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25.8% Blood Towers

Chapter 8: Aftermath

Meanwhile outside the tower there were several people making a ruckus. It had been nearly six hours since the group went inside, the time difference between the inside and out was roughly 5-1, meaning that the new delvers had been inside for almost 30 hours.

Some of the group had returned already, Olsen being one of them. He could be heard loudly bragging about his heroics to anyone who would listen, his already overinflated ego growing further with each new person who praised him.

There were however, several people who had yet to return. Many of the parents were getting understandably upset, and were beginning to make threats of holding people responsible if their child didn't come back soon.

Aden simply shook his head and remained silent, "Every year, despite my warnings, there are always a few idiots in the group." His thoughts continued to revolve around this idea, as well as his growing worry about Joseph. Nevertheless he held onto his confidence in the boy, he had never before seen someone so well adapted to combat. Not just in skill but in temperament, the cold ruthless gaze Joseph had still sent chills up his spine. If anything he felt a swell of pity towards the monsters that had to face Joseph's wrath. If he knew about what Joseph had done on the second floor his only surprise, would have been that Joseph didn't also set the forest on fire to purge any potential enemies that had left before he got there.

It was about this time when several small pillars of light began condensing in front of the tower, signaling that some of the delvers were now returning. Among them was Joseph who immediately upon seeing Aden smiled, signaling that he had been successful in his venture. After which he went and stood behind Aden to await the return of the rest of his group.

Aden returned the smile clapping Joseph on the back saying, "Well done boy, never had a doubt." Joseph just shook his head, he could see the slight perspiration on Aden's neck but decided not to mention it.

At the 8 hour mark, signaling that a full 40 hours had passed, there were several lights that flashed before the tower. Some of those that came from the lights had horrible injuries, mangled arms and legs, missing eyes and ears, huge gashes across their backs, and these were the lucky ones. There were three individuals who came back as mangled, bloody, piles of meat, nothing except their equipment was left to identify them with.

A somber hush fell over the crowd, and even Olsen fell quiet at the sight. The parents of the individuals rushed to them wailing in grief at the terrible condition of their children, while the three mothers whose children had died simply collapsed on the ground, unable to cope with the shocking truth.

It was a function of the tower to eject all delvers at the 40 hour mark for F ranked towers. Higher grade towers had different time limits and different time dilation but that's neither here nor there.

All those who stood in attendance were shaken up by the violent ends and terrible conditions of those who had just exited the tower.

"Isn't this an F ranked tower?" They thought to themselves.

"Didn't these kids have the best equipment and training they could get?"

"How could this happen?"

The answer was obvious but uncomfortable, they were injured and died due to their own stupidity and carelessness. With the equipment and training they had it was practically impossible for one to be seriously injured, let alone die. And yet each year there was always some who ended up getting seriously hurt or worse.

Aden made a point every year to remind those entering of the dangers they would face, but due to hubris or some other equally stupid emotions they didn't listen to him. He stayed silent for a few minutes out of respect for the grieving families then turned to Doren saying,

"It's best that the arrangements are made quickly, the celebrations would be best done individually with the families. There will be no grand feast at the guild hall today out of respect for those who have died."

Normally even if people were injured there would still be a celebratory feast for those who succeeded, however, this was the first time in nearly a decade where three people had died. A celebration just didn't seem right in Aden's eyes and Doren was quick to agree.

After that Aden turned back to the crowd and said,

"It is a truly sad event when those with so much potential are torn from us so soon. Nevertheless we must remember that this is war, our homes were invaded by these otherworldly creatures and it is thanks to the noble sacrifices of delvers like these that we have continued to exist until now."

His words, while not entirely comforting, did throw the situation back into focus. This was war, they were literally fighting for the survival of their species and casualties, while tragic, were expected and necessary.

"In honor of their sacrifice," Aden continued "their names shall be recorded and their families compensated as per the laws of the Haven-loft kingdom. We would ask that those who have been injured be quickly taken to the nearest hospital, those whose children have perished please come by the guild hall at your convenience, the rest of you will come with me for the awakening."

After that the crowd slowly dispersed, some to the hospital, others to the funeral home, while a majority traveled to the guild hall for their awakening.

It was a much gloomier mood than normally accompanies the returning group. The only person who seemed to unaffected by it was Olsen, who immediately began bragging again as soon as they were out of earshot from the other families.

"Heh, it's their own stupid fault for ending up that way, if they had been even half as strong as me they would have been fine."

Everyone's expression soured at his blatant lack of basic human decency, and it was at this point where Joseph had enough.

He rounded on Olsen so fast they nearly crashed into each other. Shoving his finger into Olsen's face Joseph began to tear him a new one.

"Just who the f#@k do you think you are! How dare you disrespect those who sacrificed themselves! How dare you belittle all those who have come before us! Are you actually so arrogant as to believe that it was your strength that got you through the tower?! That you would be worth anything to anyone if the city lord wasn't your father!?"

Olsen bristled at the accusation, he knew that secretly there were rumors among the aristocracy that he was a good for nothing, that he wasted his days flaunting his father's power. Which in all reality was true, but he had allowed himself to indulge so far into the fantasy of power that he believed it was his right, and that all others should be grateful to him for simply being near him. Which was one of the biggest reasons Olsen hated Joseph, how dare this common born orphan even appear near him, let alone have the audacity to curse him.

"Shut your filthy mouth!" Olsen shouted, his face turning a violent shade of red due to his anger, "who do you think you are! Cursing me like that!? Where does a trash like you get the nerve to speak to me this way?!"

"You call me trash?" Joseph retorted, still shoving his finger into Olsen's face, "Who was it that always came in second during class hunting trips? Who was it that always barely made the grade and had to have his father keep them in school by bribing the board?!"

The fierce accusations stabbed directly into Olsen's heart, he hated the fact that he always lost to Joseph even more so that his own father said that he should try to be more like him. It was inconceivable to him, "Me be like a common orphan? Never on your life! I am a noble! It is his privilege to even share the same air as me! Me be like him?! NEVER!"

The rage inside Olsen was about to explode, he couldn't even process that this filthy trash was not only cursing him, but was also handily winning the argument. The embarrassment he felt was nearly overwhelming and in this moment he made a decision he would come to regret.

"What the f@#k do you know trash!? Your nothing but a low born son of a whore who couldn't eve…" his words were cut short as Joseph's fist slammed into his face, shattering his nose and dislodging several teeth. Olsen's body did a full backflip before planting itself head first into the ground, providing a rather comical sight to the crowed of shocked onlookers.

At this moment a rage filled shout echoed in the surroundings,


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