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Chapter 2: Number 2

" Can I try it on?." Hannah asked as she took it off its neck, examining it in her palms.

" Of course, feel free." She replied and shrugged her shoulders. She wasn't bothered, she was her best friend after all and she wouldn't mind fulfilling her last wish before she would leave.

" Yeaaa!.' She burst out into an happy dance then hung the diamond necklace on her neck, walking towards the mirror. ' I look good baby." She screamed and laughed hard, turning around to get better views.

" Of course you...."

A soft tap landed on the door cutting her short.

" Who is that?." Kara yelled out.

" It is I, Beta Jake." Came the response.

" Come in." Hannah responded and quickly took off the necklace placing it on the dressing table. It would be disrespectful for the Alpha Olive's Beta to see that on her.

The door squeaked open and he walked in.

" I wasn't expecting you this soon. Was it that Olive couldn't wait to see me." Kara joked and laughed hard. She could still remember the days Olive would send his Beta to deliver messages to her and gifts as well. The days he had been too shy to. Although it still baffled her that an Handsome feared Alpha could ever act so timid.

He laughed dryly.

" I have a message from My Alpha to you." He responded, standing few inches away from her. He was dressed in a Plain Blue shirt and Brown trousers with a pair of clean Brown shoes. His golden hair gelled to the back.

" Hmm, okay. Go on." Kara replied adjusting herself in her seat. She tried to check if he had a gift or letter on him, just like the old days but there was none in sight.

" Humm in private." Beta Jake replied, his eyes landing on Hannah who sat down on the edge of the bed, her eyes on them.

" Ohh.' Kara responded and looked Hannah's way. ' Can you please excuse us?." She added and watched her friend smile awkwardly before stepping out with a playful bow. Kara understood her sign well, it meant that she wanted the whole gist when she was back. Hannah the little gossip, always wanting the juicy details to herself. Kara smiled.

Beta Jake wanted for the door to close behind her before clearing his throat.

" I'm afraid I have bad news." He said and bowed slightly. He felt bad to deliver a message of such to her. He felt like she deserved better but who was he to decline an order from above.

" Go on." Kara replied feeling a little bit uneasy.

" I'm afraid that the Ceremony might not br able to hold tomorrow. " He informed and heard her gasp.

" Are you for real?." She asked. She didn't believe it, couldn't believe it. It had to probably be a prank her Alpha wanted to play on her.

" Yes Kara. He isn't calling off the engagement but he just wants it postponed."

" And why is that? Why are you the one informing him and not me? What is happening? Did something happen to him?." She blurted out nervously.

" He is fine, Kara. It's just Paige sustained a life threatening injury during their hunt together in a bid to save him. And now he believes he has to stay by her side till she recovers." He informed.

" Paige! That Paige?." She said shockingly. The same Paige, his best friend that caused most of their quarrels, the same one that had spoilt their dates countless times now this.

" It's not what you think Luna. Alpha Olive wanted me to tell you that you are still his Luna and that he still loved you. He hopes you understand it and try to explain to your pack as well."

" Me! My Pack!. " She exclaimed.

Why was she the one to explain that? Why not him?.

It wasn't her who disrupted things, it was him whom disrupted their whole plans.

" I have to leave now Luna, take care of yourself." He said and bowed slightly before taking his leave.

She heard the door slam and broke down in tears. She couldn't act tough not right now. She badly wished Olive would walk in to tell her it was all a joke, she really wished he would walk up behind her and tease her like always.

He loved her!.

Yes, she had thought that but now she wasn't sure anymore. If he really did then he wouldn't have postponed the Luna Ceremony, her Luna Ceremony.

Was Paige more important than her?.

She was so angry that she wanted to see him in person and squeeze him to death but she couldn't. It wasn't because he was stringer than her, no it was because she would break down in tears instead and beg him to have a rethink.

" Hey baby girl, let me at it." Hannah said and sat down on the bed. She noticed her moodiness and got a little closer.

" Are you okay?.' Hannah asked a bit worried. ' Don't tell me you got emotional because you couldn't wait to see him." She teased and laughed hard.

There was no response, Kara's head placed on the edge of her wooden chair.

" Hey! You know you can just tell me you don't wanna tell me the whole juicy details. " Hannah said and arched her upper lip.

" He cancelled the ceremony. " Kara responded coldly.

" What!." Hannah screamed in shock. She had to be joking. She knew there was no way Alpha Olive could do that.

" He cancelled the ceremony Hannah. He doesn't want me anymore." Kara said and broke down in another doze of fresh tears.

The confused Hannah got up and held her closely, stroking her hair with her left hand.

" Stop crying Kara. It could be a prank." Hannah said, trying hard to believe her whole lie.

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