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Chapter 3: Meeting Konohamaru

(Two Days Later…)

It was early in the morning as Naruto went about his daily exercise routine. Anko had gone on a mission today so she was not here with him like she had been the past couple of days. Not that he was going to complain, the woman's training method may be effective, though if you asked Naruto it was more torture then training, but he really had no desire to come home looking like a walking bruise today.

Not to say hid training had not been progressing well; even Anko had been impressed by how quickly he was learning, though her way of saying that was 'Wow! Keep this up and maybe you won't continue to suck!' yeah, not exactly the nicest thing for someone to say when giving out compliments. Still he would not complain about her or her training methods. Each day they sparred or he would be forced to run from her in the Forest of Death, he would last just a little bit longer, meaning he was just a little bit stronger than he had been when first starting. And really, wasn't that the whole point in training?

Nauto's chakra control was getting better; he could now float five leaves on one hand (each of his fingers) and rotate them. His clones were beginning to work on the other hand now. It was his hope that he would master this soon and then get started on tree climbing, since the idea of being able to walk on a solid vertical surface was the coolest thing he could think of, even if he had promised not to do pranks, he could just imagine all of the potential that ability would have had for his pranking career.

His taijutsu was better, still nowhere near enough to beat a Jonin like Anko, or even one of the better chunin, but it was still good enough that Anko had been impressed with the short amount of time it took for him to learn it. Normally during their training, Anko would literally tear his taijutsu apart, picking the entire style a part piece meal. Often when she found a weak point in his guard, or an attack that would overstretch him; she would take full of advantage of it, beating him into the ground before telling him what he did wrong. After all, there was nothing like getting your ass kicked to make sure you really did not want to get your ass kicked again.

His physical strength also had increased a bit. His arms weights were now at thirty pounds while his leg weights were at forty pounds. The ability he had to increase his weights faster than normal was thanks to his healing factor. Naruto had found out that when his muscles ripped or his bones broke, the Kyuubi's chakra would come out of the seal and heal his body making it twice as strong at the break. It was probably the one good thing that had come with the Kyuubi so far.

Boujutsu was a bit slower than the other things he was trying to learn, especially since learning to use a weapon was a completely new experience unlike taijutsu. He was still getting better every day, but learning to use a staff was harder then everything else he was working on.

Surprisingly enough it was his studies in fuiinjutsu that made the biggest leap. He had been told that the art was one of the hardest to learn, however Naruto seemed to take to it like a fish to water. He had already read the basic book and was reading the first level intermediate book. His ability to actually make seals was a little slow, having been forced to make his hand writing perfect so that he would not accidentally make some mistakes on the seals and have it blow up in his face. Still he understood the subject well, and had hope that he would eventually be able to create some seals without it killing himself.

He had also learned a few new jutsu that Anko had decided to teach him. The first one was the Kunai Kage Bushin No Jutsu (Kunai Shadow Cone Jutsu)and it's shuriken variant, it was a simple C rank jutsu that multiplied the amount of kunai thrown and was used for mass bombardment of an enemy's position. The jutsu required little control and for someone like Naruto who had learned the Kage Bushinin one hour, this jutsu was simple.

Aside from that he had also learned the Bushin Daibakuha (Great Exploding Clone), this had in all honesty become his favorite jutsu. Basically it was a shadow clone that you simply overloaded with chakra to make it explode. The key to doing this was to send a large dose of chakra to the clone in one go, rather then gradually building chakra in it like when he created reinforced clones.

Other than that his aim with kunai and shuriken had gotten better, he could now hit a moving target with some degree of accuracy. He had also found the limit to his seemingly limitless energy, though that had come from spending several hours playing death tag with Anko in the Forest of Death.

The last of Naruto's accomplishments was with his issue of money. Originally he had been tempted to go and see if Kaito would be willing to let him work there for money, however he had decided against it since the man had already been so kind to him and he did not want him to lose customers for having the demon brat working for him.

The solution had been for Naruto to create Kage Bushin and have them henge into regular people. They would go and find a job to earn money and he could continue his physical exercise. So far he only had two of them that found a job. A female clone with long black hair and brown eyes he had named Akira, and a male clone that looked like an older version of him except with brown hair and gray eyes (neither of them had whiskers) called Kian. Akira had managed to get a job working as a waitress for one of the Akamichi owned barbeque restaurants, surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly the girl was a hit. Of course Naruto had learned from Anko that sex appeal goes a long way towards being popular (with guys at least), and since Akira was basically just his Oiroke No Jutsu with some minor altercations (Different colored hair, eyes and wore clothes), she was very, very popular. His other clone had gotten a job working as a clerk for a grocery store.

Of course he knew there would be a problem with the two clones later on. Eventually Naruto would be forced to leave Konoha for missions. When that happened he would not be able to make his clones to do their jobs. But he was trying to work on a solution for that, and had even already thought of a possible answer. But it would have to wait until he got better at fuiinjutsu.

Looking up at the sun as he finished his daily routine, Naruto realized it was time to get back home. Today was his last day to exercise before getting his jonin sensei assigned. Tomorrow was Sunday and he had decided to get some rest, after all, the body, even his body needed rest in order to keep from burning out.

Naruto ordered his clones to dispel in groups before heading back to his apartment.

(The Next Day…)

The next morning Naruto got up and started getting ready for the day. After getting showered and dressed Naruto moved into the kitchen where one of his Kage Bushin was making, trying to make, breakfast. Naruto had decided to change his diet to a more healthy food then just ramen, having read that he needed to have more balanced and nutritious meals if he wanted to get taller, something he was desperate to do, even desperate enough that he would stop eating just ramen to do it.

His clones had only recently started cooking, so nothing they made tasted all that good. But at least they hadn't burned the house down yet, so Naruto was counting his blessings.

After eating his meal Naruto left the house, locking the door before leaving.

Hopping onto the roof of his building, the blond made his way towards the Hokage tower where he would get his ninja registration and photo ID.

Naruto smiled as he made his way towards the academy so he could present his photo and registration to the Hokage. Walking in the door where he the old man was Naruto greeted him in the way that only Naruto could.

He slammed the door open and shouted, "yo Ojisan! I've got my registration!"

Sarutobi smiled as he looked up, "ah, Naruto… how…" Sarutobi trailed off as he looked over at Naruto. He blinked as he took in the change of clothes that the blond was wearing. The orange jumpsuit the blond had one was gone, in fact, Sarutobi could not see anything other than the large cloak that the boy was wearing since it went all the way down to his ankles. He had only managed to catch a small glimpse before Naruto had moved his hand away from the door, but what he had seen was infinitely better than that orange jumpsuit he use to wear. The boy actually looked like a real shinobi with that outfit. It was surprising actually.

He had not seen Naruto since the incident; in fact no one seemed to have seen him since then. It had actually caused a bit of commotion among the villagers who had feared some kind of grand prank from the 'Prankster King'.

Sarutobi himself had been concerned that the boy may have had some trouble coping with the new knowledge that he held the Kyuubi. However, it seemed as if he had been worried over nothing.

Shaking himself from his thoughts Sarutobi offered the boy he thought of as his grandson a smile. "Well this is certainly a surprise Naruto-kun, though I am glad you took my advice. I like the new look, you look like a true shinobi."

Naruto blushed a bit in embarrassment, "you think so? Well, I thought if I was going to be a real ninja, I should change into something that made me look a little more um… ninja-ish."

Sarutobi chuckled a bit, "indeed, I take it you are here to give me your registration?"

Naruto nodded as he gave the old man a grin, "Yep!" Walking up he handed Sarutobi his ninja ID and registration. Naruto moved over to one of the seats and waited for Sarutobi to approve it.

After a few moments of studying the information and picture Sarutobi nodded. "The picture looks good. I can see you have matured greatly." Naruto beamed at the old Hokage's praise. "To be honest I expected you to do something like paint your face, or some other childish act."

"Hey!" Naruto shouted indignantly, standing up and pointing at Sarutobi. "I've grown up since then! I'm not some brat who would do something like that anymore! I'm an adult now!"

Sarutobi just gave the boy an amused expression. "Yes that is true, you do seem to have grown exponentially this week. I was merely talking about what you would have done before."

Naruto calmed down slightly at that and gained a sheepish expression, he probably would have done something like that before. "Well… I suppose your right."

Sarutobi smiled before remembering something. "I forgot to mention something important the night of the 'incident' Naruto." Sarutobi began, catching the blond genin's attention. "Due to the fact that you were able to root out a traitor to Konoha and keep the forbidden scroll safe, I have listed it as your first B rank mission." Naruto's eyes widened in surprise at the new knowledge. "So I want you to come to my office later today so you can receive your mission pay."

"Really?" Naruto asked, at Sarutobi's nod he pumped his fist in the air. "That's awesome! My first B rank mission and I only just started as a genin! I'll be Hokage in no time with this kind of track record!"

Sarutobi just chuckled at the overenthusiastic blond. "I am sure you will Naruto."

"Speaking of Hokage, you might as well give me that hat right now Ojisan. Seeing as how I beat you that night." Naruto said with a grin.

Sarutobi blushed a bit, remembering just 'how' he had been 'beaten'. "I am afraid that did not actually constitute as a fight Naruto-kun," the old Hokage replied smartly. "Therefore I can't actually give you my hat."

"Oh?" Naruto asked with a devious smirk on his face. "So if I were to beat you now, would you? Maybe you need a little reinforcement of just how badly you lost."

Sarutobi paled as he saw the blond putting up a familiar hand sign. "Naruto wait don't-"

"Oiroke No Jutsu!"

A cloud of smoke covered Naruto and when it cleared enough to see, it was no longer Naruto that Sarutobi was looking at.

He was now staring at young blond woman who looked to be about 18 years old. She had long blond hair that was done up in two pig-tails which traveled down to her butt. Her face was heart shaped and lightly tanned and she had a set of sky blue eyes that held an alluring quality to them. She had a small nose and on either side of her nose were three symmetrical 'whisker' marks that seemed to add an 'exotic' quality to her. Her lips were a light, moist pink that contrasted a bit with her skin and gave her a pouty and seductive expression. Her body was what one could only describe as perfection. Luscious looking C borderline D cup breasts that while not as large as his former student Tsunade, were amazingly round and perfect. A narrow waist with a flat toned stomach led into flared hips with a perfectly round and firm butt. Going down even more were a set of mile long legs that seemed to go on forever.

She was also completely naked, with only small bits of smoke covering certain 'key' areas. Yet that only seemed to add to her allure, leaving just enough to cover her with and make you want more.

The Sandaime Hokage took all of four seconds to notice these key features about the woman, when he did it only became a matter of time before he gave the inevitable perverted reaction.


Like last time the old Hokage was thrown back as a geyser of blood flew out of his nose.

"HAHAHAHAHA…! Looks like I got you good Ojisan!" Naruto shouted as he turned back into himself with a puff of smoke and held his stomach while trying not to fall on the floor.

A few seconds later Sarutobi managed to pull himself back up and set himself in his chair, dabbing his nose with a tissue. "That jutsu again, I must admit it's very clever, but very dangerous. I'm going to have to list it as a kinjutsu."

Naruto blinked as he looked over at the old man. "So you're going to make this a forbidden technique?"

Sarutobi nodded, "it seems much too dangerous to be placed in the wrong hands."

The grin that stretched across Naruto's face threatened to split it in half. "That's AWESOME! Ha! I just graduated and I already made a kinjutsu! I'll be Hokage in no time if I keep this up! Who kicks ass! That's right, Naruto kicks ass!"

Sarutobi looked at Naruto with an expression somewhere between amusement and exasperation as the blond did a victory dance. "Naruto," he watched as the blond completely ignored him and continued dancing. "Naruto!" His voice was a little louder, hoping it would catch the blonds attention. When it didn't work he shouted, "NARUTO!"

"What is it Ojisan?" Naruto asked as he stopped his victory dance.

"You need to calm down, you're a shinobi remember?" reminded Sarutobi.

Naruto rubbed the back of his neck as a sheepish grin crossed his face. "Right, sorry."

Sarutobi sighed, "I swear sometimes-"

The old Hokage was interrupted as the door opened and a little kid rushed in with wooden shuriken in his hand.

"Now I've got you old man!" the child yelled, "after I defeat you I'll become Hokage!"

Naruto blinked as he watched the kid run. He was wearing a head cap and a blue scarf that was several feet too long for him. If he keeps running like that he's going to trip.

As if on cue the young boys feet got caught up in his scarf and he tripped, landing flat on his face.

"Owowow!" the boy yelped as he put his hands on his face and rolled back and forth along the floor.

Oh boy, Sarutobi thought as he sighed, if it's not one thing, it's another. The old Hokage pulled his Hokage hat down over his face in embarrassment. Naruto merely stared at the kid, wondering how the hell he could actually be dumb enough to wear a scarf that was so large. At the same time a man wearing dark plane clothes and sunglasses appeared in the door way, panting a bit.

"Gah! Dang, did someone set up a trap to trip me!" the kid shouted as he sat up, holding his head.

"Honorable grandson are you alright!" the man wearing the sunglasses asked. "And pardon my observations but there are no traps here, the surface is completely flat." The man said as he regained his composure, pushing his sunglasses up on his nose in what Naruto thought was a snooty gesture.

Naruto just continued to look on at the scene, one eye twitching. Kami, I don't think even I'm that clumsy!

The boy got up from the floor and looked around, noticing Naruto staring at him. At the same time the man with the sunglasses spotted Naruto as well.

It's him! The Kyuubi brat! He's the worst kind of troublemaker around! The man thought as he sneered at Naruto.

Naruto however did not notice the man's sneer of disgust as the boy stomped up to him and pointed. "It was you wasn't it! You're the one who tripped me!" he accused angrily, pointing a finger at him.

Naruto's first reaction was to smack the kid, but he took a calm breath, it would not do for a ninja to hit a civilian. Slowly and deliberately Naruto reached out and grabbed the boys scarf, flinging it back and forth in front of the child's face.

"This," Naruto said in a slow voice as if talking to someone who was retarded. "Is what you tripped over. Seriously, if you're going to wear something like this, get one in a smaller size so your clumsy feet can't trip over it."

"No, no, no, NO!" the boy shouted as he stomped his feet on the ground. "You did it! I know you did! Just admit it you coward!"

That was enough for Naruto, no one called him a coward! Standing up Naruto lifted the boy off the ground by the scruff of his shirt.

"Now you listen here you damn brat!" Naruto shouted through gritted teeth. "I'm not a liar and I'm not a coward! You should be more careful when you're speaking to a shinobi, or someone might just end up putting you in your place!"

"Uzumaki! Take your hands off of him this instant!" the sunglasses man shouted. "He is the Honorable grandson of our leader Sandaime Hokage-Sama!"

Naruto paused as he turned to the man in the sunglasses, thinking about what he said before turning to the kid in his grip.

Huh, so this brat's related to the Hokage-Ojisan. Naruto thought since the sunglasses man did not have any reason to lie to him.

That's right, the boy thought with a smirk. He's just like the rest, stopping from doing something as soon as he learns who I am. Feeling confident that nothing would happen to him now, the young boy took this opportunity to gloat. "What's the matter tough guy? I thought you were gonna teach me a lesson! Afraid because the Sandaime Hokage is my ojisan?" despite being held up in the air the young child puffed out his chest.

Naruto's eyes twitched several times. "I DON'T CARE IF HE'S YOUR OBAA-CHAN!" Naruto yelled as he dropped the boy on the floor and smashed a fist on to the top of his head.

Konohamaru who had tried to get up from being dropped, fell back to the floor as Naruto smashed a fist on his head.

This guys… different…thought Konohamaru as he hit the ground again.

The man wearing the sunglasses looked scandalous, he- he just assaulted the Honorable grandson!

Sarutobi merely sighed and shook his head. "What a mess," he muttered.

"Damn brat," Naruto grumbled. He looked up at Sarutobi, "I'll be heading Ojisan, I need to clear my head." Naruto walked out of the room grumbling about 'stupid brats' needing to learn their place.

The sunglasses man whirled on his leader. "Hokage-Sama how could you let that-" he stopped as soon as he noticed his leaders harsh gaze. "That delinquent do something like that to your grandson! He must be punished!"

"Punished?" Sarutobi questioned, raising an eyebrow. "For what exactly? It's not like he did any permanent damage Ebisu. And Konohamaru did deserve that for questioning and insulting Naruto-kun the way he did." the old Hokage sighed, "now then if you could take care of this…" he gestured over to Konohamaru, who was sitting back up with a groan.

"Honorable grandson are you alright!" Ebisu asked, helping the boy to his feet.

"Hey, where'd that guy go?" Konohamaru asked, looking around. He had to find him. That guy was different from the others; he didn't treat him special just because of who his grandfather was.

Ebisu looked at Konohamaru with a frown as he pushed his glasses up.

"Now you must listen to me Honorable Grandson. You must not associate yourself with juvenile delinquents like that, nor should you attempt to draw him into a conflict even if he does deserve it." Ebisu lectured the boy. "He is far beneath you, so you must not stoop to his level. As your distinguished Jonin Sensei, I am never wrong about these things, which means I am always right!" Ebisu smirked to himself as he turned to look at the village through the open balcony on the left side of the room. "I'm above the more mundane trainers, so you must heed my every word. Your goal is to become the next Hokage, and I can teach you the best way to go about it. Indeed, stick with me and you will gain the short cut to becoming Godaime Hokage. You understand don't you Honorable Grandson?" Ebisu asked as he turned around, only to find himself talking to thin air. "AH! Where did he go now!" Ebisu wailed.

"I believe he followed Naruto, but I have no idea where their headed." Sarutobi offered up in a calm and casual tone as he lit his pipe.

"WHAT!" Ebisu shouted in shock and consternation. "This is a disaster!" Ebisu ran out of the room and down the hall.

How did Konohamaru-kun turn out to be like that? The old Hokage had to wonder, sighing a bit as he took a puff of his pipe. He's quite determined. That was his tenth sneak attack today alone. He thought to himself as he blew out a few smoke rings. Although if he hangs around Naruto he might learn a thing or two. He paused in his thoughts and grimaced. At least so long as Naruto doesn't teach him anything… tricky. The image of a naked blond woman quickly sprang to mind before he banished it.

Sighing Sarutobi looked down at the paperwork he had gotten from Naruto and began to read it over.

Naruto sighed to himself as he walked down the street, the confrontation with the little boy already placed in the back of his mind. As he wandered around the village, the blond tried to figure out what he should do. Today was supposed to be his rest day, so he wasn't going to be doing any training. However, because he had told himself that he would no longer do any pranks he didn't really have anything else to do.

Maybe I can go visit Tenten, Naruto thought. He had not really spoken to her much, but she had treated him like a normal person, unlike most of the people in this village. Though she may be out of the village or with her team. I could just go and look at some of the equipment since I need to buy some more kunai and explosive notes. Naruto made a silent curse to Anko for making him waste so much equipment on those damn monsters in the Forest of Death. Then he sighed, of course it would only be looking since I don't have as much money right now, and what I do have I need to save for my housing bills…

Naruto's thoughts trailed off as he noticed a cloth that was near the fence that was designed to blend in with it, except that it was dirtier than the rest of the fence. And being held sideways. And there were a pair of hands holding it up on either side, and a pair of feet sticking out of the bottom and a small tuft of hair sticking out of the top.

He can't seriously think that's going to work on me, does he? Naruto thought with a sweat drop. Sighing he went over to the 'camouflaged' child and grabbed the cloth, pulling it down.

"I take it you want something, seeing as your following me?" Naruto asked in a bored tone, he really didn't feel like dealing with this brat right now.

"I'm impressed that you saw through my disguised, your reputation is well earned." Konohamaru said with a large smile as he pointed at Naruto. "So that settles it! I'll be your apprentice and you'll be my trainer!"

Naruto blinked, "what?" he asked slowly, as if not understanding.

"Yeah! You gotta teach me that Oiroke No Jutsu thing you used to beat ojisan!" Konohamaru shouted as he bounced on the balls of his feet.

"Hey! Hold on! Who said anything about me teaching you?" asked Naruto. What the hell was with this brat? Thinking he would just up and teach someone he did not even know.

"Come on! Please! Please, please, please say yes boss!" Konohamaru begged.

"What? Boss?" Naruto asked, tilting his head in a quizzical expression.

"Yeah! That's right! You're the boss! Boss, boss, boss!" Konohamaru shouted as he jumped up and down.

Naruto looked up at the sky as he scratched the bottom of his chin. Well, he was getting bored and had been trying to find something to do.

"Well, I suppose I can give you some pointers, but it will only be for today." Naruto said, looking at the over active child pointedly.

"What!" Konohamaru cried out, looking ready to complain. "Why only today!"

"Because tomorrow I have genin orientation, so I won't have any free time after that." Naruto said with a smirk as he pointed to the head band on his head. "Or did you not notice the head band?"

Konohamaru looked at the head band and his eyes widened. "Sugoi! That's so COOL!"

"Erm. I suppose it is." Naruto took a step back at the boy's enthusiasm. "Anyways, let's head over to one of the parks." Naruto smirked as he jumped up onto the roof of one of the buildings. It was one of his more recent accomplishments, being able to jump that high by using his chakra. But it did a good job of making Konohamaru get all starry eyed. "I hope you can keep up!" Naruto shouted and began to jump to another building.

Konohamaru who did not have the chakra control for that had to travel on the ground. Naruto always made sure to stay in the boy's sight as he hopped across the roof tops, making sure that the boy had to make a concerted effort to follow him. He made sure to circle the parks at once or twice before heading over there. By the time they had reached the park, Konohamaru was stumbling and falling over as he panted for breath. He fell down onto the ground as he looked up at Naruto, who was sitting on a tree branch a few feet above him.

"What… what was that for?" Konohamaru asked as he tried to regain his breath.

Naruto frowned at how tired the boy was. "Are you in the academy?" he asked.

Konohamaru looked indignant, or as indignant as an exhausted eight year old could look. He stood up only to fall back down. "Of course I am I-"

"What are you doing sitting on the ground like that?" interrupted Naruto. "Stand up."

Konohamaru glared at him. "I'm tired from you making me run all over the place!"

Naruto shrugged. "That wouldn't even constitute for my morning runs, if something as mildly strenuous as that made you tired, then your obviously not training your body enough." Man this is weird. The blond thought. I wonder if this is what Iruka-sensei felt like when he gave me a lecture? He had to admit that, while it felt odd, it was also satisfying to actually be able to teach someone else. Maybe there really was a point to all of those boring lectures Iruka-sensei gave.

"Anyways." Naruto shook his head of thoughts on Iruka. "Since you're so exhausted it's obvious that your chakra reserves are too small to do anything more than the basic jutsu. So I think we'll start with-"

"HEY!" Konohamaru shouted with an angry expression on his face. "I am not small!"

Naruto face palmed as he listened to the little kid. Please Kami; tell me this is not how I sounded to Iruka-sensei and Ojisan! If it is I swear I'll never be such a brat again!

"I said your chakra! CHA-KRA!" Naruto pronounced the word chakra extra slowly. "I made no comment on your height. I am merely saying that your chakra reserves are a tad on the small side. This means you'll have to work on getting your reserves up to snuff. I'll write down a few exercises I found in a book and give them to you to practice on your own." Naruto paused for a moment. "Though if your reserves are smaller, then you should have better control. Tell me, how good is your chakra control?" he asked.

"Um… well, I don't really know much about that…" Konohamaru admitted. "Four-eyes-sensei hasn't gone beyond what the academy has already taught me."

Naruto sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "Which means you have had absolutely no practice in chakra control." he paused, come to think of it, he hadn't been taught chakra control exercises either. Though, he had assumed it had been one of the days he had been sent out of class, or skipped. He frowned to himself before shaking his head. "Have you at least been working on the Henge No Jutsu? Please tell me you have?"

Konohamaru puffed up his cheeks indignantly. "Of course I have!"

"Alright, alright no need to get defensive." Naruto held up his hands in a defensive gesture as he jumped off the tree branch. "So show me what you can do. I need to see how far along you are, before we can start doing anything."

"Uh, what should I transform into?" asked Konohamaru, scratching the back of his head.

Naruto shrugged. "Anyone, it doesn't matter so long as I can see where you're at. After that I'll show you some material I have to create your own version of the Oiroke No Jutsu. The thing about the Oiroke No Jutsu is it requires an innate understanding of the female body." or at least it does now. Naruto thought with a snort and a light blush. He had read one or two books on anatomy and one of them was on female anatomy as well as a book on the reproduction system. Plus all that time he had spent with Anko this past week had pretty much guaranteed that he would know what certain female parts looked like.

Naruto shook his head to clear. "Alright, let's see what you can do!"

"You got it boss!" Konohamaru shouted as he did the hand seal for the jutsu. "

Henge No Jutsu!"

Ebisu scowled as he looked out across the village from the roof he was standing on. He had been searching the village for the better part of an hour and it was getting on his nerves.

Where is that filthy… delinquent? What could he be doing to the Honorable Grandson? It could only be something truly evil! Ebisu thought viciously as he clenched his hands into fists as he scanned the streets. I am an elite Jonin! As one in a long line of sensei's that have shaped and guided potential candidates to the illustrious position of Hokage, I cannot allow such a disaster to occur on my watch! I'll crush any insect that clings to my student… even if it is a Jinchurikki!

Without a second thought he began hopping across the roofs, searching for any sign of the blond brat or his wayward student.

Naruto sighed as he dropped some change into a vending machine to get himself some soda. If only vending machines ended up taking over for shops, then I wouldn't go broke because of stupid prejudices… he shook his head of the thought, knowing that thinking something so negative would do him no good. Turning around he looked at is… temporary student. The boy had done remarkably well for his first time, though Naruto could see signs of exhaustion setting in. Though, Naruto attributed his success to the fact that he had less chakra, therefore more control to use jutsu, making learning something like this easier.

Walking over to Konohamaru he sat down, popping his soda can and taking a long gulp. "So, tell me, what was going on with you and Ojisan? It didn't seem like this was a singular event."

"Ojisan named me Konohamaru, after the name of the village; he said it would bring me luck." Konohamaru murmured. Naruto nodded to himself as he listened. "You'd think that it would be easy to remember. But no one, not a single person in the whole village ever calls me by my name. It's because when they look at me, they don't see me, they see the Honorable Grandson of the Sandaime Hokage." Naruto raised an eyebrow as Konohamaru kicked a rock. "They don't see who I am, just who I'm related to. It's like I'm invisible, hidden behind Ojisan's shadow, and I'm so sick of it… that's why I'm going to become Hokage now! So people will know who I really am!"

This kid has the reverse problem of me. Naruto thought incredulously. He's still basically ignored, but it's more of ignoring who he is, rather than his existence.

The kid reminded him a lot of himself, how he used to be before the Mizuki incident. Not that something like this would make Naruto give the kid any sympathy. If anything Konohamaru needed an ass kicking.

Naruto snorted. "You think it's that easy." Konohamaru looked up at Naruto. "If you could become Hokage so easily then everyone would try to be Hokage. The Hokage is not just the strongest ninja in the whole village, but he's also the smartest and the one who's dedicated his life to serving the village as its protector. You have to think of each villager as if they were a member of your family and be willing to put your life on the line to keep the safe. That is what being Hokage is about. And it will take hard work, dedication, blood, sweat and tears to get there. Not just anyone can be Hokage." Naruto suddenly grinned. "Besides if you're going to be Hokage, you're going to have to defeat me first!"

Naruto stopped as he watched Konohamaru who was gaping at him, waiting for the boy to say something, when he heard a rustling of leaves.

"I've found you!" a voice came from above them.

Naruto and Konohamaru turned to see Ebisu standing on a tree branch.

That filthy Uzumaki…the Kyuubi No Kitsune. Ebisu glared down at Naruto, who could not hold in a flinch at those icy eyes.

Those eyes… he recognized them as the same ones that some of the more hateful members of the village gave him. The kind of people who he was sure would kill him if they had the chance. The kind who would try to beat him if they caught him when they were drunk and had lost any inhibitions they might have once had.

Leaping down from the tree, Ebisu landed on the ground and approached the two.

"Honorable Grandson, it's time that you return home." Ebisu said in the same overly confident tone as before, adjusting his sunglasses.

Konohamaru jumped to his feet. "No way! I'm learning how to beat Ojisan and become Hokage! Don't interfere!"

Naruto couldn't hold in his smirk. "It sounds like he thinks I'm a better teacher than you."

Ebisu sneered at Naruto. "Silence Uzumaki! I will not just sit idle while you corrupt my student with your rubbish!"

"Shut up!" Konohamaru yelled. "He's a better teacher then you'll ever be! At least I can understand what he says!" Both Ebisu and Naruto were startled by the boy's exclamations.

"No, No Honorable Grandson you must not listen to him. He cannot teach you the things you need to know. To be Hokage one must understand virtue, justice, ceremony, wisdom, loyalty, prudence and be skilled in a thousand jutsu! You don't even know one jutsu!" Ebisu continued. However it seemed that Konohamaru had heard enough.

"I'll show you a jutsu! Eat this! Oiroke No Jutsu!" where before there was a small brown haired boy, now there was a tall, older and absolutely drop dead gorgeous female with dark brown hair. And she was naked. "How's this for a jutsu?" she asked with a seductive voice as she made a pose.

Ebisu froze and his jaw nearly fell to the floor. Naruto watched as the man shivered. However he was still standing.

Huh, well what do you know? Naruto thought to himself. He hides it well.

Konohamaru poofed back into existence and frowned. "Why didn't that work?" he asked, scratching the back of his head.

"WH-WH-WHAT KIND OF DISGRACEFUL JUTSU IS THAT!" Ebisu shouted indignantly, though Naruto could see the red tinge to his cheeks. "Such things are not fit for the eyes of a gentleman! I would never fall for such a vulgar and outrageous jutsu! I am far above such things!" Naruto's eyes began to twitch at the bold and obviously false declaration. Ebisu grabbed Konohamaru's scarf and tried to start dragging him back with him. "Honorable Grandson you must stop this at once! That Uzumaki brat is turning you into a delinquent! Do you want people to see you as an imbecile! Only with 'my' teachings will you gain the shortcut to becoming Hokage!" Ebisu continued to pull on the scarf, trying to drag Konohamaru away.

"No no no! Just leave me alone! I don't want to learn from you, I'm learning from the boss!" Konohamaru yelled as he yanked back.

"What sort of nonsense is this!" Ebisu shouted back. The pair continued their little tug of war until Naruto decided to intervene.

"Kage Bushin No Jutsu!" The pair paused when Naruto shouted and turned around to see around fifty clones puff into existence. Konohamaru looked at all of the copies with wide eyes.

"Come on! Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" one of the clones shouted.

"Oh wait I guess you were doing that!" another clone said.

"Well maybe you can pick on someone bigger the you!" another spoke up.

Ebisu sneered at the clones as he let go of Konohamaru, and walked into the group of Naruto's.

"I'm not impressed! I am a Jonin, an Elite ninja! Not some light weight like Mizuki!" Ebisu pushed up his glasses andgave an arrogant smirk. "Yes, I heard of your run in with Mizuki! And for someone who was pushed away by their own sensei, you have no right to lecture me, up start! Now, watch closely Honorable Grandson, and see how a real ninja fights!"

Konohamaru looked back and forth between Ebisu and the group of Naruto's, not sure what to do, but praying that Naruto could win.

Sarutobi sat down in his spying room, Iruka had visited him a little while ago and they had just finished a discussion about Naruto, and he was now watching the events on his spy orb.

Naruto may have been fortunate against Mizuki, but this is most likely out of his league. Sarutobi frowned as he put his pipe in his mouth.

Ebisu better be smart enough not to hurt him too badly, especially in front of Konohamaru-kun. And I think I'll need to talk to him about his attitude problem…

Ebisu stood in the middle of the formation of Naruto's with a cocky smirk in place. This kid didn't honestly think that a technique like this would be enough to beat him, and elite, did he?

"Well?" he asked with a sneer and cocky tone.

All the Naruto's grinned before putting their hands up in a hand seal. "Oiroke No Jutsu!" all fifty something clones shouted, surrounding the area in smoke.

When the smoke dissipated, Ebisu was assaulted by fifty very hot and very naked blond girls, all of whom began grabbing at him. They began pressing and rubbing themselves against the now shock still jonin while whispered seductively into his ear, but all of their words were lost as the feeling of their breasts and legs and… other parts pressing against the jonin became too much. Ebisu shuddered, before being thrown out of the group of girls by the geyser that was his nose, shooting blood as he flew into the air.

Naruto grinned as he saw the now completely unresponsive jonin twitching on the ground a few feet away. A puff of smoke later, and all the clones dispelled.

Turning to his shorter companion Naruto grinned. "And that is what I like to call H'rem No Jutsu (Harem Jutsu)."

"SUGOI!" Konohamaru shouted, pumping a fist in the air.

Sarutobi watched the vents that transpired with a shocked look.

Naruto seems to have gained quite the dangerous skill. Sarutobi thought. Combining his Oiroke No Jutsu with the Kage Bushin No Jutsu is a dangerous combination… I don't know if even I could survive that. He reached out and grabbed a tissue, dabbing away at his now bloody nose.

Naruto looked at the still twitching Ebisu, satisfied that he wasn't going to be getting up any time soon the blond walked back over to Konohamaru.

"Aw man! I couldn't even get four-eyes-sensei to fall for the jutsu! I want to be Hokage so badly, but I keep messing up! Why can't I do it!" Konohamaru grabbed at his hair in indignation.

"Because becoming Hokage isn't easy," Naruto said. "You want to be at the top right now, to be Hokage as soon as possible so people will see you for you. I know how you feel, until… recent circumstances I was the same way. But the fact is being Hokage is a long and hard rode. You can't just become Hokage because you want to. It takes dedication, skill, hard work. You have to be willing to bleed, and cry, and sweat in order to be the strongest shinobi you can. You have to train both mind and body. But most importantly you have to be willing to risk your life for the sake of this village and its people. And also," Naruto looked at Konohamaru with a serious expression, causing the younger male to gulp. "You have to remember the most important truth about how to become Hokage."

"Oh yeah!" Konohamaru shouted as he puffed out his chest. "What truth is that!"

"That there are 'no' shortcuts to becoming Hokage." Naruto said, his eyes taking on a fierce and determined look. "By trying to take the easy path you limit yourself, you weaken yourself, because you weren't willing to take the harder road. Weren't willing to train until you dropped, or work until you felt all of your muscles straining against each other. No ninja in this village would respect a Hokage who took the easy way out of everything, sometimes Hokage's have to make hard choices and deal with the consequences of those choices. It takes a kind of commitment that very few people have, and those who don't have it need to get out of the way for those who do."

Naruto stared at Konohamaru, the boy a little red in the face and looked like his eyes were on the brink of turning into swirls. He was trying to come to terms with all of the information he had just received and felt completely overwhelmed. However, one of the things Naruto had said rang through his mind.

Besides if you're going to be Hokage, you're going to have to defeat me first!

Konohamaru turned away from Naruto and stuck his nose up.

"Who do you think you are? Lecturing me like that!" Naruto smirked a bit at Konohamaru's reaction. "That's it! I won't be your apprentice any longer! From now on we're rivals! Got it!"

Naruto just gave the kid a grin. "Well that's cool. This was a one-time deal anyway, because I'm getting assigned to my Jonin sensei tomorrow. However…" Naruto's grin widened, stretching the whisker marks and making him look like a fox. "I accept your challenge to be my rival. But keep this in mind, you're going to have a lot of catching up to do if you want to be at my level. You're going to have to train hard if you want to even think of competing against me for the title of Hokage." Naruto looked at the sun and sighed, he had just wasted a whole day training a kid.

Well, it was fun and I was resting today anyway. Naruto thought with a chuckle. It was nice being able to act like nothing more than an overly cocky kid and show off to someone else, something that he knew he probably would not get to do again.

"Well I'm off. But don't for one second think you can just slack off! You never know when we might meet again, and I find out that you've been slacking…" Naruto trailed off with the implied threat causing Konohamaru to gulp. "Alright then, I'll see you later… Konohamaru." Konohamaru felt his eyes widen as Naruto turned around and tossed a wave over his shoulder.

Sarutobi smiled as he leaned back in his chair and watched Konohamaru give a salute to the leaving Naruto.

Thank you Naruto-kun. For helping Konohamaru-kun true path of a ninja…

He sighed, I just wish he hadn't taught Konohamaru-kun the Oiroke No Jutsu…

Kunai Kage Bushin No Jutsu (Kunai Shadow Cone Jutsu- A basic C rank jutsu that creates copies of thrown projectile weapons. Used for mass bombardment of enemy positions, distractions and creating distance between the user and his/her foes.

Bushin Daibakuha (Great Exploding Clone)- A rank Kinjutsu. Basically a Kage Bushinthat is overloaded with chakra that will explode either when the user activates it, or it gets hit in some way.

H'rem No Jutsu (Harem Jutsu)- S Rank Kinjutsu. This jutsu is simply a combination if the shadow clone techniue and the sexy jutsu. It is used to create any number of clones of beautiful, nude women. This technique is known too many in Konoha as the pervert killer due to the massive nosebleeds many perverts have suffered from it. This includes on Sandaime Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who after suffering massive hemorrhaging decided to rank the jutsu as a forbidden S class ninjutsu and place it in the forbidden scroll of sealing.

celestial_001 celestial_001

So here it is. My third installment of the story. So this is basically a canon chapter that I felt like adding, mainly because I know a few people who are reading my story and have not read or seen Naruto. Most people never add this chapter to their story and just go on and explain how Naruto met Konohamaru. I decided not to do that. Ugh... I'm wacked! I think I'm gonna go sleep, or go to school, which is a lot like sleep only more boring.

Anyways R&R to let me know what you guys think.

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