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Chapter 10: | ARC I | Chapter 10: A Princess’s Outing With Friends!

 In the evening, as the sun sets over the ocean, gentle light falls beautifully on the wavy water's surface—a young man with a faint headache and a not-too-old uncle. Sat in an office doing…


 Looking at the damage report to his side, Rigeld wasn't pleased since it was a lot of work. He had just received the report of Alum's destruction of the outdoor training facility. He looked at the youth and sighed. 

 "You know… while it is a training facility… It is not a testing site for destruction magic…" 


 Sitting on the couch while filing the damage report—his own, that is… Alum glanced at Rigeld. But then quickly averted his eyes. He, too, realised that he had gone a little too far with this one.

 "...I'm sorry," he apologised. 

 Hearing Alum's apologetic voice, Rigeld smiled and started to laugh. 

 "Ahaha, my boy Al… you're quite something, aren't you? You're setting my bars even higher than what they previously were!" 


 (I thought he'd be more…) 

 Narrowing his eyes and watching the old man laughing, he felt relieved that Rigeld wasn't as angry as he seemed. 

 (As it turns out, he's a brilliant actor, as always...)

 Knowing that Rigeld wasn't too upset with him, he relaxed and started munching on the promised sweets as he continued with the report. 

 Rigeld watched the young man as he focused on his tasks. 

 (Had it not been for the [Illusionarry Barrier], I might've gotten angry, you know? After all… it would cause a whole lot of friction in the city… Though… he did cause a small outbreak in the base, and luckily, no one was hurt…)




 Finishing up the report, Alum returned to his room and threw himself onto the bed. He softly sighed as he reflected on what had happened that day. 


 Letting out a tone of frustration, he turned and looked at the ceiling. 

 "...She did compliment me… but why was there a hint of disappointment?" 

 Alum thought he had done a phenomenal job showing off, but maybe that wasn't the case? 

 (I don't get it…) 

 Agonising over his failure to impress the girl he liked, he rolled around the bed, feeling his mood drop even more as he contemplated. 

 This behaviour, however, was very unlike him. Even he wasn't sure why he acted like this. But it couldn't be helped, could it? 

 Continuing to sulk, he came back to his senses. He heard a knock on the door. (It's probably Noel…) As he'd expected, Noel stood there when Alum opened the door and let him in. He had a tray of sweets and sandwiches and smiled as he entered. 

 "Maaan~, you really surprised me with that magic of yours!" Noel exclaimed in excitement. 

 "Sh-Shut up…!" Alum retorted as he was reminded of his failure. 

 Ignoring his harsh words, Noel just softly laughed as he was reminded of the past, though the difference was there were emotions behind these words. 

 "It was a compliment, you know~?"

 Hearing that, Alum just sulked. 

 Seeing his friend pout, Noel hands him the tray. 

 "Here, I got us some sweets and sandwiches!" 


 (What am I doing…?) 

 Alum let out a small sigh and gently took the tray. He gave Noel a soft smile, which returned tenfold brighter. 

 "Thanks…" Alum said as he took a bite of the treats he'd been given. 




 Having a snack and chatting about the day, Noel was impressed by how much smoother everything went today. Usually, it was only Luna teaching and instructing them, which was a massive burden on her. But now that Amethely and Chely joined, a lot of weight has been lifted from Luna's shoulders, and the quality of the lectures also increased as the load was more spread out, and they didn't need to rush things as before. 

 As impressive as Alum was today. Usually, Noel was the one that bewildered everyone. Despite not excelling in magic the same way Alum did, his close combat and swift improvement in swordsmanship were something to behold. 

 Who knows? Maybe his martial arts experience came into play… though he never actually got a chance to use it…and today, he was also getting instructed by Chely, which helped him improve further. 

 (Still, is she some kind of demon? Wait… she's a Hero…) He sighed as he turned his attention to Alum, who had returned to be mellow and calm again. (Though it was fun to see him like that.) Noel thought and softly chuckled by himself. 

 It didn't go unnoticed as Alum raised his brow. "...Anything amusing on your mind?" Alum asked as he tilted his head. 

 At the gesture, Noel found it rather funny each time he did things like this—there wasn't much of an expression on Alum's face, after all. 

 "Well… yes, but that's beside the point? Anyhow, 'Al', we're off tomorrow, right? Wanna hit the town?" 


 Alum noticed that his friend had changed the way he called him, but he didn't mind, albeit he was pleasantly surprised. 

 (Must be the influence of Luna) Alum thought as he faintly smiled. 

 "Mmm, sure, I suppose there are places I've yet to visit." 

 Alum was a little concerned about going with Noel since…assassins were still after him, but… it shouldn't be a problem as long as they didn't enter some strange back alley. 

 He really needed to solve this problem soon. If he wanted to go on a date with Amethely undisturbed, that is. 




 The following day, Alum and Noel would go to the cafeteria together and head out afterwards. Thus, Noel came to Alum's room to wake him up. Noel knew that Alum would likely still be asleep. After all, it's a waste not to utilise the whole day, the morning included. Especially if they were free to explore the Capital as they saw fit. 

 He also promises Miu to go together—she was so popular that there weren't many opportunities for her to be left alone, and being her childhood friend, he wanted to help her out, as he, too, wanted her to relax. 

 Even if Miu and Alum weren't friends, Alum was never bothered when they all hung out, and they didn't seem to dislike each other. However, the same could be said about liking one another. 

 Miu seems to appreciate the silence Alum brings to his environment since hers is always filled with noise, which could be exhausting after prolonged exposure. So, for her, it was pretty neat that Alum wasn't the talkative nor the type to hit on her. 

 Alum also didn't seem so reluctant to let her join compared to when he was invited to hang out with Noel's other friends. 

 (Well… not to say he wasn't reluctant at first. But he still gave her a chance and seemed pretty used to her by now…) 

 As the two of them walked down the hall, they spotted Luna, which was unusual considering she'd normally be in her room in the mornings. 

 "Oh? Good morning, Luna." Alum greets her with a soft and gentle tone. 

 Hearing his voice, Luna turned around and gave a small wave as she gently smiled. 

 "Good morning to you, Al! Oh… you too, Noel." 

 (So she can smile like this…) 

 Ignoring the slight saltiness coming from her, he did find it amusing since she was usually expressionless. In fact… due to that, he'd assume she was older than her appearance suggested. However, that was proven not to be the case. 

 "Good morning, Princess Luna," Noel replied as he tried to contain his outer exterior. 

 Luna was sharp and noticed Noel's amused expression, but she let it slip and spoke to Alum instead. 


 Alum nodded.

 "I see…" Luna replied. Looking a little under the weather. 

 (What are these one-liners…?) Noel thought as he delightfully watched. 

 As Luna was about to head her way, Alum stopped her by grabbing her hand. 

 "Would you like to join us…? You know… you don't have to restrain yourself. We're friends, right? Oh… of course, you fine with it, right, Noel?" 

 "Hm? Yeah? I'm fine with it!" Noel replied. 

 Luna's eyes widened. She assumed Alum to be the type that would spend time with one individual at a time, and she wasn't wrong, but there are some exceptions to the rule. 

 Hence, she didn't expect him to ask while grasping her hand. Truth be told. She'd felt lonely, and for some reason, when she saw or spoke to him, her loneliness would get blown away. 

 Despite her solitude, Alum managed to drag her out of the dark as she enjoyed the company of another. He didn't do much, but they were fish of the same pond, which made it easy for her to connect, and all they did was chat. Now… the time she spent alone didn't feel right to her. 

 (Can I also be like Al…? We're alike… could I also befriend others like him? B-but… where do I even begin…?)

 The reason they even got to know each other was through her uncle. Somehow, they got along very well. 

 As Alum saw Luna in deep thought. He could somehow understand what she was thinking. Maybe because they were similar? Similar taste, similar mindset and thought process—perhaps. 

 Noel, who wasn't familiar with The Princess, didn't say anything as Alum was the one closest to her. He didn't know how to act now that she had a painful expression. 

 Alum slowly walked toward Luna. He softly smiled and patted her head. (I don't really know how to comfort people… but she's a little like some small animal…) he thought. 

 Noel and Luna were equally surprised by his gesture—although Noel knew Alum to be gentle and kind in some regards, he hadn't expected to see this sight, and more so since it was in the hall! 

 (If Saint Amethely were to see this… it would be quite catastrophic…) Noel thought, 

 For Luna… it was strangely comforting, as this was the first time anyone had done anything like this. Getting a little carried away, she leaned in, rested her head on his chest, and embraced him. 

 (I feel like I'm seeing something I ain't supposed to see…) Despite thinking all that, he stayed quiet, and seeing how Alum reciprocated her embrace, he could only think they looked like a couple—or so he thought… 

 On a closer look, it was innocent in a non-romantic way. Alum gave off the feeling that he was comforting a small animal or child. He felt a little spooked, but seeing how Alum treated Luna in this way made him relaxed. 

 (But… the same couldn't be said if anyone else saw this…) 

 Luckily, there wasn't anyone close to the vicinity. Luna then left Alum's embrace and smiled brightly, a smile that even captivated Noel. Thought it wasn't a smile that would make him fall in love; it was a rather charming, innocent, childlike smile. 

 "...Thank you, Al!" Luna shyly expressed her gratitude. 

 Alum nodded and gave her another head pat.

 "I feel much better now, thanks to you! And… yes… I'd like to take you up on the offer… thank you, too… Noel." 

 Luna faintly blushed as she glanced at Noel, but he could tell it was due to him seeing her in 'that' state. 

 "Aahaha, no worries!" Noel replied with a grin. 

 Although no words were spoken in their exchange, it was essentially Alum relieving her anxiety and telling her he'd be there to support her. 

 Her first step was to befriend Noel properly. He is Alum's best friend, and maybe she, too, could get along with him. Though… he had no doubt that she would. 

 After their brief exchange, the mood between Luna and Noel seemed to have loosened up a bit. 

 "Noel, do you mind if Luna joined us as well?" 


 "I don't see why not?" Noel happily agreed. 

 Alum noticed that Luna was a little confused. 

 "...Oh, you must be confused right now… Noel and I plan to have a stroll in the city… would you join us for that as well?" 

 Luna shyly nodded. 

 "Mm… I love to." 

 It was then Noel was reminded of something. 

 "Oh! Miu will be joining us as well!" 

 Alum pondered and glanced at Luna. 

 "I'm fine with that. How about you, Luna?" 

 Luna was a little sceptical, but… Luna knew that Miu was a nice girl; from her point of view, she contrasted her in many ways, such that she is social and well-liked by wanderers and recruits the same. 


 After some thought, Luna made up her mind. 

 "I… don't mind." 

 Alum and Noel glanced at each other and chuckled a little. 

 (I think they will get along just fine. That's your plan, right?) 

 (…Well, I didn't even know she'd join, but I suppose it works?) 

 Despite feigning ignorance, Noel could tell that Alum knew Miu would tag along. 




 Resuming their walk to the cafeteria, they spot Amethely, Chely and another girl. She was Keilyn Amaris, one of the Oracles. 

 Alum had met her once during the welcome ceremony, and although he and his classmates were also supposed to meet The Saint, she couldn't attend. Of course… she couldn't since she was passed out… 

 Keilyn noticed that Alum was the one with the curse. Thus, she asked some Shamans who were curse experts to take a closer look to determine what sort of curse it was. 

 But, they didn't seem to find anything peculiar, at least for his case, since Alum seemed to be able to convert the mana that the curse drew inside his body. 

 Normally, this would cause poisoning and death after prolonged exposure. But he was just fine… as if it was a blessing in disguise. So… they didn't remove it since his body seemed to have gotten accustomed to it, and removing it may cause trauma to the body as well… 

 Still, they had no clue as to why this was happening, and their best guess was his Unique Skill, which turned this deadly curse into a blessing of some sort. 

 Was this a good thing? 

 Well… it was since he would recover mana faster, and it does seem like his mana pool was quite steep, so he shouldn't be overloaded. All in all, he has the potential to become a very potent Mage. 

 Amethely noticed Alum, along with Noel and Luna. Her heart fluttered as she then shyly waved at them, especially towards Alum. 

 Alum waved back with a faint smile. And, of course, Keilyn noticed this and whispered into Amethely's ears. 

 'Oh? Oh my? Is he perhaps the one?'


 Amethely's eyes started to wonder as she turned red, and she looked sheepishly at Alum as his group passed. At that moment, Alum turned around, and the two locked eyes, both feeling embarrassed as they shyly waved to each other again. 


 Amethely was just quiet, but her whole body was burning up, and it was noticeable, even when she was in her [Saint Mode]. 

 (Oh well… enough teasing…) Keilyn giggled. 

 The timing was perfect. Chely and Amethely had just finished their breakfast, and she wanted to invite them to the cafe they usually went to. 



 Alum and his group reached the cafeteria. They saw Miu in a large group, and they all happily chatted with her. Miu noticed them, excused herself, and waved as she headed their way. Little did she know that another person would be joining. That was none other than Princess Luna herself!


 Miu felt nervous but excited at the same time! 




 A little while later, when they all finished their breakfast, it was time for the day's big event! And Miu, who didn't know the Princess so well, refrained from acting all familiar. But that was a given. Though… she did act that way toward Alum as well, that's because he was slightly tricky in the first place. But she appreciates his thoughtfulness and quiet, soothing comfort. 

 Noel, her childhood friend, was, of course, easy to talk to. After all, they've known one another for ages. As they headed out of the base, they were greeted by the beautiful city streets. It was decorated with plants, and there were many places to rest. 

 The clean streets they walked on were being cleaned up and maintained by some workers they passed by. They finely trimmed the vegetation to please the eyes of those who walked by—making the city feel so much alive. 

 (…Though, some places, like the back alleys, aren't as clean…) Alum thought as he narrowed his eyes. 

 They talked about all sorts of things and subsequently reached the business district. Luna was right beside him, in her disguise, since she didn't want to cause the three of them any trouble since she usually attracted a lot of attention when she was not in disguise—many people would gather around her. So this time, she put in the extra effort so that people don't recognise her. 

 When Noel first heard her explanation, he chuckled and later explained to her that most people understand and would be fine if she was out with them. After all… they're friends. 

 Still… Luna insisted, which Miu found absolutely adorable! She wasn't all too familiar with Luna outside of class, but… she was actually just a year younger and too precious for her not to cling to! 

 As the three of them walked side by side, Alum and Luna in the middle, Noel was beside Alum as Miu was beside Luna. 

 Miu and Noel weren't as familiar with the city streets as Alum and Luna were. And they looked around a bunch like curious tourists. 

 Miu was excited and said, "Oh! Woooow!" and, "That looks sooo delicious~!" 

 Noel was also energetic as magic tools and weapons caught his interest. After all, Noel was what you'd call a gamer. 

 Although Alum played some games—mainly because Noel always bought them with him as he came over to hang out. 

 He wasn't too into it… but since it was something Noel enjoyed, he was content with just that. And thinking back on those days, he unconsciously let out a faint smile. Luna wasn't quite sure why Alum had smiled, but… seeing him smile also put a smile on her face. This didn't go unnoticed, of course. 

 (They say they're just friends… but they seem closer than that… especially for having just met…) Miu thought. 

 Miu glanced to the side; Noel was hopeless and couldn't help guiding her thoughts. Since he was occupied with…other stuff… But upon a closer look, she felt warmth and changed her mind. 

 (Actually… their friendship is just so innocent!) 

 It was comparable to children having yet to learn the distance between male and female, and it reminded her of the type of friendship she once had with Noel. 

 Things change over time as one grows older, so… seeing Alum and Luna like this made her feel nostalgic warmth as she just wanted to give them a big hug! 

 She then noticed that Luna was looking at a sweets stall and had been staring in that direction for quite some time. Alum also noticed this. 

 "Do you want some of that?" he asked. 

 "Mm," Luna nodded. 

 Seeing this, Miu puffs her cheeks. After all, she was the first one to notice! And she sent a glare Alum's way. 

 (I was first!) 

 Alum noticed in the corner of his eyes; he figured that Miu also wanted to befriend Luna more and wanted her attention. 

 "Why don't you go with Miu?" he suggested. 

 Luna glanced back and forth between the two and reluctantly left his side. Though she didn't expect Miu to grab her hand, she turned to Alum for help. But she was greeted by his gentle gaze, a gaze that told her that he'd be watching and that everything was fine. 

 (…Thanks, Al…)

 She turned to Miu with a slightly shy smile on her face, and seeing this, Miu smiled brightly as they both walked hand in hand.

Seseal Seseal

Geez…. Every rewritten chapter takes about as much time as an actual chapter to write… although not as long since I know what to write…. Still… Hope you guys enjoyed this! 

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