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The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed… The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed… original

The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Author: Seseal

© WebNovel


Notes: This is a wiki, so for characters and places, I'll add more over time. Comment if there are things you think should be in here. I plan to add something called a spellbook, which is a collection of spells and their attributes. And since I actually don't really explain exactly how magic works, I hope that this could be a place for that.

//DM or comment if you want me to add something.




Main Characters


 Alum Miller

Alum is blunt and usually indifferent to most things but genuinely cares for people close to him. Due to his inexperience in romance, he's somewhat awkward. He also likes anything sweet. As for combat, Alum could be classified as a control mage due to his proficiency in area control with water magic. His real classification, however, is that of a destruction mage due to his unnaturally condensed mana.

 Amethely Ilis

Personality: Amethely is the elegant girl most people look up to. However, she's more hardworking than people realise, and she's quite shy when it comes to meeting new people. Due to her nervousness, she's a bit clumsy in front of those close to her and acts more childish in front of Alum. She enjoys gardening and magic research. Since her debut as a saint, she's been known for her high proficiency in healing magic and other supportive magic. But a lesser-known side to her is that she's a master with the blade. Her light is highly lethal when she's in combat mode, as it usually incinerates anything that comes into contact.

 Luna Ilifel

Luna is cold, indifferent and blunt. However, she does have deep trust in her uncle, thus deciding to meet up with Alum since it was his suggestion. She enjoys books, and likes Alum(as a friend or perhaps more) and her new found friends. However, she very much dislikes people who try to appeal to her with ulterior motives without being blunt about it. Luna is also regarded as a prodigy and a combat generalist. She can basically do it all, but she's best known for her lightning-fast blade and magic control.

 Chely Ilis

Chely could be considered stoic by most, and she usually is unless it comes to her little sister, Amethely. Due to their upbringing and lack of time together, she turned into a doting sister. She likes to eat or tease Amethely. Chely is also a Hero. Hence, she's known as the Empire's Might and is currently considered the most powerful individual by most people.

 Noel Karlson

Noel's personality is that of a playful kid who likes to tease his friends. He has good intentions and is usually chill with most things. However, he does have a tendency to underestimate himself. Noel is also a great cook. he likes to tease The Hero Chely whenever he has a chance. He dislikes being left alone for too long. Noel is talented with the sword as he has two divine weapons—which is almost unheard of. However, he can only materialise one at a time. He uses both wind and fire magic. He is, however, also proficient in light magic but rarely uses it due to its mana-hungry nature.

 Miu Nanase

Personality: Miu is lovely, caring and friendly. Miu is not a fan of scary things such as horror. However, she does enjoy a good thriller. Miu powers mainly come from a skill called Eyes of Truth. She can reveal her enemies' weaknesses and her allies' strengths. She has a decent grasp for support magic but is lacking when it comes to combat, even though her divine blade can sever almost anything.


Other Characters


 Keilyn Amaris

Keilyn is a hard worker. She's usually quiet but can be sociable. She's serious but playful. Sweets and outings with Amethely and Chely. Overtime.

 Rigeld Ilifel

Rigeld was the previous Emperor, so one could assume he was strict and proper. He's…not as he appears and is quite playful and loves to play pranks on his subordinates as the head command. He also likes to slack off; Alver would scold him for it, though.

 Alver Soled

Alver has a serious personality and is diligent when it comes to work. But he has a soft spot for people related to the previous saint.

 Emely Miller

Emely is Alum's older cousin by 11 years. She acts like a doting parent and loves to dote on Alum whenever she has the opportunity. She fancies good alcohol and flowers.

 Emerine Ilis

Personality: Magi-tech savvy and carefree, matching her husband's energy. She is a busy researcher but likes to pamper Amethely and Chely whenever she can and has a strong dislike for insects.

 Ethym Ilis

Ethym is a savvy and carefree magi-tech researcher. His energy matches his wife's, Emerine. He builds very bizarre magi-techs and is doting on his daughters. He has a soft spot for Chely; he too, once wanted to become a swordsmaster and was overjoyed when she was selected as a Hero Candidate.


The Void Spirit is sarcastic and overconfident. He used to be the "Sovereign of The Void" and a brutal warlord fighting for ideals, however dark the path. He has a strong dislike for Alester, Isth and the Celestial Angels. However, he eventually fell in love with a Celestial Angel named Eterisa. He is currently Alum's spirit. 


Milena was the Supreme Celestial Angel Eterisa before Hilos gave her a new name. As Hilos, she has a strong dislike for Alester and Isth. However, she is currently working with Alester for unknown reasons.


Night Ouen



Jan is the scout in the party Night Ouen. His role is to distract and support his teammates. He is usually quiet and cool.


Jua, much like her lover Jan, is quiet for the most part and is the party's archer.


Nuli is a kindhearted elf, her role is that of a support, she is married to Turen.


Turen is the team's leader and frontline. He is playful and often teases his wife as they engage in lovely bickering, which could sometimes annoy both Jua and Jan.


Phantom Dusk



Lyn is the youngest in her party. She is a softhearted girl who specialises in barrier magic. At one point, she falls in love with Alum after they speak, as there are not many adventurers her age. Soon, she realizes he already has someone and mocks herself for having fallen in love so easily. 


Sarah, also known as Sarah The Phantom, uses wind magic skillfully. She enjoys the thrill of combat and can often fight freely due to her companions' constant assistance. 


Keelen is a frost night from the far north of the continent; he met Dalen, Sarah and Lyn when they ventured far north and since, he'd become their frontline who mainly focuses of stalling and helping Sarah. 


Dalen is a mage who utilises shadow magic. He can step in and out of shadows. His main role is to support his teammates, especially Sarah, who is a battle maniac.


Crystal Drake



Sarie is a beautiful girl who excels in combat. She is currently an A-ranked adventurer but will likely get promoted to S-rank soon. She is thankful and falls in love with Alum during the ruin exploration. However, she knew he already had Saint Amethely and she felt conflicted for having fallen in love for a superficial reason as him saving her sister.


Nela is Crystal Drake's backline. She uses a riffle that uses acceleration magic as she infuses her own magic into each bullet shot.


Enio is the front liner of Crystal drake, her main role is to protect Nela and Rika.


Not much is known about Rika except that her family had recently moved to the edge of the city. She was sceptical of Alum at first when he joined the expedition—the rumours about him... She couldn't get it out of her mind until it was confirmed right before her eyes.


Alester & Ex Machina



As indifferent and unknown as he appears to the world, he has come to treasure it. He actively avoids meddling with mortal affairs. He enjoys watching the sunset on one of the Ilifelen beaches. Alester, despite his powers, is unknown and hidden away, as not many mortals are aware of his existence.


Otherwise known as 'Lise', she is an Ex Machina created by Alester long ago. She's currently reside with her Master. Lise is somewhat lazy as an individual; childish too for that matter. Despite that, she is Alester's most powerful creation as she is powered by A-Logic Core. Aetlise also share name with The Great Electro Serpent constillation.   


The R-Logic, also known as R'Stell. Was created using fractions of the original elemental runes of Lethren. Powerful runes capable of supplying the world with all its mana—parts of the building blocks of the world rested within him. However, much like Aetlise, but also unlike her, R'Stelesso preferred to sleep. However, if there's something his Master requests of him, he'll be more active than anyone.


Called the weakest of the three, Bettlon mostly spent his time doing chores for them—otherwise, the place would've been turned upside down long ago. The two call him "Bett", which he did not mind; perhaps it was strange for him to consider them his younger siblings—especially when R'Stelesso came into being first. As a creation of Alester, he is a B-Logic.


  YB & Olivia




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