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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

~Alexander POV~

Today was Nikki's technical first day and a man waking up to her, I wanted to take her then. As I put on the clothes, she picked out for me I thought about her blush and wondered about her ass pinking under my hand. Tossing the thoughts aside she hands me apple slices and another coffee telling me to eat, normally I'm the one to tell someone to do something but she just takes over before I can even utter a word. If she were anyone else it annoys the fuck out of me and I'd tell her off or spank her, but she looked amazing, smelt amazing, and took charge like the sexy woman she was. I really wanted to kiss and fuck the shit out of her but chose to behave. It was clear to me that we would be great together, but what wasn't clear was if it was something she would be willing to be and have. I needed a woman that would know her place was under and not above me, by the way, things were so far, I doubted she could and would be that way. Then as she looked at me with those beautiful golden brown eyes as I watched her speak to my security, who clearly wanted her just as much as I did; I became not just jealous of the way they seemed to clearly make her smile and her eyes sparkle and how sexy she looked without even trying, but her eyes seemed to look like a submissive full of wanting and curiousness; another way to describe it would be a alphas mate wanting to submit and curious as to what their play would entail.

Once at the office, it was a lot easier to keep busy, until the men in the meeting seemed to keep looking at her, and every time, she would get close to them or bend to pick up something or simply adjust her hair from one side to the other, they would all take notice. Although, I understood why she was hot and smelt so good, but these men needed to get a grip, plus she was mine, or at least I want her to be. So, I asked her to get some ice water and once the door closed, I said, "Guys come on I see you drooling over my PA. She is one of the employees here you need to get a grip."

Todd speaks up, " Yeah sorry boss but you can't lie to us and say if you had a chance, you would turn that goddess down. I mean she smells like coconut and apples; I wouldn't mind smelling that till I die. Better yet I'd die happy making love to that goddess." The guys around nod their heads and chuckle agreeing with him.

I reply, "As I am her boss, yes I would, because she is very beautiful and does smell good. But again, she is my PA, so I expect you all to keep it in your pants, or you're fired. Now she's coming back in behave and be respectful."

~Nikki POV~

I walk in and everyone's eating, I put the pitcher of ice water down and they talk business as I record it, then at the end of the day, Todd speaks up.

Todd says, "Hey let's all go out to the club, I don't know about you guys, but I would love to go have some fun and have one of Tony's famous platters."

Everyone agrees to go when Alexander asks if I want to go. I agree and explain that I would love to see Tony again, as he was an old family friend and technically was my first job. I told him how I would sing and wait on people and clean, as an extra hand to him. The tips I got I would save or use for whatever I wanted and if he gave me money sometimes, I would keep it, but for the most part, I hide it in places for my mom to find. We all went in separate cars except for Alexander and me, he asked me about singing and I told him the truth that it was just for fun and sometimes to worship in church.

We head over and the first worker we see is the bouncer and to my great uncomfortablity (not a real word but it is now) ex-boyfriend and Tony's best friend's son. As soon as we walk up, he sees me and scoops me up.

Avery says, "Nikki it's been years how are you, you look fantastic!!!?"

I giggle saying, "Avery, I am here with coworkers and my boss put me down." Sadly, we were better friends than a couple but lost touch due to life.

He puts me down and I introduce him to everyone, and he pulls another man out telling him to take over, then pulls me in and tells the others to follow. He takes us to the VIP area and tells us to get whatever we want it's on him and tells the waiter to get Tony or as he called him pops.

After receiving our drinks Tony comes over and gives me kisses on my cheeks asking me everything under the sun, then tells me I should sing like old time. Shocked I tried to decline when Alexander told me he would love to hear me sometime. Tony pushed me to the stage saying how there was no time like the present, and so here I was on stage with the band. Talking with them and seeing what they know, I was not sure what to sing, especially in front of my boss.

The band and I decided to have me do Christina Aguilera's Hurt and without much effort, I lost myself in the song. When I started my coworker's and boss's jaws dropped with surprise, so I kept going, but then the song took over and Alexanders' gaze made everyone else disappear. Once the song finished everyone clapped and then I saw him, James, my ex-boyfriend that hurt me so bad it was hard to trust men again even being around a man scared me. That was until I got counseling and took self-defense to refresh what I knew and learn new stuff. When I was walking to my table he walked over and was a little too close for comfort, but for whatever reason, I froze and couldn't move.


James grabs me by the back of my head and says, "I told you this is my church, and she can't hold the baby."

I try and move, and he won't let me go. "James please, let go, I know what I am doing, I am right here and will make sure she won't drop him. He is my baby brother let go, I know how to take care of him, and the staff said I could." James lets go and grab the cushion off the poles that keep the little ones from hurting themselves and hits me with it and I fall over. Getting up I look to the staff for help, but she does nothing but watches. To get away I run behind the playground and James follows without the cushion, he has other plans. I tell my friends to stop him and they try but he's too strong and on a mission. Yelling James says, "Come here, I won't hurt you! I just want to talk to you!" I stop running because there is no use, I have to wait for my mom to pick my brother and I up. He walks up and kicks me, and I kick back, but that was no use in fighting back. James was the star player in soccer, literally every sport he played he was great at.

He backhanded me and then kicked me; I am crying telling him to stop. He doesn't and I run as he gets sidetracked by Tiffany and go check on my brother, James grabs me and then the baby out of my arms. I say, "James, please be careful." He scoffs "I am older than you, I know how to hold a baby plus he likes me more." The only thing I knew was he wouldn't hurt him and that's all I cared for; I would wait until he left me because the last time, I tried he punched me in my stomach. Today I would tell my mother and his, that way maybe it would stop.

We all get into the car and I say, "Mrs. Tina and mom, James kept kicking me today and hitting me and I can't take it anymore tell him to leave me alone." James laughs as his mom yells at him and hits him saying, "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU LIKE IT? *Smack, Smack, Smack* LET ME HIT AND KICK YOU, TELL HER SORRY!" *Smack, Smack, Smack* James starts crying and says he is sorry, when my mom says, "Oh, you know what, you need to stop being so sensitive you know he loves you and you love him." I say, "But mom it hurts, he is bruising me and today the girls even told him to back off and he didn't listen, he even pushed Tiffany." She interrupts before I can go on yelling, "I said that's enough, now tell him your sorry for whatever and except his apology and be done with it!" She stops talking to me and talks to his mother and they gossip about the sermon.

**end flashback**

I blink back to reality as Alexanders arm comes around me as he says, "Hello, I am Alexander Knight CEO of Knight co. and who must you be." Stretching his arm out he says, "I am James a friend of Nikki's. Truth is it's been years, Nikki, how are you?" Clearing my throat I say, "I am doing great. Alexander, we should get to our table and eat." Alexander says, "Right, nice meeting you James, come along Nikki I ordered for you." We walk away and the second we do I want to burst into tears.

Thankfully Alexander notices and pulls me to the private club rooms and holds me as I ball. I thought of how I thought I never see him again, what the hell was he doing here? The last time I saw him was when he came to my old apartment to tell me I was free and he had found someone better looking, but then after seeing me with Tony's son he beat me and put me in the hospital telling me how now I wasn't his because I was to ugly. I cried so hard, then realized what I was doing. I was in Alexanders' arms, my boss's arms crying like a baby. I tried to calm myself and stepped out of his arms saying, "I am sssorry MMr. Knigght...It won't hhhappen again." Slowly I gathered myself. Alexander says, "Who is James, and why the second he showed up your stiffer than a board and now crying? Also you're referring to me as Mr. Knight trying to sound formal. " I say, "Alex he's my ex and we have a bad history that's all." Going to walk away he grabs my arm and I go stiff. Looking back at him he looks at me with worry saying, "Please tell me why. I can't stand to see you sad or cry and the fact he has made you, I just want to know." I let out a breath and say, "James... he use to... beat me. I am not proud of that side of my past, so that's where I chose to leave it and seeing him. It freaked me out and I just was shocked is all."

Pulling me to him he holds me and says, "Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you." Feeling safe in his arms I couldn't help but feel like he meant it with his whole being. We walk down and see James and he smiles before I know it Alexander walks over to him and punches him sending James to the floor. Shocked I grab Alexander by his arm pulling him saying, "Alexander stop." Alexander's driver/guard, Eric, grabs us both and pulls us to the car, and takes us to his place. Once inside I say, "Alexander explain, what the hell was that?" The only thing he says is, "Nikki you're staying here from now on. Your room is upstairs to the left, come let's have food." I say, "That's all you have to say, nothing about why you hit James." He says, "I was making things clear, he wants you back and my punch was his answer, he isn't getting you back." I lift my eyebrows and say nothing as we sit and have dinner.

After we go over what we have to do and I catch him looking at me in some type of way. I smirk and bite my lip and his eyes show the dark fire within his eyes, so I say, "Goodnight Alexander." and kiss his cheek saying, thank you for one of his shirts to sleep in and for protecting my honor. I got up and go to bed and that's the first night I quietly play with myself thinking of him, while I am in his shirt.

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