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Chapter 5: Gojo Embracing Change: Navigating a Fictional Reality (SCOG) – 5


(Gojo POV)

Back to the main story.

I'm lost. I should have been more specific, like very very specific. Like teleporting me towards a specific location or town in lost paradise. Now, I'm stranded without any idea where I am. I had only learned about this world through a novel, and I didn't bother with the webtoon because it didn't seem appealing. It's frustrating right now, even I can't ask them for help that I'm in the new world Lost Paradise. After all they have literally no influence and are waiting for the opportunity to strike the Parasite Queen.

That does remind me, I'd love to witness the aftermath of my actions. Black Seol. He is a very interesting character for sure. Although I can always return to this world, staying here could further disrupt the new timeline I created, especially after killing off the main character. Knowing myself, I'd probably just make things worse instead of actually helping. It also doesn't add to the fact that the attention I'm getting from gods who are capable of controlling time, space, and causality.

My goal remains the same regardless. To take a certain widow ghost saintess who needs my help, bring her into my dimension, and then leave this world alone... at least for now.

With my plan set, I made my move. I'm in unfamiliar rocky terrain. But my destination is the Forest of Denial, a massive forest located near the southern border of the human territory. But where the fuck is that?

[Do you have a thing for lonely, married MILFs? Is that your type now?] R.O.B asked with a questionable tone.

[And she's a virgin too? This is getting too cliche even for me!] R.O.B coughed sarcastically as he was reading the Wikipedia of this world.

[She's been alive for centuries, but did she die young or something? Her backstory is a bit of a mess. It's a mix of tragedy and fortune for you, huh?] R.O.B chuckled while reading her profile.

Ignoring R.O.B's comments. There is no need to rush. It's crucial to keep in mind that this world is currently in a state of war. While no one here can best me in combat. Having to engage in combat with an infinite number of small fries (parasite army) really does not sound that great or fun at all.

'And why are you still here old man?' Gojo replied back to R.O.B and checked on Kaguya within his own mindscape.

Fortunately, it seems Kaguya Otsutsuki is in a comfortable spot reading a manga about cursed spirits and Japanese sorcerers while simultaneously watching Gojo's adventures.

[Well, I don't know if this news will please you or not, but it seems Lilith has a collection of captured women from various races in this world, if you're dead set determined to rescue every married woman in need. After all, the ongoing war between the mortals against those parasites has left many widows.] R.O.B added, his tone somewhat sarcastic.

"Who the hell is Lilith? Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not here to play hero in this world. My only concern is Flone," Gojo said as he walked towards the north and asked R.O.B.

[Oh hoh? I thought you knew. After all, she is the infamous Parasite Queen from Memorized a shared universe of this world. It's surprising to hear you don't know her real name given your interest in this story world. She has quite the dark history. The very same martial god who had fucked her and gotten fucked by her (figuratively and literally); and then one shotted her to death.] R.O.B narrated the whole story that even I didn't know.

"Lilith... okay, maybe that does sound familiar. I think I know who exactly that martial god is too." Gojo said as he tried to recall bits and pieces of his memories from MEMORIZE.

'Don't expect me to know every little thing about this damn verse. I just know the canon story of this world (SCOG), old man. The English translation for the novel Memorized was stopped at one point, and I refuse to use machine translation. It's just not accurate enough," Gojo retorted.

[Believe it or not, but hear this Lilith survived through a cheat and is now extremely weak in this world. She barely possesses even a tenth of her original power. To think that a being who once wielded so much power is now reduced to a fraction of her former self in this world. It's incredible that she is still regarded as the strongest in this world. However, she is still holding being held hostage in this world due to the Martial God.] R.O.B explained, shedding light on Lilith's background.

Nine green eyes glowed in a specific location in Gojo's mind. "I was right about taking nine eyes," he mused with a smile. 'It's like a GPS?'

"Very soon," he whispered under his breath as he continued walking, relying on the strength of the nine eyes to guide him towards his goal and his destination.

A/N: We're going to time skip this.

Has it been one week? Or maybe two? Of walking nonstop. Afterall, he did want to see what the world has to offer in his sights. Towards his destination at least…

The monsters were weak and there were a lot of mutated animals. The parasites were grotesque, and the humans were hopeless. The only thing he seemed to be enjoying was playing music from his "Dao of Culture."

And so Gojo finally reached the Forest of Denial. It was nighttime, and the eerie atmosphere of the forest gave off a haunting vibe.

A/N: If you want an accurate look at what the building looks like. Look up the Tomb of the blessed virgin Mary - Picture of Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land. Just imagine that in a gloomy forest at the top of a hill.

I arrived at the entrance of the Forest of Denial, where I prepared myself for what lay ahead. I went over my plans and made sure everything was in order before proceeding to the monastery. After all this is currently a straight up evil spirit.


A/N: I will now summarize from the wiki about who Flone is from the novel version for the necessary sake of who Gojo is after.

Flone was politically arranged to marry the only son of a noble family. However, her 'fiancé' was suddenly struck by an incurable illness that pretty much guarantees death. So they had the wedding ceremony rushed ahead to make a new heir, but the husband passed away just as they were about to begin the wedding.

In written history, Flone 'volunteered' to follow after her husband to the grave. The world at the time was fucked up about culture, traditions, and hiding truths in political maneuvering. Sooo The Empire applauded 'her desire' to maintain her chastity and integrity, canonized her as a saintess so as to serve as 'an example to others.'

In reality, none of that was true. Flone is known as a tomboy in the noble upper-class society as a gangster. She wouldn't hesitate to go into fights to raise her status in the pecking order (hierarchy). She refuses to die on the spot and does not want to be beside her dead husband. However, the noble family of the deceased husband used oppressive means to bury her alive. She violently resisted, hurling curses and insults filled with resentment and hatred until she was placed into the casket. Then she died. However, her spirit remains.

Three months later, a renowned sage of the Empire, who also happened to be one of the most powerful Magician of the time, visited the forest because of a fucked up job from some specific fucked up families who buried her alive trying to hide from a vengeance spirit. So the magician cast unique defensive magic that caused any intelligent lifeform that entered the forest to start violently denying the existence of something suddenly. What this means is that this spell here is to fuck up any visitors and also permanently causing Flone never to be able to leave to get revenge. This spell had also had her soul bound to the tomb.

Several centuries passed, and Flone's resentment never faded in the slightest; in fact it only grew stronger until an expedition consisting of certain teams came. In the main storyline Seol was the one who defused most of the problem by protecting her and her keepsakes. After all her family left her with some valuables. But the hilarious thing was that they were trying to grave rob her…

Eventually Later throughout many chapters, she was freed by Seol and resides in a pendant she entrusted Seol with. Even though she longs for freedom, she feels desperate to stay and repay that very kindness to Seol, who managed to free her. She is exceptionally kind and caring to Seol and hides her original tomboyish personality from Seol.

A/N: It's kind of long. But done. Background story. Personality. And stuff.


I usually think of ghosts and spirits as dead, but I have a plan for dealing with them.

Growing up in an Asian heritage, I was taught to always respect the dead. On tomb-sweeping day, it's customary to clean ancestral tombs, offer food, and perform a ritual with incense and prayer. Since I'm meeting a foreign spirit, I'll change the ritual a little bit.

The general rule when visiting ancestral tombs is to clean the grave by sweeping it, rinsing it, and or tending to it. Then set up food as a ritual offering and add chopsticks or utensils. Small cups of alcohol and tea are also poured. Afterward, perform a slight bow, remain silent with a burning incense stick or three, pray, and place it on the floor. However, these customs may vary from country to country and depending on different traditions. Nonetheless, this is a basic understanding of the rules in most cases.

On top of that, there is a visible effect on the story of this world when the dead consume the offerings here. It can be observed as the food turning into dust or decaying immediately, which indicates that the dead have appeared and accepted the offering.

Thanks to canon knowledge (the actual novel), my knowledge of my past heritage, and Seol's examples (I guess Korean). I was able to come up with my own plan on performing a tomb sweeping day. Well I want to clarify this first. I'm not cleaning her grave. I started pulling out tables, goblets, cups, and some candles that gave off a pleasant aroma.

I have the drinks poured into the cups and goblets to ensure she will have the finest beverages from my treasury. I just don't want her to choke.

My plan was to feed—introduce Flone to the wonders of Far Eastern Asian cuisine. I prepared a variety of meat - the type that you usually only see on display at Asian butcher shops. Additionally, I made sure to include some Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese food."

I was now racing against time, firing up my dim sum cart like a madman that I took out from my armory. I had everything set up since I planned all this. For now, I had to cook everything in the bamboo steamers and boxes as quickly as possible, because no one likes cold dim sum food. That's right lads. I'm offering DimSum Food. I set up tables around the tomb in a circle, like we were about to do some ritual summoning for spirits or something.

My nine eyes were glowing green as if signaling approval. I proceeded to lay out the dim sum foods in boxes in a mouthwatering display. I even shouted out a slang phrase for 'let's eat' in a language that always gets attention.

Also, I thought it was necessary to set the mood with some music. Because, it's not like we can enjoy our food without some background tunes, right? Not sure how loud is max volume but it shouldn't be that loud.

Then Gojo started blasting music in the area by using the Dao Of Culture. Causing a mini earthquake.


Now Playing: [Google translate sings BTS Fire by vxnsa] [Max volume] [Gojo's location]

A/N: please give this song a try, it's pretty good. In my opinion.

Quickly turning it off.

'Huh. it was my first time using this skill at max volume. I mean I was using it when I was on my way here. I thought it would be okay to try putting the sound at max volume. I just had to see what it was like, but I admit I didn't anticipate it would be like that.'

[You pretty much ruin the first impression.] R.O.B. laughed.

"The music might be a bit too loud… I could still feel the vibrations in the air. Maybe playing music wasn't such a good idea after all.'

Suddenly, I saw her aura as she slammed the door open. It looked like she was freaked out by the noise. I realized that holding a party atmosphere outside her home at night might not make her happy. But then again, does she even sleep?"

You know I canceled my skill ending all music playing in the area around us. Took off my blindfold revealing my eyes to her.

I looked at Flone who was in her spirit form, resembling a gas-like substance. Although her appearance was eerie. So this is a vengeful spirit. Her killing intent is pretty high. I couldn't help but feel that there was more to her thought. After all, in the novel from what I know, she is pretty much a good girl.

'I don't know what Kaguya is up to right now, but she's going to be getting a roommate soon.' I thought

She then looked at me, she looked more frightened about what the fuck I was doing here. An insane white-haired asian man with beautiful glowing blue eyes. Partying alone and blasting music outside her crib. Pretty sure this is a new one for her. After all she tends to get intruders trying to grave rob her once in a while.

But to my surprise, she didn't immediately resort to cold blood violence, which is a good sign. I suppose I should count myself lucky, although it wouldn't have mattered much even if she had tried to hurt me.

R.O.B. seemed to find the situation amusing, laughing uncontrollably.

"Uhmm. Hey? Flone?" I awkwardly greeted her while waving my hands.

In hindsight, I should have approached the tomb-sweeping ceremony normally. I had messed up the first impression, and it was clear that Flone was uncomfortable and nervous. I resolved to do better next time.

The atmosphere around us may seem gloomy, but the aroma of delicious dim sum fills the air, creating a warm and inviting ambiance amidst the monastery graveyard. She may be experiencing and witnessing the new things with the Asian-inspired dishes and the presence of an Asian man.

As she looked at me curiously, she couldn't help but be at awe at my appearance now that she looked closer. My eyes were glowing and fixated on looking at her, while the Akatsuki cloak emitted an eerie but captivating aura in the dark.

"Who?...are you? How do you know my name? What's with the food? What are you doing here?" Flone asked with suspicion in her voice, trying to hide from sight now and a bit warily glancing at my eyes.

Remembering the importance of making a good introduction, especially after what R.O.B did to me earlier, I decided to introduce myself properly and explain my purpose for being here.

"My name is Gojo and I've come to perform a tomb sweeping ceremony. I brought some of the best food with me and even created my own ceremony on the spot. And I'm also here to kidnap you as one of my women." Gojo calmly and smoothly nodded his head in agreement with himself, satisfied with what he had just said.

Flone was initially confused by his words, but after repeating them in her head, she began to panic.

"...What?!" she exclaimed.

However, Gojo quickly cut her off and reminded her of the food and drinks on the table, urging her to enjoy herself before they discussed anything further.

"Let's talk about that later, Flone," Gojo said her name again while smirking, interrupting her.

"Right now, we have all this delicious food and drinks to enjoy. You must be hungry. After all, when was the last time you ate? So please help yourself." He gestured to the table filled with an array of dishes, ranging from savory Asian-inspired dishes to sweet desserts.

The tantalizing aroma wafting from the plates made Flone's mouth water, and she couldn't resist the temptation to try everything. She was floating around and checking the food out now.

Flone stared at Gojo, then at the spread of food, and back at Gojo again, her stomach rumbling with hunger. Even though she is already dead her desire for human food was still there. She hesitated for a moment, but the delicious aroma wafting from the dishes was too tempting to resist. She floated around the table, eyeing each dish before diving in and inhaling as much food as she could.

As she took her first bite, a moan of pleasure escaped her lips, and she closed her eyes in bliss. The flavors started bussing in her mouth, exploding in her mouth, and a perfect balance of sweet, sour, and savory was filling her. She couldn't believe how delicious everything tasted, and she quickly forgot about her worries and fears. For the first time in a long time, she felt happy and content. It was clear to him that she had been deprived of food for an unknown amount of time.

As she ate, Gojo watched with amusement, but also growing concern. Flone seemed to be eating endlessly, and he wondered if she would be able to eat like that in real life, after he resurrected her. He had left utensils on the table for a reason, but Flone seemed to be ignoring them, stuffing food directly into her mouth and swallowing it whole.

Despite his concerns, Gojo couldn't help but feel a little envious of Flone's carefree attitude towards food. Gojo watched as Flone finished her meal, tears streaming down her face. Despite the initial awkwardness of their meeting, there was something about Flone that drew him in. As he looked at her, even though she was dead he realized that he was envious of her carefree attitude towards food and life.

"You know," he muttered softly, "I think I've forgotten what it feels like to truly enjoy something without overthinking it. Watching you eat and enjoy yourself so's a beautiful thing really."

As Flone finished eating everything and looked visibly stuffed in her spirit form. Bloody Tears streamed down her face from the delicious food. It was understandable since she probably hadn't eaten in a long time. However, he also couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Flone's story than what was in the novel/story. The fact that her marriage was arranged for the benefit of her family, rather than as a love interest, suggested that she may have her own goals and desires that even he wasn't aware of.

[Ayo. Those crimson tears are really disturbing,] R.O.B thought to himself, feeling creeped out by the scene.

'Seriously, this is really a special moment.' Gojo thought to reply

[You know it's pretty bizarre to be lusting after a dead woman. A dead woman. Don't curses usually come along with that kind of thing?] R.O.B. thought of the superstition.

Ignoring him.

Flone cried, finally able to express her loneliness and frustration as a monster who had to defend her treasure from grave robbers. Having become an evil spirit and a nightmare, but the good food brought out her pent-up resentment and emotions.

'Wow, she looks really vulnerable,' Gojo thought to himself. 'But I know she's a spirit who's a strong woman and can handle herself against any human. Well, except for me, of course.'

[You're not human anymore] R.O.B. sighed.

'Good food is always the way to a person's heart. I wonder if she'll enjoy this,' Gojo thought optimistically.

I sprinted towards Flone, surprising her with my speed, and embraced her tightly in a hug.

Gojo comforted Flone as she cried, patting her back and giving her headpats. He spoke comforting words to her, saying "You did great. You held on for long enough. You're strong, but not the strongest. It's alright to let it all out."

[...] R.O.B. couldn't help but twitch upon hearing that statement.

Once Flone had finally calmed down, Gojo asked, "Are you feeling better now? Do you want to talk about what's going to happen next?" He looked genuinely concerned.

Flone meekly nodded her head.

As Gojo took a step back, he gazed at Flone with a mixture of awe and admiration. "This is our first meeting, and I must say, Flone, your beauty is truly breathtaking," he said softly, his words infused with a sense of wonder.

"Will you go out with me?" Gojo asked, boldly expressing his feelings.

Flone blinked momentarily then arched an eyebrow, surprised by the sudden shift in Gojo's demeanor. She had inadvertently revealed her human form to him, and while she had been eating. Though she was expecting some sort of reaction, she hadn't anticipated this.

But as Gojo continiously and shamelessly flirted with her, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. She was an evil spirit, bound to this forest forever by a curse, and she knew that the living and the dead could never be together. It was a truth she had come to accept long ago.

Yet, there was something about Gojo that drew her in. Despite his approach, she couldn't deny the way her heart fluttered at the sound of his voice, or the way her breath caught in her throat at the sight of him. His appearance was to say…unique. A man in a cloak with red clouds. But he is a handsome man, nonetheless.

"...I'm sorry, but that's impossible," Flone replied softly, her eyes downcast.

Gojo's face fell, revealing the hurt in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure. Flone could see the determination in his gaze, a clear indication that he was not one to give up easily, despite the rejection.

Gojo quickly thought of some plan.

"I understand the situation you're in. Even if you do not feel the same way about me, I will set you free." Gojo said firmly, his gaze unwavering.

Flone's heart swelled with emotion upon hearing Gojo's words. Her mouth open as she heard what Gojo was saying.

And then she looked at Gojo, doubt crept into her mind, and she couldn't help but question his sanity. "Why would you want to free me?" she asked, her voice tinged with sadness. "I am an evil spirit now…"

Gojo was taken aback by her question, but after a moment of consideration, he replied, "Truth be told, it's not that complicated. The reason is simple: I just like you," he said with a mischievous grin, clearly teasing her.

The sight of it made her want to punch him in the face.

Flone shook her head and wanted to reject his advances, ""

She felt a moment of hope, something she hadn't felt in centuries. But that feeling was short-lived as the harsh reality of her situation set in.

Despite feeling trapped and hopeless within the forest, she forced herself to appear content with just hearing Gojo's words.

Her body shook uncontrollably, and tears streamed down her face as she struggled to speak.

"Then...I'll wait," she managed to force out between sobs, her voice breaking with each word as the harsh reality of her situation set in.

Flone had been trapped within the forest for centuries, and her attempts to escape the unyielding barrier had all been in vain. The hopelessness of her situation had long taken its toll, and she had resigned herself to acknowledge she had been trapped for eternity in this forest.

Once, she had been a devoted wife in an arranged marriage, but her husband had passed away before they could be wed. Despite this, she was still considered married in the eyes of society.

While Flone remained loyal to her unknown husband, she couldn't resist feeling grateful towards Gojo for bringing her food. As she savored the taste, she hoped Gojo would visit her again, though she knew it was unlikely. The thought of his departure made her sad, and she realized she had developed an inexplicable fondness for the man in the red-cloaked with the peculiar man.


Gojo's expression dropped at Flone's rejection.

[PFffffft..] R.O.B. cackle loudly

'Getting her to my personal dimension now,' Gojo thought to himself, unfazed by Flone's rejection.

'Yeah...This is just a part of the natural process. After all, building a relationship takes time, and I can wait. Not everyone can become your best friend or girlfriend or boyfriend in a single day.' Gojo remained optimistic about this after getting rejected.

Despite Flone's rejection, Gojo remained determined to free her. His plan was simple: bring her to his personal dimension and revive her using his resurrection skill after the 7 days have passed. Nothing could stop him in this world, except perhaps the martial god of the universe.

Gojo knew all too well the unpredictability of life. His previous life and past experiences had taught him that unexpected events were not only inevitable, but also a natural part of the journey.

Flone tilted her head in thought, catching Gojo's attention with her cuteness. "So, what's next?" she asked, her curiosity piqued as she sniffled.

Despite the chaos of his mind, one thing remained clear to Gojo: he desired Flone, and he wanted to make her his.

"Hey, Flone. It's not eloping if I kidnapped you right?" Gojo said outloud with expressionless face.

Flone was confused by his statement, and before she could react, Gojo teleported her forcefully into his dimension.

She blinked as she noticed her entire scenery changed into a green and pink beautiful landscape. She is in an island now.

Flone looked around in astonishment at the strange, new world she was surrounded by, realizing that Gojo had transported her there with his weird ability. It was as if he had freed her from offering her a chance to experience something extraordinary.

She was screaming in excitement. And checking if she was really free.


I stormed into my 'new girlfriend's' old home and 'took' everything valuable into my 'armory.' After all, what's yours is mine.

I calmed myself down and teleported outside of the tomb. I didn't plan ahead on how to handle Kaguya, as I never really spoke to her face-to-face since the White Void incident. It hasn't been too long for either of us since I got thrown into this world.

I believe I'm almost done with my purpose here in this world too. Before getting sent to the world of Rom Com. I might as well spend time with both Kaguya and Flone in my personal dimension with the remaining time. Gotta up those affection points.

"I don't think it's right for me to meet the other characters in this world. It's also not time" Gojo muttered, shaking his head in disapproval.

Ah, that reminds me. If Black Seol do happen to visit this place, I should give him something. I retrieved a Gae Bolg from my armory, a renowned weapon known for its deadly curse upon its target and its ability to manipulate causality. The cursed spear alters the order of cause and effect, making it so that the lance is thrust to the opponent's heart already being pierced.

This weapon is not to be underestimated, for even the seven deadly sins themselves know of its potential to slay gods with this. With my omniverse energy, I imbued the weapon, making it so that only Black Seol could wield it. Anyone else who tried to move it would find it immovable.

Additionally, I left a clear and permanent note that will always be visible. Imbued with special energy to make sure it was also immovable.


Dear Blacky Seol Jihu,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take this opportunity to express my sincere feelings towards you.

Fuck you. ..i.. ..i..

I've taken everything from here, even the tomb's owner. And this goodbye for good.

PS: I have left a red spear for you, which I believe will suffice. It is none other than Gae Bolg, a weapon whose strength you are well aware of. You should be able to use it.




This weapon should cover any changes. The Original Seol came here for items, which I took already. But I don't think Black Seol needs them. This new weapon, Gae Bolg, is more than sufficient. Although, I wonder if he still intends to obtain the spear of purity, the strongest spear from the empire and in this world. I would actually like to know how he plans on acquiring it if he does.

After Gojo finished his plans for the world, he had an unreadable expression on his face. Gojo took a final glance at the world of Lost Paradise before warping into his own dimension.

He's really leaving this world that is in dire need of help.


As he entered his own portal to his dimension, he was greeted by a serene Japanese-style home, complete with a peaceful garden.

He had recreated it from his memories of his past world, not wanting to put too much effort into designing it. This new world was built with the help of R.O.B. He had made sure it was habitable for any living beings.

He teleported inside the house and noticed Flone was still flying around in amazement. As for Kaguya, he knew she was likely inside the house, somewhere enjoying her peace and quiet while reading through the things he had left for her.

Damn, was Kaguya's world during her era so dull that she is now willing to read those books I made. I could have sworn there were board games back then. Oh, right, she's originally unsociable. Then again, the dao of culture, the books I have created using allows you to have a fully immersive experience.

I took Flone by the hand and gave her a tour of our new home, explaining everything from the toilet to the kitchen and the basic common sense of how to use utensils.

She was scared and confused at first, but soon became overwhelmed with excitement at the sight of her new surroundings. She was like a kid? I couldn't help but wonder if she was okay in the head, seeming far too cheerful about being kidnapped and taken to a new world.

When we reached the kitchen, I showed her the photo buttons that would spawn food based on the image. I had a feeling Flone's order would take a while.

When you press the button, it generates food and drink immediately. But let's not focus on Flone, who's currently having a blast clicking and spawning food all over the place. I decided to take a look around and went to the living room, only to find that the entire compound was spotless.

Since this is my first time in my dimension, I'm totally excited at the thought of creating things based on imagination in this world.

Wait, I just realized I could also build forts now that I think about it. So, I plan on definitely doing that later.

While I was doing that, Flone came to me, who was done eating, happily humming, and then watched what I was doing.

"Hey, Flone, how do you like it here? I know it must be quite a shock to suddenly find yourself in a different world, but rest assured, you're completely safe here." Gojo calmly explaining.

She arched her eyebrow at the sound of that and asked, "Different world? What do you mean by that?"

Gojo explained with a smirk, "Actually, I took you from the tomb where you were sealed. And moved you here. But don't worry, you're not entirely stuck here. You can freely explore and do whatever you wish in this new world."

Flone looked around the Japanese-style house with amazement and asked, "So, what is this place exactly? Your home?"

Gojo nodded, "Yes, it is. This is my world, a safe haven and place of peace. It was created with the help of an old god who was a bit cranky. But it is my very own mindscape. My world."

Flone tilted her head and asked, "Why did you bring me here then? Am I not just a prisoner in your world?"

Gojo shrugged, not denying her statement. "I guess you could word it like that... but I prefer to call it a luxury prison. However, I thought it would be nice for you to have some company in this place."

Flone's smile widened, and she blinked blood tears. "I never thought I would be free. Like this." she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "To be here, in this beautiful place...I am so grateful to you, Gojo. Thank you. Thank you so much."

Gojo grinned mischievously, "I'm rather happy to hear you're enjoying it here. Now that you're here, I'll make sure to show you around and give you the grand tour. But just so you know, I'm not one to give up easily. So be prepared to fall for me!"

After giving Flone a brief tour and some explanation, we found ourselves in the living room sitting on a comfy sofa, scrolling through a flat-screen television. Flone's eyes were sparkling looking at a black box projecting light. This TV was a product of my skill in the Dao of Culture and could only play shows and movies based on my memories from my previous life. I had organized everything into different apps, but unfortunately, some of the shows were just incomplete since I never got around to finishing them. Furthermore, this world had no internet, which was a major downside. I'm unable to access anything related to the internet in this dimension, such as Google or anything from my previous life.

'Seriously, R.O.B.? What's the point of having the Dao of absolute? Other than what's related to my memories? It's a major letdown.' I voiced my opinion telepathically.

At that point, R.O.B. chimed in with a snarky response, [Did you really think you would get free internet and access to things from your previous life?]

'Well, I made sure that The Dao of Culture was balanced, at least I think it was to the best of my knowledge when I was young. I knew that I didn't need to access everything from my previous life, I only wanted to kept what was essential to me, like Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia,' explained Gojo with confidence.

[Gojo, but what you're asking for is simply not possible. Even other beings who have undergone reincarnations or transmigrations are not allowed access to their previous world's records, except through memories. Your purpose and idea of the Dao of Culture to be able to constantly gather information from various sources while traveling to different worlds and relying on the internet from your previous life is an impractical and unrealistic idea. Furthermore, bringing the internet from your previous world into a different world or universe goes against several rules and is considered taboo.] R.O.B. gave a concise explanation.

A/N: I'm sorry if this doesn;t make any sense but tldr:

[Things related to your memories and linked to them to some device, is what I can allow.] R.O.B

"No internet?!" I screamed, scaring Flone a bit. Flone went to hide from me a little bit as I pouted.

I don't have any access to related content from my previous world.

So, I sat on the sofa and summoned Kaguya, who suddenly appeared and sat on my lap reading.

Kaguya already knew what was keenly aware of what was happening and how I was feeling and let it happen. Gojo hugged Kaguya from behind, shocking Flone. Kaguya continued reading her book, unfazed. She really enjoying these books that has immersive experience.

"Hahhhhh? Whoooo?? Whaaaaat???? How did that happen?" Flone confusingly asked, amazed at how Kaguya appeared out of nowhere. Well, she was stuck in a private room reading herself.

Meanwhile, Kaguya remained engrossed in her manga, likely at a particularly spicy part of the story.

"Ah, right. Flone, meet Kaguya Otsutsuki. She is a…very powerful woman, and someone special to me. I guess you could say she's my first lover?" Gojo introduced, with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Flone nodded her head in shock and confusion, then tilted her head and pondered for a moment. Finally, she understood the situation and wanted to confirm something.

"So, if Kaguya is one of your lovers, what does that make me? You confessed your feelings to me, right?" Flone asked Gojo with a curious glint in her eyes.

Gojo's eyes dimmed as he spoke, "The moment I kidnapped you, that automatically made you mine."

[That's just an absurd and illogical way of thinking.] R.O.B. retorted.

"You know what? I like the sound of that. Do your best, 'boyfriend husband!'" Flone smiled mischievously as she nodded her head.

She then sauntered over to Gojo, who had turned his limitless off, and hugged him. As she did, Gojo's eyes sparkled with a bright glow, pleased and surprised by Flone's affection.

Gojo felt a bit proud of himself for being able start a relationship. 'I did it!' he thought.

"…mm good luck?" Kaguya said something encouraging for once.

"Oh yeah, So, you girls tryna do me or not?" Gojo shamelessly asked.

"No." They both replied simultaneously.


A little while later, Flone was nitpicking and scolding Gojo for his taste in fashion.

"You know, all of these are terrible. I bet you didn't have any fashion sense back in your world! It's all about comfort to you. It has to be both good-looking, and I don't see any of that here. This attire is terrible especially the red cloak; Gojo, you have no taste in aesthetics. Hmph," Flone said, moving away now.

[You know, that's the first damage you've taken in this new world. I think the youngsters of your generation called it 'emotional damage,] R.O.B laughed.

Gojo finally conjured up a mirror to see what he looked like. "Where's the concept that any handsome man will always look fine with anything they wear?" Gojo thought, noticing how he looked now.

[That was never a thing to begin with] R.O.B laughed amusingly.

AnHa8 AnHa8

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