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Chapter 12: | ARC I | Chapter 12: Sweet Confessions

 Late into the night, Rigeld stretched his arms, and a crack could be heard. His shoulders were stiff, and so were his hands. 

 He glanced at the youth who was helping him out as he seamlessly did all the tasks assigned to him. 

 (What can I say? The boy got the talent…)

 Besides that, Rigeld also managed to track down the ones who kept trying to assassinate Alum. He, of course, had Chely deal with them since she volunteered… 

 In the end, she took care of their whole crew as they were now imprisoned. 

 Nevertheless… Rigeld was a little aback when she said, "He's my future cute brother-in-law. Of course, I'd deal with those scummy pests around him." 

 He sighed, just thinking about it. Well…he's going to complain, but…

 "Little Al, say Ahhh~" 

 Chely was trying to feed Alum sweets while he worked, but Alum kept sending Rigeld glances now and then, asking for help. 

 Alum was probably wondering, "What in the world is going on…?" Or something along those lines. 

 Rigeld sighed yet again, ignoring Alum's plea for help. 

 (I'm sorry, Luna…) Rigeld thought as he went back to focusing on work. 

 Rigeld already knew what kind of person Chely was. After all…she was like this with Amethely as she loves her so dearly. As a result, anyone could probably imagine what it'd be like if she had a little brother. 

 (…well, no need to guess…) Rigeld thought as he saw that very result before him. 

 Realising that his cries were being ignored, not getting through to the old man, he decided just to do something about it himself. Though it wasn't a novel concept, he would've appreciated a lending hand in this case…

 "...umm… Chely, I can eat on my own," Alum calmly said—only to be met with a teary-eyed older girl. 

 "Sniff, sniff…you're so distant, Little Al, sniff, sniff. Please just call me Big Sis, sniff." 


 (I know these are fake tears, but really…? What is going on…!?)

 Alum had many questions, such as: was this really the same girl I rode a dragon with for a full day and night…? 

 Well… The more he thought about it. It wasn't such a bad thing since the unfriendly and stiff person she first presented herself to be wasn't as appealing. Although, that was just his first impression… However, Alum couldn't fault her for that since he, too, was and is like that. 

 (I suppose it isn't so bad.) 

 After all, Chely is Amethely's older sister, and from the treatment she's giving him, she'd approve of him, right? 

 (I suppose it's fine to call her Big Sis, but…it's somewhat discomforting…)

 It wouldn't be strange for him to think so. After all, Chely was a beautiful older girl—not only that, but she was also currently rubbing her head against his chest while clinging onto him, keeping up the fragile girl facade. 

 Making matters worse, she was in her casual clothes, and her scent was very close to Amethely's scent. Alum would usually not catch on to these sorts of things, but that changed when he fell in love. Thus, he started to notice all sorts of things. 

—Moreover… Rigeld wasn't of any help… 

 (Urgh… fine, you win!) Alum retorted as he held her shoulders, pushing her away. 

 The reason he didn't do this sooner was that he wasn't the type to mind these things, but as he was thinking of Amethely, it just sort of became uncomfortable…. 

 "Aww, you pushed me away~, hic." 

 "...B-Big Sis…?" 


 Alum stuttered a little, which only fueled her excitement. 

 "Aww~! You're too precious, Little Al~!" Chely said, clinging onto him even more. 

 This time, her embrace was firmer, so… He couldn't escape. 

 "...please, I'd prefer it if you didn't call me 'little, '" Alum retorts. 

 Chely released him but was still a little too close… 

 "Aww~ what a shame, well then Al~ …here, say ahh~!" 


 Alum let out a heavy sigh as he finally gave up and let her feed him. 

 (Ohh my~! He's so obedient and cute now~! Ame always strongly refuses and doesn't give in, but this is so nice~!)

 "Hehe~, how did it taste?" 

 " was tasty," Alum plainly replied.

 His glance went back to the papers in front of him. It didn't help as he had to deal with both Chely and the papers… Thus, his energy reserves were now a bit tad low.

 And being a witness to this chaos, Rigeld sighed yet again at the peculiar sight.

 (What if I just adopt him…? Sigh… No…never mind, I'll just watch over him.)

 While Rigeld was in his own mind, he noticed Chely looking his way. Her eyes told him everything he needed to know, along with a smug look that said, "It's my win," kind of irked him a little. 

 Meanwhile, as Alum sorted the documents, he came across one that had something to do with him. It was probably intentional since Rigeld probably planned all this… 

 (I see… The group that is after me are all locked up… I suppose the only thing to do now is to ask her out…)

 Alum felt relieved yet nervous at the same time since he'd never done anything like it before. He put down the documents and glanced at Chely. 

 "Thank you," he said as a soft smile caught her off guard. 

 Which resulted in him getting another hug. But… he didn't try to resist it this time. 

 "You're so sweet! And very unlike Ame! That girl… She doesn't want to be doted on by her Big Sister! Oh well…that part of her is adorable too! 

 (No…it's not like I'm trying to be doted on by you…) Alum tried retorting before but saw no hope even if he did so now… 




 A little later, when Alum finished the assigned work and left Rigeld's office, the atmosphere became slightly tense. 

 "You ought to get a new assistant, Sir Rigeld." Chely somewhat coldly said."Alum isn't a replacement for him. No matter how much Al reminds you of him. I believe your wife would've wanted you to move on as well." 

 Chely told Rigeld exactly what was on her mind, and of course… He was already aware of all of this. But since all of it was for his own satisfaction and selfish reasons. He knew fully well that Alum wasn't his replacement. 

 Yet the resemblances are there, making it difficult for him not to…. 

 He had promised his wife on her death bed, and as he vowed to his wife in her final moments that he'd protect their child—in the end…he wasn't able to uphold that promise…

 "...Right… You're right… Well…it's getting late now. You better get going." 

 Chely knew she'd stepped out of line as a subordinate. However… She worried about him being unable to move on; thus, she wouldn't take back her words. Watching him in a miserable state, all she could do was apologise. 

 "...Sorry, I said too much, but… I'm not taking back what I said. Well then… have a good night, Sir." 

 Chely left the room as Rigeld gazed at the door in a daze. 

 '…I know… I really…do know…...' 




 While walking in the corridors that lead to the dorms, Alum looked out the windows and gazed at the horizon sun. 

 (Despite being called a sun, its light sure is faint… Even to the point of being second after the moon in the night sky…) 

 Thinking along those lines, he sighed. He wondered about how to invite Amethely out, or rather… The best way to do so. However… He was inexperienced and didn't know how to do so the 'proper' way. 

 (How does one do it? Perhaps I should just ask her now?) He pondered and pondered. But…it was now getting late. So…maybe not today. 

 Alum heaved a sigh yet again. Perhaps this was a few times too many? Who knows…? 

 As he kept walking, he came across the garden, which is usually full of life during the days when everyone was off duty. But seeing nobody there, Alum entered for some fresh air. 

 It was quiet, and the sounds of waves hitting the high walls pleased his ears as nostalgia arose. The smell of the sea and the cool night breeze were things he just enjoyed. 

 Thinking back on it—his environment has changed rather dramatically. It was lively, contrary to the still silence that usually lingers in his world. 

 These new, gentle, warm emotions danced in his chest as he thought about how things were just more fun. And…fun was a relatively new concept to him as a person. 

 He primarily had one person to thank for all this… But…he's not the only one. Alum had noticed that there were more people who meant more to him than he let himself believe—they, too, meant a lot to him. Ever since he met Amethely, his heart wouldn't stop dancing, and he awaited their next encounter. 

 He strolled around in the garden and enjoyed the moment when he unexpectedly met Amethely. Upon noticing his presence, she turned around, and their eyes met as Alum stood there, surprised. 

 Feeling happy, Amethely's heart throbbed as she wordlessly peered into his eyes. Snapping out of it, she waved at him with a warm and gentle smile. 

 Returning the gesture, Alum waved his hand and noticed that she was holding a sword with her other hand. 

 (…she's out practising this late…?)

 Looking closer at the sword, the presence it gave off was that of Noel's [Storm'elt Sword], which meant it was her divine weapon. It turned into light particles as the light softly fractured, leaving a gentle yet memorable light as it vanished. 

 "What are you doing out here so late?" Amethely asked while sheepishly looking into his eyes. 

 She had tilted her head a little to the side and played a little with her silky white hair—she was clearly nervous, and Alum could tell that she was blushing ever so slightly, even when it was this dark outside. 

 "...Taking a short stroll?" Alum replied. 

 Alum didn't know what to say to Amethely. But the same could be said about her, as she, too, didn't know how to talk to Alum. 

 Amethely fidgeted a little and shyly averted her gaze. "I see…" she said in a soft tone while peeking a sneak glance at him. 

 Although there was some distance between the two, Alum felt as if Amethely was a bit further away than usual. 

 (…isn't she a bit far away?) 

 Thinking along those lines, Alum tried getting closer, but when he did… Amethely would just do the same—but in the other direction. 


 Alum was Uncertain about how to interpret this but felt disheartened that she distanced herself when he tried getting closer. But thinking it was perhaps a reflex, he tried again, but the end result was the same. Alum looked like an abandoned animal in Amethely's eyes, and it was then she realised she'd unconsciously hurt him. 

 Seeing his reaction, Amethely becomes flustered and tries to explain herself. "W-Wait, it isn't like that…!" she meekly said. "I-I just don't want you to get near me when I'm all gross and sweaty…" 

 (…Is that so…?) Alum thought while heaving a relieved sigh. "...I thought you hated me for a moment…." he said. 

 Hearing this, Amethely started to panic. "H-Huh…! N-No! It's the opposite…!" She cried. She just noticed… But that was essentially a confession, depending on Alum's interpretation. "Ah…" Amethely seemed to have noticed as well, as her face turned completely red. She hid behind her palms while sneaking a glance through her fingers to see his reaction. 

 Surprisingly, Alum stood there with his head slightly tilted. Seeing his reaction, she felt relieved that he didn't find disdain in her comment. But rather… wasn't he supposed to be sharper? 

 Rather than fussing over Alum's oddly dull side, she felt grumpy over her own mistake. (Aa-Aaaame! How come you blurt things out!?) 

 …Alum did notice. But he was too stubborn since he already decided that he'd be the one to take a step forward in their relationship. In a sense… he felt relieved that her 'confession' wasn't direct. 

 Meanwhile, Amethely's heart was brimming with life as each beat made her uneasy. She waited for Alum to say something. After all, she'd basically confessed to the guy she liked. Albeit it wasn't her intention to do so…. 

 (Aahhh! I'm such a dummy! This isn't an appropriate occasion for a confession, and I'm still unsure if he even likes me romantically!) 

 Her heart kept pounding faster and faster—more than it ever had in her entire life. And all she could do was wait as she shyly glanced his way. 

 "...I see. I'm relieved you don't dislike me," Alum calmly responded with a faint smile. 

 As she heard his response, Amethely's eyes widened, but at the same time… 

 (…huh? Did he notice or…not?) 

 Even though Amethely was new to all of this, she was sharp, and the fact that Alum didn't notice despite her being somewhat direct made Amethely feel both relieved and conflicted at the same time. 

 To be completely blunt… She thought that her feelings were obvious. She knew that many were aware of the feelings she had for Alum. 

 (M…Maybe he's aware but doesn't acknowledge them…?) Thinking along those lines, it felt like her heart had been stabbed by a thousand blades. (…perhaps…this is the more desirable outcome…? After all, we're just acquainted with one another—we barely know each other…it's probably for the best…) 

 The feeling was unbearable, and she felt moisture building up in the corner of her eyes. But…she mustn't shed tears…

 Despite all this…she couldn't hide her anxiety. She lacked any real connection to him and didn't know much about him. All she knew about him was that he'd just arrived in this world, that he was good at mana manipulation and that he was a sweets lover… But all of that was just the surface. 

—she truly knew nothing about him. 

 While feeling down, she remembered their first meeting, and her first impression of him was the aloof one. She sensed some deep, routed loneliness within him. Yet… He was quite the tease…

 (…geez, I'm just overthinking again, am I not…? After all… he did say he felt relieved that I don't dislike him…) 

 Seeing how conflicted Amethely was, Alum walked closer to her while lightly scratching his cheek. He felt a bit guilty for making her feel this way, and he didn't know how to comfort someone; rather… He couldn't comfort her like he did Emely or Luna. He was afraid of how she'd react… 

 (…how lame of me…) he thought. "Wo…Would you like to join me…? On a stroll, that is…" 

 Hearing his words made Amethely come back from her deep thoughts. She noticed that Alum was standing in front of her as he looked at her with anxious eyes. 

 (…ahh… His golden eyes are so beautiful—huh…? Is he… blushing…? Uhhg~!? He's precious!)


 (Wa-Wait!? Isn't he too close!?) 

 After realising that her crush had suddenly gotten close while she was in doubt about everything. She was sweaty and felt insecure. Turning crimson red, she said, "Wa-Wait, I-I'm sweaty—i-it may put you off…!" She felt too embarrassed and tried to distance herself again. 


 Alum wouldn't have it that way and grabbed her hand gently. "...I don't mind," he said. His actions made Amethely feel conflicted. Yet… at the same time, she wanted him to keep holding her hand and not let go. 

 Despite feeling ashamed to be this close while being drenched in sweat, her desire to be close to him won as she just let him hold her hand, not even trying to shake him off. 

 Usually, this was a non-issue since she could just use cleansing magic to get rid of the scent and sweat. But she couldn't since she was told not to try and use magic until she'd fully recovered. 

 "U-Umm… a-about the stroll…I'd love to join you. But…b-before going… C-Can I shower first…?" 

 Amethely was so flustered that Alum thought she'd caught a cold. Since she was warmer and sweatier now for another reason, it made her even more self-conscious about the current situation. 


 She then felt another warm sensation as a blue light enveloped her whole body. 

 "...would this suffice…?" Alum hesitantly asked. 

 He'd used cleansing magic on her. He didn't want to let go, and if she were to take a shower, it would be less time spent with her. Besides… It was already late out. And he didn't want to waste time being apart from her now that he had a chance. 

 Amethely blankly stared at him. (…he really doesn't need any guidance…) She felt a little depressed at this revelation but, at the same time, conflicted, as she should be happy for him. 

 After all, cleansing magic is one of the more complex magic spells there is to perform, not only on oneself but also on someone else. 

 Amethely sulked a little while she looked at him with puffed cheeks. Alum was so independent she started to find it strange. He was in an unfamiliar land. He was able to control magic more freely than others and was even capable of learning the basic structure of their machines. 

 Even if the military didn't take him in, she'd be sure he'd exceed either way. She knew he was dependable, and it was a great quality to have… But… she wanted him to rely on her more, even for a little. Was that just too selfish? She knew she should be happy about his genius but felt lonely instead. 

  She took a few small steps forward and rested her head on Alum's chest. 'Dummy…' she said. She felt warm and fuzzy. Her heart was still racing fast, but she felt more calm in a strange way. She didn't want him to be disappointed in her as she was The Saint, the people's guiding light. 


 She didn't want him to see her sullen face that was filled with defeat and self-pity. 

 (…this scent… Big Sis…? Was she being overly familiar with him…? Uuuwh… Why is everybody around me getting closer to him!? Why am I the only one that's left behind…!?) 

 Meanwhile… Alum had frozen in place. Just moments ago, Amethely had tried to distance herself, but now… She cuddled up to him and was practically glued to him. In the beginning, Amethely just wanted to hide her face. But…she was now trying to overwrite her sister's scent on the boy she likes. She was getting a little too jealous of the people around her…after all. 

 Alum was unsure of what to do. Maybe it was a sign to embrace her…? Thus, he did just that. He gently hugged her and enveloped his arms around her. 

 But for some reason, Amethely became timid—even though she'd just snuggled close to him. Whilst it wasn't her intention for him to hug her, she thought that this little misunderstanding was a welcoming one. 

 Feeling happy about Alum's sudden action, she felt as if their feelings were mutual. (I'm not imagining it… Am I?) After all, he'd been so gentle with her until now, and she also felt his gaze on occasion. (He wouldn't be glancing at me were he not interested… Right…?) Besides… It's Alum… He doesn't seem all interested in people in general, so how come their eyes meet so often? 

 At this point, she knew he liked her—how could he not like her? He acted differently toward her, but it wasn't in a special way others treated her. He gently hugged her and let her get close. There were only a few he'd let close. Even so, those were not definite proof. Even the people around him acted differently when she was around. And with him trying to spend alone time with her, embracing her at this late hour, not minding she'd just been drenched in sweat. What else could she assume? 

 Just the thought alone made her incredibly happy as she tightened and reciprocated the embrace. She wanted to get as close as possible, both emotionally and physically. Alum took notice and did the same as the two would silently stay in the other's embrace. It lasted for a while, but it was unexpectedly Alum who broke the silence. 

 "Hey…Ame. Would you like to have an outing with me…? Just the two of us…" he calmly asked. 

 Amethely didn't expect him to ask her out as she was the one planning on asking him. But… it was nevertheless a pleasant surprise. She'd also wanted to spend as much time with him as possible and get to know him better. 

 She rubbed her head against his chest while slowly looking up. She was reminded of yesterday's event, and their faces were close; this time, it wasn't a one-sided embrace as the two held one another in their arms. 

 "...not fair," she grumbled." I also wanted to ask you, but you beat me to it…" 

 "Is that so…?" Alum teasingly asked. 

 "Yes… I want to know you better, and I want to learn more about you… S-So, Alum, p-please, take care of me!" 

 Seeing her act so meek, Alum's heart fluttered. And to begin with, he was already nervous as his heart beat plenty fast, hugging her like this. Amethely already knew this. Just as he could feel her heartbeats, she could feel his, too. 


 The two of them stayed silent in the other's embrace as the warmth of the other fuzzily pulled on their heartstrings. 

 …after a period of time has passed, Alum loosened his embrace. Although he wanted to stay like this for longer, it was getting a bit late, so he proposed they go on a stroll as planned before either had to head to bed. 

 Amethely nodded and reluctantly let him go. Alum could sense her hesitation, thus grabbing her hand and gently holding it. 

 "...are you fine with us walking like this…?" he reluctantly asked, despite already holding her hand. 

 Amethely gave him a shy affirmative nod and warmly smiled. Both of them started to become more accustomed to each other, as they both felt calmer and less nervous—because… What was the point of not being able to relax around one another? They shouldn't have to become drained while being with the person they like, after all. 

 Still… Alum was unsure about their current relationship since…no affirmative words were exchanged just then. However… One could already assume that they are lovers. Yet Alum was uncertain if he could call them that…

 They barely knew each other but were learning as they both held affection for one another. Wasn't that enough? 

—no. It wasn't. 

 Alum wanted to put it into words as well so that there wouldn't be any misunderstandings—despite having a mutual understanding of the other's feelings. It still was necessary to put them into words. Hence… He needed to confess properly. 

 In a sense, one could argue that Alum is a romantic because he wants something a certain way. And… he already knew how to go about it. 

 (…ask her on a date, confess at the end with the right setting, and become lovers.) Alum recited those words in his mind while he gently squeezed Amethely's hand. 

 In turn, Amethely did the same. 




{Note: continue old rewrite from begin here.}

 Under the moonlight, as Alum and Amethely walk hand in hand, the peaceful and gentle coastal winds breeze across the garden. 

 The two of them spend time in this silence and listen to the sound of waves and winds as they walk. 

 Alum, for one, isn't much of a talker, and Amethely is quite shy despite being an elegant lady for the most part…. 

 The silence wasn't awkward, per se… it was just that they did want to know about the other person more, but it was hard to bring anything up since the mood was so comfortable and relaxing. 

 For Amethely… it was partly because she had recently used up all of the courage she had, embracing him. Therefore, she was unable to start any conversation. 

 On the other hand, Alum barely spoke to girls, so he had no clue what he was doing and wasn't sure how to treat her. 

 So… with his lack of knowledge, he just acted as he usually did, and compared to a few minutes ago, he was a lot calmer. 

 And so was Amethely as well. Although she was still shy and fidgety around him, she wasn't trying to distance herself or avoid him. 

 "...Hey, Ame, why were you in the garden this late?" Alum suddenly asked. 

 And to be clear… he knew what she was doing here, but not exactly why. Still… it is unusual for him to start a conversation, especially when the silence is plenty peaceful and comforting. 

 His reason was pretty simple, actually…. He just wanted to hear her voice. 

 In response, Amethely tightened her grip, holding his hand more firmly while shyly looking to the side. 

 "P-promise you won't laugh, okay…?" she said in a fluster. 

 Then, clenching her hand as she pushed it against her chest, sheepishly looked into Alum's eyes. She then stated her reason.

 "A-actually, I was too jittery thinking about you…." 

 (…! I went and said it!) She thought as she then gave him a more bashful look. 

 Seeing her this bashful made Alum's heartache as the words that came out of her mouth were just too adorable. 

 "I-I see…." Alum flusteredly answered.

 (…It's unfair she's this cute…) He thought. 

 Everything she did made him restless, but… it was pleasant nonetheless as this unfamiliar hazy warmth was something akin to that Emely, Noel and Luna radiated…. 

 In other words, Alum found comfort in her as he did those close to him. 

 Albeit a challenge to distinguish it from platonic and romantic… Alum did feel that Amethely's warmth was slightly different…. 

 …Hearing Alum's slightly flustered, surprised answer, Amethely continued despite taking a lot of damage herself. 

 "T-that's why I said it wasn't fair… I thought of a way to get to know you better… as I also wanted to ask you out." Amethely said, squeezing his hand more firmly."...But you beat me to it…!" 

 Hearing her explanation, Alum softly chuckled. 

 "Did swinging your sword help?" he playfully asked. 

 But his teasing only made her pout as she cast aside her shyness and properly faced him. 

 "Y-you're surprisingly mean! Meanie!" she huffed as she puffed her cheeks.

 When Alum saw her reaction, he couldn't hold it in anymore and began laughing—she was just too adorable. 

 Amethely tried to cross her arms to show her dissatisfaction, then realised that she had to let go of his hand to do so, making her sulk instead. 

 "Hmpf! Mister, I promise not to laugh!" 

 "Pfft, ahahaha, sorry, sorry…." He apologises as he keeps laughing. 

 He had realised that she wanted to make some sort of gesture to show her dissatisfaction but didn't since she wanted to keep holding his hand, in turn making him flattered as he got another heartache, making his heart skip yet another beat. 

 "Ame, please cheer up. That's not what I laughed at… you were just so adorable I couldn't help—" 

 "But to laugh!?" Hmpf!" 

 This time, she turned her head to the side, making it appear as if she was avoiding him. In turn, flustering Alum as he thought he'd angered her this time. 

 (I need to apologise—)

 And before he could finish his train of thought, Amethely playfully smiled at him. After all, she enjoyed seeing him flustered. 

 "Ehehe~ payback~!" Amethely adorably giggles. 

 Her prank has succeeded, though… she was a little surprised that she pulled a prank like this. 

 (So this is what it feels like to tease someone! It's pretty fun!) 

 Usually, people close to her tend to tease her, so she's never actually teased someone like this before…. 

 And looking at Alum, who still had a dumbfounded look. She thought, (As fun as it is… I will only reserve it for you, Alum, ehehe~!)

 She couldn't help but think that since Alum was usually calm and collected, it couldn't be helped. At least, that was what she tried to convince herself, feeling a little mischievous. 

 But… the other reason was that she found it endearing and wanted to be the only person to see this side of him. 

 Then, as she saw a fountain ahead, she squeezed his hand, pulling him along. 

 "There is a fountain ahead. Let's take a seat!" Amethely said with a playful grin. 

 (Her cheerfulness…)

 Being dragged along Amethely, Alum felt warm and fuzzy as he unconsciously smiled. 




 The two were now seated in front of the fountain. With gentle running water making a splashy sound and as winds softly breeze, they both look up, watching the moonlit night sky. 

 Amethely was clinging to Alum's arm, leaning onto him, making herself feel comfortable. 

 (She looks like she's at peace…as well as elegant…) 

 Alum would usually see the clumsy side of her, making this a change of phase for him…. 

 But that's just how he usually saw her. He knew that she was a dependable and intelligent girl with many admirers. 

 So… it made him feel special when she showed her clumsy side to him… the awkward side she doesn't show to just anyone. 

 Alum wants to spend more time with her and get to know her better. And well… he could always show up for the lectures, but… it would defeat the purpose of the independent study experiment…. He even told Rigeld that he'd show promising results. And besides… Alum liked to do things his way. Call it arrogance or impudence. He was still the overconfident achiever. 

 (Somehow, I want her to teach me stuff, but… It would be inconvenient for her to do a one-on-one session…)

 But… it doesn't hurt to ask… right? 

 He wants to study magic independently, but… how about swordsmanship? He has no experience in it, unlike magic, which he just picked up and could freely use.

 On the contrary… swordsmanship was something out of his comfort zone. 

 After all, he's never touched a weapon his entire life. And it would help him in close combat situations if he finds himself in one. 

 (I hope she accepts…) He thought pessimistically. 

 He then voiced his thoughts. And listening to him, Amethely gasped as her eyes shiningly sparkled. 

 "I'll be happy to!" She eagerly accepted his proposal."A-and it's a bonus since I'll be able to spend more time with you!" 


 (She's honest… isn't she…? But this isn't the right time…) Alum thought, cursing his own stubborn self. 

 "But… where should we meet up? Here in the garden?" she asked, innocently meeting his eyes. 

 …Usually, the training grounds outside would've been the obvious answer, but Alum kind of demolished it with one spell, so…. They even had to cancel training today because of it being under reconstruction…. 

 (…Uncle Rig did tell me to use UM.07 as I pleased… and I assume he won't mind if Ame came along… Then… at what time…?)

 "How about we meet up in one of the personal facilities underground?" Alum suggests. 

 "...?" Amethely stared at him, not understanding what he was referring to. 

 "Oh… I possess a key, so… no worries, it's to facility UM.07." 

 Amethely blankly stared at him. She was surprised, after all. Only high-ranked staff had access to private facilities, and she hasn't gotten one yet due to her being new, but still…. 

 (To think he had access to one already…) 

 While thinking about it, she started to become more drowsy since she'd been lacking sleep for the past week…. 

 "...It sounds like a good idea," Amethely said but couldn't hold her yawn."...Then how about every day after dinner?" She then suggests. 

 "...Yeah, sounds great," Alum affirmed, looking at the girl leaning on his shoulder and clinging to his arm. 

 He didn't mind. Actually, he liked it despite feeling bashful about it. 

Meanwhile, Amethely cosily snuggles in Alum's warmth, making her feel jittery and relaxed at the same time. 

 (If I fell asleep here, it wouldn't be such a bad idea, right? And if Alum does anything… I… I wouldn't mind. Though… he's not the type to do any of the sorts. But… if he did, he'd have to take responsibility, wouldn't he…?)

 Thinking about something unusual, such as making a honeytrap for him, wasn't what Amethely ever thought she'd have in mind at one point in her life. But… she did find it funny how she was acting, making her giggle. 

 ( After all, he's that kind of guy…)

 Thinking about the time she fell asleep in the park and leaning on him, she wanted to do the same thing and fall asleep. But… at that time, it wasn't intentional. 

 (If only for a bit…?)


 Seeing that Amethely had quietly fallen asleep, gently breathing and clinging to him, he couldn't help but touch her. 

'…I'm sorry,' he mumbled as he patted her head. 

 He couldn't resist and had a severe urge to do so this whole time, but… he was at his limit. 

 (She looks relaxed at the very least, but I should stop. She can't sleep here like this and needs proper rest, so… it's better to wake her up before it's too late.)

 Despite wanting to stay like this, it wasn't good for her, and he needed to act appropriately and put her in a warm and comfortable bed. 

  '...Hey, Ame, wake up…' he gently whispers while also nudging her. 

 "Uhh~ dun wanna," Amethely said," I feel at peace like this," she then said. 


 (Is she sleep-talking…?)

 "Are you awake or…." 

 Amethely rubs her head on his shoulder and his chin. 

 "Of course ~ I am~," Amethely tiredly said."But… I want to stay like thiis, pretty please~?" 

 She had an innocent, pleading look, but her eyes were cloudy and sheepish. 

 (…It was too late…. She… she's in dreamland already.) 

 "Sorry, but… you can't sleep like this…" he gently scolds her, despite wanting to stay like this as well. 

 And continuing on with her innocence, she sulks—then something else comes to mind. 

 "Only if you carry me like a princess~," she said, then giggling," Eheheh." 

She was acting spoiled, but it was so cute that it froze Alum in place. 

 (…Like a princess? Mm-hmm, I supposed it's fine.) 

 "...Okay, let's do it," he said. 

 She released him as he got up. 

 Amethely then reached up her arms as if she wanted a hug… so Alum did as she wanted and let her cling to his neck, lifting her up and carrying her like a princess. 

 "Yippy~yey~!" Amethely excitedly celebrates. 

 (Somehow, it's quite embarrassing…)

 "Al, you're so daring!" 

 (…Al? She too?)

 "Yeah, yeah," Alum said, bashfully looking away. 

 And soon enough, Amethely went completely silent, sleeping peacefully in his arms. 

 Seeing that, a soft smile appeared on his face as he walked her back to her room. 




Walking in the hall and carrying the light girl as a princess—just as she wanted. 

 Alum was a little concerned about someone finding out, but the halls were quite empty. And even more so because he chose a path nobody really takes, at least from his observation. 

 It was the path he usually defaults to since he wanted to avoid someone chatting him up since he knew that people were curious about him and Amethely. 

 Now for another reason… the fact he destroyed the training grounds…. 

 But as luck would have it, he met someone he didn't want to meet the most. 


 Alver and Alum quietly faced one another, and in the dead silence, Alver walked closer. But before they passed each other, he spoke to Alum. 

 "Please take care of Lady Saint," he gently said. 

 (…This was rather unexpected.) Alum thought as he blankly stared at Alver. 

 After all, he was expected to be questioned and lectured, but he wasn't. 

 "...Do you know her personally…?" Alum inquired. 

 Seeing that Alum got a bit anxious, he chuckles. 

 "Not personally, per se. Her grandmother saved my father, who is now retired," Alver said."The previous Saint, Saint Amethely's grandmother, used to care for such as oneself when my father went to the front lines." 

 "I see," Alum replied and nodded. 

 (He doesn't mention his mother…) He then thought. 

 Sensing Alum's thoughts. 

 "...My mother died of illness, thus leaving only my father and me. He was the only one I had until he needed to go to the front lines years ago…." He then cleared his throat,"...Ahem, well… you may not know, but I have elvish blood running through my veins." he said, looking at Alum, who didn't seem as anxious about their connection. 

 "So… there is nothing a promising youngster like you should concern yourself with." 

 "I see…." Alum said in response. 

 Alver then glanced at Amethely. 

 "She used to look more like her grandmother… when she was younger… but… my memory may be faulty since I've only met her a few times when she was a child—so she probably doesn't remember me…. But… please do take good care of her." 

 Seeing how genuine Alver was, Alum's impression of him changed drastically from a stern young man of the hour to a gentle older man. 

 "...I will, thank you…" Alum answered with a grin. 

 "..." Alver silently watched Alum, whose expression he'd never seen change, not even when he first arrived. 

 In his mind, he'd expect travellers to show more anxiety and confusion, but this young man… he found him to be abnormal, hence his slightly higher guard against him. 

 "...I will be on my way then," Alver said, giving a slight bow as he kept walking. 

 (…Maybe I judged him a bit early.) Alum thought.




 Shortly after the encounter with Alver, Alum seemed to have forgotten something. Such as "Where was Amethely's room?" 


 Alum was so distracted by looking at her and just feeling comfortable that he forgot to even ask. 

 In a bind, someone appeared right around the corner. 

 Seeing him carry Amethely like a princess, she covered her mouth and giggled. 

 "Sir, if you're lost, Saint Amethely's room is just down the hall, in room 777." 


 (This is no coincidence, is it?) He thought, but he wasn't going to question it, and thanked her," Thank you." he said. 


 After that, Alum opened the door with the key he'd received from Amethely. 

 This was the first time he'd been inside a girl's room. Unlike his own, Amethely had decorated her foom with vegetation and flowers—different kinds of flora. 

 It was welcoming and refreshing compared to his, despite him having moved in earlier than her. In truth… his room still looks the same since before he moved in—except for the stacks of books on the desk. And that's all. 

 But… in Amethely's workspace, there were documents and research materials. She even had cute bed sheets with flowers for patterns. 

 (…Those are… Ilis flowers?)

 If he remembers correctly, those flowers are actually crystals and are highly concentrated with magic. Typically found in caves with, well…, a high concentration of magic that would suffocate an ordinary person. 

 Still, even when the conditions were met, they were rare. 

 Well… they didn't have any particular use, but they could be used to make mana cores—a battery of sorts that power magi-tech. 

 Still, even in this specific use case, there is a better alternative that's cheap and more efficient. 

 At least that's what he learned reading books about them, but he got himself into another subject, which involves the more sustainable and accessible source of magical energy. 

 That was… Decla crystals. They were common and were found in magical beasts or mined from the ground. 

 Through them, they could make artificial mana cores after it's processed. 

 …Having been lost in thought, as he distracted himself by remembering something unnecessary, he put Amethely down on the bed. 

 But sleeping in her clothes wasn't going to be comfortable, but… he couldn't just change for her, now, could he? 

 He didn't want to wake her up but had no choice. 

 "...Ame, you can't sleep like this and need to get changed. You can do that on your own, right?" 

 Hearing his gentle voice, Amethely woke up, still drowsy or perhaps half-asleep. 

 "Hmm~ I think so. Ehehe, thank you for carrying me, Al. I feel super special~!" 

 And as he was about to exit the room. Amethely held onto the hem of his coat with her fingers, grabbing it lightly. 

 She pulled him in, and before he knew it, their face got closer to one another as she gave him a peck on the cheek. 



 "G-good night~!" Amethely said, then burying her face in her pillow,"kyaaa~ what did I dooooo!?" 

 Standing there frozen, he came back to his senses. 

 "G…good night," he gently said, exiting the room.

 After Alum left the room, he leaned against the wall, sliding down. And as he covered his totally red face while resting on his knees, he felt as if he'd been bested by her. 

 (That's really unfair! Getting a sneak attack in like that!)




 The following day, in a room well exposed to the morning sun, Amethely woke up, having had a wonderfully pleasant dream, where she boldly kissed him. 

 Feeling all sorts of warm fuzzy feelings, she got up from bed and couldn't stop smiling as she remembered the dream. 

  'Only if it wasn't a dream," she murmured. 

 Today, she would hold a lecture now that they'd prepared an indoor facility while the other one was being repaired. Though… it was on the smaller side in comparison. 

 (…I'm already in my usual attire?) Amethely then realised something. 

 And while it isn't strange for her to be in her usual get-up, she never sleeps with them on….. 

 ( That's strange. Huh…? D-Don't tell me…)

 Now, finally realising it, she turned red as she remembered all the things she did half awake. 

 "A-A-Ame! It wasn't just a dream, you dummy!" 

 She jumped onto her bed and rolled around, thinking about yesterday's event. 

 (I-I hugged him! A-and even shamelessly asked him to carry me like a princess! Not only that! I… I forced myself on him!)

 But… despite all the shameful acts, she doesn't regret it… she was actually more thankful to her tired self for being so brave! 

 Feeling ashamed and overly happy at the same time, Amethely hugged her pillow and rolled around again.

 But…. there was a looming crisis ahead…. 

 "How am I going to face him?!" 

 …Recently, the two have been able to hold a rather normal conversation, but she just had to make things harder for herself. 

 "Ahh! I'm such a dummy!" she cried out yet again…. 

 (…Wait a minute… Alum probably thought I was just sleepwalking, not being able to remember… if I just pretended not to recall yesterday's event… would I still be able to act normal?)

 But… even though it was a great idea to avoid potential embarrassment… it wasn't genuine. She was fond of yesterday's memories, and pretending it never occurred made her chest hurt, giving her heartaches. 

 (I… I don't want that!) She declared. 

 She didn't want to hurt herself or potentially hurt him, so the only options were either do or die! 




 After showering and changing into new clothes, she walked toward Chely's room and knocked on the door. 

 "Sis, I'm coming in." Amethely said, opening the door. 

 As she entered, she was greeted by the sight of her sloppy sister, still lying in bed. 

 …She was also a refined, elegant, cool beauty, but not in her sleep as she adorably hugged her pillow. Her hair was messy, and she had half slipped out of her sleepwear. 

 "...Geez, Big Sis is such a klutz." 

 Hearing her sister point out her flaws, Chely slowly opens her heavy eyelids. 

 "Oh, my~ Ame's here to wake up her Big Sis again, hehe~ good girl, good girl~!" Chely said, still half awake. 

 (…Big Sis!)

 "Geez, always treating me like a child…!" Amethely complained, then told Chely to get up," Please hurry, sis, or we'll have little time to eat breakfast." she continued to pester her to get up.

 "Okaaay~" Chely answered.

 Chely yawned as she got up to change. 

 …And on the topic of clothes…. 

 "He… hey, sis… I-I have a date this week… what do you think would suit the occasion…?" Amethely shyly asked her yet sleepy sister. 

 "Hmm, a date? Ame would look great in anything really, but… maybe a dress?" 

 Hearing Chely's reply, Amethely began to think about it. 

 (…A dress…? …That's perfect!)

 "You see, you're adorable, and I find it difficult to comprehend a man who would dislike what you wear." Chely continued," Huh…? Huh!?" As she explained, she realised something. And became fully awake. 

 "Huh?!? Date? A date with Al? Wow! Ame, congrats!" Chely excitedly exclaimed."My little Ame finally managed to ask Little Al… Big Sis is proud!" 


 Chely, who had fully woken up, hugged Amethely. But… she didn't mind. Well… not that she usually minded it anyhow, but it was embarrassing nonetheless. 

 "A-actually… Alum was the one that asked me out, b-but I did my best in other areas!" 

 Although there wasn't any need to clarify, she wanted to make it clear for an odd reason. Maybe it was out of jealousy that she did… after all, she sensed a lingering smell on Alum yesterday, and it was none other than Chely's.

 "I see~," Chely said, glossing over that fact, playing dumb."When is the date then?" She later asked. 

 "I-in three days…" Amethely replied, turning red just imagining their date. 




 Now instructing the new recruits with Chely and Luna, teaching them how to handle new and powerful spells or how to coordinate themselves, Amethely were pleasantly surprised that they were all so competent…. 

 Well, they were all elite graduates… but it was still impressive nonetheless. Despite that… there were still many new things for them to learn, thus needing their guidance. 

 In fact, they all were very excited when they learned that Princess Luna was going to be instructing them all, but more so when Chely joined in. 

 Although Amethely wasn't known for being a fighter, they respected her. They unexpectedly found out that she was more than competent when it came to fighting. 

 But… their only concern was that they were being paired up with the wanderers. But even then, they learned that all of them were high achievers and academically gifted as they learned magic at high speed. Making them seem like mid-class mages already. 

 Though… most of them did lack in the physical department, Noel was the only noticeable one who improved faster than anyone in both regards. 

 Noel was improving at swordsmanship and magic so fast, making the others feel motivated as they followed his lead. 

 Despite only teaching for two days, not counting yesterday, she saw how fast they all improved with her own eyes. 

 And despite not being able to demonstrate her magical prowess, she still taught them swordsmanship since she was only a few steps behind in terms of pure skill. 

 …And today, after dinner, Amethely would be all alone with Alum, as she had wanted! 

 So… during the whole day, she was practically humming as sweet and flowery air spread to everyone. They lifted their mood as well, but… they also figured that something had happened with Alum since she was so farm and cheerful, in contrast to her mild and elegant demeanour. 

 All in all, Amethely was rainbows and sunshine all day as everyone could see soft, floaty, flowery air surrounding her. 

 Luna and Miu, of course, asked her about it during breaks, and other girls were curious as well, asking her a lot of questions regarding her cheery mood despite already knowing why. 

 The guys were also interested but watched from the sidelines. 

 While Amethely was embarrassed about the fact she couldn't properly hide her feelings, she decided to tell them that she'd be actively pursuing Alum. 

 Making all the girls go," Kyaaa," as they saw their saint turn red and blush like a girl deep in love. 

 Though Luna was half dragged into the mess, she congratulated Amethely, wishing her the best of luck with a faint smile on her face. Making the girls excited again since it was unusual for Luna to express herself. 




 Noel watched from the sidelines as he continued to practise with Chely. 

 "Sorry to keep you here," Noel said," Are you sure you don't want to join them?" 

 Chely shook her head. 

 "You needn't worry about it. I'm only here because I want to." 

 (…You make it sound like… ugh… I can't misunderstand her.)

 But it did make him curious since Noel knew that Chely adored her sister, so he found it strange for her not to go immediately. 

 "...Are you sure?" He asked again. 

 Chely looked at him with a somewhat smug look on her face.

 "Oh? That? I've heard plenty this morning, at least much more than any of those girls over there. 

 (…That makes sense.)

 "If you're curious, then just ask your friend. He's right over there." Chely said. 

 Noel looked at the entrance, following her line of sight, and he saw Alum walk in. 

 "Sup, here to see Saint Amethely?" Noel asked, grinning and nudging him with his elbow. 

 "Yes, I am. Just kidding," Alum quickly answered. 

 "...." Noel went quiet," You're joking…? For real?" 

 Noel was surprised…. 

 While Alum could be sarcastic and a tease, he never really made jokes. 

 (But… I guess that's understandable. After all, Saint Amethely went through some change, so it made sense that Al went through something similar.) Noel thought. 

 …Though, in Amethely's case, she was already quite the klutz, but was somewhat good at hiding it until now….

 Still… Alum did change, more or less at least, or maybe he just became more of a person rather than change. 

 Regardless… his friend seemed more energetic than usual, and not only that, he had a slight blush on his face. 

 "Hmm, ohoou~?" 


 "You see Saint Amethely over there? She's bright and had this cheerful smile all over her face this morning. You're the cause, right?" 


 Alum stayed quiet and looked Amethely's way, blushing, narrowing his eyes and looking to the side. 

 Seeing her face only reminded him of yesterday's event. 

 Noel looked at Alum, putting his arm around him and whispered, 'Maybe she did something~?' 

 Alum turned his head, trying to deny it, but… he then reluctantly nodded. 

 "...I suppose both of us did," he replied, finally opening up. 

 Chely was also close by, giving Alum a grin and a thumbs-up.

 "I heard all about it this morning~ Little Al, good job! Sis approves!" 

 "...." Alum had a defeated look on his face.

 Seeing this, Noel stared at the two with puzzlement. (Big Sis, what…?) He thought, giving Chely a strange look as if she was a strange person. 

 He found it strange that Chely fawned over anyone other than Amethely.

 (I guess it does make sense—that is if Al and Saint Amethely are lovers…)

 But.. he hasn't heard anything about them being lovers… maybe they are? After all, it was obvious that they both liked each other. Everybody pretty much knew…. 

 "Hey, Che—" 

 "Sob sob, hic." 

 "...." Alum was about to call her Chely, but as he was about to… she started to sob, making him immediately stop. 

 "...Big Sis, I told you not to call me 'little,'" Alum retorts. 

 Seeing them interact, Noel blatantly stared at them. 

 "Pfft, Big Sis? Really?" 

 He gave Alum a funny look, but… Chely caught his comment and gave him a sharp glare, which silenced Noel, making him let go of Alum. 

 After that, she did a 180.

 "Aww, too bad. Oh well, I heard from Ame that the two of you would go on a date later this week. Where are you planning on taking her?" Chely curiously asked. 

 "....I wonder where…?" Alum asked himself while pondering over the question."Well… I'd rather keep it a surprise for Ame and only her." 

 (…He just doesn't have any ideas…) Noel thought as he stared at him. 

 Chely sulked at Alum's response. 

 "Aww~ c'mon! I won't tell her~!" 

 "No," Alum said, standing firm in his decision. 

 "So stingy…. Fine then, you can just tell me afterwards, okay?" 

 Alum sighed and reluctantly nodded. 

 "Hmm~, you sure work efficiently," Noel commented."I mean… it was literally yesterday we spoke about this, yes? And look at you. You've already asked her out!" Noel said, impressed by his actions. 

Noel knew that his friend was very straightforward and to the point, but this seemed to be awfully quick, even for him. 

 "...Truth be told, it was just a coincidence. I bumped into her yesterday, and stuff happened. Leading this to that." Alum said as he remembered the event and started getting slightly bashful."...Hence, I asked if she wanted to have an outing with me, well… I did call it an outing, but it seemed like she thought of it as a date, which isn't wrong since it was my intention—she even told Che—Big Sis, about it." 

 Alum left out some of the intricate detail, but… Noel could tell that something spicy had happened, at least based on Alum's reaction. 

 And Alum left that out, not only because of privacy reasons but also because he knew that Noel would tease the hell out of him if he found out. 

 But… all that was for nought. After all, Chely knew about it and wanted to have fun teasing her supposed brother-in-law. 

 Well, to be fair, Amethely didn't tell her, but she did have a guess based on the fact that she found Amethely touching her lips rather frequently this morning. 

 So, she wanted to test her theory. 

 "Hmm, I think you forgot to mention something, like… a peck?" 

 (…Peck?) Noel thought, staring at Alum. 

 In turn, Alum looked to the side, avoiding his gaze. 

 (Huh!? No way… was Ame fully awake!? …maybe not… but does she remember anything when she was half asleep? If she did… I doubt she'd tell Chely…)

 Alum was flustered and scratched his cheek… it would make him happy if she was awake and remembered, even more so if that's truly how she felt about him. 

 But… as happy as he was right now, he couldn't show it, especially to these two! 

 Chely and Noel stared at one another and grinned. 

 …Despite Alum's ever-changing demeanour. His face was bright red and steamy. Noel wasn't so oblivious to Chely's intentions and decided to fuel the flame. 

 "Did it taste like lemon?" He playfully inquired. 

 Alum coldly stared at Noel.

 "We didn't, okay?" 

 "...." Noel suddenly realised who he was dealing with. 

 (He's innocent in the strangest way imaginable…) Noel thought. 

 "So, it was just on the cheek?" Noel then teasingly asked. 


 As Noel guessed, it was on the cheek, and as Alum started to remember the kiss, his demeanour broke as he subconsciously touched his cheek—where Amethely had kissed her. 

 "Mm-hmm~, the left cheek, huh?" 

 Noel grinned and kept teasing him. Chely found his reactions to be endearing and was about to hug him. 

 But as she was about to launch onto him, Amethely swiftly escaped the crowd and dashed to his side, embracing him while sulking as she glanced at her elder sister. 

 Chely found her sour face amusing and wanted to hug the both of them for being so adorable, but… she decided not to. After all… 

 (They're having a cute moment~) She thought, softly giggling as Amethely stared her down. 

 Alum was taken by surprise and tried to push Amethely away, but… he was afraid to hurt her feelings. At the same time, everyone was looking. 

 He didn't mind everyone seeing this, but… he knew that the longer this went on, the more he'd be teased by Noel and Luna. Heck, the biggest offender may even be Emely! 

 "...Ame, everyone's watching," he calmly stated. 

 And as Amethely realised she was possessively clung to him, she frustratedly apologised. 

 "So-sorry, I was just so happy to see you here~," she said, slowly releasing him and shyly backing away. 

 "...I'm glad to see you too… anyhow, I brought some sandwiches to everyone—it's a break, after all." 

 "I-I see…." Amethely replied."Can I have one, then?" 

 "S-sure…" Alum said, giving her a sandwich and drink. 

 After this, he handed them all out. 

 However, this did make Noel curious.

 "Hey, Al, where is the girl who usually delivers these?" 

 "...." Alum ponders, but…"She bumped into me… she then told me she had something urgent to handle and gave me the task… I thought it wouldn't hurt, so… here I am." 

 (That's oddly specific.) Noel thought. (Hmm, then… Al must've had an ulterior motive behind this. But… he does help people he sees that are in need…) Noel felt conflicted, not knowing which one it was. 

 …Alum became somewhat guilty and looked to the side. It wasn't a lie per se, and it did happen. 

 However… it was the same girl he bumped into in the hall yesterday, and apparently, she saw them snuggle on the bench—in other words, their meeting in the corridors wasn't a coincidence. 

 Moreover… she's also the delivery girl he stumbled upon, and to his surprise, she told him that she had something to do and gave him the cart…. 

 Amethely looked at him with sparkly eyes. 

 (…Her bright smile and sparkly eyes are a little difficult to handle… considering I did have ulterior motives…)

 Suddenly, he remembered that he had brought sweets he thought Luna might enjoy. And called her out. 

 "Hey, Luna, I brought some sweets for you," 

 "Yes?" Luna replied, standing in front of him. 

 She had come to his side so fast that she was right there by the time he blinked. 

 Anyone who saw her couldn't tell she was making a different expression, but in Alum's eyes, she seemed very eager to try the new sweets. 

 "These are from Derin. They are slightly different from the ones we usually eat, but… they're tasty." Alum explained as Luna eyed them. 

 "Oh? They're from the newly opened stall near the port?" 

 …Alum was slightly surprised that she knew. After all, he, himself, just heard about them and decided to try some. 

 "I'm surprised you knew," he said."After all… they're relatively new… oh, these ones are freshly baked as well." 

 "...I see, thank you, Al," Luna said with a warm, innocent smile. 

 He handed them over, and Luna began eating them with a bright, blinding smile, giving everybody heartaches just by watching. 

 Well… Alum couldn't blame them. She wasn't all that tall, but was very pretty and also the youngest among them. 

 So the gap between her usual behaviour and the one she displays now, well… that was a recipe for charming the masses. 

 Heck, Alum could even see guys falling in love with her in real-time…. 

 (In 4k? Or what do they call it?) 

 It is a silly thought, really…

 But the girls had surrounded her, protecting her from the leering guys. 

 Alum, relaxed, seeing this sight. 

 (I see… she's befriended the girls.)

 Watching her grow made him happy, and it honestly reminded him of how he used to be… well, it does appear that she was ahead of him…. And she seems to get along with more people than he ever did.… 

 But… that didn't matter to Alum—it wasn't a competition, to begin with. He was happy just seeing her breaking out of her shell. 

 Amethely had watched their whole exchange a little earlier and felt a little jealous at the fact that they got along so well. But… the warmth she felt by watching them did overwhelm her jealously to some extent. 

 She then grabbed Alum's sleeve, looking at him with a warm and gentle smile.

 "You two get along exceptionally well with one another, don't you?" She said, looking a little down despite smiling. 

 "...Yeah," Alum replied, keeping it short since he sensed that Amethely felt slightly down. 

 If he had to guess. 

 (She probably envies Luna's closeness to me despite the short time frame we've gotten to know each other…)

 But… hopefully, he could explain it in a way that would make her uneasiness go away. 

 "...It's just that she reminds me of my past." 

 "I see…" 

 Amethely could see their similarities, so it was understandable that they got along so well. 

 Alum didn't look at her. But… took her hand and firmly squeezed it, reassuring her. 

 Amethely could feel her face heating up as her face turned pink. Her heart beat heavily as she glanced at him. 

 …She never knew she could be so infatuated with another person and being this passionate…. Steam was practically coming out of her ears as her whole face reddened in colour. 

 (…I love you, Alum…. But… it hurts so much!)




 A little further away, Noel and Chely ate the treats that Alum delivered as they watched over them. 

 "They're holding hands," Noel comments. 

 Chely had a satisfied look and nod. 

 "They are~, and they're so sweet~!" 

 "Hmm, it kinda makes me want to tease them," Noel said, with a slightly evil grin on his face. 

 To which Chely responded with a giggle. 

 "Same here! I want to tease them right now! …But that has to wait." 

 It was unusually peaceful with the two of them sitting and chatting like this. 

 After all, Noel and Chely would get into some petty dispute ever so often, but… they did sort of get along, whether they admit it or not. 

 Noel glanced at her and noticed that she had some crumbs on her cheek, which was odd coming from a strict and adequate person such as her. But then again…. 

 (Well… she's more than a klutz than I figured she was.) He thought and decided to point it out. 

 "Hey, you have some cream and breadcrumbs on your cheeks," he said with a grin. 

 Chely looked at him. 

 "Huh…?" she seemed a little confused and touched her face, seeming a little displeased."...You of all people," she then said. 

 "What? Isn't that a little rude?" Noel complains. 

 Chely, who was looking for a handkerchief, turned to him (…You're going to use this against me someday… that's why, fool!) But… she couldn't find any…. 

 So… she opted to use her sleeve, but Noel grabbed her wrist and wiped away the crumbs and cream. 

 "...." Chely blankly stared at him. 

 "Done," Noel said, with a wide grin, still holding her by the wrist. 

 At that moment, Chely was stumped. Her heart fluttered as she could feel her face heat up—she hoped Noel wouldn't notice this puzzlement of hers. 

 "Hmm~?" Noel mused." Getting siiick~?" he said, leaning closer, placing his palm on her forehead. 

 (This… this guy!? He isss making fun of me!)

 Chely's eyes twitched as she glared at Noel with a scary face, trying to intimidate him. 

 But… in response, Noel just chuckled. 

 "Pfft… ahaha, I can't take it seriously after what I've witnessed!" He said, hysterically laughing. 

 "Sh-shut up!" Chely retorts,"...It's like someone needs to work extra hard today!" 


 Having heard the last part, he became dead silent as he took a serious look at her. 

 "Ugh… c'mon! You've been a total demon the whole day already!" He cried. 'I mean… just when you became somewhat cute….' He mumbled. 

 "....You are making fun of me!!!" she yelled and dragged him away to the practice area. 

 "He-help, soomeeeooone!!!!" 

 "Just shut up already!" 

 "....." In a unified silence, everyone watched Noel getting dragged away….




 Later, Alum stood outside of Rigeld's office, knocking on the door before entering. And inside were two familiar faces, but… it was a little strange seeing Alver here….

 "Hm?" Rigeld was the first to notice."I see it works splendidly." He comments, looking at the red crystal. 

 Alver, who seemed softer, gave Alum a small bow, and Alum responded the same. 

 "...Pardon for asking, but… why are you here, Mister Alver…?" 

 Rigeld grinned. 

 "Ahahaha, he's actually my assistant now!" 


 "What… don't look at me like that…." 

 Alum softly smiled. 

 "Why the sudden change of heart?" He asked. 

 "...." Rigeld pondered momentarily," No particular reason… anyways, he's an ex-government official who used to be my secretary during my rule." 

 Alum responded with a nod.

 "Mmm, I see?" he bluntly said, coming to a halt."Wait… where has he been all this time then….?" 

 Rigeld fell silent, so Alver stepped in to answer his question instead. 

 "His majesty's son, Prince Melien, used to be the secretary when his highness Rigeld took the lead as a general, stepping down his position as king… sadly, he passed away from illness." Alver briefly explained. 


 Alum knew that Rigeld used to have a son but to think they worked closely with one another regarding military affairs. 

 (So he didn't want to bring that up…)

 "I see," Alum said. "Then… why did Mister Alver decide to join the army? I mean no insult… but government officials sound more enticing than being a military staff."

 Hearing Alum's response, both Rigeld and Alver laughed. 

 "Ahaha, well, money-wise, you aren't wrong," Rigeld said."But… it's quite dull, wouldn't you agree, Alver?" 

 "Well… it was quite dull, but… meaningful. Still, I do find this job more compelling, handling security and all that…." 


 Alum wasn't quite sure how to respond. The two of them were quite lax, so… it was strange to see people in a position of power… to be like this? 

 "...But how come you're helping his majesty with this side of things? I'm sure you have a lot of things to handle as well…." Alum curiously asked. 

 "Ahahaha, c'mon, don't call me 'his majesty' it feels rather strange…. Just the usual, y'know?" 

 Alver gave Alum a small nod, telling him he didn't mind. 

 (…I was pretty wrong about him… wasn't I?) Alum thought. 

 "Well, the answer is simple, really. I'm just lending a helping hand to an old friend. That's all. Besides that… I'd already transferred the role to someone else months ago. To become a regular guard, you see? Just to get a feel on how things are?" 

 "I… I see?" 

 "Though… question is, why are you here, Al? I know I ask you to come sometimes in the evening, but ain't it a little early for that?" 

 Alum paused and smiled. 

 "You see… I wanted to ask if there was a smith or engineer who could make this into a sword." Alum said and handed Rigeld the box he'd been carrying. 

 It was quite heavy despite its looks, but that was a non-issue since Rigeld was physically strong. 

 "Metal?" He asked as he paced inside. 

 "Yeah… magic-infused metal… I earlier asked Luna about metals that could conduct electricity well while being able to withstand heat and cold, and Frostake steel was the conclusion we reached." 

 Rigeld and Alver looked at it with interest since Frostake Steel isn't supposed to be this heavy. 

 "I suppose you did something to it other than magic infusion? Since I'd find it rather strange that you'd want to use a metal like this to make a sword. Still, it is this heavy for a reason, no?" 

 Alum nod. 

 "Luna did tell me the same thing," Alum said."But I managed to infuse it with more magic than it was supposed to be able to handle as an experiment. Which… fortunately didn't blow up this time around." 

 Rigeld looked at Alum as if he was insane. 


 "Mmm, it was a little tricky, but… I crystalised my own mana and mixed it in with the metal, then I compressed the two together, and then they fused. 

 Alver and Rigeld were very confused. 

 "Wait, wait, wait, Sir Alum. I'm sure we don't have instruments for that sort of experiment…." 

 "Yeah, Alver has a point. How did you manage to even compress such an already dense metal?" 

 Alum looked at them with a smug face. 

 "Mmm, I used water pressure," he replied. 

 "...You know what, I'm not going to ask how, but don't tell me you almost blew up yet another facility…?"

 "...I didn't release the spell, so it was fine." 


 Alum then continued. 

 "I spent a few hours today doing it, and I'd say I'm pleased with the results. Hence, I wanted to show it to you. A successful experiment! It's durable, rich in magic, and magic-resistant! Though… you shouldn't directly touch it as you'll get shocked and frostbitten." 


 After listening to Alum's passionate explanation, Rigeld and Alver glanced at each other. 

 "This isn't even Frostake Steel anymore…" They said in unison. 

 And they didn't even want to know how he tested the durability or magic resistance…. 




 After leaving Rigeld's office, Alum had dinner with the others and headed to UM.07 with Amethely since she'd taught him swordsmanship. 

 On the way, Amethely happily hummed as they walked side by side, enjoying the other's company. 

 (…Why is everything she's doing making my heart flutter?)

 He's thinking about how seemingly perfect Amethely was, or well… maybe some parts can be considered otherwise. 

 Still… doesn't she have anything she's terrible at? 

 Time seems to fly when he's with her, and they've arrived. Alum used the key to enter, and since there was only one changing room, they had to take turns…. While Alum could be considered blunt and direct, he isn't tactless. 

 "...You can go first," he said. 

 Amethely shyly nodded.

 And on the other side of the door, Alum couldn't help but imagine her change. After all… he was by the door, and the rustling sound of fabric made it hard not to imagine…. 

 (Urk…! When did I become such a pervert!?)

 After Amethely finished changing and came out, it was not Alum's turn. 

 Amethely leaned on the door, fidgeting and completely red, thinking the same thing about Alum. 

 In the aftermath of the whole ordeal, their faces were flushed as they still had lingering imaginations of each other. 

 As they entered the training area, Alum went to pick up a practice weapon. But Amethely had stopped him, saying," We'll be starting from scratch." 

 He wasn't entirely sure what she meant, but from the looks of it, it had nothing to do with welding a blade—and he was right. 

 The two of them were now running laps around the facility to the point of Alum losing count. Also… enhancement magic wasn't allowed, nor any other kinds of magic for that matter. 

 Then they did other exercises, which was to build his core muscles, but… luckily for Alum, he wasn't a slacker back in his world….

 But it was getting a bit too intense for him. 

 Despite that, he kept going since he wanted to impress her and gain her praise. 

 But after around three hours… he collapsed and was profoundly sweating as he tried to catch his breath. 

 Which made Amethely panic, but Alum was adamant and said it was fine and needed a little rest. 

 Some time passed, and he was doing better, but he was still exhausted though….

 "Are you alright…?" She asked, voicing her concerns. Her expression was filled with guilt. 

 Alum leaned back as his ragged breaths prevented him from immediately replying. 

 "Urk…. Sorry, but… I can't move, and truth be told… I was quite exhausted a long time ago…." 

 Amethely could feel that moisture building up in the corner of her eyes as tears started to form. 

 "I-I was so worried, you know…! You suddenly collapsed!" Tears ran down her cheeks," Wh… Why! You should've told me!" Amethely cried. 

 She was so distracted watching his dreamy side, so she too felt that it was her fault for not noticing despite having watched him. 

 Alum felt ashamed about having worried her and could only apologise in a meek voice. 

 "...I'm sorry." 

 "No, don't be! I'm at fault, too!" 

 "No… it's definitely me… I got ahead of myself trying to impress you. I ended up overexerting myself! So! It isn't your fault!" Alum argues back. 

 "...Then it is my fault that you pushed yourself!" 


 (Huh…? Did he say he pushed himself to impress me…?)

 Realising this, she started to feel both happy, but… that only fueled her guilt. Her mind went blank, and she wasn't sure about anything… so…. She launched at him, hugging him as they both fell. 

 Alum was perplexed by her actions, but equally so was she. 

 She was on top of him, hugging him tightly as she buried her face in his chest, repeating," Dummy!" Over and over. 

 "Al, you dummy!" 

 ….Alum could only listen to her complaints, but….

 "...Don't I smell bad…?" He awkwardly asked. 

 Hearing him ask that, she realised she was in the same boat and started to get conscious… however… she didn't want to let go by any means. 

 So, she ended up enduring the shame. 

  'No… you smell nice,' Amethely blurts out in a low voice, not expecting him to hear. 

 "...You too." Alum softly replied. 


 ((What am I even saying!?!?))

 "...Do you really not mind…?" Amethely asked. 

 Her face was buried in his chest, so he couldn't get a good look. Her ears, however, were bright red. 

 "...It's the opposite…" he shyly said. 

 Having heard that, Amethely froze. 



 (…What the hell am I telling her!?) Alum cursed himself in his head. (She must think I'm some sort of pervert!)

 "...Me too, I like your scent as well…." 


 Alum also froze upon hearing that….

 (AME, what are you telling him!? You're such a dummy! Wait! Al was the one who said it first! It should be fine!) 

 Amethely looked at him with sheepish eyes and said,"...Indecent," teasingly, but… her face was so red that Alum just had to agree. 

 "...Look who's talking," he commented as he patted her on the head. 

 "Urh… I-I'm only like this with you," she said as she more firmly embraced him.

 The two stayed like that and flirted, not realising they both forgot why they even argued in the first place….




 When Alum had recovered, they headed to the armoury to grab some practice weapons. Obviously, Amethely couldn't use her divine weapon. 

 After all… that thing cut everything with almost no effort. And Alum didn't possess one, despite most, if not all, the new recruits and classmates possessing one, making him the exception. 

 A divine weapon is connected to one's soul. Some people possess one, and others don't. They're convenient since they can be summoned; if they break, they will repair themselves over time. 

 Alum didn't mind, and it wasn't something he was bothered by. If anything, he had so much mana ordinary people would suffocate if they were exposed to it. 

 Still… he had far less mana than Amethely, Luna, Chely and Rigeld, although… Rigeld was good at hiding it. But he's pretty fierce. 

 …well, it's as if comparing a newborn baby to an individual in their prime…. 

 Nevertheless, Alum picked a sword. He chose a short sword since he found it the most comfortable to wield when he went through the different weapons. 

 Days like this would continue as she taught him how to swing properly and do the basics. 

 In the evening, he'd practise with Amethely, or well… it was also a flirting session of sorts, though they probably don't realise it themselves. 

 During the days when he did things independently, he'd learn magic and even come up with original spells only he was capable of casting. 

 Of course… he didn't try the very destructive spells he had in mind since it was forbidden by Rigeld that he'd ever cast such spells, even low-tier ones, since his mana is so condensed that the spell gets overflown with mana, making it a lot more destructive than intended. 

 He primarily developed and practised water magic since he found it easier to control as he found it to be more flexible—offence, defence and utility-wise. 

 He did find lightning magic flashy and all, but… he mostly used it as an add-on with his other spells since it consumed more mana and was more on the 'destructive' nature because of how Alum's mana worked. 

 That's why he mainly uses water magic when practising, though he theoretically comes up with some rather… questionable lightning spells…. 

 Even when he learned about Instruction Magic, he chose to learn it later, despite it being more adaptive as any spells could theoretically be activated.

 Being able to use Elemental magic, also called Attribute Magic, he found it to be more natural since Instruction magic required one to remember a particular trace path. 

 This makes it more common in technology since it's overly complicated to do it correctly in one's mind. 

 Also… he found it to be a chore to learn since he'd have less time to do other things. 




 Then… a few lively days passed. And it was finally time—it was their date! 

 Alum had chosen to wear the clothes Noel picked for him a few days ago. Well… it wasn't only Noel, but… he was the one to come up with the idea. 

 Alum headed out, and unexpectedly, Amethely was outside his room, waiting for him. 

 "Al, good morning!" Amethely cheerfully greets him. 

 Seeing her, all excited, put a smile on his face. 

 "...Good morning, Ame." Alum greeted her back, but…"Aren't you a bit early? I was thinking of picking you up… but it seems like you beat me to it." 

 Alum took a close look at her. She wore a white dress and had a cute hairpin—a beautiful crystalised Ilis flower.

 (Beautiful) Alum thought when he saw her. 

 Although it was a relatively simple design, Amethely looked beautiful in it. 

 "Shall we head out?" he then asked, reaching out his hand toward her. 

 Amethely took his hand and smiled as she replied with an excited," Yes!" 

 And as they walked, Alum realised that he couldn't take his eyes off her. Amethely could feel his gaze as she'd been silently enjoying him eyeing her. 

 But… she wanted to tease him a little. 

 "...Is there something wrong?" She asked." You've been staring at me for a while…." she said as she blushed and shyly turned away. 


 (…What is this cute creature!?) Alum thought, but his demeanour didn't change all that much—contrasting his internal and external self. 

 "...No, it's just that… you look ado—beautiful." 

 Taken by surprise, Amethely stopped and blankly stared at him. 

 "I-I see… th-thank you..." she flusteredly responded, not expecting him to be so calm." Y-you look cool as well…." she said as her teasing backfired, making her self-destruct. 

 She then hugged his arm, walking like this all the way out. 




 Alum's plan for the date was pretty standard, and he wanted to walk around and spend time with her. He had come to realise that Amethely liked to be treated like an ordinary girl, which is why he chose a date like this. 

 The first stop was the shopping district. There was a lot to do since they had many different attractions, but… they'd be mainly walking around eating sweets and doing some window shopping. 

 Though… he doesn't plan for them to be there the whole day since he wants some quiet alone time with her as well. 

 As they walk, they gather a lot of attention, but since the two of them are in their happy little bubble, they fail to notice all the attention they have garnered. 

 The crowd's voices were a mix of overwhelming positivity, though there were some insults mixed in… which didn't bother Amethely since she was expecting this to a degree. But he was the one she chose, and she wouldn't let anyone insult him. 

 As she directed an elegant yet scary smile toward those who did. Which made them stop hurling insults. 

 Alum didn't mind since he was… well? Him? 

 They haven't done anything special yet. They feel fully content and at peace with each other's company. 

 Amethely was still hugging his arm as she dragged him to different stalls. They chatted and laughed, doing silly things couples did. 

 It was their first-ever date, and neither had any sort of experience, but… Alum was determined to make her enjoy herself to the fullest, as Amethely wanted the same. 

 Although they both felt relaxed and at ease with one another, they did feel very nervous since they were so close. 

 And as time passed, one thing lingered on Alum's mind… Amethely's chest! They've been pressed against him this whole time! 

 (…I'm not sure how to word this… but they feel bigger and softer compared to all the other times she hugged me…. Did I hit my head during sleep so hard that I completely lost it!?)

 Alum was having silly thoughts, and who could blame him? At first, he was too nervous to notice, but now that thing's calmed down, his analytical mind kicked in. 

 Thinking more about it, the more it fried his brain, as it was about to completely shut down, making steam reek out of his head….

 (Not only that, but her scent is also very pleasant...! What the hell am I thinking!?!?)

 His brain was short-circuiting as he turned crimson and light-headed. He sort of lost his sanity realising this. 

 Alum was sure Amethely hadn't noticed his gaze—she had…. And was quietly doing the same thing to him as well. 

 She tried to feign ignorance, trying to keep her face from breaking into a full-blown smile that'd weird anyone out if they saw. 

 She, too, noticed a while back, making her just as slow as Alum was to realise this. 

 (Awawwaaa! I-I've been pushing my chest against him all this time—we're so close! Don't tell me he has realised I was secretly enjoying his scent… I-I mean… he smells lovely…. Wait! What Am I thinking!? Ame, what are you doing!? No-nooooo! If he finds out, he'd definitely hate me!)

 "...Al… perhaps you don't like this sort of thing…?" Ametheloy accidentally blurts out. 

 (Whatever about him not supposed to find out!??) 

 "Dislike what?" Alum inquired with a calm tone. 

 Though his face did fail him….

 Amethely was the one to bring it up, so… she had to commit, though she needed some mental preparation. 

 (Ahh! Ame! Whatever, you've come this far! He'll figure it out one day either way, so just say it!)

 "M-my b-bosom! Do you hate them pressing against you!?" 


 Alum wasn't processing what she said at all, as his already fried circuits had blown up instead. 

 "O- Of course I don't! In fact, I love and savour the feeling!" he said, completely unfiltered… and by accident. 

 After saying it, he came back to his senses. 

 (What the hell am I even telling her?!)

 "I-I see… I'm glad… sis was right to suggest I remove the bandages…." Amethely said, sounding pleased and happy about her decision."A-also… I-I'm savouring it as well…." 

 (…You used bandages!???? Wait!? What are you 'also' savouring?!?!) Alum perplexedly looked at her. Yet he couldn't stop imagining it…


 (Ame, that was unnecessary informatioooon! Savouring what!?? Dummy, of course, he wouldn't understand!)

 "...Your scent," she said, as steam reeked out from her ears. 


 Amethely had lost her mind just as Alum had lost his…. 

 But that was already evident as the spectators watched, entertaining themselves with the fuzzy, warm atmosphere that was making them go blind as the two had a back-and-forth. 

 Even the ones who hurled insults earlier were bathed in the light and converted to believers of the two. 

 A little while later, when Ametehly was looking around for something delicious for Alum—she wanted to choose something for him! 

 Meanwhile, the stall owner signalled him to come over. 

 "Ohouuh~, so you're the rumoured guy Saint Amethely fell in love with, mm-hmm, you're very handsome, aren't ya!?" 

 Alum started to blush hearing it, but the owner didn't seem to dislike him. 

 "I'll let you in on a little something, wanderer. A month after you become lovers, it's a common tradition for lovers to exchange some gem or jewellery." 

 "...I see. I wasn't aware, thank you." 

 "Ouuuh~," the stall owner exaggerated," So handsome~." They then cleared their throat," Ahem… well, the price isn't what matters if the currency is a concern, though… make sure it's the right gift." 

 "Mmm, thanks. I'll keep it in mind." 

 Their short conversation ended, and Amethely came back, so they headed toward the central park—the place they first met. 

 "I remember you sleeping so soundly here," Alum comments as they pass the fountain. 

 "...Meanie! I-I got a bit comfortable and fell asleep…—didn't you fall asleep too!?" 

 Hearing her fire back made him chuckle. 

 They then went to the small stall where Alum bought snacks. They got the exact same and went back to the fountain. 

 They were holding hands, and Amethely was clinging to him. 

 "I remember you trying to calm me down, sharing sweets with me," Amethely said, nibbling at the snack. 

 "Well… I was actually trying not to let them go to waste since I bought a bit much for a person," Alum responded with a playful grin. 

 Amethely responded, giving him a headbutt, saying," You're so mean!" 

 "I was just joking, but… did I manage to calm you down?" 

 Alum had calmed down considerably during their date, but Amethely was still a bit fidgety. It was cute in its own way, but… he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable, so he'd try making her laugh or tease her like this. 

 …In truth, it also helped him hide his embarrassment, but… he wouldn't admit it. 

 Amethely puffed her cheeks, pouting. 

 "Yes..." as she then gently smiled. 

 "I'm glad," Alum said, gently smiling back at her. 

 As they sit in silence, small, adorable animals gather around to play with them. 

 "Aww~ you guys are always so cute!" 

 Alum nodded, agreeing with her. 

 "They sure are…." 

 Amethely tilted her head and adorably looked at him.

 "...But you're as cute, or… if not cuter." 

 Amethely blushed and leaned on him. 

 "...You're more mischievous than you seem, aren't you, Ame?" 

 Both of them knew that Alum's words were way cheesy, but she set it up to be that way, which in turn made her cringe instead—because she was exposed! 

 But… she smiled nevertheless and rubbed her head against him, mimicking the mall creatures. 




 Later in the evening, they arrived at a place Alum accidentally found as he got lost in the city. It had a great view of the ocean as well as parts of the city. 

 And the setting sun lit up the whole sky in its golden light as the gentle breeze of warm winds danced with the leaves. 

 "Wooow~! I never knew a place like this existed in the capital!" Amethely said, looking over the horizon.

 Seeing her happy and excited like this made him feel like it was worth the effort to get here since it was pretty high up. 

 "Ahaha, I found this palace when I got lost, so… it was a pleasant surprise as well, I thought." 

 "Hmm," Amethely responded."Maybe I should get lost as well!" She playfully said.

 "Please don't…" he replied. 

 "Ehehe~ I'm just half joking!" 

 "Mmm, what about the other half?" 

 "Ehehe~ who knows~?" 

 …At this very moment, Alum's heart was beating wildly. Amethely was surrounded by the scenery. It was beautiful and all… but… the most beautiful thing he recalled from his memories was the first time he met her at the fountain—the place he fell in love. 

 The reason he didn't choose that palace for this moment was that he wanted to ensure he was all alone with her—in their own world, with just the two. 

 He took a deep breath and cleared his throat as he was going to make things clear once and for all. 

 "Amethely Ilis," he called her by her full name. 

 He was nervous, but… he felt an odd sense of confidence—despite the anxiety. 

 Amethely was surprised that he'd use her full name, and it was a first—making her focus on him and nothing else. 

 "I love you! It was love at first sight. I was happy to see you again. To be honest… when I fell for you, I thought we'd pass as strangers, as it would only remain unrequited." 

 Thinking back on it—he's lucky, isn't he? 

 "I thought I made a hasty decision to declare that I fell for you, but… after spending time together and interacting on a daily basis, the more I fell for you, even today…." 

 He took a pause to look at her. She didn't utter a single word as she stared blankly at him. Tears formed around her eyes as she realised what was happening. 

 "Will you become my lover?" 

 Truth be told. Amethely was just happy being with him, and the thought of becoming lovers completely passed over her head as they spent time together. 

 Seeing his cute smile, his hard work, and his surprisingly playful mean side made her heart skip a beat each and every single time. 

 She loves him so much. But she wasn't able to muster her courage and say it aloud. And although she'd technically confessed her love several times indirectly, she never made it transparent as she didn't want to ruin what they had. 

 With teary eyes, the anxiety in her heart blew away as she happily leapt into his embrace. Making the two of them fall. 

 She was on top of him, with eyes filled with tears as they ran down her face. Dropping and hitting his face. 

 With tears of joy, she kissed him on the lips. Stating," I love you too! Hi, I really, really love you so much!" 

 Amethely didn't know any other way to show how happy she was. 

 "Please, can you tell me you love me once more?" she asked as she pushed him down. 

 Alum was surprised that she had kissed him on the lips nonetheless. His head was all mushy, and hearing her sweet pleas. 

 "I love you." Alum reiterated, then kissing her. 

 Making her cry more as she reciprocated it with all her heart. 




You have no idea how much I suffer each time I try to edit this chapter. 




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