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Chapter 14: Chapter 14

⁺˚*・༓☾ K ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

A couple weeks later

I was woken from a dead sleep as I heard claws on my hardwood floor, scratching. I sighed heavily and ran my hands over my face.


I pushed my blanket off of me and swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood before I walked over to the foot of the bed where Amara lay in her wolf form sleeping and scratching at the floor in the middle of the dream.

Her sleep shifting had become almost a nightly thing. She had a lot on her mind and had been incredibly restless for the last couple weeks, despite how hard I pushed her in our training sessions, this girl would not bloody sleep and when she did, I was woken up at least 3 times a night to this.

I crouched down to her and put my hand on her forehead.

"Mara, love you've sleep shifted again." I said softly. Her eyes opened lazily, and she looked at me, with a look of pure defeat. She was exhausted.

"If you are going to stay like this for the night, at least sleep up on the bed, I refuse to allow you to sleep on the floor." I said.

She snorted at me and laid her head back down.

"I see how it is, wake me up, and then make me carry you to bed. You're a lazy thing." I joked before I lifted the white wolf off the floor and carried her to the bed.

I put her under a separate blanket, because I knew if she shifted back, she would fuss about being naked next to me, as if she had something to be ashamed of.

I climbed into bed next to her, watching her sleep for a little before I allowed myself to drift back to sleep.


I stood in the doorway, watching Amara sit in the bay window of the bedroom sipping at a cup of tea and watching the pups play in the snow below. She loved watching them play, she claimed it was only because she was watching out for them, but I felt there was something more behind it maybe.

Her dark brown curls were tied back in a messy frizzy ponytail, and she wore a pair of my sweatpants with the waistband drawn as tight as it would go and the legs rolled up to rest above her ankles, she also had on one of my plaid over-shirts that she was nearly drowning in. Roxy was supposed to take her shopping a couple weeks ago, but we had been pretty well snowed in and I couldn't let them take any sort of vehicle out in this weather. However, the snow was supposed to be melting away this weekend.

Speaking of Roxy, I looked down to Amara's feet and grinned at the pair of black and gray striped fuzzy socks. Roxy seemed to have an abundance of those, and Amara loved them.

Amara turned from the window and looked at me, she smiled.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare at me?" She asked with her typical master of sass tone.

"Well, there are other things I'd like to do but I don't want to corrupt you too fast, princess." I smirked, knowing full well my comment would cast a pink blush over her cheeks. She narrowed her eyes and sipped at her tea.

I approached the window. She moved her legs so I could sit, and once I sat, she moved her legs back, resting them on my lap.

"When do you want to head to the gym today?" She asked.

"I figured we'd take a couple days off from that and see if maybe we can work on you sleeping through the night. So, I can sleep through the night." I replied.

Her shoulders sank and she frowned.

"I'm sorry..." She apologized. "I don't mean to do it..."

"I know you don't, love. You're restless, you've got a lot on your mind and it's typical for our kind to be restless this time of year. You know... Tis the season." I chuckled.

"This time of year hasn't really ever bothered me." She shrugged, but it was a lie. Mating season made all wolves a little wired. Even the stubborn ones.

"Are you worried about it?" I asked. "The season? We don't have to…you know...participate. It's just we all get a little amped up this time of year but if you aren't ready you don't have to worry, I'm not going to force anything on you." I said.

It was just a season, my feelings for her wouldn't change regardless of what time of the year it was.

"To be honest I haven't really thought of it." Amara admitted. "I know I have these strong feelings for you and that they're meant to be more, but I just have this other feeling lately that I'm not sure how to describe other than lost." She shrugged and looked down. "I'm just not sure where I fit in here... Or if I fit in."

"What makes you think you don't?" I asked.

"I don't think a lot of the pack like me. I know there are some that do but a lot of them look at me and see my father and speaking of him. It's been weeks, he must know by now that I am alive, and he has yet to try and come for me." She said and set her empty mug down beside her.

"And that upsets you?" I frowned.

"Yes, and no." She replied. "He's my father Kieran. He's an asshole but I do love him, and part of me is still holding onto the hope that maybe deep down he loves me too. My whole childhood couldn't have been a lie could it have?" She asked and looked up at me with a look of pure hurt in her amber eyes that sent a dull ache straight through my chest. I hated that she was hurt by this.

"But... also I kind of like the peace that we've had you know to grow and get to know each other without him in the way because I know it won't last." She added and then looked back out the window.

Her eyes held a certain longing to them, and I realized that she hadn't had the chance to run since she got here, her stab wound had fully healed ages ago and I hadn't given her an opportunity to stretch her legs. Her wolf inside must have been going mad.

I pushed her legs off of my lap gently and stood up holding out my hand.  She gave me a curious look.

"Come with me." I smiled.


We walked out into the woods a little way, where it was quiet, and we were alone.

"This is it. This is where you kill me." Amara said.

"Well, now that you've gone and ruined the surprise, I have no idea what we are doing out here." I smirked, she let out a little giggle and shook her head.

I pulled my shirt over my shoulders, and she cocked her head to the side giving me a funny look.

"Any particular reason you are taking your clothes off?" She asked as I shimmied out of my pants.

"Just try to keep up." I grinned and shifted before taking off between the trees.

It wasn't long before I heard her running behind me, and suddenly she zipped past me darting between the trees with skill and speed I wasn't aware she had.

Where the hell has she been hiding this?

When I caught up to her, she was prancing around in the snow having the time of her life. She looked over at me with a sly What took you so long?  Look in her eyes. I snorted and padded over to her, kicking up a bunch of snow in her face, which didn't seem to faze her at all. Of course, it didn't, she loved this wet and cold abomination. She flopped onto her side and rolled over on her back rolling back and forth in the snow happy as could be. This was exactly what she needed.

I made a quick walk around the perimeter; I couldn't smell other wolves out here, but something wasn't setting well with me, and I wanted to make sure Amara was safe to roam.

I made my way back towards her, looking around. I couldn't see her, I almost panicked before I saw a set of Amber eyes peeking out from under the snow at me. She was trying to hide, because of her white coat, the snow was a good place for her to do so. I turned my back, pretending that I didn't see her. If she wanted to be sneaky, perhaps just once I'd let her.

I could feel her stalking up behind me slowly, the snow under her paws crunched very softly under her paws. If I were a human, without amplified smelling, and hearing, I would have been dead in seconds. I stood still, but prepared, I knew she was going to jump at any moment.

A sudden, snarl, and a yelp cut through the silence, and I whipped myself around to find Jamie had Amara pinned down going for her throat. Amara struggled for a moment, before finding the strength to fight back. Her white fur was splattered with red as her and Jamie bit and slashed at each other. The two she-wolfs made it to their feet and circled each other dangerously with teeth bared and death in their eyes. Jamie must have masked her scent somehow, and if Jamie was here, surely Colt wasn't too far off. Amara became too confident, too quickly and Jamie lunged in and sank her teeth in Amara's left shoulder. She howled in pain as Jamie lashed her head around, deepening the wound she was making or attempting to at least.

I jumped into the middle of it knocking Jamie away from Amara.

I looked to Amara and nodded my head for her to try and get out of here, but she stubbornly stayed. I bared my teeth at her and barked and she bowed her head and started limping away as Jamie got to her feet and began to circle me and as I figured he would, Colt came up behind me.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ A ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

I looked down at the trail of blood coming from my injured shoulder, the pain was bad, not as bad as when Jamie had stabbed me, but bad enough. I looked back at Kieran. I knew he could handle Jamie, and at this point I didn't care what he did to her. I was tired of her and Colt creeping around. We should have smelled her coming, masking scent was a trick that hunters had picked up, and if Jamie and Colt were making nice with hunters to go against their own kind then they deserved whatever death came to them.

Speaking of Colt, I watched as he crept in behind Kieran.

Kieran told me to go home, and I knew he'd be angry if I didn't but I'd rather him be alive, and just deal with his anger later. I willed the pain in my shoulder away and bolted back into the clearing before throwing all of my weight into Colt as I barreled into him, knocking him away from Kieran, giving him a clear shot for Jamie. I struggled to get back to my feet, as Colt snarled and stalked towards me. I looked back at Kieran as he fought with Jamie and then back at Colt whose eyes glowed with deadly intent. I tried to get back to my feet to fight but the pain in my shoulder made it difficult to put any pressure on that leg.

Colt and I both stopped any sort of movement, as Jamie let out a blood curdling cry. We both looked on as Kieran had his teeth sunk into her throat. He shook his head and there was a sickening snap sound and Jamie crumpled to the ground lifelessly at his feet and that was the end of it. Colt let out a howl of despair and hurried to his dead mate. Kieran snarled and went for him too but my sudden cry as I finally got back to my feet stopped him in his tracks and he turned and ran over to me. His blue eyes were full of concern.

I gave him a look that suggested I would be fine, but we needed to leave. He nodded his head for me to follow him home.

As I limped away with Kieran, I looked back at Colt who was lying beside Jamie's body whimpering and howling. I knew I should have felt a little bad. But I didn't. I couldn't.


As soon as We got home, we went in through the back of the house to avoid scaring the pups with our blood matted fur.

Kieran shifted as soon as he was inside and grabbed a bathrobe from the hook by the door and put it on.

He lifted me and carried me up the stairs to the bathroom. He pushed the door open with his foot and set me down on the floor before turning the shower on.

"I need you to shift so we can clean that wound and let Jake look at it." He instructed.

I shifted; my whole body was trembling but not from the cold. Something else. I didn't even feel the pain in my arm anymore.

"Why...why can't I stop...stop shaking?!" I asked.

"It's the adrenaline, your human form is probably in shock." Kieran said and looked at the wound.

"It's not nearly as bad as I thought it was, but it does need to be cleaned just be gentle with it. I'll be right outside the door."

"You have blood all over you. Just get in with me." I said.

He raised his eyebrow.

"I won't oogle you if you don't oogle me. It's just a shower and I need some help." I said. "Please?"

"Oogle?" He asked.

"Just get in the shower Quinn." I groaned and stepped in the hot water Hissing at the little bit of sting it caused my arm.

I felt Kieran step in behind me, but I wasn't looking at him. I kept my eyes focused on the reddish pink water that rinsed off of me and swirled down the drain.

The sound of Jamie's neck snapping, echoed in my head and I shook it away. She deserved to die, but the sound of her cry and the sound of her bones breaking was making me sick to my stomach. I was hit with an overwhelming sense of nausea, and I pulled back the shower curtain and almost slipped in the shower as I knelt down and retched into the toilet beside the shower.

Kieran crouched down and held my hair back with one hand rubbing my back gently with the other while I retched again. I pulled back and tried to breathe, but it just felt like someone was taking all the air I had. I was just completely overwhelmed with everything.

"It's alright. Just calm down." He said softly. "I know it's easier said than done darling." He added as I tried to catch a breath.

"Seeing someone die, no matter how well deserved it is, warrants these feelings you are experiencing. I don't think any less of you, and no one else here would. I'm all rinsed off, your wound is flushed, I'm going to go and get you something to wear I will be right back." he said before he left me, trying to calm myself as the hot water beat down over me.

It wasn't just the death of Jamie that had me scattered. It was what her death would bring to our doorstep. There was absolutely no way my father would not be making himself known in the days to come. I turned off the water and stepped shakily out of the shower, grabbing a towel off the rack and wrapping it around me before grabbing another one and wrapping my hair up in it. I brushed my teeth to get the vomit taste out of my mouth and stared at the girl in the mirror staring back at me.

She seemed different somehow.

The bathroom door opened, and Kieran walked back in with clothes for me.

"More from Roxy. Don't worry, you two are going shopping this weekend." He spoke. "I'll let you get dressed, meet me in the infirmary. You're there enough to remember where it is." He snarked and walked out and closed the door again.

I cringed.

There it was the anger. I knew it was coming, he had told me to go home, and I didn't listen.

I sighed heavily as I walked into the infirmary nursing my injured arm, which was far less bad than I thought it would be based on the amount of blood that came out of it. It didn't even hurt as badly anymore

"Really, I think we could just slap a band aid on it and call it good." I shrugged.

Kieran was not amused.

"Sit down." He said and pointed to the exam table.

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the table while Jake looked at the bite.

"I've seen worse from some of the pups." He said. "It's not pretty, but it's not horrible, bound to hurt for a while, I think it's only going to need a couple stitches."

"It wouldn't even need that if she'd learn to listen." Kieran scoffed.

"Please, Jamie bit me before you told me to go home." I muttered.

  "But you probably made it worse by refusing to obey!" Kieran snapped.

No. Not today.

"I don't listen to you all the time! What is your problem?!" I snapped back.

"My problem is that you put your life in danger by not listening!" Kieran growled.

"I saved your damn life! Colt was sneaking in on you. You're welcome!" I argued

"I knew he was there!!" Kieran shouted "Had I not killed Jamie when I did to distract him, he would have ended you in seconds and there would have been fuck all I could have done about it! When I tell you to do something, you do it!" He barked at me.

I scoffed and hopped off the exam table.

"Hey! I'm not finished!" Jake groaned.

"I'll finish it myself!" I shouted and stormed out of the room. Hearing him bitch at Kieran for pissing me off, and something about the two of us would be the death of him.


I walked in the den, holding my shoulder pacing around, angrily before a very pregnant woman walked into the room.

"Are you okay?" She asked. I gave her a confused look.

"I'm sorry, you don't see me often, I've been on bed rest. I'm Mary, Connor's wife. He talks about you all the time." She smiled. "It's just you look upset, and I know Kieran can be prickly sometimes." She said.

"Prickly is not the word I would use, but Connor mentioned you aren't fond of bad language. So, I'll bite my tongue." I sighed and moved my hand away from my shoulder that needed another stitch.

"Can you sew?" I asked.

"Oh. Oh my." Mary gasped. "Um... have you seen Jake?"

"I have, but I just came from there, and as long as Kieran is in that room it will be a cold day in hell before I go back."

"Oh. Okay. Well, let's just see what we can do." She said and took my other arm leading me down the hallway to her and Connor's room.

I looked around the room, and smiled, it was almost exactly how Connor had his room back home set up, with a little more of a womanly touch and the addition of a crib and bassinet.

"Here, sit down. It's been a while, but I did touch up a few of Connor's wounds before Jake got here." She smiled and offered me a chair to sit in.

I sat down while she rummaged through some drawers looking for supplies.

"So, he talked about me?" I asked.

"He still does." She said. "But yes, all the time when he left. One of his biggest regrets was not bringing you with him." She frowned. "He often told me that when you were older, he'd go back for you but then this happened." She giggled and pointed to her stomach.

"I understand. It seems fate just kind of nudged me here anyways." I shrugged.

"And we are so happy to have you. Honestly, Connor sees you as his own and he is so proud of how you are doing here." She beamed.

"I thought I was doing well too." I muttered.

"Don't you let Kieran, and his Alpha attitude bring you down. He has a temper, and he often speaks without thinking, but I do notice that since your  arrival, he is a little less rough around the edges." She winked at me.

"Really? I hadn't noticed." I smirked.

"He'll come around." She reassured me.

As she worked on my arm, I focused my attention back to the bassinet and the glass unicorn mobile above it.

"What is her name?" I asked.

"Emma." Mary replied.

"Pretty name." I smiled.

"You know with the way you are with the pups; one would think that maybe you want one of your own."

"What? Oh... no. Not me." I shook my head laughing it off. "I'm not mother material, the pups are fun, but they are draining, and when I'm tired, I can give them back to their parents and its done. I don't need any." I sighed.

But what if Kieran wanted kids? He mentioned Micheala was pregnant before she was killed.

No. Mara you are mad at him. Stick to it.

"Does...Kieran want kids?" I asked.

Or you know. Don't.

Mary grinned at me.

"I Knew there was something between you two, well everyone kind of does we've all been placing bets." She admitted. "And... as of right now, it's hard to say. But when Micheala was pregnant with his son, he was over the moon. After her death he kind of changed."

"Oh..." I said feeling slightly disappointed but shook it off quickly. I couldn't be a mother. There was no way.


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I walked into the den, looking for Amara and sighed when she wasn't there either.

"If you're looking for Mar, she was with my wife." Connor said and looked up from his book.

"Probably bending her ear, ranting about me." I sighed.

"More than likely." Connor chuckled.

"Everyone else in the pack knows how to follow instructions. I can't be blamed that she refuses to." I muttered.

"No, you can't. But you can be blamed for the way you handled it. The entire pack heard your fight." Connor said. "Mar has always marched to the beat of her own drum. She rarely even listened to her own father, who was also her alpha. She's full of sass, she's opinionated and she is stubborn as a mule."

"And I love her for all of it." I sighed and sat down. Connor raised his eyebrows.

"That's...big." He said. "Huge actually. Love?"

"I Know. It surprises me too. I never thought it possible after Micheala but how does one look at her and not fall in love? She is everything that I love, and hate rolled into one tiny ball of chaos, but she is my tiny ball of chaos, and I will protect her with my life." I admitted.

"Providing you don't scream her out of your life." Connor said.

"I'm working on it." I muttered. "Colt would have killed her, Connor. That brother of yours."

"He's more trouble than he's worth." Connor sighed. "I'm sorry for all the grief he has caused as of late."

"It's not your fault." I assured him.

We both looked up as Amara walked into the room with her arms crossed looking at me expectantly. I looked at her shoulder that was stitched up.

"Looks like Mary still does good work." I smirked at Connor.

Connor smiled and stood up. "I'm going to give you two some space." He said and walked over to Amara.

"Remember, you aren't entirely innocent in this. Put that pride away and apologize for your half of it." He said. Amara's shoulders sank and she looked to the floor.

"I will..." She muttered.

Why does he make that look so Goddamn easy??

Connor walked out of the room and Amara looked up at me.

"Sorry for not going home like you asked." She said quietly.

"I'm sorry I didn't handle it the way I should. You may have heard I have a temper." I said giving her an apologetic look hoping she accepted my apology.

"I know you have a temper." She muttered. "But... Mary did say that since I arrived, you've gone a little soft." She gave me a sassy smile, and her eyes sparked with mischief.

"Oh. Did she now?" I asked and chuckled.

We looked at each other in silence for a moment.

"Are we good?" I asked.

She nodded and approached me putting her head against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and sighed contentedly.


"You. Aren't. Focusing!" I grumbled and flipped Amara onto the gym mat for the third time in a matter of minutes. I hovered over her, narrowing my eyes.

She winced and caught her breath.

"Or maybe I just like finding myself in this position." She smiled at me and batted at my necklace as it dangled over her face.

"Do you?" I asked with a smirk.

"Maybe." She said in a sing-song tone and bit her lip before wrapping her hand around the pendants on my necklace and pulling me down to her lips.

Well, there goes my focus too. Bloody little siren.

I pulled back and placed a series of needy kisses along her jawline. Her hands reached up and tangled themselves in my hair, pulling ever so slightly in a way she knew damn well, drove me mad.

"You are getting awfully bold darling." I purred in her ear.

"I know." She breathed as my teeth nipped at her earlobe.

The door flew open, and Connor stepped in the room.

"Kieran, we need you out-" He paused, and we both snapped our heads in his direction. Amara buried her face in my shoulder, clearly embarrassed to be caught by him of all people in this situation, he was like a father to her after all.

"I am... clearly interrupting something." Connor muttered and averted his eyes.

I cleared my throat and stood up helping Amara up as well, who still refused to look at Connor.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"Alexander. He and his pack are moving in on the territory. I don't know what he has planned so I'm trying to get everyone outside."

"Aye. Keep Mary and all the pups inside and meet me out there." I instructed and started walking from the room with Amara in tow.

"You stay inside too." I said.

"But Kieran, if it's my father I want-"

"Listen to me this time. I mean it." I ordered.

"What am I supposed to do here??" She complained.

"Help Mary with the pups." I said and hurried off.


I made it outside, just in time to see Alexander and his pack coming through the trees.

"Let me through!" I heard Amara grumble. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed.

Of course, she didn't listen. Why would she listen?

She looked at me as she stood beside me. I glared at her.

"Yeah, yeah yell at me later." She mumbled and watched on as her father approached us.

"What are you doing in my territory? We meet at the river." I snarled.

"You killed one of mine, so I come to you." Alexander spat. "I'm giving you one last chance to give me back what is mine, as penance for the life you took."

I pushed Amara behind me.

"Not a bloody chance in hell. Jamie and Colt have been crossing into my territory for the last month. Jamie tried to kill Amara and she blamed it on hunters!" I growled. "She tried to kill Amara again, so I killed her. Seems fair if you ask me."

"She is not yours to protect!" Alexander argued.

"Someone bloody has to!" I yelled. "You've done a piss poor job of it, and you're her Gods damned father!"

"Give her back, or we will kill every last one of your pack and take her back!" Alexander growled.

I scoffed. He didn't have the strength or the numbers to do as he threatened.

"I'll tell you what. We make a deal. If Amara wants to go back with you, you can take her. If she doesn't, you take your pack, and you walk away while I still let you."

Alexander smirked, obviously thinking Amara was the same girl he knew. And if Amara by some chance wanted to go with him, then I'd allow it. She'd no longer be here unless by her own choice.

"Deal." Alexander said. Amara stepped forward, coming face to face with her father.

"Right, we'll be going home and maybe if we are lucky, we can scrub the stench of his pack from you." Alexander scoffed.

"I haven't made my choice." Amara spoke softly.

Alexander glared at her.

"You know where you belong!" He snapped.

"I actually don't." Amara shrugged. "I want you to be honest with me... Did you ever love me or was I just someone you could breed out to keep your blood in the pack?" She asked.

"Of course, I love you Amara." Alexander said, his face softened, but his tone... Was anything but truthful and Mara could see it too.

"You're lying..." She said and the hurt in her tone and the way her voice cracked, shattered my heart.

"Tell me the truth!" She shouted.

"You want the truth? I always resented you because you weren't born a son, I resented you because after you, your mother couldn't have more children and I was stuck with you!! Your mother, she made it somewhat bearable but after she was gone, I could hardly look at you!" Alexander spat.

Amara backed away a little bit.

"But beside that, you know you don't belong here!" Alexander said. "Come home, and all of this will be forgiven."

"My whole life you taught me to fear and hate, Kieran and his pack, they're monsters, you would tell me, well today I've learned the truth haven't I?" She said. "The only monster is you!"

"You just don't understand." Alexander shook his head. "They've deceived you. Brainwashed you!"

"You are the only deceiver here!" Amara screamed. "I don't understand why you hate him so much, just because some Alpha centuries before you, hated another Alpha centuries before him. It makes no sense! We are all one kind; we live under one moon. Why are we so separated?!" She demanded and if I had to admit, it made a lot of sense. Why did we hate each other?

"You are a foolish child, and you couldn't possibly understand!" Alexander spat. "Come. Home."

"No." Amara said shaking her head and backing away from him back to me. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"You are choosing him?!" Alexander demanded.

"No, for once in my life, I am choosing Me, he just happens to be a part of me now." Amara said and reached down and held my hand.

"You disgust me." Alexander snapped "You are no daughter of mine."

"I never was..." Amara spoke. I could hear her voice shake as she spoke, but I was proud of how strong she was remaining when I knew she wanted to fall apart inside. The truth hurts.

"No!" Colt growled and stepped forward. "He killed Jamie. I demand a life for hers! And I want it to be her life." Colt said and pointed at Amara.

I let go of Amara's hand and stepped forward.

"That will be over my dead body!" I growled.

"That can be arranged!" Alexander hissed and pulled a dagger from his belt.

The next thing I saw was a mass of white fur flying past me and Alexander was pinned to the ground with Amara's claws digging into his shoulders and she growled at Alexander, and I knew if he made one single move, she would end him right there. Both packs were whispering among themselves.

Alexanders how they never knew she had it in her, and mine, about how she put the Alpha's life before her own, Her alpha. It was a show of true courage, and love. As well as acceptance. She was finally ready to be welcomed into the pack, and the rest of the pack was ready to welcome her too.

I knew however, if she killed her father, she wouldn't be able to handle the grief it brought her. Taking a life wasn't something that was ever easy.

"You leave my territory, and you never return. If any of your pack finds their way on my side of the river, they won't like the way they go back over it. If Colt comes anywhere near Amara again, I will return him to you in pieces. Now, you go make that walk of shame back to your homeland, knowing who it was who bested you today, the same wolf you kept in the dark, and refused to let grow."

Amara growled, not ready to let him up.

"Mara, let him go. He isn't worth it." I said. She looked back at me, with uncertainty. "Just let him go." I said again.

She got off of Alexander and growled at him before turning back to me.

"Go on inside." I said.

Amara nodded her head and padded off towards the house.


When we came into the house, Amara was sitting in the den, in front of the fireplace sniffling, with soft music playing in the background.

"Leave us." I said to the pack. They nodded and all walked off.

"I'll go start some dinner." Sable said. "Comfort food tonight." She said and put her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and gave her a smile and she walked away with the rest of the pack.

I walked over to the fireplace and sat down beside Amara.

"Are you mad?" She asked.

"Not at all." I said and put my arm around her shoulders holding her close. "Are you alright?"

"I will be." She nodded. "It's just going to take a little time."

"Do you still feel lost?" I asked.

She shook her head and laid her head on my shoulder.

"No, I think I'm right where I am meant to be." She said quietly and we sat in understanding silence listening to the music on the radio.


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