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Chapter 7: 'Like A Peanut That Forgot Its Skin'

At the town's market the next day. Several women are in the middle of gossiping about the recent hot news of the town.

"Hey, you two. Did you know about our town's top scholar who returned from the imperial capital city yesterday?". The first woman asked the two other women curiously.

"Yes! It was Chen Jiang the fifth son of the Chen Family! Who doesn't know that infamous person in this town?". Exclaimed the second woman excitedly.

"I heard even the Emperor himself decreed to send him home using the royal family's horse-drawn carriage!". The first woman said in amazement. Even the mayor of this town didn't get the same treatment! This proved how His Majesty, the Emperor favoured the Fifth Son of the Chen Family. The Chen family is so blessed.

"I also heard, he brought a woman and a baby!". Added the third woman.

"Are they his wife and son?!". Asked the second woman in disbelief.

"Yes, they are!". The third and first women said in unison.

"What!? So in other words, the boy is his first son?!". She raises a question excitedly. Her eyes bulge.

"Of course, he is!". The two once more times answered her in unison.

"Furthermore, I also heard The Fifth Son of Chen Family's wife was the daughter of Minister Of Rite, Duke He from He Clan, the nobility from the imperial capital city!". Added the third woman.

"What her name again?..emm..aa. Ha! He Xiu. I also heard she's so beautiful!". She touched her chin and then said so.

"I also heard her sister Concubine Xue was one of His Majesty, the Emperor's favourite concubines!". The first woman joined.

"What a blessing to The Chen Family. With the Fifth Son of the Chen Family's strong career and connections, they will be prosperous in the future!". The second woman said excitedly, amazed.

Their discussion becomes hotter and more active as they talked about the matter.

"Wait, you two... what about Wei Hen that 'demon'?". The second woman who was left behind in the current news development of the town inquired further about it to the other two.

"That 'Demon' haa..., servants from Chen Residence said that he left the same day as the Fifth Son of Chen family returned with his wife and his son". The third woman said sarcastically.

"As expected, he has no room in there anymore. He's just a mere male concubine who was no different from a 'male pet'. What right does he have to compete with someone of noble status and a strong background?". The second woman said while belittling Wei Hen.

"I also heard that beautiful maidservant of Wei Hen, Chuhua also pregnant with the child of his husband. She unexpectedly became a bed warmer for his husband behind his back. The servants from that residents said Wei Hen also didn't aware of it not until his husband returned with a big surprise and began to doubt his husband if there were another woman. Coincidentally, Chuhua always want to vomit these past few months, so Wei Hen began to realize it was suspicious and called for a physician to examine her. And the result was she was indeed pregnant and the Fifth son of the Chen Family admitted that the child in the maid's womb is his. Maybe because of that Wei Hen leave the residence. He must felt really disappointed...". The first woman gasped for air after talking nonstop while her saliva sometimes sprayed out of her mouth.

"Well, a lot of maidservants out there are ambitious and attempted to climb to their master bed. She was not an exception". The second woman said in irony.

"Pity Wei Hen when he had done so much to the Chen family...". The first woman said sympathetically.

Well, at least some people felt pity for Wei Hen's predicament.

"Are you pitying him?". The second woman instantly asked her when she heard this.

"Yeah... are you pitying him?". The third woman agreed to her question and then repeated her question.

The two of them were astonished by what the first woman said.

"Of course, I pitied him. How can you not pity him? He did so much for Chen Family's business. But In the end, they discarded him easily, the moment he isn't valuable anymore. In my opinion, even if they don't want him anymore, they should be treated him better". She stated her reason for sympathizing with Wei Hen. And then expressed her opinion to the two.

The two then agreed after hearing what she said then said in unison," You're right".

"I heard he was also slapped by Madam Chen when he asked for an explanation from the Fifth Son". The third woman told the two of them what she heard.

" Oh really? I didn't hear anything about that". The first woman shock a little when she heard this. Because who doesn't know about Madam Chen's temperament?

While the second woman only made a shocking face.

Poor him...the two said in their hearts.

"It's his fate to marry into the Chen family as a male concubine. If he married into my house I will be treated him better. Even if one of my sons didn't have an heir. I don't care because I have many sons. Plus, he knows how to make money so I will live a comfortable life without worrying about what to do tomorrow to make money or what to eat tomorrow". The first woman said while imagining how comfortable her life was if Wei Hen married into their household.

The two that heard what she said could only shake their head. But if they think it over again, what she had been saying had the truth in it. They also began to imagine what if Wei Hen married into their household and how comfortable their life is. They don't have to go to the market to sell something anymore and just sit at home while swaying their feet.

" Ummm, excuse me? May I know, if what you said earlier is true?".

Suddenly, they recovered from their imagination and looked at the person who was asking them.

When they did so, they were stunned for a while, it was the first woman who was the one that first to recover and then answered" Yes they were true, if you do not believe us, you can ask someone else in the market".

After he listened to this he just left and didn't bother to say thank you.

"What the...He didn't bother to thank me. Luckily he's handsome. Otherwise, I already cursed him...". She gritted her teeth.

" Hey, don't tell me you didn't know who that person is?!". The second woman asked in doubt.

The third woman also made a disbelief expression.

"Who is he?". She asked curiously. Why was only she who was the one that did not know who that person is?

"He is our town's infamous Handsome Ice Cube !". She said and almost shouted to her face. "He is also one of Wei Hen's servants. His name is Shi Lei". She continued.

"What!!!? He is the infamous 'Handsome Ice Cube!!?". She exclaimed in disbelief while covering her mouth with one of her hands.

She knows and is familiar with the nickname but she didn't recognize who the owner is.

Now she knows why they called him Handsome Ice Cube!


Shi Lei was on his way to where he lived in. Which is Li Mei's residence.

His footsteps were a lot quicker than usual.

He was in the middle of buying some vegetables when he heard the three women gossiping about his master before.

He was so alarmed when he heard about the things they said.

So he decided to go back to confirm if his master was there.

He was worried because if his master was leaving Chen's Residence yesterday evening, why didn't he go to Li Mei's residence?

Where did he go to?

Where is he now?

Is he okay?

What if something bad happened to him?

All of the above questions appeared in his mind.

He felt worried and felt excited at the same time.

He felt worried because he didn't see his master right now while he felt excited because his master finally left that hypocrite and that shitty place that always tormented his master.

"Shi Lei".

He stopped his steps. He look at the source of the voice and saw the one who was called his name. The person who called him was a woman who was wearing a veil.

"Xin Yi, did you also hear the news?". He said to Xin Yi the person who called him earlier.

"Yes, let's go back first". She said as she began to walk. Shi Lei also followed behind her. They paced to their location hastily.

A while later, they entered Li Mei's courtyard as soon as they arrived at the residence. And it was as what they expected, Wei Hen was nowhere to be seen.

"What happened to my son?". She anxiously asked the two of them when she heard them asking her if she saw Wei Hen.

"It was like this madam...". Xin Yi informed her of what she heard at the market. Shi Lei also added some of the news he heard at the market before.

"That brat is like 'a peanut that forgot its skin'!!". Li Mei angrily stated Chen Jiang was someone who easily forgets the person who had helped them.

"Poor my son!". She said sadly. She already predicted something like this would happen to him.

A person as great as Chen Jiang would marry a proper woman to continue his lineage. He would never abandon his duty even if he truly loves Wei Hen.

Li Mei knew this fact but she can't say anything about it and never tried to warn and consult Wei Hen about it when she saw how happy her son was. She regrets not doing anything about it. And look what had happened to his son because of her negligence. Her son was nowhere to be seen.

"Go! Close all the stores for the time being! Order all the servants and the staff to find the whereabouts of your young master! Report to me if there is any clue! Quickly!". She directed the two of them impatiently. What is important right now is to find his son immediately.

The two then left the courtyard and carried out the assigned task.


That day, all of Wei Hen's stores were closed not long after it opened.

A lot of rumors circulating about it in the town.

Some say that Wei Hen was upset about his husband marrying a new wife and having a baby with her.

Some say he wants to leave this town and live a new life.

Some say he wants to live in seclusion and never interfere with the outside world.

Some say that he was missing.


Shi Lei and Xin Yi who was already completed their task were on their way to the Chen Residence.

These two didn't bother with the rumors The most important thing to do right now is to find their master in that damn place and to teach someone a lesson.

They inquired about where Chen Jiang's new courtyard was as they arrived at Chen Residence. Without delay, they went to Chen Jiang's new courtyard as soon as they got the answer they wanted. As always, they didn't bother to thank the person they asked.

As they arrived at Chen Jiang's courtyard, they saw a lively scene of Chen Jiang and his 'perfect family'. A man with his wife, who was holding a cute baby. Anyone's heart would become warm when they saw this scene.

But not the two that had just arrived.

It's sickening their heart and eyes.

"Shi Lei, Xin Yi you two also here?". A familiar voice called them from behind.

When they turn, they saw a beautiful maid. But they only glanced at the maid and strode toward the 'perfect family'.

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