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85.71% My Little Fox

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Congratulations Miss Audrey

Audrey's birthday ended much too quickly. And before she knew it, they were back on the boat taking them back. As she looked back on the beach with teary eyes, She wished she could come back someday and experience the thrill all over again. The day didn't quite turn out as she expected... It was much more exhilarating!

Fighting bad guys, Using her powers, Captured, Getting rescued by a strange handsome man.... It was scary at first but exciting nevertheless. It was the kind of story any diary would want in it.

She hoped she would get to meet August again. His scary outside was a sharp contrast to his insides that were as mushy as a Marshmello. When she got to cove City, She would definitely look for him.

"Hehe. Marshmello Augy", She mumbled with a foolish smile on her face, drifting asleep with the soft sounds of the night waves.

Her aunts: 🤨 Is she hungry???

Audrey was naturally drawn to danger anyway. And he was danger-walking in SO many ways. Especially the world he lived in. She wanted to cross into that world and experience the thrill once more. And to do that, She needed to leave her cozy little bubble called home.




~Graduation day~

The air was filled with rare happy laughter of Young people. Proud parents took pictures of their children. Audrey was dressed up in her prettiest gown and graduation robe. Her Aunts took so many pictures of her and her classmates in every corner of the school. Aunt Matilda was especially excited. She must have been waiting for this day for a long time.

The same couldn't be said for Aunt Wanda though. Because she got really grumpy and ordered that they all take a break and relax. "This isn't a runway for a fashion show", She said.

Soon it was time for the main events to start. Every student was presented with their high school diplomas and tears streamed down the faces of many parents who had worked hard to send their kids to this school.

The diplomas were handed out serially. However, when there were only three student diplomas left, the principal made his way to the podium.

" I have an exciting announcement to make." Ears perked, eager to hear what the teacher had to say all of a sudden. The hall was dead silent. Audrey felt anxious because her diploma hadn't been given to hers yet. was something wrong with some of the results?

The principal smiled and continued "On behalf of the school staff and myself, I congratulate you all on making it this far. We also commend the various parents and guardians who supported the educational journey of you all. As the principal, you have my gratitude. You are all great students and I am proud of you all. Our small city may not have what it takes to nurture such bright talents. Therefore, We at this school, would like to offer some assistance." he paused.

There were mumbles in the crowd. only few knew what the principal was talking about. Most people were confused, others beamed with a knowing smile, mostly the teachers

" According to our school's tradition, Our Graduating Top Three will be granted an opportunity. Our School has a long standing relationship with three prominent university across the world. And each of these universities offer a scholarship to each of our top three students each year. Therefore, The last three students who diplomas are in my hand are officially granted this scholarship. Congratulations"

Happiness filled the air. Parents were happy for the three kids. Some were regretful that their children could not be given that opportunity. this information was not shared prior to this day. It was a secret that was always kept hidden until the day of graduation and was only told to the graduating students and their parents. it was a strict rule.

Audrey held her breath. If this was happening, does that mean.....

The principal's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Please welcome our school year's top three, From third to first;

Rick Williams,

Audrey Snow, and

Timothy Duncan.

Congratulations Once again to Delv city's brightest stars"

Cheers and a round of applause erupted from the crowd. Audrey's eyes were so bright as she gave her purest smile. She worked extra hard throughout her school year's because she knew how hard it was for her aunts to send her there. Aunty Matty sat there in shock. The news hit her hard. Aunt Wanda on the other hand was already on her feet the second she heard Audrey's name. The news hit them both hard, but Aunt Wanda snapped out of it faster.

"Well done my little trouble maker", She hugged Audrey tightly and the both giggled in happiness and excitement. "Finally, all those extra hours paid off, hahaha", Aunt Matty finally snapped out of it and laughed along when she heard Aunt Wanda's last words. Truly, it did. she held Audrey's hands. A sweet smile on her face as she looked proudly at her niece, "I'm so proud of you, Audrey. You deserve this for all your hard work", She paused briefly as she started to choke up. She giggled lightly and remarked, "Oh get up there before you make me ruin my makeup, hahahaha". Audrey laughed as well and made her way happily to the podium. The crowd's cheers continue as she was handed her diploma.

The presentation of diplomas ended with them being asked to come to the principal office for further instructions after the ceremony.

To close the ceremony, The graduating students gave a small performance of song and dance which was the icing on the cake of the joyous day. At the end of it all, hats were up in the air and friends embraced and congratulated each other.

"Audreyyyyy, I'm gonna miss you so much. I can't believe ur leaving me behind here", Audrey's close friend, Freya whined. The two had been friends since the beginning of highschool. "I wonder what college you're going to. Maybe I should try applying there? sigh."

Audrey shook her head at her friend's pouting face. She hugged Freya. "Don't worry. when I'm finished with my studies, I'll make so much money that I'll have no choice but to employ you as an assistant"

Freya's eyes sparkled. "Yes! That's a great idea!"

Audrey:😮 huh?

Freya: What do you mean Huh? Get over there and make so much money, Your Naturally Disorganized self will have to get me as an assistant 😁

Audrey: 😅👍

It was just a joke at first. But Freya turned it into a full proof plan. Well, Audrey was always planning to make it big so she could take care of her family. Having Freya as an Assistant would be.....

"Perfect!", Freya exclaimed. "You took the words right out of my mouth, Freya".

"Definitely. I'll have to go to college here since there's not enough money for a fancy college. But I'll study Business management. And maybe some self defense moves while I'm at it. So you just make sure you remember me, Got it?

"Woah, Freya are you sure?"

"Of course. I'm great at management stuff. Even if it's not for you, I'll get a decent job somewhere. But it BETTER be you. I don't wanna work for anyone else"

Audrey sighed and nodded her head. If her friend was rooting for her this hard, who was she to not do her best. But she felt like tearing up at how much her best friend loved her. "Thanks Freya. I promise I won't forget you."

"Me neither. Hey. I'll leave my number with you. Currently, you don't have a phone and my phone's..... uh.... ex-communicado at the moment. But when you get one, call me. pinky promise?", she held out her pinky.

Audrey responded, "pinky promise"

They locked their pinky fingers together and bid each other farewell. Freya's older brother, Wyatt had to peel Freya off Audrey {More like, has to peel them both off each other} before Audrey could make her way to the principal's office. She didn't have to go immediately, but she wanted to get a headstart.

If she went on time, she could be the first to pick what college she wanted to go. The principal didn't give the names of the colleges for private reasons. She was too excited to wait until the end of the day to know her fate.

At last, She made it to the principal's office. Mr. Gregory, the principal was seated in his office going over some papers when he heard a knock followed by the door creaking open.

Mr. Gregory: 🧐

Audrey's head popped into view like a jack in the box through the small space she had opened.

Audrey: 😁 Ding-dong

Mr Gregory: 😲😅

"Hahaha Always the playful one aren't you Miss Audrey. Please come in and have a seat. How may I help you"

Audrey took her seat across his desk. "Is something wrong outside?"

She shook her head and hands violently "No no! Nothing like that. I'm just here.... For my... um"

The principal placed his hand at the bridge of his reading glasses "You just couldn't wait, Could you"

Audrey scratched her head feeling embarrassed.

The principal chuckled. "It's no crime. Let's Just say 'The early bird catches the worm'. I never to simply assign a college to you."

He brought out three files with three different college logos on them. They had all the details of each university available.

Audrey felt her blood pressure rise. It was just a whim but she really lucked out by coming here earlier than everyone else.

"Now, Miss Audrey. Choose your destination", Principal Winston said as though she has to choose between owning Mars or The Moon!

Audrey carefully opened the first file. Her heart stopped. Solace State University. The best university in Country E. It was well known among the students here because it doesn't discriminate the rich students from the poor. Not to mention, its learning facilities were amazing. It was everyone's dream college. One would choose it at a heart beat.

Audrey's heart got back from it's lunch break and resumed work. She almost wanted to run out of the office with the SSU (Solace State University) file. Out of courtesy, She decided to view the remaining two files. She picked up the next file and opened it. She was amazed by the fact that three students get to go to such amazing institutions each year. Havendel College, Country K. An international university well known for its inspirational design. It's said the owner of the college was a famous artist who personally designed every inch of the school. Every course was taught by specialists but it's mainly known for its business and Arts Major.

'This is perfect for Timothy. He's the business type but he wants to be an Art major. I should try to reserve this one for him'. She and Timothy were friends. Not too close but they shared an amicable relationship.

'I guess I'll go with SSU. I bet it'll be loads of fun and....' Her thoughts paused when she opened the last file...

"So, Solace State University. You made a great choice Miss Audrey.", the principal chided.

"No Sir. I'd recommend SSU to Rick. It's the best of the bunch. And Havendel would suit Timmy. He might not know about it so please tell him I recommend it to him. it majors in arts and business. And Rick gets nervous around disapproval. The people at Solace will treat him well so he'll feel right at home"

"Oh? Then you?"

Audrey picked up the last file and showed it to the principal and declared proudly,

"I Choose this one"

The principal read the file and glanced at Audrey. It was an equally amazing institutions but why did it make this student of his so happy?

"Are you sure?", "Yes Sir", she answered full of conviction. "Okay Miss Audrey Snow. Congratulations on your admission into 'Cove City University'. I wish you luck"

Audrey's smiled radiated throughout the room as bright as a diamond. "Thank you Sir😄"


Innocent_Psycho_24 Innocent_Psycho_24

Fox-Tale: One day in middle school, Rick got stuck waist deep in a rabbit hole on the ground on a lonely path,on his way to school and started crying. Audrey found him there and tried to help. Tim saw them and ran to help too. Together the three dug Rick out with their bare hands. They got to school late and dirty and were sent to detention. Tim apologized and thanked them for helping. They teased and called him a crybaby but the three remained friends ever since.

The End.

~Crystal Moon

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