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Chapter 15: Dragonkin (1) (Remastered)

(7 years after Reincarnation)

[Kyrielle's POV]

"Goodbye mom, Marielle."

"We'll be off, Katherine. Marie, take care of your mother for me alright?"


"Good. Let's go, Kyrie."

"Wait Kyrie! You must remember to be respectful when speaking to the Bishop, don't be rude understand?"


"Right. Take her there for me, Thomas. Bye bye."

Together with dad, I headed off our house and onto the streets, towards the church where I will get my id card.

In my country, the Holy Kingdom of Ataraxia, the Church Society is like the government of the modern world. Besides the monarch, each area of the country has a 'bishop' who will rule over their area and provide service like a feudal Lord.

This might sound bad on paper because of the corruption that may happen, but for some reason I've not even once heard of the church being corrupt. There may be an anti-corruption unit here as well.

The Church Society provides all of the community service that a government should provide, and more. Business registration, ID registration, you name it. This is the government of our holy country, led by religion itself.

And contrary to what most books and stories might depict, the church offers all kinds of miracle free of charge. They don't charge any money whatsoever when you require healing or something like that, it's like a free healthcare system, almost unheard of in most modern countries.

"Kyrie, do you know that your mom is actually a faithful follower of the Church Society?"

"Is that so?"

"Mhm. Your mother puts a lot of value on her faith, and before she gave birth to you and Marie, she'd always visit the Church to provide community service."

"I see. Are you a faithful person then?"

"Nope. I don't believe in Gods.... I don't think you do as well.

"I guess that's true."

"We are here."

We arrived at the front gate of the big cathedral. It is a massive, white colored Church with multiple large windows full of color decorations. The cathedral has a large spire in the middle, giving a gothic look to it. And in the middle of the roof is a large bell, where I saw someone on top holding a large log about to ram it onto the bell.

"Oh.... Cover your ears, Kyrie."


'Thung!!!' The person on top rams the log onto the giant bell, making such a loud sound that the very ground itself vibrates.

"Argh, so loud!..."

It was an extremely powerful sound, enough to sound across the entire city with just a single chime.

"Well, dad warned you!"

"Urgh.... I feel somewhat dizzy...."

"Come here, dad'll carry you."

"No.... It's embarrassing...."

"How is it embarrassing for a father to carry his daughter when she's feeling uncomfortable? Then at least let me take your hand." Dad said as he grabs my hand.

"Let's go in shall we?"


With my head still slightly dizzy, I headed into the church with dad leading me by the arm.

We entered the church through the open front gate, upon entering the cathedral we arrived at a large hall with lots of benches for people to sit on and a big stage on the end of the hall with a small stand on top.


"This is called a 'chapel', a place where Bishop Francis will give his prayers every week."

"I see.... This place look so nice though!"

Almost by instinct, I ran off into the chapel and sat on one of the benches as I look at the beautiful church.

The walls are decorated with figures of angels and angels. On the ceiling are paintings of many figures, there are twelve of them in total.

"Kyrie, don't run off on your own!"

"Haha, catch me if you can daddy!"

"Good riddance.... Kids these days just don't listen-"

"Hello there my fellow brother. May I help you with something?" One of the priests dressed in black robes approached dad and talked to him.

"Hello, father. Yes, I'd like to register for an Identification Card for my daughter-"

I didn't pay any attention to dad, and instead admired the cathedral's chapel while sitting on the bench.

The twelve figures on the roof are all gods worshipped by this cathedral, the Way of the White... I've read it in a book before. In this world, Gods do exist and they exists across multiple countries.

These twelve gods are not actually gods in this country, or even this culture... No, they are actually gods from across the world, being worshipped together in the same religion. By themselves these gods all holds a different religion, but in the Way of the White, they are all amalgated into the same religion to be worshipped as equals.

None of the figures on top are ones that I recognized.... well none except one.

"....Wait, that's!" It's the painting of a woman. A woman with long black hair, wearing a white colored robe with red inner wear. On her head is a crown with a star in the middle.

As a former Japanese, this figure is ingrained into my mind, there is no way I wouldn't recognise her.... That's because she is Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess of Japan.

"Impossible.... Amaterasu-sama is here...."

Does that mean that Shintoism and Buddhism exists in this world?... And not just as beliefs, but actual gods that exists?

"I see you already know of the Sun Goddess, young sister." The priest that was talking to dad approached me, and sat down right next to me as he says that.

"Mmm.... I've read about her in a book."

"Of course. Amaterasu Oumikami is a Goddess of the Sun from the Moonfall Continent, she comes from a religion known as the Shinto religion. She is an extremely powerful fire god, and it was said that even the strongest beings of this world is no match for her powers of the sun."

"I see.... Could you tell me more about the Moonfall Continent?"

"Very well. The Moonfall Continent is a big island to the far East, just over the seas of the enormous Central Kingdom."

Central Kingdom... That must be China right? Japan exists directly next to China, separated by sea only. The geographic location matches, no doubt the Moonfall Continent IS Japan.

"The Moonfall Continent is ruled by a single country known as 'Yamato'. Yamato is an extremely dangerous country, full of monsters far more powerful that the ones found on Centralia Continent. That is why-"

"-it is also called the Warrior's Holy Land." Dad interrupted the priest's words, and chimed in.

"The Warrior's Holy Land?"

"That's right. Every single swordsman who wants to further their skills and techniques will head off towards the Moonfall Continent and hone their skills against the monsters of that continent. It's a place that many warriors aspires to go to, as I once did."

"I see.... You are a skilled swordsman as well, that is why huh?"

"Indeed. But I've given up on that dream long ago after I met your mom. Now, since you've heard enough about that place, it's time to go and get you your ID. We are not here to sight see!"

"O-oh, I've totally forgotten about that.... Let's go!" I said as I jumped up from the bench and hurried over to dad's side.

The priest also got up from the bench, and with a hand gesture... "I shall lead you two to the Bishop. Come with me."

With the father guiding my father, (AN : That was a dad joke) we headed towards the right of the chapel and into a another hallway, this time it is much smaller, a normal office sized hallway.

We walked over to one of the rooms, where the priest knocked on the door.

"Your excellency, you have guests."

"Come in."

The priest opened the door for us, and walked into the office with us following him.

Upon entering the office, I saw an old man dressed in a fancy white robe sitting behind a desk. He is the Bishop.

But there's a catch to him... It's his eyes. He has heterochromia, one of his iris is normal brown colored while his other iris is in an unnatural red color.

"This sister needs approval for an Identification Card."

"Hmm. Little miss, I'll have to use my magic on you and as a result you'll feel extremely uncomfortable, like having a panic attack. Is that fine?"

I looked over at dad... And he looked back at me with a concerned smile on his face. Is he afraid that I'll cry if the Bishop used his magic on me?


"Okay then. Don't worry, this magic wouldn't harm you even if you'll feel extremely scared.... Hoo... Hah..." The Bishop took a deep breath and closed his eyes....

He opened his eyes again, but this time the red eye of his shined brightly as he stares at my eyes, it's like his red colored eye is a flashlight.

"Urgh!..." An unease suddenly hits my body, causing my heart to skip a beat... I started to sweat uncontrollably,  I'm having a panic attack just as the Bishop said.

"Kyrielle!" Dad crouched down trying to cover me, but just as he he was about to....

"Wait, brother! She'll be fine." The priest that led us here stopped dad from interfering with me.


"Hah!... Hah!... Hah!..." I felt out of breath and extremely uncomfortable, like I'm having an asthma attack.

"....Finished." After just a brief moment, the Bishop closed his eyes and reopened them, his red eye stopped shining and appeared normal again.

The priest finally crouches down next to me, and wiped the sweat off of my face with a napkin that he has. "Are you fine?"

"Hah... Hah... Yes..."

"You're a strong girl. Most kids wouldn't have been as calm as you are just now."

"Is that so?..."

After wiping my sweat, he stood back up and turned towards the Bishop. "Your excellency, you've been unusually quiet this time. Is something the matter?"

"....No, she is qualified to receive a citizen identification. You may continue with the procedure, but leave us here for the moment. I have something to discuss with these two."

"Understood. I'll go prepare the card and the paperwork, excuse me." The priest left the room, leaving us with the Bishop.

"Hmm.... My brother, you should also leave the room for a little moment."

"....Is this really necessary?"

"Yes it is."

"....Alright." Dad also left the room reluctantly, leaving only me and the Bishop in the room.

"Um.... So what did your excellency want to talk about?"

"It's about you. First off, let me commend you for handling the panic attack associated with my magic eye so well."

"Thank you."

"-but I guess I could also say that it is as expected of you, of your origins. Isn't that right, Fujiwara Taki?"

"?!" What in the fucking world.... He found out that I'm an other worlder so easily?!

"Born in a world entirely different from this one.... Living inside a country called 'Japan', within the city of 'Tokyo.' You really are an other worlder in the flesh, straight up."

"....What are you going to do about it?"

Am I going to be jailed? Am I a heretic in this world? Should I just kill this old man here and be done with the secret?...

"I'm sorry if I took you by surprise, but I meant no harm to you, my sister. There is no law prohibiting the life of an other worlder, I was just surprised by your existence."

Hearing his words, loads of anxiety and panic left my body. "Phew...."

"It is extremely interesting however. You were reborn into this world as a a girl who is somewhat talented with magic.... Curious, how did it all happened?"

"...I was killed in an accident, and then sent here. I don't know exactly what happened or why I was transferred here, it just happened."

"So it was entirely coincidental that you were transported here huh?... Well, I have no more questions for you."

"But... Am I not going to be reprimanded?"

"Of course not. Like I said, it is not a sin to be reincarnated into another world, you can rest assured that your secret is safe with me."

"I... Thank you..."

"Since this subject is finished, can you please help me call your father over? I still have more to say to you two."


I got up from my seat and headed out of the door. Opening the door, I looked at dad who was waiting at the hallway. "Oh, so have your heart to heart talk ended yet?"

"Come on it's nothing like that. The bishop asked for you."


With dad inside the room again, we sat down on the chair in front of the desk that the bishop was on.

"What did you wanted to talk about?"

"....There is no easy way to tell you two so I'll just be frank. Kyrielle Buffet, you are not a full human."

"....What?" (2x)

"That's right. You are a half human, half dragon, a dragonkin."

"Wha..... What are you talking about?" Dad is extremely confused, just as I am.

"When I used my magic eye on you, I saw two souls inside your body. One is of your own but the other is the soul of a dragon, a sleeping red dragon without a name. Inside your body is the heart of a dragon, I can see it with this magic eye of mine."

"The heart of a dragon...."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"That means that you have to be sealed."

"I won't let you shut my daughter away-"

"Relax, I'm not going to seal her away. No, the one that I'm going to seal away is the dragon."

"....Will this be safe for Kyrie?"

"Yes, for her anyway. I don't know what will happen to the dragon. This should be done in case of the future where the dragon might try to take over her body and even her soul.... We don't exactly know what will happen, that is why we need to seal it away just to be safe."

"That's.... a relief...." Dad looked down on the ground, with a really worried and concerned look but he seems to be comforted by the fact that the seal itself would not hurt me.

"Dad.... Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine."


"In my name as Francis Rick, the Bishop of Klada, I shall guarantee her safety during the sealing process."

"I see.... Do it."

"Good. We will need to prepare a ritual for this.... Please come back here tomorrow, you may go for now."

"Thank you, bishop.... Please grant Kyrie a normal life, alright?"

"I promise."

"Thank you. We'll come back here tomorrow.... Kyrie, let's go."


(Chapter end)


Life is random, one day you might learn that you have a blood related sister, and the other day you might hear that your friend has got cancer. Remember to cherish the moment because you never know what's next.

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