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Chapter 10: First Day of School

With my new gold uniform, I immediately left the school's hospital wing and headed to the large glass building, building 2A. Besides a few faculty members walking along the path, the courtyard separating the two buildings was empty. One faculty member, however, approached.

"Firstie, why are you alone in the courtyard?" A man wearing a black super outfit approached, his tone more curious than demeaning.

The voice, however, was terribly familiar.

I turned my head and analyzed his facial features using my Sharingan to see if it was the man I thought it was.

'It's him. The foolish man nearly uncovered my guise and dared to mock me while I was still an infant. The man who was with me on the drive to the Uchiha mansion.'

"You... are you Daku?"

"Daku?" Although his tone sounded confused, his stance immediately shifted as he went on guard, his hands slowly sliding down towards his pants pocket.

However, I immediately saw through his attempt to feign ignorance.

'This confirms that the civilian identity of a super is highly confidential.'

"Nothing. I thought you were someone else."

"I see."

We passed each other.

And then we both immediately attacked.

He leaped backward, pulling two long black rods out of his pockets, seemingly out of nowhere, before attempting to hurl them at me hundreds of kilometers an hour.

However, it was too late.

After all, he was looking directly at me.

'Genjutsu: Sharingan'

His posture immediately stilled. I immediately utilized several jutsu, giving him no time to recover.

'Forbidden Technique: Cursed Seal Tag.'

A triangular black seal appeared above his heart before slowly fading into his skin. He no longer could kill himself.


His body began to swirl before it vanished into the Kamui dimension.

All of this happened in only a few seconds, the process of his body vanishing into the Kamui dimension taking the majority of it.


I immediately left into the Kamui dimension as well.

I was soon greeted by an immeasurable space that expanded in all directions, with bleak gray pillars covering the surface.

'What a ridiculous ability. Just how large is this dimension?'

After admiring my Kamui ability quickly, I dispelled the genjutsu placed on Daku.

The man landed on his knees with a thud.

"How was the dream, little Daku?"

"Who the hell are you, kid?!"

"Oh? You don't know me?"

His eyes widened as he saw my newly obtained Mangekyo Sharingan.

"Wait! You're the little shit with the red eyes!

"Seems you still inherent your habit of saying the wrong things at the wrong time, Daku... Fortunately, things will be a little different for you now."


He seemed to notice his surroundings.

"Just what in the world... Is this your superpower? To send things to another dimension?"

He looked around in curiosity, apparently not noticing his dire situation.

'I suppose I must awaken your eyes to who exactly you've provoked.'

"Susanoo: Zokyo Energy Version."

An enormous golden torso enveloped its body. Previously, the torso of the Zokyo version had been less than 100 meters tall. Still, with partial integration of the Laniakean energy into the Susanoo, it had grown to over 200 meters in height. In both hands, a giant golden chakra blade emitted a domineering aura. Together, the presence was enough to put Kage to its knees in despair.

Daku also seemed to be in a similar state. He saw the absolutely massive figure of my newly evolved upper toso Susanoo in its full glory.

"I'm dreaming, aren't I? It's another illusion, right?"

He chuckled madly as he scrambled around, attempting to escape the inevitable.

"Just what the hell is that super ability! He has two powers?!"

He began running, jumping on top of the rectangular pillars in the opposite direction.

"Oh, Daku, unfortunately, everything here is happening in reality. Do not fear. I will not kill you."

I smiled.

'He would be a good way of testing out what my power amounts to in this super world.'

"Really?" He stopped and turned around, his face still in disbelief. "You'll spare me?"

"I don't know how you remember something so long ago, but I promise you, I never did it with ill intent! Please, let me go!"

I brought my left chakra blade onto his right shoulder and my right chakra blade onto his left shoulder. It cut clean through.

"GAHHHAHAHHHHHHHHHH!" Daku screamed in pain.


"I didn't. You're still alive, are you not?"


I cleanly cut his two legs with two slashes aimed at the thigh.


"So, how does it feel to be one of the few humans to be just a lump of meat with a head attached?"


It seems he was too absorbed in pain. Or maybe he can't focus properly due to blood loss.

But fortunately, I could rewind.

I dispelled the genjutsu. Then everything reverted to how it was before I used Susanoo.

"Hello, Daku. Can you hear me now?"

He looked at me in fear.

"Wha-what i-is going o-on... I definitely was about to die, and then-"

I plunged my fist into his stomach.


Then I pulled out. Daku's guts spilled out of his body, blood splattering in all directions.

He looked down in horror.

"W-What did you d-do?!"

"Oh, did I forget to say that I am the god of this domain? I just cut off your perception of pain."

I conjured up a small fireball and burned away all his insides.

I patted him on the shoulders.

"Try standing now, Daku. You'll be feeling a lot lighter now."

"STOP! STOP THIS. JUST KILL ME ALREADY!" He began weeping and screaming.

I smiled as I replied.

"I will. If you answer a few of my questions, of course."

Then I released the Genjutsu before beginning it again.

'This will be a good way to practice my abilities.'

☙☙☙☙☙ <Outside the Kamui Dimension>

My main body left the Kamui Dimension, leaving the wood clone I 'borrowed' from the Uchiha mansion to extract information from Daku.

I slowly absorbed information from Daku. Apparently, he was one of the undercover security patrols hired to guard the area. His A Rank ability allowed him to manipulate the size and weight of objects, making his skill set highly versatile in terms of infiltration. After all, being able to make screws in locks too small to matter, or send out tiny drones the size of bugs was incredibly useful for reconnaissance and spying. Unfortunately for him, he didn't have the chance to utilize any of his abilities due to my Sharingan genjutsu.

I calmly headed to building 2A, this time, without any convenient interference.

After taking the elevator up to the 3rd floor, I arrived in front of Headmaster Ignatius' class. Inside, I heard the clamoring voices of kids.

I opened the door.

Instantly, the voices quieted as their gazes turned towards me.

"Is that a firstie? What's he doing in this class?" A teenager with blond hair spoke out, breaking the silence. He had on a purple uniform, with a patch on his shoulders, something not present on my own.

'I suppose that signifies seniority?'

"Are you an idiot? He has a gold uniform, a higher aptitude ranking than what you got." A red-haired girl, also wearing a purple uniform, criticized the other teenager.

"Shut up, both of you. I can't sleep with all the chatter," I heard the whisper of a black-haired teenager wearing a hoodie. He had on a golden uniform.

Professor Ignatius put down his pointer stick before greeting me.

"Welcome, Madara. Have a seat. We were going over some of the guidelines of the classroom."

"First, try to get along with the others."

While he was talking, I slowly made my way up the stairs.

"Second, never say your true identity to anyone outside the Super Academy."

I ignored the brats before making my way to the back of the classroom.

Unfortunately, an outstretched leg blocked my path. It was the blond-haired beat. And based on the slight smirk on his face, he wanted a reaction from me.

'Very well then.'

"Third, violence against your classmates is strictly prohib-"



The blond-haired brat screamed in pain as blood splurted out in all directions.

I separated his foot from the rest of his body using Kamui before walking further up the stairs.

"What. Have. You. Just. Done?" A voice spoke from behind me.

It was Headmaster Ignatius, a dark red aura enveloping his body as he slowly spoke.

"This brat wanted either submission or violence. Of course, I chose the only available option."

I then ignored the fuming professor before arriving at the back of the classroom.

"You... I'll deal with you later."


Professor Ignatius instantly vanished with the whimpering brat and his severed foot in his arms.

I shrugged.

'Wood Release'

I created a custom wooden throne at the back of the classroom before calmly sitting down.

'There, a more comfortable chair.'

I finally looked at the rest of the classroom. All nine other brats were staring at me, some in disbelief, others in anger and hatred, and a few in curiosity and interest.

There was a trail of red coming from my blood-soaked uniform that went up the stairs wherein I was sitting.

"It's a pity both never gave a proper fight. Provocation should have at least a little strength to support it, should it not?"



And that was my first day at school. And I think I'm starting to like it: petty conflicts and little brats. And no war.


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