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Chapter 23: Loki the Witch of his word

"Shouldn't we have brung Loki?" asked Elena watching Stefan dig up his father's tomb.

Pausing in the motion of shoveling, Stefan looked at Elena with a hint of confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Loki said he could undo the spell in the tomb with the grimoire and some of Bonnie's blood," said Elena.

"Once we find the grimoire, I am gonna burn it, bringing back Katherine is not worth the risks," Stefan remarked still digging into his father's grave. Reluctantly agreeing, Elena watches Stefan dig for 10 minutes, eventually, the shovel hits something solid.

*Clank* Unearthing the dirt on top of the coffin, Stefan pried the coffin open with his vampire strength. Looking inside the coffin, Stefan and Elena find a skeleton presumably Stefan's father clutching a book.

The book had some sort of brown cover around it, picking the book up, Stefan ripped off the cover to find a white book with blood stains covering it. Jumping out of the hole, Stefan was surprised to see Damon standing 50 feet from the grave. "Well well well, what do we have here?" stated Damon.

Behind Damon stood Loki shaking his head in disapproval. "Look, Damon, I can't let you bring Katherine back," reasoned Stefan holding the grimoire tighter.

Feeling a sense of betrayal and deceit Damon says, "So, you were just gonna burn the grimoire? You know, I actually thought I could trust you, Stefan." Looking over to Elena, "You really fooled me, huh?"

Elena flinched a bit after Damon's statement, "Anyways, this is why I work alone, now, Stefan, give me the book, or I'll kill your little girlfriend by ripping her heart out with no second thought," said Damon.

"You won't kill her," boldly stated Stefan shaking his head.

Speeding over to Elena and grabbing her from behind, Damon claims, "Look Stefan, either you give me the book, or your girlfriend will become just like us, all it would take is one snap of the neck with," biting his arm and feeding Elena, "My blood inside her."

Stefan looked into Damon's eyes and saw he was serious, "Fine, I'll give you the stupid book, but first, let Elena go," proposed Stefan.

"What's the guarantee you won't just run off with the book after I hand you, Elena? Because right now, I don't even trust you'll hand me the book once I let Elena go."

Breathing in and out, Stefan slowly drops the book to the ground backing away. Letting go of Elena, she runs to Stefan and he embraces her. Speeding away, Damon walks to the book, picking it up he is filled with joy and happiness. He can finally free Katherine and see her once again.

"That was dramatic," stated Loki walking beside Damon.

"Shut up, here is Emily's book," handing Loki the spellbook, "At least you didn't betray me, if you had, I would've taken out your heart."

"Nah man, I am a witch of my word, and also I don't require a heart to live," stated Loki plucking his heart and showing Damon.

Damon was a bit weirded out but sighed, "F*cking Immortal Witch, just watch, one day I will find a way to kill you permanently," said Damon knocking Loki's heart out of his hands.

Patting Damon on the head, Loki grabbed his heart and reattached it to his chest. "Yeah, Yeah, keep thinking that, and maybe one day a big green dragon may grant you three wishes," joked Loki.

"Achoo, who is talking about me?" wondered Shenron. "Anyways, what are your three wishes?"

"Shenron, I want to know if you have any information about the Super Saiyan God and how to attain it?" Goku asked looking over at Beerus and Whis.

Back to the TVD universe, "That makes no sense at all," said Damon. "Enough talking gibberish, let's just go and prepare for the spell." Speeding off, a couple of hours later, Damon and Loki are at the Salvatore Estate.

Loki stared out the window silently muttering to himself, Damon who Loki told to find Bonnie was at Gram's house. Walking up the stairs, Damon knocks on the door to Bonnies Gram's house. Opening the door, Sheila was a bit surprised to see Damon, "Hello, is Bonnie available?" asked Damon.

"No, not for you she is not," stated Sheila harshly.

"Woah, did you wake up from the wrong side of the bed? And what is with these harsh words, you haven't even met me yet."

"The spirits do a lot of talking, Mr. Salvatore," claimed Sheila.

"How about you come outside so I can make you able to talk to spirits more freely if you want?"

Taking a small breath, Sheila walks outside and without a single word, Damon felt as if his whole brain was about to explode. "Get your ass out my porch!" demanded Sheila quickly going back to the comfort of her home and shutting the door.

Slowly breathing in and out, Sheila calms her nerves. Speeding into a bush, Damon got up and yelled, "Dammit, where in the hell is Bonnie?" wondered Damon speeding to the Salvatore Estate.

"What happened?" asked Loki.

Pouring a glass of bourbon, Damon drinks a sip and answers, "I don't f*cking know, somehow my reputation proceeds me and everybody who meets me for the first time just hates me for some reason. Also, I don't know where Bonnie is at, her Grandma wasn't willing to give me the information."

Pouring a glass of bourbon also, Loki downs the cup and says, "Of course hates you, you kill for no reason, like Vicki, you probably have a lot of blood on your hands."

Sipping his glass of bourbon, Damon looked over at Loki standing in the corner, "So, you don't have any blood on your hands I presume, Mr. Hero."

"My dad sold me to a government experiment and they broke me mentally, physically, and spiritually. Essentially I became a loyal dog following orders, and most of the orders know, yeah," claimed Loki looking at a blank wall.

"Sorry, didn't know you went through that," sympathized Damon remembering his time being locked up and tortured.

A ring interrupted their silence, "Hello Stefan? Ready to apologize?"

"Damon, Anna has Elena and Bonnie, she is asking to trade Elena's life for the grimoire, so I am pleading you to meet up with Anna and give her the book, please," pleaded Stefan.

Thinking about it, Damon replies, "Fine, where do we meet."

Meeting up at a walkway, they both sat on a bench. "What did Jeremy ask you, did he ask you for a date?"

"Of course, but he asked me to accompany him to a party near the...old cemetery, which means more food for my mother," stated Anna. "Anyways, I have the witch, and you have the book, let's just do the ritual, no need to swap since we both want the same thing right?"

Scoffing, Damon says, "As I said before, I work alone, but I can agree to do the ritual. The thing is that I already have my own witch."

"Who is it?"

"Well, you probably don't know him, but his name is Loki," revealed Damon.

Just the mention of Loki's name makes Anna's cheeks heat up and her stomach produce some butterflies. "Loki, I-I met him before," said Anna turning away from Damon.

"Wait a god damn minute, are you... never mind, just tell me when to show up."

*Clearing throat* "Tonight, hm, probably after sundown, meet me at the church and bring the book," said Anna walking away.

"Don't forget, I am bringing Loki as well," remarked Damon.

Smiling just a bit, Anna speeds off to her hotel. Finding the hotel door open, Anna went inside to find Ben in the corner of the room hiding. "What happened?" asked Anna looking around for Elena or Bonnie.

"One of the Salvatore Brothers came here and freed the girl including the witch."

Giving Ben his daylight ring back, Anna says, "Damon is still gonna open the tomb, so just follow me to the church."

Stefan, Elena, and Bonnie are at Sheila's house talking...

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