her hand a slap on her hand which only makes her giggle louder.

"You are out of your mind, Olivia. Let's get out of here before mum and dad realize we're gone."

She rolls her eyes just like I expected.

"Stop being so virgin like Ash, you're going to have the best night of your life tonight, and you will deal with it." She clicks her tongue and takes both my hands in hers.

Tell my mum I love her and even Sam though he is annoying. This is the end I can feel it, and I'm not even being dramatic.

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