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Chapter 2: Wolves In The Sky: Part 2

Harpy, Hummingbird, Griffin and Crow sat in their cockpits as the mechanics did their last repairs to their jets. Allenby worked on Harpy's plane and gave them a thumbs up, saying they were good to go. She ran off and away from the plane.

"Hey Griffin, hey Crow," said Hummingbird through the coms. "You two nervous?"

"Of course not," said Griffin. "These people have no idea what's coming."

"I'm fine," said Crow, nonchalantly.

"Good to hear," said Harpy. "I need you at your best if you're going to back me up."

"Funny," said Griffin. "I think you're the one who is going to be backing us up."

"The four of you are going to be working together on this," said Captain Haywood, cutting them off through the coms. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes sir," they said in unison and with a salute.

"Good. You get in there. You destroy the target. And you get back to the base. You hear me? Don't make me tell your families you died good soldiers."

"In, destroy, and back," said Griffin.

"We copy," said the other three.

Captain Haywood looked on from the captain's deck. "You're clear to launch. Fly well soldiers."

Harpy and Griffin launched in unison. Harpy flying to the right and Griffin to the left. They made their way towards the island as they flew near the ocean. Harpy took the lead as Griffin fell back. They flew at a steady pace as they approached the island and avoided their gun turrets which were above them on the island's cliffside. They neared the island as close as they could before flying up and between the gun turrets.

The gun turrets saw them too late as Harpy and Griffin picked up their speed. They both went in separate directions as they began to fire upon the island's bases. It was Hummingbird and Crow who were doing the shooting, hitting every target they aimed at.

The two made some serious damage before the enemy began to fire at them. Harpy and Griffin maneuvered around the sky masterfully, avoiding being shot down while destroying the enemy's base.


"That was it," said Hummingbird. "Last of the targets."

"Let's head back home then," said Harpy. She did a full 360 degrees turn as she left the island.

Hummingbird looked back. "Where's Griffin and Crow?" she asked as she searched for them. She noticed a gun turret aimed towards them. "Watch…" she said as she saw the gun turret destroyed as Griffin flew right past it. "Never mind."

"Whoa!" shouted Griffin through the coms. "Seems you owe me one this time, Harp," he said as he flew his plane next to Harpy's.

Harpy looked at Griffin and saw his shit faced grin. "I'll get you two a beer when we get back to base."

"Looking forward to it."

They made their way back to their command ship when something popped up on their radar. "What was that?" asked Crow.

"Seems we have two planes coming our way," said Hummingbird.

"Enemy or friendly?" asked Griffin.

"I don't know," said Crow.

"Our birds were the only ones on the ship and the only people on this mission were us," said Harpy. "Assume they're the enemy."

"Maybe they sent back up."

"Doubtful. Prepare yourself Griffin."

"Yes ma'am," said Griffin as he braced himself and flew behind Harpy. "I'll protect your six."

"Here they come," said Hummingbird.

Harpy saw the two jets and quickly spotted the North Korean flag. "I'll go down, you go up," shouted Harpy and flew down.

Griffin flew up as the enemy jets began to fire upon them.

One of the enemy's jets went after Griffin while the other went after Harpy. She flew close to the ocean as the enemy jet followed. The enemy tried to keep up with her but she kept taking sharp turns close to the ocean water.

"This isn't going to work forever," said Hummingbird. "You need to do something."

"Working on it," said Harpy.

The enemy was getting too close to Harpy as she suddenly sent her jet up. The enemy almost crashed into Harpy and had to swerve out of the way. Harpy flew up and turned her plane in a full circle as she ended up behind the enemy's jet. Hummingbird didn't hesitate and fired upon the enemy. The enemy was shot down in seconds as its jet shattered into the ocean.

"Let's go!" shouted Harpy.

They returned high into the sky as they searched for Griffin and Crow. They were still fighting the enemy and losing. The enemy was right behind them as Griffin did his best to dodge its fire.

"It's gaining on us," yelled Crow as he watched the enemy.

"I can see that," said Griffin as he tried to get away.

"Shit," said Crow as he saw the enemy about to get a shot on them before it exploded.

This time it was Harpy's turn to fly through the destruction. She flew her jet next to Griffin. "Hey," she said with a wave. "Seems like we're even now."

"Seems so," said Griffin. "Nice flying out there," he said, sincerely, catching Harpy by surprise.

"Thank you," she replied.

"Those jets came from our command base," said Hummingbird. "You don't think…" She couldn't finish her statement.

"Command, this is Crow. Please come in." There was only static.

They came upon the command ship in silence and found it destroyed and on fire. They flew past it and saw bodies scattered on the top deck.

"You don't think they're all dead?" asked Hummingbird.

"There's no way to find out," said Griffin.

"Not true," said Harpy. "I'm going to land our jet on the top deck."

"Where? It's all covered in fire."

Harpy started to slow down as she approached their destroyed ship. "There's enough space for us to land," said Harpy.

"Don't do it," said Griffin. "We need to fly to the states, not waste our gas here."

"That's the reason we can't just leave," said Harpy. "Our planes won't make it to the states. We have to get more gas." Harpy flew low as she landed the plane on the ship, just managing to avoid the fire.

"Thank God she landed," said Griffin.

"I thought you were against it," said Crow.

"Doesn't mean I want them to crash and burn. Harpy," he said through the com. "I see what you're saying but there isn't enough space down there for us."

"We'll make the space," said Harpy as she pushed her cockpit open. She took her headphones off and jumped off her plane.

"Just watch the sky for us," said Hummingbird. "The enemy might try to retaliate for what we did."

"Hopefully they're too busy cleaning up what we did to come after us," said Crow.

"Let's hope. I'm out. Just watch our six."

Hummingbird took her headphones off and climbed out of the plane. She joined Harpy in putting out the fire by getting her own fire extinguisher. The two were putting out the fires and ignoring the bodies around them. They did this in silence until all the fires on the top deck were all put out.

Harpy made her way back to her plane and was about to grab her headset.

"What are you doing?" asked Hummingbird.

"I'm about to let them know they are clear to land," answered Harpy.

"Don't," said Hummingbird. "The enemy could come back and we would be sitting ducks out here. One of us should be in the sky."

Harpy gave her a nod and put the headphones on. "Griffin, do you copy?"

"Yes Harpy, I can hear you. Good job down there. Seems you turned off all the fires."

"Yes, but you can't land just yet. If the enemy comes, we're going to need you to defend us."

Hummingbird jumped back on the plane and grabbed her headset. "Guys, we're going to look for survivors then fill up our plane. Once we're done, we'll launch up and you two can land and do the same."

"You think there are survivors?" asked Crow.

"We just don't know," answered Hummingbird. "But we should make sure."

"Have you found anyone yet?" There was a pause as Crow waited for her answer.


"Hummingbird," said Harpy who was below her. "Let's hurry."

Hummingbird jumped down without saying a word back to Crow. She looked at Harpy. "Do you think there's someone on this ship that is still alive?"

"I honestly don't know but even if they were still alive, what would we do with them? We have to get out of here before the enemy captures us and only two people fit in our plane."

Hummingbird was caught off guard and didn't know how to respond. She was about to protest a couple of times but stopped herself.

"We'll deal with that when it comes to it," Harpy finally said. "Let's just check around. We can get gas for Griffin as well."

Hummingbird gave her a nod as she followed. The two walked around the deck as they checked every single body they saw. So far everyone was dead. Hummingbird was at the door that led inside the ship while Harpy stood to the back and looked at the sky.

"Aren't you coming?" asked Hummingbird.

"If there was anyone still alive down there, they would have come up by now?" said Harpy.

"Maybe they're hurt and can't."

"The ship is slowly sinking, they won't be alive for long if they are."

"Even more reason why we should search for them. We haven't found Captain Haywood yet."

"They're all dead already, Hummingbird. Let's just get out of here before the enemy shows up."

"I'm going to search. You can wait for me up here if you like." Hummingbird started heading down before Harpy could protest any longer.

Harpy ran after Hummingbird and when she entered inside, she found her knelt down checking on a body. "That's enough," said Harpy. "We should leave."

Hummingbird turned to look up at Harpy, tears in her eyes. "It's Allenby. She's still alive."

Harpy went to them and leaned down. She didn't have to check her pulse to see Allenby was still alive. She could see her breathing hard, but she could also see the serious injury she had on her stomach. Harpy put a hand on Hummingbird's shoulder. "She's not going to make it."

"But she could," pleaded Hummingbird through her tears.

"No, she can't. That injury to her stomach is too severe." Harpy reached for her gun. "The best thing we can do is put her out of her misery."

Hummingbird grabbed her wrist, stopping her from pulling her gun. "No, we have another option."

"Let her suffer with this pain until the enemy gets here?"

"No," said Hummingbird as she stared into Harpy's eyes. "There's going to be a full moon tonight."

Harpy took a step back. "What are you saying?"

"You can turn her. She doesn't have to die here."

"I can't do that. I shouldn't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because it's a curse. You want me to curse her."

"You don't believe it's a curse."

"Some people do. She might be one of those people."

Hummingbird stood up. "I don't think she is. I believe she would actually jump at the opportunity if given the choice."

"I still don't think I should. She might not even make it till the night."

"But shouldn't she be given the chance?" When Harpy didn't reply, Hummingbird continued. "It's Allenby. She's taken care of us since we were put on this crew. She's always worked on our plane no matter the time. She has done her very best to look after us and you have the opportunity to save her. Why wouldn't you jump at that?"

Harpy stared at Allenby, watching as her chest went up and down. Harpy was starting to lose control of her emotions as she thought about what to do.

"Harpy," exclaimed Hummingbird. "What are you going to do?"

Harpy pulled out a knife and cut the inside of her hand. She winced at the pain, but moved down towards Allenby and put her hand up to her mouth. "Just drink," she whispered to Allenby as Harpy's blood went into her mouth. Harpy looked up to Hummingbird. "This changes the plans exponentially. We can't let Griffin and Crow board the deck, so you're going to have to bring the gas to them at a different location. A far away location."

"What about you?"

"I'm going to stay on the ship. You're going to have to come up with a lie for why I didn't make it to the plane with you."

"How is this going to work?" asked Hummingbird as she leaned down next to Harpy, grabbing her other hand. "The transformation?"

"If she survives till the full moon is visible, she'll transform and self heal, but she'll have no control of herself. I'll transform as well so I'll be there to protect her from herself."

"Do you want me to just come back for you in the morning?"

"I don't know," said Harpy. "That might be too dangerous. The enemy will surely fine you."

"Then what will happen to you?"

"I'll figure something out. I have a knack for surviving." She gave Hummingbird a sad smile.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this," said Hummingbird.

"Too late for that now," said Harpy. "I already made up my mind. Just go. I have a bad feeling the enemy are going to be here at any moment. It would be a shame if we all died today."

Hummingbird gave Harpy a hug and she returned the gesture. They held each other tightly before Harpy loosened. "I'll figure something out as well," said Hummingbird as she pulled away. "So stay alive."

Harpy gave her a nod as she moved Allenby's head on top of her lap.

Hummingbird left them and got back on deck. She moved quickly as she put the gas tanks into her plane where she would normally sit. She then got in Harpy's seat and turned the plane on. She put the headset on and heard Crow's panicked voice.

"Harpy, Hummingbird, come in already," pleaded Crow.

"This is Hummingbird."

"Thank God. What the hell happened down there?"

Hummingbird hesitated for a second. "Change of plans. We have to get out of here quickly. I have your gas with me. Just cover me as I get in the air."

"What happened to Harpy?" asked Griffin.

"She didn't make it," answered Hummingbird, her voice deadpan. "Now just follow my orders."

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