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Chapter 36: Your life connection has been terminated













386941 (Funniest shit, because the grammar make me laugh while enjoy the sex scene)




[Surprise! Check your mailbox]

[Surprise! Check your mailbox]

[Surprise! Check your mailbox]

[Surprise! Check your mailbox]

[Surprise! Check your mailbox]

[Surprise! Check your mailbox]

[You successfully traveled to another continent, now you can summon yourself back to the mansion whenever you want]

[The gods and goddesses of this continent are aware of your existence, they don't know where you are. Beware]

[This continent is chaotic due to monsters and demon armies, Geneva Law does not apply here. take a caution]

[Never inform yourself of other continents, if you don't want to be gossiped about]

[This continent's system is Guild or party, Create your own guild or party to get a job here]

[Eye of God fragment opened, Fairy Eye]

Thank you, I landed in a big tent.

I was pointed at by all the residents here. I checked them out.

"You are Dead!" I used my Gravity power, all the men here immediately fell to the ground.

Their bodies were compressed until the ground they were lying on shattered.

"What the hell are you!" I ignored them, I looked at the four girls who stood up.

I used the language of trees, these parasitic trees are alive, and told me something messed up.

they absorb the essence of virgins to produce libido-enhancing fruit. The most potent aphrodisiac.

I commanded this tree to exit the bodies of these 4 girls, the parasitic tree tendrils exited their vaginas and returned to the ground.

"I need you guys later, stay with me" Thank you Nature power, It seems like these parasite trees respect me, they actually pity these girls, but they can't do anything because this is their nature.

They want me to eliminate them from this island, I can arrange it after I'm done with all these bastards.

"So, how many of you in this land?" They fell silent, I increased the pressure, I could hear some of their bones cracking.

"There is more in north side and east side" Thank you then, Eyes of truth.

That's right, there are other tents in the north and east side.

And once again, a brothel, human bastard, I feel ashamed to be a fellow race with this bastard.

I then dragged their bodies with gravity, arranging their bodies in the sky one by one.

I freed all their sexual prisoners including healing these 4 people.

"Thank you" I smiled and looked at these 30 people.

"I will sting you, burn your skin then freeze your body, after that is done, I will revive you again. so on until the island and you here are destroyed." As I walked on, those 30 people were struck by a tremendous amount of lightning, then their bodies were roasted from below by the fire. then an ice storm froze them.

All these tortures were repeated over and over again, and their cries for help could be heard all over the island.

I then went to another camp, doing the same.

I gathered them all in the center of the island, I called out to the parasitic tree. it rose up beside me, I petted it, it was happy even though it knew its end would come soon.

"Release us from this torment sir" That's what they said to me, I changed the form of these 102 people into virgin women.

This parasitic tree ate them all at once, Nice tentacle genre up there but i like when they were bastard not innocent one to get that treatment.

"Help Us!!!!" I covered my ears with ice crystals, I then took all these prisoners away from here.

I created a ship out of ice, shining white in the moonlight.

"Ultimate Magic, Hell Raiser" I summon Hell fire with Overlord style.

In the middle of the night, a pillar of crimson fire formed on this island, burning everything, my expression was like Yujiro Hanma.

I could hear the groans of pain there, and thanks to that parasitic tree, I nodded and blessed it to be a good seedling in the future.

The island burned to the ground, I obliterated the island.

"There is nothing left on that island, that tree, that nightmare, That torture, Nothing left behind, not even a soul. Be free kind Tree, May your existence shall be at peace" the ocean waves filled the former island, now that it was gone from this continent.

[Surprise! Check your mailbox]

[The gods and goddesses here are surprised at this, they are curious about you that they don't know. You have eliminated the impossible. Parry Mastery acquired]

Thank you, I told all the sex slaves to rest in the hull with bed with so comfy yet so warm.

I'm piloting this ship, I'm using Hyper sense, in the southwest is the continent I'm aiming for, For other small islands it's just this island.

Good, I went there casually and whistling about Pofc theme.

I changed my clothes like a pirate.

"Drink up, me hearties, Yo Ho" gulped down a bottle of rum.

I arrived at the harbor in the morning, I docked the ship.

My ship was seen by many people, Ah diversity.

because there are many fantasy creatures and humans here, even more numerous and crowded.

"Sir, are you a noble?" Some merchants asked me about my background.

"I'm just an explorer" I looked around here, buying maps.

There are so many kingdoms here I can take all those slaves home.

I went back to the ship, my ship had stowaways but my ship seemed to catch them.

"This ship is alive?" The looter was shocked as his body froze like ice.

"Yes, And you guys are her food" Their bodies vanished like snow, What a nice show to witness.

I went back to the ship and went to the hull, all the slaves were sleeping on the mattresses of their own choosing.

I made food for all of them, they woke up and ate with gusto.

They were starving it seemed, I kept feeding them until I finished.

"Listen, I will send you back to your kingdom and home. So, goodbye." Behind them was a portal that immediately pulled them back to their homes.

"What's your name, sir!" The twin elves looked at me for the last time.

"Adam" Their portal vanished, Now that the ship is quiet because the girl's voice is gone, it's time to go to the Guild around here.

My ship broke like ice, I then went to find a place to sign up for a guild or party.

"I am a hero, I will defeat the demon lord, be my partner" Classic isekai, Hero defeat demon lord.

I ignored the horde, I walked and was seen by many people because my clothes were too unfamiliar to them.

I was wearing a suit like Jack the Ripper Record Of Ragnarok, without the hat and glasses of course.

I looked at the leaderboard, The Valkyries were the first ranked guild or party.

I registered myself as a guild.

"Name?" A receptionist asked me.



"Japan Continent" Everyone here stopped and fell silent.

"Can you repeat that?" The receptionist was shaking and confused.

"The Japan continent" I answered casually.

"I'm sorry, we can't register you." She bowed to me.

"Because of what?" I was still relaxed because I knew their reaction, why would I hide it.

"You're from the cursed continent, are you the only survivor there?" I thought for a moment, Ah right. they think it's a battleground, it's impossible for there to be living things there.

"That's right, I'm a survivor and the only one still alive" Everyone was surprised, Then there were 6 girls approaching me.

"My name is Sonya from The Valkyrie Guild, your name is Adam, right?" I turned to them and nodded.

"Are you strong" I rubbdd my forehead, I looked back at the receptionist.

"Please register my Guild name, No Shit" This receptionist is still shaking her head, I have to go back to my continent, this can't be easy.

Came down an old man. It must be the manager here.

"If you can defeat all the Valkyrie members, I will vouch for you and make a name for your Guild" I looked at this man, and nodded.

"Yes, Now lets fight" Bloodlust, I used Bloodlust's ability to the max.

A tense aura enveloped the entire city as if there was a monster that would wipe out this entire city.

The Valkyries retreated because they saw my eyes that I had turned into Devil's Eye. Hatred, too much hatred for them.

Behind me, a monstrous face appeared, showing large fangs and fiery red eyes like mine.

"Graaaaaaggghhhhhhh" My bloodlust roars at everyone.

The Valkyrie sits up to see this and I remove my bloodlust, I pity them because they shaking so hard almost peeing, almost.

"Done, without any effort. So, Guild?" The receptionist burst into tears and wrote down my guild name.

After finishing, my guild name was formed.

No Shit, Cool ass name. Lame? Dont give a shit.

I walked out of this place, seeing Valkyrie one last time.

"Well Played" Do Not use Emote, Do Not Use Emote.

I went to the tavern to try the food here, trying the cuisine from other continents as well.


"A monster, as expected from the cursed continent. He, He, He" Sonya trembled at the sight of her trembling sword, a sense of despair when death is right before your eyes.

News of the new guild spread throughout the continent, the leader's name was Adam.

Origin from the cursed continent, strength unknown, class monster(?), race human.


The food here is pretty good, I'm satisfied and full, bought a snack of grilled buffalo meat.

I saw that there was a commotion outside the city gate.

I went there to see the condition, there were some knight guards and some guilds or parties.

I was still chewing my meat, I saw a big demon there.

"I will defeat the demon king" I saw the silly hero fighting with the demon.

[Surprise! Check your mailbox]

[There are many demon lords in this continent, and there is one demon god]

Thank you, now I know who the god here is, just need to who is the goddess.

Hero lost and flew to this gate, what a suck skill.

I took the sword, inspect it. the holy sword turned out well, i hope this bad boy not dissapoint me.

"The hero has fallen, now your kingdom shall" His head broke off due to my full raw power slash.

I returned this sword and took the demon king's head, I was still chewing my meat and licking the bones.

"too much talk" Everyone here was wide-eyed, as the demon king's army vanished without a trace.

I gave the demon king's head to the old man.

"Job done, payment?" I was given a bag of gold coins, I counted them.

More than enough, Sense of direction. There, West side.

I walked away from this town, looking for a place for me to Recall to my mansion again.

"Wait!!!" I was followed by several guilds, including the Valkyries.

I ignored them and kept walking, they were chasing me, I was walking faster and faster, they were trying to catch me.

See ya, Surprise step to oblivion.

"So fast!" they were exhausted, a Valkyrie approached Sonya.

"Why are you obsessed with him?" Sonya looked at the place where I disappeared.

"My instincts tell me he's the one who can defeat the demon god." Everyone was shocked at Sonya's news.

"You're kidding, right?" Sonya shook her head.

"If he can defeat the demon god, then I should be by his side helping him fight" Sonya grasped her sword.

"No need, you can just be a spectator" They turned to the side, I sat casually on a chair with my sunglasses on and sipped my juice. Everyone didn't realize I had been beside them all along.

"Who are you?" sipped another shot.

"Me? And Outsider, You?" I sipped my juice again, too sweet.

They introduced themselves, I nodded and stood up.

"Goodbye then" I walked back to the cave I wanted.

"Wait, you have to help us defeat the Demon King" This is the party hero, I look at them with a disappointed look.

"Have your holy church take care of it, o holy virgin" The girl was silent, I then resumed walking toward my destination.

"Then follow us to defeat the demon god" I stopped, everyone else stopped too.

"I'm not interested" I then created a portal to my mansion.

"Goodbye" The portal disappeared, everyone glared.

"That's god-level magic, that's it, that's it" Lilith is excited, everyone watching me vanish with the portal is also confused and awed.

"We will wait for him, Lets go to another city, we need money" They separated, while Sonya was still silent.

"I will wait" Sonya went with her team to the next city.

"I'm home !!!!" I arrived at the mansion, all my fiancées welcomed me.

"3 days you were gone" Celina reported my departure.

"Popopopopopo" Don't you feel pain? Hasshaku said.

"Are there any interesting things in there?" I smiled and took everything out.

They picked out all my souvenirs, jewelry, clothes and more. Thank you kidnappers and Fairy eyes.

Fairy eyes really helped me to use the hero's holy sword.

The hero was incompetent, so I was lazy to listen to his party.

One day there is equal to three days here, one year here is equal to four months there.

Great, I'm enjoying my time there. Next time i will visit again.

While I was in my room, Dianne came into my room.

"What's wrong?" Dianne sat on my bed.

"You arrived in my hometown" I looked at Dianne and she looked at me.

"Then where are your parents?" Dianne shook her head, I was a bit rude.

"I'm sorry" I was immediately kissed by Dianne, we kissed for a moment and Dianne broke the kiss.

"Before you call me first, I was tortured, I was born to a demon father and a mother of the scales or dragons you could say. They died while giving birth to me, I was raised by several demon lords, I was raised like an outcast child and when I met the hero sent to eliminate me, at my last moment you called me, when I felt hopeless, you called me here. I became reminded of my past when you helped those slaves, I even saw my own people. when you helped them, I became reminded of this" Dianne hugged me and cried bitterly, I rubbed her hair with gentleness.

"I'm sorry about your past Dianne" Dianne released her hug and looked at me.

"The past is learning, today is deciding, the future is a mystery that will emerge. So" Dianne opened my pants and sucked on my Cock.

After all this sad background story we came to one conclusion, release it all with sex.

Dianne sucked and licked my cock beautifully, I pulled her to my bed.

I kissed Dianne and took off her pants that were blocking my cock, I inserted my cock and started pumping it, Dianne broke our kiss.

"Yes, your cock is filling me up" I squeezed her breasts and continued pumping my hips.

Dianne moaned loudly and my cock kept bumping into the mouth of her womb.

I pumped Dianne and lifted her legs, I pumped my hips faster and faster, Dianne's breasts rose and fell faster and faster.

"Im Cummmiiinggg!" Dianne squirted, and I changed our position.

I held Dianne's hips and pushed my hips.

I was still grinding Dianne's pussy and playing with her clitoris.

"Nooo, too much stimulation. I can't" She squirted again, I held Dianne up by her legs.

"This position is" I kissed Dianne's lips and pushed her faster, our tongues playing in Dianne's mouth.

I also squeezed Dianne's breasts and played with her nipples.

Dianne moaned and we squirted together.

Dianne made an Ahegao face, I lifted her up and laid her down.

"More!" Dianne climbed on top of me, and she pumped her hips up and down.

"Your cock knocking my womb, Please let me bear your child" I pulled Dianne up and kissed her for a moment.

"No, Not the time" Dianne smiled and hugged me, She accelerated her hip movements, I raised my legs and joined in the rapid thrusting.

We both moved and we squirted together again.

"Im full, Full, Full!!!!" Dianne went limp and slept on top of me, my sperm buried from her pussy.

I pulled out my cock and laid her beside me.

I cleaned up this battle, I smiled at the eavesdropper.

"Want another round?" I then had another orgy.

After finishing all the sex with this many woman.

I took a shower and got ready, because today was the day of my date with Kaede.

Why didn't I date Saki or Kenzaki, Kenzaki dating schedule at the kendo club practicing kendo.

As for Saki, dating in class when time to go home, I usually make cute baby clothes with her, She have talent creating baby clothes. not a bad teaching right ?

Did I enjoy it all? Of course, I'm grateful for this life more than anything.

I arrived at the designated place, Kaede was wearing a very fashionable outfit. Showing an extraordinary maternal aura, Mommy. Shit not now.

"Kaede you look beautiful and mature" Kaede smiled at my small compliment.

"Thank you, Let's go" I took Kaede's hand and grip it with care.

[Surprise! Check your mailbox]

[A stalker followed your date]

I'm using the eyes of truth, Sawashiro.

I'll just ignore her. my time is now, with Kaede.

Shaywalloppp Shaywalloppp

Estimate 15k Doujin in that site.

Demon, Tail, Wing, Monster girl, Etc.

That is include un translated one, but im sorry cant give you enough time to search and sort out some.

But be patient and thank you for the power stone.

I will keep providing the sauce, please sit down and relax.

See you in next day, the tag still around monster girl.

Recommend me what parodies that you want to add.

Ex, Fgo, Tohou, Azur lane, Arknight. i will sort it out in the future, thank you for reading.

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