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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: A Fated Encounter

"What the hell?"

All of the barbecue flavored chips were gone, devoured even. Not a single one of the black haired girl's favorite bag of chips can be seen in the usual spot behind the cereal box in the cabinet. She was feeling a multitude of emotions at the moment, confusion, sadness and the biggest one of all, anger. Only two people in the house knew where her secret hiding spot for her potato snack was located. Besides herself, there was only one person who knew where they were hidden at..

Ariel Gushiken, without a hint of doubt, knew who the culprit was. As soon as an image of a black haired boy appeared in her head, a heat of rage welled up within her.

(That bastard ate MY bag of chips! What the hell?!)

Literal flames began to ignite around the middle schooler's legs as she slammed the cabinet door shut.

"Keep it down in there, I'm talking to a client!"

A voice yelled from the living room. The rough voice wasn't enough to faze Ariel, as she's too angry to focus on anything her uncle from the next room had to say.

(It's sunset. That bastard should be home by now. When he gets here, I'll stomp his ass all the way down to hell for what he'd done!)

With her declaration in place, Ariel was ready to lay down the fury once her older brother passed through the door. Finally, her wish came true. Finally, her goal can be achieved. Having heard the door handle rattle, Ariel dashes to the door, got in a stance, arched her leg, and waited for a chance to kick the daylights out of her brother, Yuno Gushiken.



The boys finally arrive at Yuno's house after taking a small detour an hour earlier. Yuno grabs his keys from his pocket and walks up to the door. He unlocks the door and reaches for the handle, but is stopped by someone.

"Hey, let me enter first." Sora said with a bright smile on his face that reached to the tips of his ears.

"Why should I let you enter my house before me?"

"Because, you're way too dead. Whenever I enter a room or a house, I always bring life and joy to anyone or anything within my vicinity. So move out the way."


Yuno, complying to his friend's request, steps aside and allows for Sora to step forward and enter the Gushiken house first. As he takes a big leap to the door and places his hand on the door knob, Sora twists the handle and swings the door open.

After making his grand entrance, Sora closes his eyes and announces to everyone in the house his grand return.

"Good afternoon everyone! I, your loveable brawler, has re-"


A kick to the face sent Sora back outside. If Yuno hadn't dodged that incoming body or if he had been the first one to enter the house, he possibly would've been in the same unconscious state as the blonde haired boy. Yuno turns around to see who delivered the devastating blow and immediately finds his answer. The smoke that began to emit from the striker's legs was a dead give away at who the kick came from.

"Dang it, Sora! You were in the way!"

His little sister, Ariel, was the cause of Sora's state. Yuno knew it had been her, but she further gave it away by chastising the same boy she assaulted.

"And you, the culprit."

"Huh? Woah!"

Before he could further question the situation, a barrage of fiery kicks came his way. He dodged all of them with ease, but he was still cautious thanks to the flames imbued on her legs. One strike from those legs encased with fire could easily destroy a brick wall like it was nothing.

That was the power Ariel Gushiken had, that was the power one of Sakura city's powerful Specialists had. One of her kicks was about to connect to his face, but because of Yuno's quick reflexes, he was able to dodge and grab hold of her leg, immobilizing her.

"Why the hell would you eat MY last bag of chips?! You had yours already, so don't go stealing mine!!"

"What are you talking about? I didn't eat your chips."

"Yes you did!"

Sakura city's Specialists are stated to be the most powerful beings in the country. Mostly thanks to the super-powered abilities that were gifted to them, or better yet, unlocked for them. Thanks to the Reaper agency's experiments, the Specialists were given abilities that gave them more than an edge in battle. Their destructive power was high and if they all teamed up, they could wipe out the entire city with ease if they wanted to.

So, to prevent anything like that from happening, Reaper keeps tabs on all Specialists. They even call upon some of them for help on missions that normal Reaper agents couldn't complete, while the others stay to "look out" after the city. If the Reaper agency is the city's main defense, then it's safe to say that the Specialists are Sakura city's main offense.

But, just because most of them had high destructive power, doesn't mean most of them have high mental maturity. Case in point, the situation Yuno found himself in was a great example of that.

"There are only two people in the house that know where my stash is, and that's me and you."

"You forgot that a third person lives in the house didn't you?"

"Uncle Stein doesn't know where my stash would be!"

"You must've forgotten that he's an elite Reaper agent. He's skilled enough to sneak around the house without us knowing his presence. He probably saw you stash your chips in your hiding spot."

"No he wouldn't have! Uncle's not that mischievous," Ariel denied. "Not to mention that he doesn't even like barbecue flavored chips!"

(She can't be this ignorant can she?)

It was like arguing with an annoying brat. At least, that's how Yuno felt whenever he got into arguments with his sister.

(She's in middle school now, she shouldn't be acting like a toddler anymore.)

"Now admit it! Admit that you ate my chips!"

"I didn't."

"Did too!"

"Did not."

"Did too!"

"Did not!"



A loud and commanding shout from the living room was enough to silent the two siblings. After standing in silence the two reflect on their childish ways and begin to go their separate ways.

"Yuno, come to the living room!"

Yuno glances towards the living room. Instead of helping or checking up on his friend, Yuno walks to the living room and leaves his best friend in the hands of his immature little sister. That action, in of itself, was something Yuno should've never done.

Sora was still lying on the ground outside the house. The kick to the face must've been disastrous as even though he was conscious, he still didn't have enough strength to lift himself up with ease.

"Ow…Why…? Why…did you…kick me."

"That's what you get for entering someone's house first."

"But I practically live here!"

"Yet I've never seen your name on the occupant list. Get lost, freeloader."

"Why do you hate me, Ariel?! Ariel? ARIEL?!"

The girl with the nickname of combustion queen left the blonde haired teenager lying outside. She also had closed and locked the door.

Yuno makes his way into the living room and sees his Uncle Stein, in the same old usual spot at the head of the circular dinner table. Unusual though, was that a woman, seemingly around her mid thirties was sitting next to him.

Her short silver hair was the highlight of her appearance, but despite only wearing a regular t-shirt and pants, the combination of her hair and clothes helped her give off the vibe of a queen trying to blend in with the commoner lifestyle. For some reason however, just looking at her and especially her silver hair, causes Yuno to feel a slight sense of confusion.

(Why does she look so familiar?)

"Elia-san, this is my eldest nephew, Yuno."

"'Eldest nephew?' You say that like you have another one."

"Sometimes I wish I did," Stein quickly responded. "Don't tell Ariel I said that."

"I HEARD YOU!!" Ariel retorted from a different room.

"Yeah, I think she heard you."

"FuFu, you sure have a lively family, Stein-San."

Elia spoke with a smirk on her face. Her little chuckle at the beginning didn't phase Stein, but Yuno couldn't help but think of one thing after he did that.


"Oh my, my niece should've been here by now. I'm sorry for her tardiness."

"It's fine." Stein reassured her.


The doorbell rang, and not too long after that, the door could be heard being opened. Ariel can be heard opening and answering the door. It couldn't have been Sora, Yuno thought, since the average time it takes for him to get back up after getting kicked by Ariel would be ten minutes, but those ten minutes haven't been up yet. Which means, there is only one person that would be at the door during this time.

Elia's niece.

"Sorry for being late, Auntie. I had a run in with a group of imbeciles near a convenience store. Not only that, I ran into this bumbling idiot that tried to get inv-.....Eh?"

Before she could even finish her sentence, she stopped herself as she realized who was in front of her. Likewise with Yuno, he froze as soon as he realized who he was staring at. Her silver hair and Sakura academy uniform said it all had again caught his attention like nothing else in the world at that moment, and in the same moment, he remembered being kicked in the leg and insulted by her. Instead of being awestruck like before, both Yuno and the girl have something in common, they are both welling up with rage at the sight of one another.



The two are so pissed to the point where they both asked the same question to each other. With a confused/annoyed look on his face, Yuno fired back and answered her question.

"What am I doing here? This is my house."

"Bullshit," The girl snaps. "You probably followed me all the way from the convenience store!"

"How would I be able to do that if I got here before you?!"

"Idk, stalker! You tell me!"


The two quiet down after being yelled at by Stein. Elia has a furious expression as she looks over in her niece's direction, likewise with Stein as he looks over towards Yuno with a pissed look on his face..

"Mitsumi, you shouldn't be acting like that in front of our protectors!"

"As for you, Yuno, I expected more from you. That's not how you act around any clients of mine, or 'yours' technically since you're going to be involved in this too."

Yuno looks over at Stein with a somewhat worried expression on his face.

"What do you mean by that, Uncle??"

Stein folds his arms and leans back on his chair with his eyes closed.

"I've been tasked by Reaper to look over and protect both Elia and her niece. I can keep watch over Elia without a problem, but protecting her niece, Mitsumi, is what's going to be problematic. Since school season has started, it'll be tricky for me to keep my full attention on her and her aunt at the same time, but then something dawned on me, you both are attending the same school. Which means," Stein pauses for a short second as he looks over towards Yuno with a look that told him that things had already been decided.

(Please don't say what I think it is you're going to say..)

"You'll be tasked with looking after Mitsumi, while I look after Elia."

Everything went quiet, quiet enough to the point where if someone could use a knife and slice the air, it'd make a noise. Yuno Gushiken stood with a bewildered look on his face, as the only word he could say in this current time, was-



It was just then, where Yuno and Mitsumi both turned to each other with scrambled looks on their faces.

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Sorry for the short first chapter. I'll try to make chapter 2 a little longer. Hope you all enjoyed the chapters so far!

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