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Chapter 24: Mission's.

The next day Kyouske woke up and after finishing his breakfast, Hinata came to pick him up.

Kyouske while walking with Hinata asked" So? sensei send you here to get me? "

Hinata nodded her head and said " Yes, she told me to wait in front of the Hokage's office with you and Kiba"

Kyouske nodded his head, On the way, they picked Kiba and went to Hokage's office.

After waiting for some time Kurenai showed up, Kurenai smilingly said: " We're going to do some missions, today is your first day so some D rank would suffice, What do you think Kyouske Kun? "

Kyouske nodded his head, Kiba wanted to rebel and do some 'A' rank mission but seeing everyone in the team was on the same page, he also reluctantly agreed.

Entering the second floor where Kyouske's former colleagues were sitting, They smiled seeing him.

Kyouske smilingly said " We'll do some D rank missions "

Hokage nodding his head said " Very well then, Here are some good ' D ' rank missions. "

Kyouske and the team after taking missions fulfilled them easily, taking home his payment, Kyouske was very happy, because ' Make out Paradise ' was a little too expensive, and now he can buy the book again.

Next few Days they did some 'D' rank missions, like catching dogs or cats, cleaning the whole house, repairing some walls, etc.

After some day Kiba was very angry so today, Team-8 decided to take a 'C' rank mission.

Hokage puffing his pipe said "I have a recon mission for you then, You have to go border of the Land of Fire that connects us with the Land of Earth, return and report anything unusual, if you find a shinobi don't fight, I don't think anyone is there, don't get too close to the borders, it will take you minimum 5 days"

Kurenai nodded her head and accepted the mission, Kiba was happy to get a mission outside the village, Hinata was nervous and Kyouske had a nostalgic face.

Kyouske thought ' it's been a while, how many people I've killed there? well it doesn't matter anymore

After coming out of the Hokage's office Kurenai instructed them to be at the Village gate in one hour and to bring their Ninja tools.

Kyouske while walking toward his home said to Hinata who was on the same way " Hinata, pack everything with you in minimum capacity and don't take anything that won't be in use "

Hinata nodded her head.

Kyouske again asked, " This is your first time leaving the village?"

Hinata shook her head and said " No, I've visited some places with my father, it was in the past though " as she said this she had a sad expression.

Kyouske ruffled her hair and said " Don't be sad, we're going on a mission right? it will be fun "

Hinata nodded her head and they went home to prepare.

Kyouske took 1 waist bag full of Kunai, Shuriken, and steel strings.

Then he packed some dry rations for the journey in his backpack.

He then wore a beautiful-looking T-shirt which was white in color, Uchiha Clan's logo was on his back, and wore black pants, his shoes were a little different from the usual ones because he custom made it, his whole feet get covered with the shoe.

After he got ready he went towards the gate, reaching the gate he saw Kiba was already waiting, Kiba with his dog Akamaru.

Kyouske just stood next to him, after waiting for 15 minutes everyone gathered and left the village towards the border areas.

Kurenai while jumping from this tree to that tree said " We are only there to do some recon, no fighting is allowed"

Everyone nodded their head.

Kyouske asked, " What are we looking for ?"

Kurenai said " Anything, if there's anything unusual we report back "

Kyouske nodded his head and they proceeded with haste.

After half a day they stopped to rest, Kurenai said " We're going to rest here, then proceed, remember we can't just waste our energy by just traveling, we have to be ready anytime for an enemy ambush"

Everyone nodded their head.

Kyouske sat down beside a tree and Hinata just leaned on the tree to rest.

Kyouske closed his eyes to take a rest properly, Kurenai was just sitting on the ground, Akamaru was playing in the grass,

Kyouske suddenly opened his eyes and said" someone is coming, and it's fast "

Kurenai didn't feel anything, but still said " let's hide our selves"

Nodding everyone just hid them self, After some time Kurenai felt something and thought ' This boy, he is too good '

A little later they saw a little girl the same age as Kyouske and others, running, and behind her was a man with long hair chasing her.

Kurenai seeing the man realized who the man was so she just gestured for everyone to be quiet.

Kyouske and Hinata were in the same bush so they were too looking at the misery of the little girl.

Kyouske whispered " This man, what does he want with that girl "

Hinata hearing this whispered back " He's a pervert "

Kyouske was confused but nodded his head anyway.

The running girl stopped and asked the long-haired man " What do you want from me ?"

That man also stopped and smiled and licked lisp with his tongue, his tongue was long, too long for a human.

After he licked his lips he said " kekeke, I want your body little girl "

Kyouske now understood what Hinata meant, Kyouske looked at Kurenai to get permission to attack but Kurenai gestured for him to not move.

After that pervert took the girl, Kurenai and everyone came out and Kyouske asked " why sensei? "

Kurenai shook her head and said " A Shinobi must complete his missions, and that man was not someone who we could fight with "

Hinata with tears in her eyes asked " What will he do with her ?"

Kurenai ruffling Hinata's hair said " She won't be violated, maybe killed but that man was not someone to violate girl"

Kyouske said " We could have stopped him sensei "

Kurenai shook her head again and said " No, he's one of the legendary sannin of our leaf village so I doubt we could defeat him, I bet he also sensed us but I don't know why he didn't attack"

as she said that a person appeared in their view, he was a good-looking boy, 14-15 years old.

He said " Orochimaru sama, asked me to kill you all on his behalf"

Kurenai did a hand sign [ Earth Style: Earth Wall ] to create some space from the sudden intruder.

A wall appeared between them, and Kyouske and others backed a little.

The wall got pierced by a white bone.

Kyouske seeing the bone was astonished, as it was supposed to be only his Kekkei Genkai.

Kurenai said " This is Kekkei Genkai"

Hinata and Kiba looked bewildered.

Kurenai said " Kyouske, You felt him right? "

Kyouske smiled and said " Yes, there are 3 more huge snakes and that pervert "

From a tree, Orochimaru appeared and laughed " kekeke, as expected of an Uchiha" then he threw the little girl's body aside and said " I want your body now kekeke "

Kyouske had a chill down his spine, Kurenai said " Leave, I'll hold him back "

Kiba and Hinata were shell shocked to see 3 huge snakes and the bloodlust that pervert was emanating.

Kyouske held Kurenai's shoulder and said " He's not someone you can handle sensei "

Kurenai nodded her head and said " I know, but I can buy you guys some time"

Kyouske shaking his head said " No, he's dangerous, even for me I've never faced an opponent of this caliber, it will be fun to fight him " then he smiled brightly.

Orochimaru also smiled seeing Kyouske's smile.

Kyouske pointing at Orochimaru said, " You pervert, why do you want my body for ?"

Orochimaru licked his lips and said " Sharingan, kekeke "

Kyouske shaking his head said" I don't possess Sharingan "

Orochimaru smiled more and said " we'll see "

Then 3 huge snakes and One Kekkei Genkai user and Orochimaru attacked them at the same time, Snake and Kekkei Genkai persons targets were Kurenai, Kiba, and Hinata and Orochimaru were aiming for Kyouske.

Kyouske seeing this first had a sad face then smiled brightly and said " Very well then I'll show you something really nice " then looking at the incoming enemy Kyouske's eye started to spin.

tiko_tiko tiko_tiko

This is a fanfic, I write whatever i want , you read whatever you want, if you don't like it don't read it.

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