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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

The process of shaving off my hair was an emotional one, but I would rather have done it myself than let them shave it off as a way of humiliating me. Although my hair is gone, I still have my dignity and pride.

Looking in a mirror once again, I almost didn't recognize the person staring back at me, I can't describe it, but she looks fierce and unafraid. I wish to be her. The woman that won't let her oppressors break her. I wish to be her, and so I will become her one day, I just need to work hard on my confidence and strength. Once I've done that, I will be able to avenge my family, my people and the generations before me.

I still have to dress up and go downstairs, but first I need to gather all of the hair that's on the floor and sink. After dressing up, I quickly rush off downstairs and await for the Luna, so she may instruct me on what is expected of me.

My mother sees me on her way to the kitchen and stops to see if it really is me, not having expected to see me bald. She looks to the left and then the right. As if to see if there are people around, watching us. She rushes over to me with tears in her eyes and a look of surprise. "Azaniah, is that you little girl? Why? Why have you shaved off your hair?"

Seeing her like this makes me teary eyed. I never want her to cry over me. "I had to Mama, the Luna wanted me to straighten my hair. But then I spoke up and told her that I can't do that. I couldn't do it Mama, my hair is my pride. I just couldn't do it. So she said that if I don't straighten it, she will shave it off herself. So to avoid humiliation and giving her more power over me, I decided to shave it off myself. Although, I regret it, I know that I would rather shave it off myself than give her the satisfaction".

My mother looks at me in disbelief, which then turns into fear. " You silly, silly girl. I know how much you love your hair, and how much you pride yourself in it. But this time you've gone too far. Why can't you accept the reality, you have no right to decide, you can't speak up. All you have to do is do as you are told. Do you think I enjoy seeing those whip marks on your back? Do you think I sleep at night when you're in pain from the punishments that you have gotten because of your disrespect and wishful thinking?" Oh, no. I did not mean to do all of that, panicking. "N-no Mama, I don't think So, but I can't accept life as it is. Mama I know that you care for me and that you love me, but I can't do all of that. I can't accept this so-called reality. I believe that we can get away from here, mama. Not only that, but I believe that this is not how we're supposed to live. Now because of that we can't let them control us the way that they do. That's why I did this, I am not going to let my future children go through what I went through. I want a better life."

"In that case you're delusional just as much as you are crazy. There is no other way to live. We'll continue with this conversation later, I have to go back to work" And just like that, she rushed off to the kitchen.

As soon as my mother entered the kitchen, the Luna came down the stairs, looking very beautiful. She wore a tight-fitting black dress, that hugged her body really well and showed off the bit of curve that she has. On the last step she looked up and saw me. She looked shocked, she was about to say something before eyes fogged and gotten a shade darker than her usual blue color. Which means that someone mind linked her.

A lot of people can't really tell when the other person is mind linking or communicating with their wolf. I guess you could say that I am a very observant person.

After a minute or so, she looks like she is panicking and rushes over to me. "The guests have arrived, you are to open the door for them, show them their rooms. Give them a tour around the house, and then bring them to the dining room for brunch. You have to serve them and then wait at the entrance of the dining room awaiting further instruction. Remember to give them what they want whenever that want it."

"Y-yes of course Luna, if you don't mind me asking, Luna, who are the guests that I will be serving?" Panicking with wide eyes opened, she harshly whispers," that is not your concern, make sure that there aren't any mistakes. Are we clear?" With my head bowed, and my eyes lowered,"yes Luna."

Whomever it is that is coming in today must be important based off on the Luna's reaction when she knew about their arrival from the boarders. That means that they will be arriving in 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, Blake (one of our pack members, he also happens to be a slave just like me, but he belongs to the Beta's family) knocks on the door and leads the guests in and returns from where he came.

I bow my head as sign of respect as I welcome the guests. "Welcome to Black Raven Pack, My name is Azaniah and I will be serving you for the remainder of your visit." I look up, and I see a black, tall handsome man, with mesmerising pale blue eyes, that draw you in. We stare at each other for a while, until we heard the Alpha come down the stairs, clearing his throat. "Greetings your Majesty, I hope that you'll excuse my helper's disobedience, I apologize on her behalf." Disobedience, what did I do? Confused by the Alpha's apology. And 'Majesty', that title only applies to the royals, so wh... *Gasp* realizing that I looked into the King's eyes.


"M-majesty?" I whisper out loud. That explains why the Alpha and Luna were anxious and panicky earlier today. And why they are so welcoming and friendly. Also, a black man that is King? How is that possible. My parents and the rest of the pack said a black person can never be higher than his master.

Chuckling, the man standing before responds," Yes, my name is Ezekiel Gray, king of the werewolves, and to my left is Beta Dylan Carter and one of my guards, Lyall Smith. How do you not know of us, everyone knows who we are?" Before I got the chance to answer, Alpha Zander jumps in," Excuse me Alpha King, if you may, please follow me into the dinning room, lunch is ready, and I think we should hurry up before it gets cold. Azaniah, please take these bags to their rooms." Gobsmacked that the Alpha was... was politely asking instead of ordering me like he usually does. I turn to quickly grab the Alpha King's bags, I trip and fall forward, but instead of plummeting face first onto the floor, I feel a firm hand tightly gripping onto my arm, saving me from the fall and delivering tingles that make my wolf excited  and repeating the word "Mate" numerous times.

At this revelation, my eyes open wide and a gasp escapes my lips. Mate?! The Alpha King, is my Mate? How? I am just a slave... And the king being black?! So many questions?

Clearing my throat, I get on my knees to kiss his black, formal designer shoes and apologize to him for my mistake. "Please forgive me Alpha King, (kiss the left shoe) please forgive me Alpha King(kiss the right shoe), please don't puni..." The Alpha rushes to pick me up before I could continue, he laughs nervously, " Haha stop doing that Azaniah, now is not the time for your games, haha.  Just get these bags and meet us in the dining room, okay?" Confused by his actions I nod, "y-yes A-alpha"

He faces the men and points to the direction of the dining room with a nervous smile, "gentlemen, right this way" the three men seem to be confused by what took place, but the Alpha King quickly makes his face void of any emotion. Makes me think that I imagined seeing him make that expression.

They follow the Alpha and Luna into the dining room as the Alpha chats them up hoping that the men will forget about what just happened. I also wish to forget what happened today. "Why would you want to forget about today, we found our Mate, who happens to be very handsome and a king. He will be able to take care of us, and protect us. We also found out that the Alpha and Luna could be lying about black people not being powerful enough to rule with the other races."

Sighing and picking up these bags, "We can't mate with him, he is a king, and we're a slave. Which king in their right mind would want a mate that is a slave? Although I am curious about the facial expressions that the king made when he found out that I don't know him, or when I apologized and also how the Alpha is treating me in front of the king? Something is definitely going on..." And I swear that with all that I have, I will find out what it is.

I am sorry mama and papa. I have to do this. Or at least, try.

I grab all the bags and go upstairs.

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