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Chapter 2: CHAPTER 1 : The Beginning

The smell of death is now increasingly smelling everywhere, fear, and poverty enveloped all corners of the city. Indigenous people who are not wrong have always been the target of fierce wars between the two camps that are heating up over their territory. The conflict between Japan and China is now getting worse since entering the early 1930s. The Japanese military in Manchuria began to engineer bombings near the railroads.

This incident is referred to as Mukden.

In 1937, Japan began to become more aggressive and thirsty for world domination ambitions to the point that the hostility between these two camps became more extreme and heated up like a fire doused with gasoline.

This incident was the beginning of the massacre in Nanking, China on December 13, 1937.

" What are you doing here? Get out of our place!" asked a brave girl in her typical doctor-style clothes to restrain and drive out the line of Japanese soldiers who had begun to enter her emergency medical tent without permission.

Suddenly one of the soldiers swiftly pointed his gun at the body of a girl who was blocking his way.

"Miss, get out of the way or with a heavy heart this gun will pierce your stomach and you will live in more misery if you get in our way." Threatened one of the soldiers with his long barrel who was ready to shoot anyone who would get in his way.

The girl began to step back and let the Japanese soldiers in and inspect the makeshift tent made by the Chinese government. Suddenly, everyone screamed hysterically when they saw the Japanese troops coming and destroying the entire contents of the health tent.

"Everyone shut up, lay down! I said lay down!" snapped the troop commander, thrusting a gun at them viciously. This made everyone obey the Japanese orders, they all lay down like servant figures who served their king.

The troops began to seize all medical equipment and medicines that were in the makeshift tent. They did not want all the indigenous people to survive this war, because they thought that this was the reason why many people began to dare to oppose the Japanese rule over their colonized country.

"Don't take all our medicine, are you guys not satisfied with colonizing our country." shouted a middle-aged man in a white coat who appeared to be a volunteer doctor working in the health tent. He tried hard to restrain the merciless army gang from bringing all his medical equipment.

" Shut up!" someone answered by pointing a gun and shooting the old man to the ground. The old doctor now began to lie helplessly with his coat covered in fresh blood.

The sound of a gun thumping suddenly made everyone scream and some children cried hysterically at the vicious sight that the Japanese soldiers had done on their volunteer doctors. Their attitude is very inhuman, they do violence right in front of children. After getting what they wanted, the gang began to leave the place that had been damaged by their actions.

"Is doctor Lim okay?" panicked several other medical teams who came to surround the doctor who had just been shot by a Nippon gun. Seen a male nurse trying to check the old doctor's heart rate and it was true that his heart was still beating normally, it seems that there is still a chance to save the life of the doctor who detained this Japanese soldier.

"Doctor Fen, Doctor Fen!" shouted a nurse calling the name of another doctor, it seemed that this doctor was very experienced with gunshot wounds.

Fen, whose real name is Jiao Fen, is a young doctor who has dedicated her entire life to volunteering for the medical team in her country. Victims who fell, innocent children and the desire to live in peace soon became one of her goals to become a volunteer doctor and serve her country because according to her this is one way to continue to defend her country in the line of health and safety. She doesn't care if one day she's shot dead, hit by a bomb or so on. Obviously freedom from the colonialists is the main thing she has to fight for.

"His heart is still beating, quickly take Doctor Lim to the room so he can be treated quickly," Fen asked all medical personnel to immediately bring Doctor Lim into the room at the existing hospital.

"Okay, doctor."

Some of them started carrying Doctor Lim on a hospital stretcher and taking him to a special room for shooting victims who needed extra medical care.

"What happened to Doctor Lim?"

" Nippon came and took all our medical equipment and doctor Lim detained them so he was shot on the spot for blocking the way of the Nippon while taking the medicine, now we have nothing left, doctor. What about other patients who are increasing day by day. I'm afraid that their lives won't be saved." said Fen lowering her head to hold back the tears that almost fell down her cheeks.

"Take Doctor Lim to Doctor Yuan's office, right now!" the man ordered loudly.

"Okay, doctor." Several medical personnel swiftly began to take Doctor Lim to Doctor Yuan who is a well-known surgeon throughout the city of China, they hoped that Doctor Lim's life would not be taken because of the mass shooting that had just occurred, they did not want to see one by one the doctors who served them with care. sincerely shot to death brutally.

"Come on, Fen. You've done a good thing, remember life and death are all in God's hands. There will definitely be a rainbow after the rain. There must be happiness after pain, don't you think?" Doctor Yu Jiang said by gently patting Fen's shoulder as a form of motivation not to be afraid to face all the trials that now befall him and his beloved country.

"I will try my best until this country can be free from the clutches of the invaders and we can all live happily as before," added Fen with a smile looking at the young doctor next to her, Yu Jiang.

"Amen." Yu Jiang's response to Fen

Yu Jiang is a young doctor who has the same goal as Jiao Fen, he volunteered himself as a medical volunteer in the middle of the battlefield even though he wasn't paid at all but he was willing to do it, previously Yu Jiang was a reliable doctor who had actually worked abroad, namely United States of America. However, because his country was in the midst of war and needed a lot of medical team members, he decided to go home and give his whole body to defend and devote himself to his homeland.

Yu Jiang replied to Fen's words with a smile, this time they really felt how painful it was to be a warrior even though they were not at the forefront of the battle post, but being in the medical line was also hard enough to express their struggles. Dripping in sweat, making friends with blood, and seeing the corpses passing by were daily meals for the entire medical team. His heart was now strong enough to hold back tears because he saw his brothers-sisters who went first, it was very likely that he would soon follow them there.

"Work again, if there is anything you need. Come here." Yu said respectfully to Fen who was standing in front of him.

"Okay, doctor. Then, what about doctor Lim's condition? I can't bear to leave him." replied Fen, returning Doctor Yu's salute.

"Don't worry, if anything happens to doctor Lim I will come to tell you."

"Okay, thank you, doctor."

Jiang Yu just smiled and lowered his head in response to Fen's words.

Fen returned to duty at the front gate and rushed out of a small hospital directly behind the makeshift tent where she worked. This time her spirit was filled again like a cup filled with water and began to fiery, it seemed that there was no longer any sense of trepidation that enveloped her heart, now she was very ready to face the Nippon troops again.

She will fight it with all her might and protect all his patients just as doctor Lim did who held them back when the drugs were stolen. Bullets are nothing compared to the safety of the 1000 lives in this emergency tent and hospital.

There was a rumbling sound in front of the emergency tent, there seemed to be several troops getting out of the patrol car, the sound of her feet stamping showed that this was not a random person, most likely they were troops from the army that came, it seemed that it was not only one car that came but many cars. maybe five or ten cars. This noise disturbed everyone and started to feel anxious.

"Doctor, is Nippon coming again?" whispered a small child right in Jiao Fen's ear which suddenly made Jiao Fen surprised by the words of this innocent sweet girl, it could be seen in her frightened eyes when she heard the noise of the vehicle that was noisy like the vehicles belonging to the Nippon soldiers.

"You don't need to be afraid, Fen will take care of you. I'll take a look, but you guys stay here don't go anywhere, are you promise?" said Fen by pulling out her little finger as a form of pinky oath for the children who said the promise.

"Promise!" answered the three small children while taking out their pinkies. These three children are victims of the cruelty of colonialism, the small wounds on their heads and around their feet are proof that they are innocent victims, they should play with their friends and live happily with their families but now they are suffering because of the war that is coming their country.

Fen began to venture up to check what was going on out there, occasionally she also swallowed her saliva due to nervousness and trembling, but in her heart he didn't care anymore if she would be shot or become a Japanese prisoner. She began to peek from behind the tent and saw several people wearing typical striped uniforms belonging to the Chinese army complete with various security attributes coming and standing guard in every corner of the emergency tent belonging to Fen and her friends who were working. Some of them also began to be seen getting out of the patrol car with a suitcase of firearms and their contents.

Seeing this scene, Fen began to take a deep breath, her heart began to feel a little more spacious and relieved, she thought that the Nippon troops were coming but they weren't. I don't know what would have happened if it was actually Japanese soldiers, maybe the calmness that had now turned into fear and maybe also became an arena for firefights between troops and patients who dared to fight and rebel.

"Fen!" shouted a soldier complete with a battle hat who called Fen's name while waving his hands at her, the loud voice of the man's figure was able to wake Fen from his terrible daydream.

"Oh, Chen!" called Fen by mentioning the name of the man who called her from a distance.

Fen or Jiao is a kind and friendly girl who has stolen the hearts of some Chinese soldiers with her graceful and self-sacrificing attitude, including Chen, who was a close friend of Fen's several years ago.

The man began to run towards the place where the girl was standing.

"Fen, are you okay?" asked the dashing man looking into Fen's eyes. If this man is described as quite handsome, his tall body is big, dashing, dignified with slanted but charming eyes, this man also seems to have a handsome and warm smile.

The way he dresses is quite neat and gives the impression of a real man with a gun attached to his pocket that makes the aura of heroism attached to this Chen figure.

"I'm fine, thank you very much Chen. If I may ask, why are all the soldiers sent here? What happened exactly?" asked Fen who was confused by looking into the eyes of the handsome man named Chen as her eyes continued to see the atmosphere around which was bustling with soldiers passing by carrying rifles and large suitcases.

"Because there was news earlier that Nippon came and took your medical equipment, right? Therefore, Lieutenant Xiao Lue asked seven mobile troops to intervene to provide special security escorts to the medical team so that this incident does not happen again." Chen explained to Fen, Fen only nodded in agreement, it seems that now her chest is starting to feel a little lighter, her burden and fear are starting to decrease a little. Now the reinforcements have arrived and it is certain that all patients will be safe and recover from their illness, because there will be no more threats from Nippon coming. May this time luck and security be on her country's side and independence be her.

"Is Doctor Lim okay? I heard he got shot, didn't he?" Chen added as his eyes searched here and there looking for the figure of doctor Lim who usually came and greeted him with a warm greeting when he and his friends came to visit the emergency tent.

"He's fine, his heart rate is still normal and now doctor Lim is being treated directly by doctor Yuan and doctor Yu Jiang in his room," replied Fen. Chen began to nod in agreement and it was seen that he was slightly out of breath which might suddenly feel a little tight in his chest.

"Are you okay, Chen? Then, how about your mission?" Fen asked Chen who seemed to be focusing his gaze on the patients who were lying in pain and helpless.

"I... I'm good. My mission went smoothly, it's just that I haven't received a call to enter the battlefield because you know that my commander still needs my strategy in battle, so I was only assigned to guard the post and other security." Chen replied, still looking at the sad scene that was clearly displayed in front of him and his eyes as if he couldn't take his eyes off.

Fen simply nodded her head in response to Chen.

"Fen, doesn't it hurt your heart to see such a painful sight?" Chen asked with a look full of pity looking at the crowd of patients and small children who were helpless because of the victims of the war between the two countries.

"For the first time, my heart ached even though I cried all the time, but gradually my heart started to be strong and tough to see because I believe everything will end beautifully in time. Those who have passed away will go to a much happier world." Fen answered wisely while stroking the shoulder of the brave soldier who seemed to be starting to cry, his tears were flowing so fast when he saw his brothers-sisters who was lying weak, full of wounds and suffering.

Chen started to block the tears that had just flowed down his face.

"You don't have to cry. Chen, bring happiness and freedom to them. All of their happiness rests on your shoulders." said Fen by patting Chen's shoulder as a sign that Fen puts full trust in the figure of this great soldier, Chen.

"Surely, I will definitely take our country's freedom, Fen. I will do everything in my power to make it happen and give this country a better life than ever before." He answered with a smile and tried to approach a group of children who were playing in the emergency tent in front of the hospital.

Angelenzyy Angelenzyy

Nothing can ever beat the power of love.

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