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Chapter 3: Outside

I opened my eyes and saw glass all around the floor, I became confused.

'what happened?'

*cough* *cough*

I stood up and looked around, there were cracks in the walls and roof. There were a lot of ashes floating in the air, it was hard to breathe.

*cough* *cough*

My lugs started to hurt, it was difficult to see because of the dust all around so I just walked in a straight line. All the glass walls were broken but there was no one out of the rooms, there were just some roasted bodies.

After some time of walking, I saw a light, it was coming out of a hole in the roof close to the wall, I got close and found an iron ladder fixed on the wall.

Step by step, I started to climb the ladder. When I reached the top, I was shocked. The intense sunlight got me blind for a few seconds.

'The roof is so high right now, and it's blue...'

It was a beautiful scene.

I stayed there staring up for some time mesmerized by the beauty of the azure roof.

After I recomposed myself, I looked around. There was a lot of burned wood all around, ashes and dust still flowing out of the hole I left.

The place was covered on all sides with a lot of brown pillars with green things at the top of them, the sight made me stare.

'it's so pretty'

I was still dizzy by the smoke and ashes so I slowly walked to the brown pillars, I felt so good, I had left that boring and scary place and was now in the middle of a beautiful view of green and yellow light coming from the roof, then my nose caught a smell.

I followed the comforting aroma and after an hour of walking, I found a large field of colors.

I felt that the air here was purer, the smell was refreshing and the view was wonderful.

I was too tired. After walking a lot, and the fact that I didn't sleep but was knocked out last time left me in the final of my strength, then after I found a really pleasant place, my body didn't listen to me anymore and fell.

'"I am happy I am alive," I said as my eyes began to close and start to sleep...


My heavy eyes slowly opened after a long time of sleeping.

I felt a burden on my chest that woke me up, when my eyes were fully open, I saw a little wolf lying on my chest.

There were some wolves in the rooms back at the lab, but I never touched one, the puppy's fur was so smooth and comfortable. When I looked around I saw a lot of different animals, wolves, deers, bears, tigers, they didn't try to hurt me, it was the reverse, they seemed to try to protect me.

I felt complicated feelings right now, a mix of sadness and happiness. No one had ever tried to protect me until now, it was like I was alone in the world, so right now my heart warmed.

"Thank you..." I said as I hugged the little puppy.

After getting up, I played with the puppy a little and discovered that he followed all my orders, I tried with the others and all of them obeyed. They didn't comprehend my words but understood my intentions. I then decided to live in the forest together with the animals.


A year passed, and during that time, the animals would bring me to areas that have food and water.

I had a lot of fun, and discovered a lot of new things, one of them was a book, it was hard to understand the book at the start but I found more books and learned the words that I didn't know in one from the other. There were a lot of books about botany and animals, I learned a lot of different flowers, plants, and fishes, principally what was and wasn't poisonous.

Today I was fishing at the border of a lake until I saw some men walking on the other side, they were hunters, there were a lot of them.

From the day that I left the lab, I have been stopping them from killing the animals, the wolves followed all my orders so they became way more organized, I didn't use bears or tigers because they didn't like to work in a group but when the hunters came in a bigger number I would run to the middle of the forest, hunters didn't dare go there because of the king of this forest, a tarack.

Taracks are creatures of about 4 meters in height, 5 meters of length, head of a lion, horns of a druid, body of an ox covered with iron fur, legs of a bear, and a tail covered in spikes. The tarack didn´t follow my orders but would protect his territory.

I started to follow the hunters.

"Alpha go to the front, go check if there is any animal that is in the way of the hunters, and if there is, scare them" I named the wolves Alpha, Beta, and Delta to be easier to tell them commands, I took the names from a book.

I, Beta, and Delta went behind the hunters and started tracing where they would go, I followed them for some time and we arrived at an open field.

'strange, there isn't any animal that they can hunt at this place'


I heard a sound-breaking noise.

'They lured the tarack here!' I became impressed by their bravery.

The tarack seemed angry, his fur was standing like spikes, his claws running wild and destroying all the trees in his path, and the ground was trembling at the sound of its footsteps.

The hunters started to fire using fire guns, their mages started gathering mana at the back, the front lines preparing to stop the tarack a little.

They were doing fine, they armed a trap making the tarack fall into a giant hole, but sadly for them, the beast quickly left the hole with a single jump.

Things turned sour the moment the beast reached the first swordsman. With just a swing of its claw, it sent the cadaver of the hunter flying in the air, and its tail pierced another one in the chest.

When it got too close, the mages used a binding spell, light chains appeared in the air and stopped the beast from moving, then the leader shouted.

"Let's do this, we can do it! We will get rich after this!"

The mages cast a lot of different attack spells and the rest of the swordsmen sliced the fur, the tarack was starting to bleed.

After some seconds, the tarack freed itself. It looked hurt but there was no real damage. Unfortunately, the hunters didn't know that.

'Should I help them? They are gonna die at this rate'

I decide to help, I called seven wolves and placed them in position. When the tarack prepared to jump in the remaining hunters, we acted.

each of the wolves went to one of the remaining hunters and grabbed them by the clothes.

"Damn wolf, release me! Just a little more and I will be rich!" the leader started to shout and push the wolf.

The wolf didn't listen, his priority was to follow the orders, then swiftly, all of the hunters dragged by the wolves entered the woods out of the sight of the tarack. The beast was confused, all the ants pestering him disappeared, it started to search for them a little more but after not finding anything it gave up and returned from where it came.

When released, the hunters had an angry faces, they all tried to attack the wolves but before they could hurt anyone, the wolves regrouped around one little boy that looked around four years old.

"You damn kid! look at what you did, we were just about killing it and you ruined everything!" All the hunters pierced the boy with angry eyes.

'Why are they yelling at me?'

I didn't understand, I saved them, and now they were angry at me.

'I thought people would be happy to be saved... I would become happy'

'maybe I am strange? Am I really human? All of the ones that I encountered were so different from me... Well, it doesn't matter much'

The hunters started to curse at me, I just turned around and left, the hunters tried to follow but were too tired to run and just gave up.

I arrived at the entrance of a cave covered in leaves, I entered and started a little fire with some rocks. When the light intensified, it could be seen a lot of pieces of glass around the walls, there were a lot of different pieces of glass.

When I was bored, I collected a lot of pieces of glass in the forest, and sculpt them into different forms. With a vine, I tied them to the roof. There were wolves, deers, tigers, and a big tarack, but the most eye-catching was the detailed woman holding a hand of a little boy, could be seen that it was the sculpture that he worked the hardest.

After eating the fish that he caught, he laid down on a bed made of leaves and looked at the image of the woman.

'Do I have a mom? maybe one of the girls that wore black and white was my mom... I hope I have one, in the book, the mother cared a lot for her son'

I slept while thinking about what would be like to have a mom.

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