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Chapter 13: Introductions

Gail POV


If I was an artist or famous I could call this  being fashionably late. I am not late , I am not famous and this is definitely not a grand event. The place is grand yes,  but with all these eyes staring at me, the only thing I feel is embarrassment .Irregardless of the soul piercing stares I am getting from these guys. I have to admit , this place looks beautiful .It is similar to a humans soccer stadium with a slight difference of cause, there is a smooth paved grey with white lines running track on the outside surrounding a beautifully cut lawn that lays carrying a few outside training equipments like the  monkey bars , obstacle web and a few weights in blue and black colours, it is like a big play ground for grown ups and fitness fanatics. The one thing that differentiates it  from a normal soccer stadium is that instead of being closed in, there is a huge  autumn cloaked forest right behind it , standing proudly with its trees trying its best to hide the distant snow mountains from view. I feel like I  belong here.I literally could run on this track forever...

"Blanco come here"..Arian says waking me up from my little wonder land.

Before Arian could start talking, Ray comes running towards us and stops in front of Arian and I with a confused face. "Did I forget something at home ?" He asks scratching the back of his head and searching around to see if I might have brought anything with me."No , and if you did forget something I would not bring it for you. I don't have to chaperone you when Kadija isn't home ",I spit back. Ray is about to retort when Arian starts talking again...

"It's okay Ray he is with me, how about you go back to your station and I will explain in a minute." Arian says while gesturing to one place with his thumb . He directs me with his head to follow him, leaving behind an unhappy and confused Ray. I can't help but stick my tongue at him when I leave .

Arian and I walked until we were in the middle of the grounds on the grass. He stands on a little medal podium and clears his throat to speak. My nerves are starting to go haywire again. I hate the kind of attention I am currently getting, hopefully it all dies down soon.

"Good morning fellow warriors and battle wolves. Today I stand before you to announce the enlistment of our new scout wolf. Gail Blanco."


"For the many of you who were with me at the recent rouge hunt , you have all had the chance to witness Gail do an extraordinary task of assisting us find out where the other rouges were hiding , which led to us finding and killing them leading to our victory , since that day, I found him as a worthy necessity to our team.

Once again. Silence .

"Gail Blanco is an Omega, as some of you may already know, but he is also a dear friend of mine who is brave, smart ,decisive and most importantly fast. " Arian says. He stops to look around to see if anyone has anything to the back a hand starts to go up...

"Yes?" Arian says while putting one of his hands in his pebble grey sweat pants, raising one eye brow in question and pushes his hair back with his right hand, holding it in place while looking at the other wolf almost as if he is peering at him over lenses  although he doesn't have glasses on.

" I mean no disrespect Alpha, but what if he was just lucky that day? , You can not honestly believe that an Omega will stand a fair fight against any of us.. or even the rouges. Those beasts are hired to kill, not babysit . This is basically a suicide mission for him. Could not we have one of our own be the scout?..maybe then we could avoid immediate and obvious death." The man, who I have no idea what his name is asks..

I understand his reasoning, so I am not offended, instead I feel even more happy to have to prove to these guys that we are worthy of our tittle .The first thing that will come to everyones mind when mentioning a scout is of cause death, but I don't fear that. I am just afraid of becoming nothing while I am fully alive and existing. No one has worries once they are dead right?


"OH!...I do believe that he can be a better fighter than you Darrel. In fact, after a week of training ,I will allow him to join our one on one and we will have a discussion about him being an Omega and unfit for battle after that time. Okie dokie?"..Arian says while putting on a mischievous grin and winks at the man I now know is called Darrel.

The tension on the grounds was at its highest when I arrived, but now everyone seems to not really care about what will happen to me, some look eager to go back to their training and only a few are staring at me with sly smirks, possibly thinking of when they will have the chance to fight me and boost their for Ray, if  a fly does not sit in his mouth then a spider will build its web there.. poor boy has been shocked for a while now that even his muscles show just how tense he is.

"TAKE THAT BITCH" Terra scoffs

" I will be the one to guide Gail. Later, I hope to get help from some of you but overall all his training will be my responsibility. My Father and I agree that Gail will be an important assert to this team , I hope you will all soon see how capable he is. If he does not meet your standard of a scout ,I will step down from my position as Alpha with him and have my sister be the Head Alpha or Appoint someone worthy. " Arian says sombrely. Immediately there is an outburst of whispers and murmurs. I whisk my head in shock to look at Arian, but he only slightly nods his head and pulls his lips into a thin smile to show me that it is okay. I  suddenly feel a torrent of emotions  stir within me and I unconsciously look down and start fidgeting with my fingers. Suddenly, I can sense a strong presence before me, I look up to see Arian shielding me with his back.

"Don't let my words or their stares scare you. You deserve to stand where you are, after I am done with you, they will bow before you in awe. Now look up and steady your shoulders, this is only the beginning Omega , we don't want them to think you are a wimp...I thought you were the flash..or ain't ya?." Arian says in a whisper between his teeth only for me to hear. His words make me feel a lot less tense and I immediately do as he says. He has called me a dear friend and has mentioned that his father approves of my presence in the team...this is to show that whoever tries to mess with me will have to deal with them. He is trying his best to protect me. I feel grateful but also weird. My insides are burning.

" Today like always ,we will start with running and then we will meet here again when the siren rings. Our next activity will be gym instead of our usual one on one for the sake of our new friend. Pair up and be safe out there, if there is any trouble don't forget to howl. I don't have the mind link today, so we do it like always. Have fun and one last time, be careful. You may all begin." Arian concludes.

All the other wolves pair up and start to bolt out one by one. Ray is paired up with Corey and the two of them head out right before giving Arian and I one last glance. They will have to get used to seeing me around, I am sure Ray has a lot of questions but that should wait until later." Are you ready?" Arian asks while positioning himself to change into his wolf. "Yes "I reply to him nodding my head. "There is a tree with colourful silk strings at the end of the trail, every pair must get two of their colour to show that the training mission was completed. Don't worry, no one will cheat , the original string  is made at the main house and has something that is different from everyday material, I will tell you the details of most things later." He says before undressing until only his pants are left and shifts  into his obsidian black wolf that stands at almost twice my size. Not Fair!. I change into my small wolf ...


"Oh sorry"....I shrug my clothes off just like Arian and transform into my average nival wolf form.

Once in our wolf form, Arian moves closer and his wolf looks at me , his eyes glued to my fur. I think he wants to touch me. I nod my head in approval. Arians wolf stomps happily and moves to nudge me with his nose. He takes his time to sniff me..I feel his tongue softly graze my snout and I jump back in surprise. Arians ears flatten and his head and eyes drop, pulling his body down to stay in a sitting position with his back legs. He is sorry. I move closer to him and touch his forehead with my snout. He looks up and levels my head a bit with his and I nod at him to show that it is okay. Arian fully stands and passes his body along mine, I can't blame him though. A lot of us are quite touchy in our wolf forms. Even with such a great head start from the other team members , Arian and I will catch up without a problem.We are the fastest after all.  As we start and scurry along the forest with our unconfined furs embracing the cool morning autumn breeze , I can't help but feel an overwhelming emotion overcome me, like I am comforted.

I feel like  I am home.

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