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Chapter 8: The Poatisticsim Rotary

February 12th, 1985

6:53 PM

A government black site would be the only word to describe where they ended up. The typical wired fences with armed guards patrolling high walls.

"Animal testing doesn't actually teach us anything. It sure as heck doesn't teach them anything, either." Beyond and his Subordinates had been giving Jogo something of a tour around the facility. It sat around 10 stories above ground and about 27 stories below. Each floor housed barracks, labs, kitchens, gyms, you name it.

The masked man had quickly realized that everyone here had a screw loose. Especially the scientists, rambling on about human genetic makeup and the potential for evolution. "I let these guys go on about their business." Beyond stated before waving him close. "As far as im concerned…. Every mad scientist secretly dreams of playing god."

Jogo could agree. "So much security for what?"

"You must understand something, Jogo." Beyond began to lay it all out in front of him. "We are forsakers of our countries. We have left our motherlands behind us and become one with this earth. We have no nation, no line, no honor. I've already told you of the Dark Continent. Truth is we're going there, not today, not tomorrow, but soon. I've recruited talents from across every facet of life. Mafia, Royalty, Hunters, Assassins, Mercenaries, Street Rats, you name it."

Beyond's companions looked at Jogo inquisitively, trying to judge his reaction, he gave none. "And this….'Pariston' is integral to your plan that you need 2 Pro Hunters and a Rookie to protect him?"

"3 Pro Hunters, actually." A new voice came out of nowhere. Out from around the corner stepped a slightly tan-skinned woman of moderate height in her mid to late twenties. She had upper back-length burgundy hair that she wore in a low loose ponytail with rather large bangs falling onto her forehead on either side along with two shoulder-length sidelocks framing her face, amber-brown eyes, a tribal tattoo on her upper right arm that reaches all the way up to her neck, and a slightly muscular build that she did not conceal in the least.

She reached out for his hand, he took it. "Revy, Double-Star Blacklist Hunter, how'do'ya'do?"

"Well." Jogo replied. She raised an eyebrow before looking to Beyond.

"This guy's not gettin a cut outta my check, right." She leaned in to the much larger man, her eyes twinkling with danger.


Pariston POV

I turned and faced my room with its sad steel floors, mentally going through my to-do list. 1. Get rid of my charge. Check. She had already left and was probably speeding to swallow a cock or whatever it is she does, popping open a bottle of champagne now that she was finally rid of me. 2. Claim the most advantageous space before a potential roommate, arrived. 3. Make six to eight friends before the weekend. My mandatory check-in appointment with some 'psychology department'. 5. Find some entertainment.

We had a double with two bedrooms, one clearly larger than the other. While my normal instinct was to claim the larger one, I immediately saw the problem with that. The larger bed-room had windows that overlooked the quad. What if I wanted to crawl in or out of my window in the middle of the night? The cameras will record anything, and I could be easily seen from the other rooms and halls that lined the quad—too much of an audience for my liking.

I took the smaller room. My generosity would score me points with my new roomie, but more importantly, the room had a view of the brick wall of the building next to us and there was a metal fire escape attached directly to the window. Easy access in and out of my room without detection—perfect. I dumped some of my boxes into the room and made the bed, placing my stuffed plushie whale on top to clearly stake my claim. The voices inside the dorm were calling me and I had to establish myself quickly. Back home, I had nothing…

It simply wouldn't do to ever be in the same predicament again, now would it?

I gave myself a brief once-over before leaving the room, applying chapstick and fixing my hair. The hair had to be just right—slicked back isn't effotless, that simply wouldn't do, now would it?

You have to be the kind of guy who "doesn't put any effort in" but naturally rolls out of bed looking like a inexperienced but somehow confident, studious boy. If you meet some standard of objective attractiveness, people think you're better than you actually are—smarter, more interesting, worthier of existing. Combined with the right personality, this can be powerful.

Before I knew, three heavy knocks rapped along the titanium door. I centered myself, breathing in and out before striding to the door, opening it, I peaked out. "Master Beyond! How nice to see you again." I landed it perfectly, I could tell.

The two men and women with him would already see me in a favorable light. "Cut the shit brat, they're smart enough to not trust you." The woman with the tattoo spouted off, ruining it. Dumb bitch.

I didn't let my annoyance show. "Hello Ms., Please come inside." I didn't even get to open the door fully before that brute of a women barged in, cigarette smoke burning my nose.

Her group of people quickly filled in the room, each taking it in, studying it like I did. That quickly peaked my interest. The masked one would be the hardest to get under raps, I couldn't study his face.

"Welp! This where you all will be staying-" The old fool announced. "Heheheheh, four Hunters and a little shit head walk into a room, thats gotta be a joke." He laughed his way out of the shared room.

"He didn't tell me what im suppose to be doing here." I looked to the older 'Hunters', whatever that meant.

The bitch answered, "You studied under the Meteor City Elders Science depository, right?" I nodded. "Your job is simple kid. Beyond thinks you're some type of once-in-a-lifetime genius. You, along with the rest of the nerds in this building will be researching and experimenting on humans, trying to figure out a way for Humans to evolve, or get stronger or some shit like that."

Before I could question the brute, the masked one interrupted. "Why not just teach everyone Nen?"

The darkskinned woman spoke next. "We need more than just Nen. We need some type of genetic modification. Plenty of Nen masters go 'there', yet most never come back."

What the hell? Hunters, Evolution, Nen and their Masters. It seemed I was out of the loop.

We couldn't have that, now could we?


The 'We couldn't have that, now could we?' is on purpose. I know its repeated.

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