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Burst to power Burst to power original

Burst to power

Author: Muperi_T

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Bondage


5"Wha...…!!!" a nine year old boy jolted awake when a bucket of icy cold water was splashed on him. He jumped from his sleeping rag and stood on his two feet hugging himself trying to get some warmth.

He looked around and saw a blonde haired woman looking at him with her scary predator like red eyes.

"G-Good morning m-mother" he greeted her stutteringly as he shivered from the cold. The weather was chilly coupled with the icy cold water that had been splashed on him, it did real work on him. It would be a heavenly miracle for him not to catch a serious fever afterwards.


A loud slapping sound echoed when the woman slapped the little boy really hard. He fell and rolled on the ground a few times before coming to a stop after hitting the wall. Both his nose and mouth immediately started bleeding but he did not dare to cry in front of the woman.

"You little shit! don't you dare call me your mother!" the woman spoke in a disgusted tone with a sharp and merciless voice "go and start your chores now!"

After saying that, the woman then walked out of the junk like room.

Seeing that the woman had left, the boy sat on his sleeping rag and hugged his small legs. His body was badly lacked adequate nourishment which made him so fragile and weak that even a normal wind might trip him.

"Sniff…." he started crying silently.

The woman who had woken him up was his step mother. He did not know of his real mother. His father was a businessman who specialized in making fine wine and selling it to different restaurants, shops and the likes. His net worth was 200million.

At first, it was only him and his father comprising their family. In those times, life was better for him since the servants of the house took care of him and he had a comfortable bed and room to sleep. When he had asked his father about his mother once upon a time, he was told that she had left soon after giving birth to him.

The matter of his mother never bothered him since he was still too young.

As time went on, his father married a single mother whose child was a girl five years older than him. His father told him that the woman was going to be his stepmother and the girl was going to be his stepsister.

The news was sudden but it made him thrilled and happy. He was a child and always wanted someone to play with. The maids only did the housework and didn't spare any of their time to play with him. So, when he heard there was going to be new family members who did not go to work and would stay with him at home always, it was like fine melody to his ears.

However, not always is light found at the end of a tunnel. Sometimes, there can be a bottomless pit waiting to mercilessly swallow those who have wandered in the darkness for eons searching for light crushing their dreams and making them experience darkness worse than that they have ever wandered in.

Like fragile glass, his hopes and expectations were shattered and a new hell came to torment him for sins he didn't even know. His so called stepmother was a devil in disguise and her daughter was her right hand. They didn't care about him and abused him in all sorts of ways.

His life turned from bad to worse and it kept on intensifying with each day of his life. The maids and other workers in the mansion were ordered by the woman to stop working and would still get paid. He was forced to do all their work alone and nobody showed concern at all. Sometimes, his stepsister would beat him up for no reason at all along with the maids. They also kicked him out of the mansion and made him live in a shabby log house at the back while sharing the space with the dogs and tools.

As time went by, he then started to have the ability to comprehend and think more maturely. When he reached the age of nine, he started to understand that those people only did that to him for personal satisfaction not that he had done anything wrong to them.

However, what could he do about it?

He could only know about it and resent them in his heart, but in the outside, he just pretended that he was okay with it. If he were to explicitly show his bottomless resentment for them, he was afraid that they might do something even worse than they are already.

He endured it yes, but with each passing day, something within him was molded. Hatred beyond anything that had even been seen or felt for not only those who tormented him but also for every human, especially women. Even he didn't know it but it was happening.

*present time*

After having cried for a couple of seconds, the small boy wiped his face leaving no trace of his tears and walked out of the log house.

His body although malnourished was muscular and his height was about 260cm. His hair was short and as black as coal matching his eyes which were like a void that would suck you in for merely staring. His way of walking was unsteady which was a manifestation of his hunger. He was like paper that would get blown by a mere breeze with ease.

Upon reaching the entrance of the huge mansion, he fixed his posture to an energetic one and walked in. The entire place was littered with different types of alcohol bottles and food boxes making the entire place look like it had been a crazy party ground.

The boy seeing this did not falter as he was used to it. Each and every day of his life, he had to clean the messes created by his so called mother along with her child, maids and friends. They were party animals who partied every day and always leave the mess for him to clean.

Rather, a huge smile appeared on his face which was quite rare like an oasis in a desert. The reason for this was because he could smell the inviting taste of the leftovers. Although he always cleans after the party animals, he is not always lucky to find leftovers. Most of the time, the maids would just give them to the pets or throw them somewhere he wouldn't find them. But at the current moment, he had just gotten lucky.

Without wasting any more time, he moved around and rounded up anything with edible smell on it including those that had fallen on the floor. He was hungry and was not going to be picky.

Looking at the various foods he had rounded up, his smile extended more as he saw the large quantity of the food. He sat down and started chowing on the foods with the smile still plastered on his face. It was his first time eating such a large meal and he was not going to waste even a bit of it.


Back at the mansion`s gate, a very tall woman could be seen walking speedily headed for the giant mansion. Her hair was as black as coal almost touching the ground, her eyes were as dark as a void almost similar to the boy`s. Her lips were a beautiful pink and were blossom soft. Her figure was one that most men only dreamt of in their most pleasant dreams and her skin which was as white as snow made her look irresistible.

As she was tall, she easily covered the distance from the gate to the mansion in no time at all and walked in. A sight that greeted her vision upon her entry was that of a young boy eating different kinds of foods with the pace of a starved pig. He was using his bare hands to eat.

Finding this quite funny, the woman chuckled a bit and walked over to the boy. She wanted teach him some proper eating manners as well as ask him if he had seen her phone here somewhere. She had also been invited by her friend who was somehow connected to the lady of this mansion and happened to lose her phone. That was why she had come back, to collect her phone as it was very important for business purposes.

"Hey little guy..."she spoke in a sweet voice when she had gotten to the boy. She did not want to startle him which might consequently cause him swallow too much and choke, however, the boy got startled nonetheless.

"W-away!" the boy screamed with a loud voice and jumped like a cat that had its tail stepped on. Upon landing on the ground, he slipped and fell on his back giving the woman a chance to see his full face.

Just when the woman was about to rush and help him, she saw his face and her blood turned cold. His face and features were undeniably similar to her in many ways especially his eyes. He was like an exact copy of someone she knew very well.

"S-So she w-wasn't kidding that day w-was she?"

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